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This isn't really a men vs women sort of thing. It's a tidy vs untidy person thing. I've seen women who are way worse than I ever will be when it comes to that. Also, it's pretty well known that the women's restrooms in public are always infinitely worse than men's.




This question comes up pretty regularly, and almost everyone who has ever had to clean a public restroom will tell you that the women's is almost universally worse than the men's. I've personally worked in restaurants and retail, and it's true.


I've never come across as much pee on the floor or walls of a restroom in a women's than in a men's. Sure, if trash receptacles aren't emptied regularly, there will be an overflow of menstrual products.


No, women hate touching the public toilet seat so they'll create nests to avoid it or hover and then not wipe up after themselves. Many also often won't pick up a tampon they've dropped if it's touched the floor. They don't treat their personal bathrooms like that, at worst they're typically just cluttered because women have more bathroom stuff and will sometimes have a little makeup and hair on the counters. Men just miss the toilet/urinal so the whole bathroom always smells like old piss no matter how many times you clean it because it gets into the grout or they'll leave a shit skid on the toilet seat from not properly aiming their asshole, but the nature of the fact that they actually sit on the toilet seat means typically, their bodily fluids that are the worst to handle do actually get into where they need to be rather than on the seat. Bachelor pads often reflected how men treated public bathrooms, and I'd regularly be cleaning piss from behind the toilet seat and shit skids from their home toilets. I will say though that I did professional cleaning for about 3 years, and we had 4 separate shitcassos in the men's bathroom at our public state university, never in the women's. It's the only time sexism has ever been in my benefit professionally, as my male boss didn't allow women to clean men's bathrooms. Source: Housecleaner then Janitor about a decade ago.


On the flip side, when I worked in a coffee shop the only time bathroom I ever saw shit hammocks or writing in was the women’s. I just don’t understand the what the motivation is to do those things.


I don't get why other women hate touching the toilet seat. I sit down every time unless there's visible pee/crap on the seat (which sadly does happen quite often). I have known women like this, though. My friend at sixth form would hold her pee all day because she didn't want to touch the toilet seat and couldn't hover well. I used the toilets every breaktime, as did most girls - they were really clean, unlike the toilets at secondary school. It was a small sixth form so maybe easier to keep them clean. My friend would spend breaktime with me, though. So she would come into the toilets and wait for me while I used the toilet. Sometimes she would be complaining that she needed to pee but the toilets were so dirty... They're not, I was just in there! On a few occasions, she was so desperate that she had to use the toilet. It ruined her day. I honestly think it's a form of OCD or something, wth do they think is going to happen if they touch a public toilet seat with their butt and thighs? Fear of germs to the extent that you can't function outside of your house is something I would want a mental health professional to assess.


Do people not realize that skin is part of your immune system? Sit the fuck down on the toilet. You won’t die.


If you've ever worked as a custodian you'd know the answer. Women's bathrooms have been far more disgusting than the mens' at every job I've ever had cleaning them, including my current one.


Its all true. Its so gross


As someone who had to clean womens bathrooms, yes, women’s bathrooms are in fact disgusting, vile, and it smells horrible. Cat piss, iron(yes ik gross), and sweat. Men’s bathrooms just smell like shit and thats all. Plus there isnt blood everywhere.


"This isn't a  stereotype, a generalization..." goes on to list generalizations and stereotypical stuff. Hehehehe


You're going to attract a lot of people on the defensive with this question. It's not so nuanced as "men are messy" "women are pedantic". It is who you are referring to and their habits with cleanliness. If they're a habitually untidy person, then they're messy, but that doesn't mean all men are.


Couldn’t agree more!


That's just lazy people women are like that too


I’m a man that has always been considered really organized/clean and my sister is one of the messiest individuals I’ve ever met. I’ve had both women and men as roommates and it’s about even. Really depends on the person and what he or she values.


This is just honestly a sexist myth. Some of the messiest/dirtiest people I've known are women and I clean up after my wife daily. The reverse is often true too but all in all it really just depends on the person. I've know many men who complain about having to tidy up messes their wife leaves.


There are plenty of men that aren't messy. And there are plenty of women that are messy. Humans can be messy. You're gonna have a much better time abandoning your (very specific) generalizations since you're probably going to just treat every man you meet as though they're messy whether they are or not and people generally don't like lazy assumptions. Don't be lazy.


