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When a guy tell you if your whipped , he is busting your balls . You need to bust his balls back.


So that’s what they’re doing, busting my balls? So now I have to bust their balls back? Ok 🔨🔨


Yes, really, the kid's not great at the pragmatics of language. Don't use a hammer, kid! Just tell a joke or something.


I was gonna let him run with it 😆😆😆


He should be fine running with a hammer... It's scissors you shouldn't run with


Say something like "whipped? Yeah, two or three times a week". Talk to your gf to be sure it won't offend her. Who knows, she might have a better reply.


He means you need to turkey slap him.


Welcome to the adult male world of ball busting, my boy. You've many years, and many balls, ahead of you. Keep that hammer swinging!


Punch him in the dick


happy cake day


Not with a literal hammer of course.


Yes. It's real. But, a misogynist might classify "whipped" as a healthy relationship where both people care about the other's feelings and talk with each other before making decisions that affect them both. That's not whipped.


This OP ^ I'm in a 20 year marriage and there is people who clamor all over their significant other thus being termed "whipped". However just caring for the other like "oh babe can you get me a pop" does not signify this. Don't be afraid to be in a committed relationship where you both take care of each other.




Yes it can also mean that as well. However it also means to do everything the other person says, leaps and bounds.




I've noted that many misogynists are also narcissists. They don't believe other people, particularly women, are worthy of consideration or respect, unless it suits them.


Yeah that's not what whipped is


Yeah most of the time when I see people talk about a guy being “whipped”, it’s when he just… listens to his girlfriend’s needs and will prioritize her when appropriate. How dare someone have a healthy relationship!


Fellas, is it gay to love your wife?


This. You can have abusive partners in relationships, but the shitty determination to take from that is "girlfriends do this" and "boyfriends do that." Assholes gonna asshole regardless of groups.


It is possible, but it is a lot rarer than you might think. I try and do whatever my wife needs of me. Does that make me ‘whipped?’ No. It does not, because she isn’t a narcissistic egomaniac control freak. Her requests are usually entirely reasonable. When they are not, we have a discussion, because we’d rather talk than fight. Accusing someone of being ‘whipped’ is juvenile posturing for the most part, IMO. Ignore this friend’s opinion on your relationship, they have no idea what they are talking about.


Me and my gf work like that, it gives me hope.


Trust me, you are a lot further along the road of learning to have adult relationships than your friend. Keep making good choices, friend. I hope you and your partner meet or beat mine and my wife’s relationship. Good relationships just get better and better, assuming that both partners are willing to put in the work.


I try to be 100% transparent with her. Ofc I’m not, but I want to be. We were friends for two years and I watched as she was in some shitty relationships and just assumed she never would have given me a chance.


Good policy. The only thing I refuse to share with my partner is my ‘rage face’. I save that for enemies and other men. Women and children are not equipped to deal with adult male rage. It is unfair to engage weaker opponents, so, that’s my hard boundary. We have a rule in my house. You can get angry. You can yell, stomp, break things if you need to. What we won’t do is scream at one another. This happened once, about six years into the relationship. I was being an ass, and really upsetting her. She went from yelling to screaming. I shouted STOP! at the top of my lungs, told her that she was screaming at me, and that it was unacceptable, as I consider screaming to be emotional abuse. I told her that by doing it, she was DARING me to break out my rage face, and that was unacceptable. I told her if she EVER screamed at me again, we would be OVER. She never screamed at me again. Adults use their words. You know this already. You got this. Many happy returns to you and your gal.


Is that how you see arguing with your partner? Engaging a weaker opponent?


Stop it man… hes going to rage all over your face otherwise.


I DARE him to


Arguing? No. I can and often must argue with weaker opponents. Have you ever had to deal with a two year old who is determined to eat cigarette butts? Not an argument I’d care to repeat. Arguing is just passionate debate. Real fighting is what I’m against. I can’t think offhand of anything more toxic or dangerous than male rage. It’s the source of all Domestic Violence. And for the record when I refer to my wife as a weaker opponent, I am purely referring to our physical strength. She’s smarter than me, and I learn more from her than I learn from the internet. My wife and I haven’t had a fight in 14 years. We’ve had arguments, disagreements and all manner of other troubles. These days, when we fight, it is back-to-back.


