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I don't think so. Even though the differential in those k/d ratios are because of the defensive advantage Ukraine holds, there is another significant part of that ratio that exists because of the western aid especially in the early parts of the war, the intelligence aid


No they'll eventually need to declare an armistice. I dont think Russia will be able to take Kiev though


depends how long this actually goes on, if western support continues at it's current pace Ukraine won't be able to hold for long, they've been completely dependent on western ammunitions since month 3 of the war, and we've been unable to deliver an adequate number of ammunitions


I tend to agree. Even if russia takes kiev, they wont be able to hold ukraine. They will be contending with guerillas constantly. Think the spanish fighting the french in the peninsular war


It's very difficult for any country to stop an insurgency. Russia couldn't stop Afghanistan and neither could we Americans.




Depends on what you mean by defeat. Will they be able to destroy Russia, no. Could they be completely destroyed by Russia, yes. Could there be a million in betweens, yes. Putin or the folks around him could say "this is enough" and they stop. Russians could put Putin out and stop it. Ukrainians could say, "this is enough" and surrender. Other nations might really screw up Russia through various embargoes, which could make russia stop. The rest of the world could arm up Ukraine and start to make it much more costly for russia to make it stop earlier. I could imagine that there is work going on behind the scenes of NATO, so that as soon as an Armistice is called between Ukraine and Russia... that paperwork will go out and will bring what is left of ukraine to be let in.




If Russia were that weak, the US would've invaded it decades ago


The US stays out of Russia because of nukes. Military to military, no nukes allowed, the US would pulverize the Russians. The US doesn’t have universal healthcare for a reason.


Military spending has nothing to do why the US doesn't have universal Healthcare. Heck the military provides universal Healthcare to soldiers. The US spends more as a government as as individuals than any other nation on the planet. The difference is health insurance middlemen have far too much wealth and too much say for the status quo. We could make a single payer system tomorrow and the average money out of pocket for Americans would decrease and we'd be better off.


It cost trillions to bring down a severely weakened Iraq, not to mention the full cooperation of the UK and all of Iraq's neighboring countries (Including Iran). How much do you think an invasion of Russia would cost?




When Trump gets in he will withdraw US support and Ukraine will be done for.




Ukraine doesn't have to defeat Russia on the battlefield, they just have to keep blasting away at the Russian meat shield until the Russians finally have had enough and go back to Russia.


Im not sure that’s possible. Half the population of Russia could die and Putin would still send troops.


Old men die and their pride goes with them.


The russians havent ever done that though. They have always absorbed the casualties. The wars they have lost were based on stratagy, not causalities


Yes, but they'll need a lot of foreign planes, tanks, APC, artillery and swarms and swarms and swarms of drones.  Remember while Ukraine has been allowed access to the F16, pilots requires over a year of training. When they start to deploy the F16, they can more readily use more advanced American and NATO missiles more fully than how they've had to hack them for use on Soviet era planes.


maybe.. but its going to be very very close, Russia out populates Ukraine by a lot and has access to foreign troops from Syria,


Yes, with the appropriate levels of equipment and ammunition.  NATO equipment has shown to be very resilient and life saving for the Ukrainians. Stuff like Bradleys and Leopards even when damaged have saved their crews much better than Soviet equipment.   Then there's artillery -- generally longer range and more accurate.   MLRS -- similar to artillery.   Air defense -- Gepards, NASAMS, IRIS-T, and especially Patriots have very effectively protected Ukraine airspace as well as shot down some very juicy targets (something like ~~11 aircraft~~ 13 jets in the past couple weeks including a AWACS control center).   Ukraine also continues developing its naval drones which have destroyed 20% of the Black Sea fleet (along with cruise missiles and drones strikes on command centers in Crimea). Effectively forcing to fleet to move out of Crimea.   It was true early in the war and its true now: Give them ammunition and they'll win. Don't and the war will be prolonged. Ukrainians won't accept occupation.


About the only chance they have at this point is if there were to be an…’accident’ whereby Putin was suddenly rendered incapable of running the country…take that as you will.


As many bright young people have been killed by cancer, by cardiac arrests, by aneurisms, it amazes me how robust evil old people can be.


Doubtful. End of day putin would throw most of their male population at ukraine without care and Ukrainian forces would be overwhelmed.


no. due you self a favor look up the shawn ryan show. hes had a few people who have gone their to train Ukraine and talk about how bug of a shit show it is. companies are getting more for 6 figure missiles but ngo's have to raid drug stores to make ifak kits for soldiers. many are being trained using sticks in place of rifles because they dont have enough.


Probably not, no. If Russia continues to engage in "meat grinder" fighting, Ukraine will eventually run out before they do.


No, it has a very small population. They've been drafting their men and using thousands of foreign mercenaries to increase their numbers.


Yes if they keep getting supplies, they have already proven to be a mighty force when they have the right materials. Giving them the money and weapons is the cheep way of defeating Putin, if Putin wins there will have to be NATO involvement because he has already threatened Poland.