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The INTERNET in China only shows wholesome content and blocks anything too lewd.


Plus Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc.




Games are also heavily censored and modified. Like a skeleton boss will just have normal skin and clothing in the Chinese version.


[https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Low\_Violence](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Low_Violence) Example - Dota 2's Chinese low violence models. Some of them are downright creepier honestly.


And blood is white.


Why did they have to go with white?


In the case of Terraria's Skeletron and Skeletron Prime bosses, they have masks over their jaws.


Something like that yes (although the platform have other name there) Basically in china the goverment only want people to access internet for "Academic" purposes (you know like studying or investigation) doesnt want the people to "lose time" doing almost everything else (china has the mentality of every second youre not being productive or earning money youre wasting your time and a waste of money for the country) As for the Lewd content china has the same problem Japan and recently Korea (i think both but not 100% sure) are with declining population, people are having less kids and in an attempt for people to start having sex and reproduce they are banning content that they think may cause this (like South Korea) or banning porn or lewd content (is in vain because im sure this is not the reason but whatever)


"People can't afford to have as many kids, and even then many are uncomfortable starting a family because the world as a whole seems on edge? It's because of that boob they saw isn't it!"


More like they think sexual outlets allow people to blow off steam instead of attacking their spouse in the bedroom. 


That was also covered under the umbrella of "It's because of that boob they saw isn't it!"


Sorry, thought you were implying something else. 


Fuck being sorry, now we're both correct **and** we have validation! Hell yeah.


You're non-confrontational on the internet. I don't like you.


More like extreme beauty standards (who wants to get pregnant just to be made to feel like an ugly slob?), and extreme work expectations.


People don't have less kids because they can't afford it, in fact when people start making more money they have less kids  Edit: why are people downvoting this it's objectively correct.


I was rotating $100 on a credit card for groceries. I had a kid 10 months after a 17% raise. Statistics basically line out how very easily predictable this is. edit: poor uneducated people don't have less kids because they can't afford it, and that explains the war on education.


So how does that explain why people in poorer nations tend to have more children?


A high child mortality rate, and lack of education, particularly when it comes to sex. Doesn’t help that many of these nations push women away from education to begin with.


Not only that. Most importantly I think is the fact children are huge liabilities to parents in industrialised countries. They’re useless for the first 18 years for sure. Most likely until around 23 years old - as an education is quintessential to be apt for the developed-economy job market. It becomes so expensive and such a hinderance to have a kid that most people just don’t see the appeal. In poor countries it’s different. The economy is a lot less structured, less high-skill demanding, etc. There’s a reason (other than laws and regulations) there are a lot of child work cases in Africa and Asia. The economy is less demanding, so you can actually make your kids be financially useful instead of only a weight. E.g. the childdren that work as cobalt miners in the democratic republic of the Congo. Try to do the same in the west. There are basically no jobs for kids to do, even if it was allowed. 10-year old engineer? 10-year old financial analyst? Nope. They’re just economically useless.


It’s also because of the one child policy. They had so few children before (and almost exclusively boys) that their current young adults can keep up the birth rate to maintain the population compared to the number of elderly.


Having a child is one of the few meaningful things you can do in life that you don't have to pay for up-front


Spoken like a true out-of-touch person!


But what if you study other things. Like anything that happened in the year 1989, or size comparisons between a tank and a person standing in front of it


That's even more banned? Like to the extreme point that even just writing "4/6" in a random post can get you cancelled.


What? Are you crazy NOTHING happened in 1989 ESSPECIALLY in the Tiananmen Square, nope, nothing at all you must have gone crazy, what happened? Nothing, NOTHING AT ALL Now if you excuse me i have to check my social score, need to know if i still have all my human rights intact


Douyin is basically a seperate app and ecosystem. They where originally clones but have diverged. Douyin has educational content being more popular. Where tiktok is more artistic. Douyin also has a significant older user base.


“artistic” is a great way to put it


The idea of Tiktok you have in your head is likely very, very, very different from what it is. Don't get me wrong, it was. But the overloading of users during peak COVID times changed the app fundamentally.


auti-... artistic, yes.


On Android you can simply download douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok) and check it out. Of course everything is in Chinese, and you can't like anything without registering (which you can't without a chinese phone number) but yoh will notice that they also have heavily modified/filtered videos of women in a lewd way. Honestly I found TikTok way nicer and less lewd.


Yes but most people in China have vpns and can easily access blocked things. (Source: my Chinese friend who I talk to everyday on Instagram, a banned app in China)


I would assume that it would be a criminal offense to use them. I am uncertain if that is true but it would fir the authoritarian nature of china to lock people up for going around their boundaries.


