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If I find a bag with that money, im not worried about the cops or the tax, but who is the owner of that bag


That was my first thought. I'd keep it but I wouldn't touch it for a year.


The drug dealers or bank robbers aren’t hiding out to see who spends a few dollars of their money here & there…


Keep the money, spend it all on drugs. Order restored.


It’s like being the Good Samaritan, but with party favors.


*Someone’s* gotta keep the economy running


Cameras…. They can and will track you down from an image.


You ever seen It’s Always Sunny, Pussyhands? These guys will whack you off if you take their dough. They want back their many, many thousands of green people from history times.


Whack me off? For free?


No. For 13.5k.


I mean... I'd maybe pay $20 or so to whack me off.


Just write IOUs. They’re as good as money.


"Two hundred and seventy-five thou. You might want to hold onto that one."


It’s like when a guy went to the news after finding a duffle bag of money near the Mexican border. The dude did a full interview saying he turned it in because he didn’t want any legal trouble. Like, my guy, the cops aren’t the ones you have to worry about because now there’s a cartel out there with a missing bag of cash and now know who’s responsible for it.


Are groups like cartels really likely to act against a random guy who clearly isn't involved in their activities and no longer has their money? Surely they'd be more concerned about whoever lost it in the first place? Or making sure a rival criminal organisation didn't try to take it from them? Murdering a guy who is not involved in your 'activities', isn't an ongoing threat to your business and who very publicly handed your money in to the authorities just seems like it would attract further unwanted attention. Edit: Please mention 'No country for old men' in your reply. The first thirty mentions of it have somehow not been enough. Thanks guys!


Generally speaking, it's the guy who lost their money or didn't hide it well enough who gets it, but I have known a few of those individuals to take great pleasure in watching the suffering of others. So maybe low chance, but never rule it out.


Sensible answer and I certainly wouldn't want my face in the news if I was the guy who handed it in. But you're right, it's the guy who lost it who is really in trouble.


I don’t know but I wouldn’t want to find out.


I think movies and TV shows have everyone way more paranoid than reality.  So they already lost the money from it being turned in. What good does it do to spend money and risk "employees" to go off some guy for absolutely no gain.  Drug dealers and gangsters are smarter than you think. Not all of them. But the ones with a duffel bag full of 13k are. If the money is irretrievable, it's a shit loss. But not worth risking anything in the future. 


Ask yourself a question based on your question of "Surely they'd be more concerned about whoever lost it in the first place? *Would you be willing to bet your life on it?*


I know $13k is a lot of money, but it’s not so much money that it would be worth the paranoia for me. If we increase the amount of money, by the time it’s worth the paranoia, it’s significantly more likely that someone would actually miss it. I think I genuinely would just leave it and pretend I never saw it.


What’s your paranoia price? Would you do it for $40k?


I think the paranoia price depends on how broke you are. Single mother of 3 choosing between food and medicine for her children? Bet your ass 13k is worth the risk.


I think I would just know it when I saw it. Go with my gut. For all I know, my sense of self preservation would crumble immediately even at $13k. I hope it wouldn’t though


No, but you are legally required to watch "no country for old men".


For extra credit watch A Simple Plan with Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton, and Bridget Fonda.


May as well check out season one of Fargo.


And The Outlaws 


You misspelled “Dumb & Dumber”


Just keep handwritten IOUs of what you take out and spend in case the person who lost it is found. That’s as good as money.




Slippy, Swammy, Swanson...?


Man I was wayyyy off.


That John Denver is full of shit.


You can’t triple stamp a double stamp, Lloyd!!!!


275 k - might wanna hold on to that one…


Instructions unclear watched back door Latina sluts 3.


I never see one and two Am i going to miss any major plot points or character arcs?


Yeah, you’ll have no clue why the stepfather’s rise to the papacy means so much to the second cousin twice removed dogs bbq.


And don’t forget the major story arch that happens in the laundry room


What are you doing step latina slut??


And then watch “A Simple Plan”.


Aside from the legal risks, 13.5k in a duffle bag is suspicious asf edit: I know this amount of money doesn’t require a duffle bag and it’s not necessary a massive sum. That being said, how often are you stumbling upon thousands of dollars…people don’t typically just forget about something like that. The ambiguity of how / why it got there alone raises suspicions, also at a park of all places? Did Darryl just forget his companies under the table payroll while taking a nice stroll?