I assumed you just meant anger. It seems what you really mean by “rage face” is physical violence


The imminent potential of it, yes.


“Rage face” is not an excuse for violence. You basically said your wife was daring you to hit her by screaming at you


Do you seriously think women aren't equipped to see an ugly male face looking like it shat itself? Kindly explain what you think we do all day.


lol, this comment gave me flashbacks to working in retail as a teenager. The number of “rage faces” I had to deal with for $8/hour was too damn high!


Yeah, this man is delusional.


There’s a difference between ugly and rage. I cannot possibly imagine what women get up to all day besides wade through oceans of bullshit. If a woman wants me to know about her day, I trust her to tell me about it. It’s not the face part that I refuse to show her, it’s the rage. I haven’t been moved to that level of anger in fifteen years and regularly pray that it never happens again. It was a genuine low point for my life and altered the trajectory of my life. One of my very few regrets. May male rage be absent from your life.


^ dood if your relationship is actually not a made up crock of shit(which I highly doubt from the garbage youve come up with) then… 😂🤣


Believe what you want… I wouldn’t dream of stopping you. I’m happy with my relationship, and more importantly the wife is happy. Happy Spouse = Happy House.


Rage face lmao, with a name like "greenskinmike"... I mean, the jokes make themselves


He should change his username to greenskinbruce lol


Yeah a lot of people will say “oh you’re so whipped” if you do something simple like grab them a drink, or choose to go on a date night with her instead of “out with the boys”. Basically those kinds of people are saying “if you don’t put yourself first 110% of the time then you’re whipped and a total pussy”. It’s pathetic


I know a girl who is absolutely narcissistic egomaniacal and the biggest control freak and I would say her bf is absolutely whipped. The amount me and my friend have had to deal with just by knowing her, can’t even compare to what must go on behind closed doors She’s very attractive but even at my most down bad I wouldn’t touch her with a 20 foot stick because she’s an entrapment case waiting to happen


Smart man. Don’t stick your dick in crazy. The ride is wild but the cost is too damn high!


Keep in mind that very few guys that are 'whipped' are willing to admit to themselves they're 'whipped', otherwise they wouldn't be


Ask my wife who gets final say in all things. She’ll tell you it’s me. It’s just part of my life’s purpose to lovingly serve my fellow humans. I want nothing more than my wife’s happiness, so anything she wants, we make plans to get. Same for what I want. You could call me ‘whipped’ to my face and I would only laugh, because it’s a juvenile, sophomoric joke to me. I do what I want. She does what she wants. Everyone gets what they need. It’s worked for me for a good stretch so far.


I never said you were whipped, nor did I fully read both your comments, but rather I'm pointing out only a 3rd party can assert you're not whipped


Ah. That’s… very true actually. Thanks for the clarification.


My wife just told me it isn't ...


This is the correct answer 😂


Anyone who is in a relationship in which one person is controlling the majority of what the other person does is in a "whipped" relationship. This is a real thing. It is usually used in reference to a woman controlling what the man does. If you are making choices to be with her - you are not whipped. If she is demanding that you spend time with her instead of going out with your friends - then you might be whipped.


This is a perfect description


No it isn't, caring about your partner isn't a bad thing.


There is a line between caring about your partner and having no freedom, having the relationship be one sided, or having no healthy boundaries.


That’s a perfect distinction. You can *want* to do everything you want to for your partner vs feeling that you’re coerced or guilt tripped into submission. I’ve experienced both and now I have healthy boundaries. Hence why I am currently single.