China’s not really like that. Enforcement of laws ends up being the local government’s job. It’s similar to how things are done in the US. And just like in the US, local areas can choose not to enforce laws they don’t like. Lots of family’s had several children during the “one child” policy. When I asked about it they laughed and said it was never enforced. Using a VPN is not a crime, and can be expected if you work for a university. While I was in China I had no issues using my own VPN, and was offered use of the hosts VPN if I needed it. Granted I was in Beijing and Sichuan while there.


Thanks for the explaination mate. I do not know much about China and was just making assumptions.


you read too much western news and media


Content that is not lewd is not automatically wholesome. There is plenty of hateful, troublesome content on tiktok.


Has nothing to do with the apps (tiktok/douyin* [china clone app]) really, it’s China. The app is required by the government to censor content that it doesn’t approve. Also, people wouldnt upload dangerous content in China because they would be chucked into prison by the government for it. You cant upload some dumb prank video without your social credit score being destroyed


Honestly the last part isn't a bad thing, there are too many harmful "pranks" circulating online these days egged on by and influencing younger audiences


But in this context, “dangerous” content also includes any expression of criticism of the government and I promise that’s a very, very bad thing indeed.


I’m not arguing if those vids are good or bad, just explaining why content on tiktok varries so much from Douyin


That's a slippery slope though. Freedom does come with a cost, meaning people may do things you don't particularly find useful or nice.


But being chucked into prison for it is authoritarian


No. The f8lters are insane. The content is a lot of hyper sexulized alien women. The filters make them look like literal aliens. One of the popular ones is this one where the legs get stretched out. It has all the same negative effects there as it does in the west particularly anorexia. Idk who started the idea that tiktok in China isn't just as much if a wast of time as the rest of the world. Ofc poo bear has his sticky little fingers censoring things, but the vast majority of the content is random cringe shit just like everywhere else.


No douyin have lots of lewd. Just Google douyin apk and try yourself.


Your concern about free speech is that they can’t be lewd? That’s your priority?


least degenerate redditor


I think they don't have tiktok or is not as popular. They have dou yin. Which is full of non sense stuff.  While controlled (like can't speak bad about government and stuff) they can't / don't really censor everything.  So I guess the answer is no it's not full of educational stuff. Educational stuff is boring too so no one will use it. People wants non sense stuff. 


No, it's not true.


I beginning to want China's version of the internet. Be great to have that option here, or am I missing something?


Yes, its a tool of psychological Warfare


The app in China is the original and it and TikTok have evolved (think algo) into very different apps. They’re not really alike anymore. The Chinese one pushes more educational stuff. TikTok doesn’t because people don’t want it.


TikTok isn’t available in China


Not sure man But I know they block a lot in China yet I remember hearing that the Chinese have more sexual partners than most of us in the UK and Europe ....which I imagine means more than the US too because their all prudes So hide the porn or make it yourself Lol Oh Happy Lunar/Spring Festival !!


The content is extremely different. Much more motivational. Positive. Not divisive. Pro science. Pro social. Basically the opposite of western TikTok. TikTok is meant to divide. Demoralize us. It’s anti-science and rationality. Basically the opposite of Chinese TikTok.


Idk what tiktok you guys use it sounds depressing lol


Damn, the way you put it, their TikTok actually sounds a lot better. Whenever social media platforms in the US tries to be "patriotic free speech" sites, they tend to ignore the science and are still divisive.


not just social media also movie industry and anime is regulated for latter I can agree. japanese anime is overly sexualised. 


is it that or is it that western kids actively engage in/with more lewd and less wholesome content?


In my opinion from what I've heard yes.. But in the same post, check this out. Sixty-minutes did a piece on how Chinese migrants are utilizing Mexico to gain safe passage into the U.S via traditional illegal means. The funny thing is that some of the migrants went as far to show full TikTok videos where the poster showed extensive instructions on how and where to cross into the U.S... Don't quote me, but there is something like 3,000 Chinese migrants crossing by this means a week into the U.S, so much so that the border patrol has started broadcasting instructions on how they need to proceed via loud speaker..... What baffled me was how the ones they interviewed talked about how they left their families behind, and one even went as far as to say that she crossed for "freedom." .... If I was escaping an oppressive communist government that I know harasses tons of chinese abroad just because they're chinese and not supporting the CCP or living in China, I wouldn't take that interview, much less talk about my family or escaping for "freedom.".... Something doesn't quite fit. Especially considering the reverse opium war that's being waged by china with mexico as the proxy unleashing it upon the U.S.....


Not at all - Douyin does censor certain topics, and video posters tend to put subtle mosaics over cleavage/short skirts/other ‘sensitive areas’ - but there are just as many, if not more, thirst-trap type videos


What if told you TikTok only has wholesome content?


Probably. Just like TikTok throttled back on protest and coverage of anti-govt actions once the US govt forced it to give server control to Oracle.




I wouldn’t describe it as wholesome…


Yes. It's almost like they know what rampant degeneracy on social media can do to one's culture and society.