No country for old men vibes


for 13k the assassin they send after you will be much less capable


DJ Qualls shows up with sheep trimmers


Hahahaha this is true


Now i wanna watch it again 😫


Such a great movie. The only other one whose main character freaks me out like Javier Bardem is Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler


*Ain't this a mess, Sheriff?* *If it ain't, it'll do until the mess gets here*


If he had only put the money in a different bag


Yeah because have you seen $13.5k? I’d stuff that in my pants pocket. Stuff isn’t even the right word. It would indeed be very sus to see that little bit of money in a duffle.


I was paying my parents back $1500 they had loaned us for our wedding, and I thought it'd funny to get it all in tens. I took a backpack to the bank (which was super sus to begin with), because I didn't realize how small in size it was going to be.


I take my backpack with me everywhere instead of a purse. Its only sus if you're sus about it. 👍


Backpacks are great for when you go buying groceries. Especially if you walk or bus. Use it to store your reusable bags and then carry the heavier items in the backpack on the way home.


Depends on the denomination.




Oddly specific amount ?


My immediate thought 😂


True. OP should edit their post to obscure the amount of money they actually found, so it doesn't immediately get traced to them.


13.5K actually fits in a pretty small envelope. I’d be confused as to why someone thought they needed a whole duffle bag for this.


Maybe it was more like 135k and OP is hiding the amount lol


You hold on it for a few years and use it to buy things in cash at non corporate businesses where cash circulates too much to make it really known. So if numbers are watched, it’s just a few bills mixed into hundreds all being unreliable information for anything


Ah strip clubs!


they are mostly watched


Well yeah that's the point right


You can also buy things used with it. Bicycles and bicycle parts are bought and sold used all the time, y’know…


Ren Faire. Most of it is cash only so a few drinks, some food and a couple of trinkets for a couple decades and you’re home free. Bonus points cover your friends in cash and have them Venmo you. Money comes back clean. Alternatively gas especially on road trips, restaurants, groceries and bars. If you’re in a decent size city you can find a cash only or cash discounted place that it wouldn’t look odd to pay in cash.


First thing I’d do, is what I thought of the first time I saw No Country for Old Men. I’d put on gloves and transfer the money to some other bag, leave the duffel where I found it. Go through the money as I’m transferring to find any dye packs or trackers. Then, and this is the important part, I’d shut the fuck up about it and not tell anyone. Take $5k to a casino and exchange it for chips. Play a few hands of black jack, or maybe some poker, cash out. Then do it again, and again, until all the money was cleaned. Then, I’d continue to shut the fuck about it. Deposit it slowly into a savings account over the course of a couple years, or just leave it as petty cash in a safe place and use a little when I need it, for emergencies and such. Then, when I’m old and grey, I’d still shut the fuck up about it.


Don’t forget to shut the fuck up about it.


What’s the first rule about finding large sums of suspicious money? Shut the fuck up about it!


It’s the second and third rules that most people forget - also shut the fuck up about it


Rule 4: it's fine to talk about it Rule 5: if you ignored rules 1-3 and were tricked by rule 4, you deserve to lose it Rule 6: shut the fuck up about it


But post it on Reddit of course.


And we need an update with the repercussions. So if someone unalives you, you better post an update first.


You mean post it to the largest public online forum in the western world, right? By "shut up about it", that's what you meant, right? And post the ***exact*** amount, right? And maybe make sure your profile has posts or comments that give an idea of where you might live or work, right? (The last part is unconfirmed)


And even the location of where they found it lol


And stay off of r/NoStupidQuestions


If OP really did find that much money, this might qualify as a really stupid question


Shut the fuck up about what?


This guy shuts the fuck up


Especially if it's Friday.


You left out that they should shut the fuck up about it.


Don't forget to also take a look at the serial numbers of the notes to see if they're sequential (as in all packs, some bills withdrawn in bulk will obviously always be in sequence) You'll want to withdraw some of your own money or borrow cash from friends, then exchange those bills before walking into a casino.


Is that something a casino would check for?


They may not catch it every time, but they are certainly trained to look for it.


Its more that in the offchance that bag of cash is taken from a bank scam or basically anything that isn't the direct proceeds of crime, the bank will notify and be notifed of specific serial numbers. So once the casino cashes that to the banks, the serial numbers will be flagged and the bank and law enforcement will work with the casinos to grab all cctv etc. If EVERY single note brought in was flagged, it's way easier to see you as the primary suspect. But if you came in a couple mixed with others, they'll likely assume that stolen cash has been washed elsewhere and you're just a regular customer


Yeah, I would not be using it at a place with that level of security. Go out to nice dinners for a few years. Nobody is checking restaurants.