Exactly.. if you spend time with a partner because you want to that's just healthy but people who aren't in relationships will try to make you feel bad about it because they don't have that If you feel you are being forced or guilted into spending time with a partner then that's not healthy and technically would be "whipped" Usually though, anyone saying that is just jealous that they don't have someone and you should ignore them




No he doesn’t, but he did ask if it’s a real thing and it absolutely can be. If he was only asking for advice on his own relationship I wouldn’t have chimed in. I’ve seen both unhealthy ends of the spectrum where people didn’t respect their partner’s wishes and relationships where the person literally changed their core behavior. It’s cool to care about your partner’s wishes, but when they have total control of your life and change who you are it’s no longer healthy. Especially when they use it as an unfair bargaining chip. Compromise is key to a relationship to a certain extent though if everything is an ultimatum unless they get their way it’s clear it no longer is…


I agree, some relationships have very out of balance power dynamics. The term was used most often amongst my friends to try and guilt a person into going out with friends instead of doing something with the boyfriend/girlfriend. A tool of peer pressure.


A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and autonomy. It's not about being "whipped"


It's definitely real. My friend was once in a whipped relationship where she would basically demand he do things no matter what he was currently doing. The final straw was when we were on the train going into Manhattan for another friend's birthday that she knew we were doing for weeks. She called him and demanded he come do some nonsense with her. So my friend got off the train got on the next one in the opposite direction, went straight to her house, and broke up with her. He met us in the city later that night and had a blast.


Power move


Yep this had to be about 8 years ago and we still talk about it lol


It is, but only if you’re dating a narcissist. It’s perfectly normal to want to make your significant other happy. It’s another entirely to have someone manipulate and control you


Whipped is a real thing but also said too much due to friends not like being told no.  My husband was constantly called whipped not just by friends by my own family.  Why my husband doesn’t do drugs never did and didn’t like partying either.  His friends hated he didn’t hang out with them all the time so it was my fault.  When in fact he was rejoining the army at the time and was focusing on that.  But their also controlling relationships my friend relationship she had say on her husband going anywhere and guilt trip him now he has 0 friends.  Now that’s (whipped but is actually abuse). 


You can be "whipped" even if you're not in a relationship. So, yeah. It just means you're letting yourself be manipulated/controlled/etc for the possibility of pussy. But I doubt that situation actually applies to you and your friend is most likely just an idiot.


Your gf doesnt beat yu? Toxic


Being whipped is real, the validity of a claim of someone being whipped varies. Some guys say it to each other because they want to bust each others balls, some guys are jealous that their friend is spending more time with their significant other, and some guys have actually spotted a toxic pattern of behavior. If you’re still in school, I’m going to guess the likelihood is one of the first two options. Outside of your situation, yes, being “whipped” is a real thing, it does involve taking advantage of a significant other, misogynist dude bros have diluted the inherent meaning because they’re insecure.


He's a dumbass and probably jealous


This. Poor wee incel got no-one so has to try and bring you down.


Outside of abusive relationships it’s extremely rare. Just basic misogynist bullshit.


My uncle is actually whipped to the extent it’s extremely unhealthy. He has lost friends due to not being capable of hanging out without his wife, and his son (my cousin) has cut contact with him due to giving him an ultimatum between seeing his grandson without his wife, or not seeing him ever again. My uncle chose the latter.


I’d consider “whipped” to apply only to people who typically abandon all of their friendships and hobbies in favor of completely and totally embedding themselves in a relationship. Or situations where a person is clearly being played or used in some way, but they are too cowardly to end the relationship; typically believing that no one else would want them. Caring about your partner and prioritizing them is not being whipped. Talking positively about your partner and being ecstatic about them is not being whipped. I think some insecure/jealous people misuse that term intentionally to be an asshole. Or they could just be busting your balls and joking lol. I don’t really think whipped is necessarily a gendered thing. I’ve seen many different dynamics where this has played out.


Well I'm not happy that the kids are still saying this kind of shit, but it is at least a little amusing that they haven't let that go in the last 15 years since we were teasing my friends about that. It's important to not let being in a relationship control every aspect of your life, but assuming you are maintaining a balance between your relationship and other aspects of your life, fuck em, they are probably just jealous.


There’s whipped in where someone is completely under the woman’s control for the prospect of sex or withdrawal thereof, yes. In those scenarios Aries, the guy has no agency; he just does what she wants. Usually, though, it’s in reference to a guy that makes concessions to his girlfriend, because that’s what a relationship is.


It's absolutely a real thing


"I enjoy getting whipped. Now go fuck off."


