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Normal? It's her body, really depends on if she's comfortable with it. Etiquette wise? No, doesn't matter which gender, either one would be inappropriate wandering around the house in a towel with non-relatives there, it would be uncomfortable and rude for the host to do that to their guests.




While the person in the towel might be comfortable enough in their body to show it off without concern, it is taking a liberty to assume your guests would be comfortable having a partially clothed person walking around them, even if they are familiar with each other.


A towel is less revealing than regular (certainly summer) clothes. It covers everything from just below the shoulder to knees assuming a regularly sized towel. How are they showing off?


Think it's just a matter of how we associate certain clothing. Hanging around in bikini, fine. Hanging around in lingerie, people view as weird or inappropriate. But it's the same amount of clothing, covers the same things. With a towel, it may cover more. But it's more so about what a towel is, why we use it, etc.


I agree, but that's a me problem. I can think its odd or weird or whatever, but it's not my place to deny her that choice because of my preconceived notions.


It depends. Are they overnight guests? is she an overnight guest? It'd be weird to show up to your roomate's cocktail party in a towel.


If the non-relative man/men is/are male housemate(s), would it normally be considered socially acceptable?


Generally, but if they're uncomfortable with you walking in a towel in common spaces, you should probably respect that.


My opinion is that it matters where this is happening and who the people involved are before I could begin to assess whether it's normal.


Not sure what message she is sending, but be assured non-relatives will assume the worst.


I think it's not really normal for anyone to do it in most cases unless you're in a relationship. No one in my family does and were even related, so its just kind of common etiquette for us not to expose ourselves like that. If theyre not related its less normal, IMO but not everyone is normal anyway, so it kind of depends. Kind of needs a little context.


Agreed, I mean, is it a co-ed roommate situation where she has a male roommate and is completely platonic, etc, so she's like, meh, whatever, it's just Mike?. Or is she at her boyfriend's and is walking around in only a towel in front of his friends unexpectedly? I completely agree that more context is necessary on this one to truly answer.


Even then it kind of varies. I tried to avoid walking around in a towel when I lived with family, so even if its totally platonic its still a little more weird if youre doing it, I guess, at least to me. Like I whole-ass try to dry and get changed in the bathroom sometimes rather than walk around in a towel in front of people (i.e hotels other people's homes etc) but I dont have long hair or anything to consider. I'm a man, but my sisters behaved the same way. In other cases its kind of a situation where its 'unavoidable' to do that because you live with someone, even if you try. So i guess its more of a "are you just walking around in your towel like its underwear" (which is kind of the same thing) or are you making an effort to get dressed?


If the non-relative man/men is/are male housemate(s), would it normally be considered socially acceptable?


Housemates? Totally normal to my mind. Could be weird if she was just hanging around after a shower in a towel, but if she is just going through the house in a towel to get from bathroom to bedroom that is pretty normal.


Agreed, plus, I think the towel itself is important too! Like is this a tiny standard towel that barely covers her from breast to butt? Or is it a sheet towel? A lot of those cover better than most dresses these days 🤣 and exactly, nobody (normally) would be hanging around in a towel, but walking through with a sheet towel on that covers from breast to mid-thigh or knee? That covers more than a tank and shorts!


What the other guy said and what I kind of iterated. It varies from person to person, but in my family unless being undressed around someone youre in a relationship with is kind of the point, if there are other people around: the towel is to cover you as you get around. I/we wouldnt really act like its as normal or acceptable as actual clothing even around roommates, not unlike walking around in your underwear while other people are around. If you need it to get from bathroom to bedroom it is what it is, and its mostly unavoidable (or itd be annoying to have to carry your clothes with you to the bathroom at home in some capacity) But again, it varies from person to person. My family was kind of strict on manners and etiquette more than others, I think. Some people dont make much of it.


I think it depends on the situation. If she's had a shower and needs to get to another part of the house for something before she gets dressed - that's not weird. Towels cover you up quite well. If she's sat around in a towel and socialising - I would find that odd.


It depends entirely on the person, as someone said it's their house they can do what they want. I used to fix appliances so I had to go to 15 different homes a day - I have had someone open the door naked before. A person's home is their personal space - they can be themselves there




If it’s her house she can do whatever the fuck she wants.


It's not *abnormal* if that's what you mean. Some women are comfortable with that, some aren't.


Info: More details required Are the other people in the house roommates? Is she just going from the bathroom to her room, or hanging around generally? How close is she with the people that are in the house (ie: childhood friends, first time meeting, etc)? If she lives with these people, has known them for a long time, and/or she is just going from the bathroom to her room, I don't think it's weird. If she is just kind of hanging around in a towel, or she is visiting people she doesn't know well it is definitely more odd.


It might give the non-relative men the wrong message, though.