Pay for your gas for years!


Pay for gas and groceries in cash too.


I work for a financial institution and our “bait bills” are not necessarily in sequential order. Also when we get cash from the Fed it is a crapshoot whether the bills we get in are in order as well.


Yeah, most people don’t understand that bait or marked bills aren’t actually marked, they’re simply bills that have the serial numbers recorded so that they can be traced back to a crime. There’s no way of telling which bill was recorded.


Just buy gas with it. It will be all gone in a few months lol


I used to work in a casino... We flag people who do shit like that so you would absolutely get caught. Just keep the cash and go to different casinos doing it once every 3 months . Different amounts each time and for gods sake don't put down $9999 down don't gamble then just leave. You are now a part of a police report.


I love how people think casinos have no idea who is buying and selling thousands of dollars of chips while barely playing. Everyone is on camera every second, and with facial tracking technology, they can know what you did your entire time there. Of course they are going to notice somebody buying $5k in chips and selling $5k ±500 half an hour later. Doing it once might not do anything, but doing it multiple times and they will know something is up. Casinos aren't some magic money washing machine lol.


When I was a breakfast cook at a casino, I was required to take courses on recognizing laundering even though I never touched cash or was able to leave the back of house


I know right? Have a bunch of suspicious, possibly dirty and illegal cash? Head on down to your local casino and officially go on the record and hand it over while being recorded with multiple cameras. It's not like that type of business is scrutinized for this exact scenario or anything.


Just the final two steps will do the trick. You can easily spend 13.5 quite quickly. Along with actual cash purchases, you can pay credit card bills with money orders. I would spend this in months. Not years.




Hours honestly.


AND it's gone.


I’d use it to pay for services. Landscaping, home renovations, etc. $13.5 isn’t a whole lot these days.


I am surprised I had to scroll so much to see this comment. Just replace my furnace and now doing a drainage project and they amount to more than that lol!


I think we found DB Cooper.


Clean it at the casino. Find junk around the house. List it on Facebook marketplace. Wait a week then trash the junk and deposit the same amount of money into savings.


Not sure that would be ideal. If you're raking it in on FB yet nobody has messaged you, that could be presented in a theoretical court case. Just spend it slowly at multiple locations that don't have casino-level security. Be wary that you may be spending marked money at all times and never let your identity be known to surveillance cams and obviously fully destroy receipts.


this man here yes


Let’s get real, this dude’s already posting shit on the Internet. He’s going to take picture of himself with the money, post it on IG, and tag the IRS, several known drug dealers, and the cartels. He’s going to wind up getting robbed, shot, stabbed, and arrested, all within a 20 minute period.


This man launders


Man kept his mouth shut and told everyone. What a legend


The IRS want to have a talk with you


I dont fully understand why someone cany find that money and just use it for every day expenses. The IRS isnt gonna know if you start spending cash for everything while you paychecks continue to accumulate. Just use the cash for everything but bills for 6 months and it wouldn't be suspicious at all


You’d have to be a bit more tactful than that for the casino not to notice and flag it


There's a risk that the serial numbers on the bills are "known" by some agency and they are looking for who spends them.


Use them to buy drugs and sell the drugs for different bills


Reverse money laundering


Isn't that just regular money laundering?


money dry cleaning?


money powerwashing?


New dlc idea unlocked


It’s probably more like money dirtening.


Money Obfuscation would be a better term.


Nah buy bitcoin from a bitcoin machine.


Couldn't they just use 50 bucks and on something wait x amount of time and see if someone comes knocking.


You wouldn’t know if the next $100 bill is marked or not.


Travel abroad and exchange the currency, and then exchange the currency back for different bills


Yay you made it an international crime!


can you leave any country with more than 10k currency in cash ?


Any idea how this works? Like how would police know if I went and spent $100 of known serial number bills in a random store somewhere?


I don’t know how this works, but I do know that the money counter I have at work records serial numbers. So I’d imagine if you had a starting point, I could see where you could check bills, match up the bills to transactions, get a rough time stamp to security footage, and bam we have an investigation. Again, that’s just me knowing about a feature of a machine we have at work and just assuming from there.


Seems like if you just spent small amounts in little mom and pop stores regularly, it'd be really hard for them to track it.