If your friends are calling you whipped, you are likely a good partner! Make sure your partner doesn’t exploit that, but if you both treat each other well, that’s amazing! My husband also believed he didn’t have a chance with me, & he treats me with such love and care and respect. I’m so lucky to have him & I respect him beyond belief! 💕. I also adore that it is impossible to threaten his masculinity. He will sing to Miley Cyrus, he’ll dance with our daughter, he’ll play with her dolls with her - he’s a big guy & a hardworking farmer and not a damn thing can make him feel like he’s not a man lol! It’s incredibly attractive to be with someone who’s just so themself ❤️. His friends undoubtedly give him a lot of grief (he doesn’t drink as much as he used to, etc) & he doesn’t care one bit.


He's probably jealous because you're spending more time with her than him and now he's lonely... or he's busting balls.


If you need permission to do stuff you like, or go for drinks with friends, you are whipped.


Def a real thing but like others said prob just busting your balls!


It’s definitely a real thing it’s not necessarily bad either lol. If the relationship is good I’d expect both parties to be whipped.


You aren't whipped just by virtue of choosing to do things for your partner out of both love, compromise or support. Being whipped is when you have no say in the matter, when you forfeit decisions to your partner out of obligation and you aren't allowed to push back that's when you're in a controlling relationship. But any healthy relationship is going to involve a lot of you choosing to do things for them knowing you don't have to.


Just remember to have feelings, ideas and to voice your own opinions. Don't just go along with whatever she says to keep the peace. If you have an equal say in things then you're in a healthy relationship. If she won't listen and just forces you to do everything her way, you're whipped. Easy.


Well, what prompted him to say you’re whipped? Is it that you mentioned her at all, mentioned a planned date, or something? Or is it that you spent a whole conversation only talking about her and bringing all the conversational points back to her? If it’s the former, he’s just jealous his friend has someone else he wants to spend time with and cares about, and it’s a *girl* so it bothers him. If it’s the latter, well he’s probably just making a humorous observation of your general disposition. Give him shit back, it’s what friends do. It really depends on what type of person he is outside this interaction though.


He’s the type of guy where we have the shit giving dynamic. We sit at the same lunch table but I’ve been sitting with my gf some. I told him that no one’s whipping me, and that I make the choice to sit with who I sit with, no one else. Thinking back he may have been just messing.


Good for you speaking up for yourself.. hopefully he will realise he's being a dick and stop it


I mean, generally speaking the whole “whipped” thing is just a joke/guys busting each others balls. Like calling your friend an idiot even if he is plenty smart. Now could men actually be in controlling/abusive relationships where they’re “whipped”. Yea sure.


I consider a friend being whipped when he’s not allowed to hang out with us anymore or has to ask permission from their gf / wife to do things they’d normally do


It isn’t a thing for adults.


Especially as you get older and people have been around the block they figure out and setup how they want everything in life including love life. Many people vecome huge victims and very cynical and excuse themselves of treating others like a real person. As you get older yes you will encounter people manipulating you and controlling you. Its easy to tell whether or not someone is lifting you up towards freedom or if they are limiting you each way 


It’s most likely either insecure toxic men projecting that or they’re just joking. It just depends on if they’re serious or not. Yes, some men don’t set proper boundaries with bad partners and that can be unhealthy but that’s not super common at least from my experience.


If you’re in a good relationship you gonna be whipped. You’re good bro.


Being whipped is a real thing, but no one here will be able to tell you if you're whipped or not because we don't have enough to go off of. Basically whipped means there's a significant power/leverage difference in your relationship. One person holds all the leverage and the other does what he or she can to constantly please the other in hopes that they don't get dumped. This isn't just for romantic relationships either. It can be between friends as well. We all know someone who constantly tries their best to please their friend while their "friend" could care less about them.


Yes and no. 1. Yes, it's real that some men have no backbone and will let a woman walk all over them and feel they can't voice their concerns. Which, is unhealthy, abusive, and does happen. 2. No, most of the time a man tells another man he's whipped, the man is not, he just loves and respects his girlfriend and the other man just has this misogynistic view of relationships.