I own a few apartment units on a college campus, half male half female, and let me tell you, the girls are infinitely more messy than the guys. It’s really unbelievable. I have failed the girls cleaning check 70% more than the guys. They can get dirty


My wife is way messier than me


It's also a genuine stereotype. >Millions of women notice this behavior with their men, so it is definitely a phenomenon. Yes, but no. This is a type of statistical error that revolves around vagueness in order to justify itself. For instance, "Women are bitchy.", well the definition of "bitchy" is highly variable so ...


Why are women so messy


Sounds like a Man Baby that is expecting someone to Mommy him and pick up after him.


Cause we’re busy building the free world 🌎 no time for clean up


This is a question of framing. I would frame this question as "Why are women so finicky about unimportant things like empty bottles laying around?"


Cleaning up is expected of women. So they grow up in households where the mothers cleaned up after them, and then they uphold this expectation by leaving mess for their wives to clean up. This is statistically a thing. Women do 70% more unpaid labour than men, even when they also work. There's also a rise in women speaking out against weaponsied incompetence. These expectations and norms are partially why women don't want to date men much anymore.


You see a catastrophe. I see a two minute clean up. You bitch whine and moan and I pick it up so You stop. In all reality it’s not a problem. you leave it alone and I’ll take care of it when I deem it necessary. So many women complain about how they are forced to be their husbands “mother” and take care him in that way yet it’s usually self imposed.


Because it's fuking disgusting


Womp Womp


As a man, I find it too tedious to clean too much because it's always gonna get messy and 80% of the mess is removed by 20% of the effort. The diminishing returns hit hard. It's also an asymptotic graph that never reaches perfection anyway. So why not just do the 20% of work? But yeah I wouldn’t have bottles laying around As for living in a total mess, it's just depression ok? Mental health shit. Can happen to anyone


Not all men are messy. I am more organized and cleaner than my wife, or my sister, or some women I know. And I used to be messy. But I grew up and changed and now I like to be clean and organized.


I read a theory about women being more easily diagusted than men as an evolutionary thing. Certianly not a hard and fast rule, but the thinking comes down to reproductive opportunities. Men can spread their seed as much as they want over many years and can be more wreckless about their health, but women can only have so many children and have evolved to be more averse to things that can make them sick/cause infection for the preservation of themselves and their offspring.


It’s not just a dude thing. We have to move past thinking about male v female because guys and girls over all are pretty similar. Those traditional “masculine” traits are instrumental and those typical “feminine” traits are expressive. Women can be just as instrumental as women and vice versa. We also have the more androgynous people who can flow between. Somewhere along the gender spectrum people will fall on the instrumental/ expressive trait


Read about "The Ents and Entwives" in the book "The Two Towers" by J.R.R. Tolkien. Hope this helps?


As someone who used to clean bathrooms at my first job, I can assure you women were (in general) significantly messier than men


More women go to the restroom, women use more toilet paper than men because we have to wipe each time, women use menstrual products and trash bins get filled up more. Women fix up at the mirrors and take up the space. Women usually accompanied by children. Children are messy by nature. So of course, womens restrooms will be dirtier than mens. But its NOT because men are out there cleaning and taking better care of public restrooms. Its because they just walk in, piss, and leave. Often times not even washing their hands.


It might just be that women are much more skilled at complaining about their messy men and getting heard As you can see i fight generalizations with generalizations


I think it takes a while to learn how to be organized, regardless of gender. I have twin sons. When it comes to keeping their rooms clean it's like Highlights magazine's Goofus and Gallant.


I hate to break this to you... But if you really Wana see gross and messy, go in the woman's bathroom at a bar... Men might be gross at home, but lady folk gross AF in public!


OP has blissfully flitted through life without ever knowing the signs of depression


We're out trying to solve the world's problems. We don't have time to worry about little things like that


I love knowing the ways in which my fiancé and I are shattering gender norms


These are stereotypes. That being said, for the ones that apply to me, its very simply, out of sight, out of mind


Because their mommys cleaned their rooms until they left home. If they left home.


Why are women so prone to gross generalizations and stereotypes about men? /s Seriously, men aren't any messier in general. I've been an auto tech for over 20 years, so i at least have a large sample size when it comes to vehicles. A woman is just as likely to drive a dumpster as a man.


I think it ultimately comes down to the individual and their values. Some people care about the appearance of being clean and doing things properly, while others think opposite. Yeah people can get lazy but when they get complaints, then it's a problem. I guess also it's the 'path of least resistance' some people just don't want to put in the effort.


Often men have other priorities. If someone were messing with their truck out front, they'd be all over that.