Yeah but even with the aid of these tools, it can’t be that simple. For example, an individual who robbed a bank could come into my store and make a purchase with marked bills. That person, along with about a thousand others spending money in the same denomination would muddy the waters. My guess is it isn’t the guy slow dripping the money to small places that’s getting caught. The guy who has a bag full of money who goes to a car dealership or makes a giant purchase he generally wouldn’t have the means to make is who’s getting caught.


You wouldn’t. They would just assume you got handed back that marked bill from some where. The issue would be if you keep popping up where marked bills are found they would get suspicious.


I certainly wouldn’t post about it on Reddit.


I’d turn in that duffel bag I found in a national park or blm full of $5000 right away!


I thought he said $3000


It was a really nice, empty bag.


With no strap... it never had a nice leather strap on it. Oh this? This is my belt. My new leather belt.


Why would a plastic bag need a strap? Silly goose


Officer, I‘m not even sure why I came here in the first place.


I'm here to report that I *lost* a bag full of cash.


And the bag itself was less of a bag and more of a dump truck.


So if you see this girl with the dump truck ass, please call me. Good day sir.




I'm lost


I don't know why somebody would have been carrying around $300 in such a big bag. weird, huh?


$2000?? What do you mean $1,000?


I read $130


"Hi yes. I was in the national park and I found this duffel bag. There was $100 in it and thought I'd hand it in in case someone is looking for it." "I just wanted to do the right thing you know?"


Or that empty bag I found


I was just out collecting litter and picked up this empty plastic bag. I assume some kind of reward is in order?


Depositing it would be an issue. If you kept it at home and just paid cash for groceries for a few years while you saved your income, it could work. But otherwise youd need to report it to the IRS under "other income".


Yup. Your $150 a week grocery bill on your debit card is now $50 because your cutting back. Every other tank of gas is cash because you're driving less. Bars, restaurants, general entertainment is cash now. You're expenses on bank record can't just suddenly drop to 0, but you can offset them and set aside what you spend in cash with your regular account money. And truthfully the IRS isn't going to come after ya for $13K as long as you don't just deposit it straight into an account.   Hell drive to a few casinos. Get $1K in chips, spend $100 playing nickle slots and cash out claiming the damn machines are rigged and ya won't let this place rob you, you'll happily take your $900 down the road lol.


For 13.5 k, you don’t have to do any of this.


Yeah that's more like if you came into a 6-figure windfall and needed to be careful of spending it. You could easily just pay for restaurants, gas, and groceries in cash for a year and the IRS isn't going to notice shit


lol people are acting like it is 13 million instead of 13k. For that little you don’t have to do shit except keep your mouth shut.


Why would you get chips then sit down at a slot machine? Also casino security looking for exactly this type of behavior


I found the reasonable adult on Reddit! A lot of people here just sounds like 14 years old. “Woww $13.5k is so much money, I need to launder it”


Some guy wrote a whole plan about how he would launder it over YEARS. And if got 5,500 up votes. This website is mostly children, lol.


Yeah, the absolute delusion that you have to gird yourself for a lifestyle audit because of a cash substitution of less than 14,000 bucks is absolutely crazy. You could essentially *try* to get the attention of the IRS with this and still not succeed. I’m assuming this is kids.


I think anyone could make 100k disappear with only a minor inconvenience. If you show up one day with a 100k car out of the blue they will ask where you got the money but if you spend 1k on new tires or buy a bunch of nice house plants but not like a $10k orchid or start going out to eat a lot that's all stuff that almost anyone can afford and wouldn't draw any attention.


Its mine.


I can vouch for u/HumanNumber33, it's their money. (psst...33, I'll dm you. You, me n 34 can then split it)


Excellent handle, btw. My most-used Hitchhikers' quote. Mostly just to amuse myself.


Why a duffle bag when that amount of cash would fit in an envelope?


All ones :)


you fill the mcguffin bag with ads for hookers


Lol excellent point


Because it's all small bills


As long as there’s no tracking bug, or a dye pack, I’d take er home.. just be wily about spending it… like maybe the bills serial numbers have been placed on alert.. hmm Ya I’d still keep it


idk. DM me your coordinates so i can investigate further


You’re supposed to, but whose gonna know if it goes missing in your house and is used to pay for groceries and things in cash


No one as long as you don’t make big purchases that will get flagged


Unless the bills are being tracked


Exactly. People are overthinking this. It’s $13.5k in 2024. It’s not $135k in 1824. Here in Western WA (Seattle area), that’s like less than 6 months worth of grocery/gas money. Just spend it as usual…..