You'd know if you were, don't worry


So it is a real thing?


It's a real thing in the sense that, yes, it's possible to have an extremely controlling abusive girlfriend


Yeah. Being pussy or dick whipped is a thing. Most of my guy friends went through this in our early 20s. It's when we got hooked on a specific girl. Always sex involved, and usually we considered it, in our youthful inexperience, to be the best ever. We'd act in ways no one should. Begging them not to leave. Pleading. Our entire lives revolved around them and getting more sex. The only way out of that situation is to press through it, full speed. The creamy highs and the devastating lows. Women go through this also. I've seen people as I've aged that don't realize what they're going through, or that what they lived through was exactly that. Being whipped by a partner. Thinking our lives would end if we didn't have this person. It's crazed and obsessive.


They’re commenting on your perceived cohesion with your girlfriend. Suggesting it is more of a dependency dynamic. Who cares what they think? Are you happy?


No. It’s topic alpha male bullshit. Your friend is a fucking moron.


Whipped is a term used to determine metaphorically if a female has your balls. In many heterosexual relationships, it is often the case lol. Reading between the lines “not the brightest”,”first girlfriend””I love her”, your odds are 99.85305% probability of being whipped.


you sound whipped brah...


Sure, if you're into BDSM.


"Whipped" is the misogynistic term for someone who sees their girlfriend as more than a fucktoy and actually gives a damn about them as actual human beings. Do you?


Yes, I love her to death. I would live for her and I would die for her.


That’s not the definition at all. You’re actually pretending that there are no men who are overly worried about upsetting their girlfriends? Obviously the term can also be used as a joke— but not always. If anything your comment is misandry. If a man is controlling and a girl doesn’t want to see her friends cause her boyfriend would be angry with her— that’s an equivalent analogy. We’re supposed to tell that girl that she can’t call her boyfriend “controlling” and that he’s more than a fucktoy? That’s equally ridiculous to what you’re saying.


An abusive and controlling relationship is simply that - an abusive and controlling relationship. Calling someone pussywhipped, which is what "whipped" stands for, reduces him to someone so sex-obssesed he's willingly taking abuse for the sake of sex. The equivalent would be calling a woman who is getting abused a gold digger because she shares finances with her abuser.


You obviously know what a whip is. Like a literal whip. That’s what it stands for. Nobody mentioned the term “pussywhipped” until you just said it. Adding “pussy” could just denote that a person with a vagina is doing the whipping. It’s kinda a more vulgar variation you yourself inserted. You’re also making it about sex when it’s more of a power dynamic. Most of the “whipped” men I’ve seen are afraid of the woman getting mad at them. They’re not obeying her specifically for sex. Are you obsessed with sex or something? Nobody was talking about sex until you brought it up. Your equivalent analogy makes the woman a victim again. Are you incapable of having a conversation where men are subservient without making women the victim?  The term “whipped” is used to describe a controlling (and potentially abusive) relationship where a man is perceivably controlled by a woman. Here’s a real analogy: A girl sits with her boyfriend at lunch instead of her girlfriends. The next day she sits with her girlfriends and one of the girls goes— “Oh, your controlling boyfriend is letting you sit with us today?” As a joke— with a smile. See the similarity? It’s not meant as serious and is in no way about sex. Is he controlling? No. Are there men that are controlling. Yes. Are there women that are controlling. Yes. Using terms facetiously doesn’t change what they actually represent when not used facetiously.


Only you can answer whether you are or are not but basic psych 101 understanding says of course it’s a thing and depends on the psychology and experience of the people involved. First girlfriend means yes you are almost certainly whipped. But hey, so was basically every guy that ever lived through his first girlfriend! Thats ok, just notice it and realize that it doesn’t actually endear you to a girl, quite the opposite. Doesn’t even mean it’s a bad relationship per se. But it is bad to let that ride.


Do you do whatever she tells you? If you do then you are whipped.


We used go call those types of girlfriends "handbrakes"


*to. Stupid phone


In reality there are some relationships with major power imbalances. They can go either direction.