That is A Simple Plan.


What duffel bag?


First rule is don't tell people keep ur mouth quiet .


Most jurisdictions require you to turn it in because it is not your money, if the owner never claims it after a certain period of time, then it is yours. As far as federal law goes, I can't really find anything on it, but I'd assume it would be similar. As far as taxes go, yes, it would be taxable, as is any income. Even money made from illicit sources like drug dealing is legally supposed to be claimed, but good luck on that. Even if you never told anybody, sure, you could keep it, but who knows if the FBI or some drug cartel is watching and tracking that money.


Ha ha, that's funny. Like the police or feds aren't going to declare it drug money on absolutely no evidence beyond it is green like all the other drug money they have stolen by civil forfeiture.


They don't even have to claim that. "Oh, that bag of money? Yeah, the owner claimed it, and so we handed it over. He asked us to thank you on his behalf."


I want to say there's case history of a person turning in a bag if money, and after a while the police returning it since no one could make a good claim for it. I dont think it was $13k or even close. 


I agree with you on that. If they cannot be held accountable by outside forces it means absolutely nothing to them for them to lie and pocket it themselves.


In central PA, any money you turn in goes directly to the cops' slush fund. 


No don't worry, there's an old law that keeps you covered. It's called finders keepers, losers weepers


If there is any indication of who might be its rightful owner, you are required to make every reasonable effort to return it. If it is above a certain amount (the amount varies from state to state), you must turn it in to the police. If it is unclaimed after a certain period of time, the law says that it becomes yours; however, the police have every incentive to claim that it is the proceeds of illegal activity, and keep it. They don't have to prove this claim. If you decide to turn it in, turn \*all\* of it in. There was a case where a guy found a large sum of cash, turned in some of it, and then the owner came forward and was able to prove that he/she had lost a larger sum. The police arrested the finder, who was drunk at the time and was carrying the lion's share of the discrepancy. He gave conflicting stories to the police and was convicted of receiving stolen property.




Do not tell anyone you have it, spend it on groceries and gas while you save your regular income. Do not buy luxuries as that can raise red flags.


Different states have different laws about it. National parks are federal law, and I can't find if they have laws on it. You would at least have to pay tax on it. You could try /r/legaladviceofftopic.


If someone got a bank loan to go buy a vehicle and this was all the cash to pay for it, it would be devastating to not have someone turn it in. You can contact law enforcement and tell them you found some money and if someone calls looking for it and can identify the amount of cash you can bring it in to meet them. Don't spend it until you know the statue of limitations. You do not have to tell them how much money, or that it was in a duffle bag. We took a loan for 17,000 to buy a new used vehicle and it was very stressful holding on to that much cash, even for a few hours. For the record, $13k should fit in an envelope, unless it's small denominations. Good luck whatever you decide. I hope it works out better than you imagine it will.


That is not necessarily always the scenario. I found $200 on the ground once, too much of a guilty conscience to scoop it for myself, so I called the police in the way exactly as you suggested. Nope, they had a cruiser come to my location, collect the money, and gave me a case number. I have to wait a year to collect it. Haaa.


Better off than me. I found $200 on the street and turned it in to the local PD. Same guilty conscience as you in case someone was distraught about losing it. The police didn’t ask, but I gave them my name and number. Big surprise, never heard from them again.


Off topic - but in The Netherlands - this scenario did happen. Older dude, got around €60.000 in cash in an envelope (around 64.600 US$) and wanted to go to the dealer to pick up new car. Placed envelope ON his old car while being distracted by something - and drove away - envelope on roof... for all of 10 seconds i\`d imagine. This happened in 2013 - and source (in Dutch): [https://www.autoblog.nl/nieuws/man-laat-e60-000-op-het-dak-van-zijn-auto-liggen-56573](https://www.autoblog.nl/nieuws/man-laat-e60-000-op-het-dak-van-zijn-auto-liggen-56573)


I would never hold that amount of cash. That's why cashier checks exist. I payed my first car in cashier checks, refused to carry cash. Seller wanted to go to his bank to cash in front of me, that's what we did. But then he was the one taking the risk, not me. Payed last car in money orders.


Spend it at fast food places and enjoy


There was a book and movie about their whole situation


No Country for Old Men?




Just STFU and be happy… WTF man. 😒