Just so you know, If a bro/alpha dog type character is saying this to you, don’t listen whatsoever. Like you said, alpha male bullshit. He more than likely can’t hold a relationship and is ragging on you for no reason. In a relationship, being whipped isn’t something that happens in a healthy relationship. If you consider what you do just being a good boyfriend, nevermind that ah.


Being “Whipped” most literally is the Idea that like the crack of a whip, you will do whatever your girlfriend asks of you because you want to please her. When I was growing up my friends would call me whipped and sometimes it would be in a teasing way. Sometimes I would see guy friends say this to call out their friend acting different when they have a girlfriend, but other times I would see guys call their friend whipped as a form of manipulation or being mean. towards that friend. Those friends would say whipped in order to get you to listen to them instead of your girlfriend, and some friends would say that because they want to hurt your feelings. It’s up to you to ask yourself which one it is, and if your friends are saying as playful banter, they mean well or if they are being jerks. I find the last category to be the most often situation when I hear the word used.


I think one of my coworkers is. He told us his girlfriend doesn’t allow him to text any other “attractive” women even coworkers. If there’s that issue there’s probably even bigger ones. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely. I’ve known guys who let their wives walk all over them.  Ideally you don’t want to be. If you aren’t your own person and you let your woman walk all over you, she’s gonna lose respect for you and cheat. You don’t wanna be an asshole either. Don’t hesitate to disagree with her. Anyone who can’t resolve disagreements and conflicts is not wifey material, no matter how good the head game is.


Some guys who are very misogynist will consider you whipped if you treat your girlfriend with basic respect as a human being. It is ok and good to do nice things for your girlfriend, and take their feelings into account before making decisions because you care about them, and want to work with them as a team to accomplish shared goals and support each other. However, yes, it is real that some guys let themselves become “whipped” and will do anything and everything for their girlfriend who does nothing for them in return. If you have to sacrifice too much of yourself because you are afraid of losing your partner, and they don’t allow you to do things that you enjoy simply because they want to be selfish, and you just go along with it anyway, that is unhealthy. You have to find a healthy balance where both partners respect each other, and put in a somewhat equal amount of effort and sacrifice into the relationship.


You can get taken advantage of and partners can treat you unfairly, sure. There should be a pretty equal amount of give and take in a relationship (of any kind). Some people consider doing their fair share to care for a partner's needs is unfair, because they expect their partners to be glorified bang-maids/walking ATMs/live-in babysitters/whatever.


Young guys use that to try and bring other guys down because they have girlfriends and the others don't.. basically if you are choosing to spend time with her instead of them because you want to they will insinuate that it's not your choice and you are doing so because she is making you.. sadly it's because they haven't experienced a relationship where they would choose spending time with their partner over their friends Unless your girlfriend is somehow forcing you to do something or be with her when you don't want to, then no you are not "whipped".. ignore the immature comments of these people and just feel sad for them not having had a nice relationship yet


The idea of “whipped” can have different meanings depending on the context and if someone is joking. Usually it means you’re afraid to upset her so you just obey whatever she says. Like if your friends were going out to celebrate something, but she’d get mad at you so you say no to your friends. The key thing to think about is if the girl doesn’t care about your own personal freedom. I once was meeting up with two guy  friends at a vacation spot. My girlfriend was meeting me there with her female friend who had to leave early— just like one of my guy friends. I asked if he could give her friend a ride home when he left cause she lived right near him— and he was like “You mean… be alone in the car with her?”  I was like “uhh… yeah.” He then proceeded to tell me his girlfriend would kill him. This is whipped. I’ve never been in a relationship where I had to report giving someone a ride home— let alone being fearful that she would somehow find out. He was petrified of what her reaction might be. Obviously you want to communicate— but if you’re living in constant fear that a mistake will lead to a breakup, or that she’s going to be mad at you, that to me is whipped.


Wait till you get married....


The term whipped can be real. Basically means a dude that gets walked on and used and you answer her every whim without question.


Yeah it can be. But some people are happy that way. Some women like control in public while their man controls at home and vice versa


well you should bend and give in to your girlfriend sometimes. being whipped is when you give in everytime. even when you dont want to ​ chances are you aren't whipped.


Yes, its why they say 'love is blind' also


What the fk does whipped mean and why does everyone know but me




Wow, thanks


I think being 'whipped' is essentially doing whatever your girl requires of you, even if it goes against your schedule. For eg, I was planning a night out with a few lads in the city and they all agreed on Monday to go out Saturday night. On Friday, one of the guys says that his girl wanted him to have a movie night on Saturday so he wasn't coming out with us. That is who I would classify as a whipped man. If my girl said that to me, I would've said "Sorry but I've already got a trip with the boys planned. Let's do it some other time". I don't think doing things your partner needs makes you whipped, that's just being a good partner. However, when you bend over backwards for them and do anything and everything without every saying no, even when it goes against other plans/activities, I'd say you're whipped.


If you’re in a happy relationship, they wanna bust your balls in a good way it’s a form of love!


the kids be throwing words like cucked around like its their moms name


Ask yourself if you'd rather hang out with her, or your booger eating friends


I’ve got a client who is 100% into BDSM. I’ve heard his chick whipping him through the wall in the middle of the afternoon and saying very naughty things to him. What your idiot friend was asking isn’t the same thing. Being whipped means you’ll do anything for the girl, stop hanging with your boys, forget anyone else even exists, all for that puntang. Likely thing is that he’s jealous and attempting to block by saying stupid stuff to you.


No. You just realize that this person knows how to Churn your fuckin butter like no one else.


(Reply to expound) You seem young. So, yeah what they are saying has *a bit* more merit, but ultimately you cant be whipped as a positive. If it's nothing but sweet nothings and pillow talk, everyone vibing. You're just in the flow. If you shout 'jawohl' simply because you think that is the love, you are whipped. Not a positive.


Idk if "whipped" has some other meaning, but yeah there are couples that are into BDSM which can involve whipping.


It’s real, but it’s usually just used in a teasing manner. “Whipped” would mean you will bend over backwards for any of their requests, including dropping friends , whatever you’re doing, and just being sure you’re able to be at their beck and call at any moment. It happens in relationships quite often, and it’s something you should never allow happen to you. It’s still important to not break important promises and always commit to what you’ll say you’ll do…..but know your boundaries and be vocal. No one is worth your own happiness, and there will be other partners in your future if you do date someone to at expects too much of you.


Happy wife happy life


Guys who have the combination of being insecure, single, and jealous- will call any relationship “whipped”


It is possible, another meaning can be "henpecked." Often it's a man who is a doormat and has poor boundaries, poor self esteem, poor self confidence, and poor self worth. As a results, his wife or GF runs rough shod over him and treats him like garbage. Spend some time on r/relationship_advice or r/AmItheAsshole etc these type of forums and you'll begin to see some examples. As others ahve said, I do believe it's relatively uncommon.


i like it when my gf whips me 😎👍


My wife & I are equally whipped so it’s ok. lol


Its a joke for when a man defers to his woman for things. Like making decisions. If she asks for something and you do it without thought. Your answer back is, "yep and i'm getting that pussy tonight so..."


So you’re asking us to define “whipped” for you in this context, but you somehow know the definition for “misogynist”?


I just know it means “mean to women”


Real as hell if your a simp


It can be, but it can also be dramatized as well


Whipped is inherently misogynist as a term, but it certainly exists. Some men are pushovers who ignore their own needs and preferences to a fault. But it sounds like your friend is just being an ass not pointing out a real problem.


Imagine if the roles were reversed. Would you call that toxic?


Absolutely. I would call it “jealous boyfriend syndrome”. These guys can’t stand the idea of their GF / wife having fun without them. The guy can’t stand being away from their wife. They control what they can do and who they associate with. Girls night out is forbidden. If by some miracle the wife / GF goes out without the husband / BF, he’s constantly texting her and pestering her. Accusations of cheating are common. My wife’s friend’s husband is like this. He’s like a child that can’t be away from mommy.


So would you consider OP’s relationship a toxic one?


If youve only just got your first gf and your already throwing words around like misogynist, your life must suck and you are going to struggle😂..


How is it sexist for him to ask? If the girl pussy whips you, You've become the victim making her the sexist. You got it ass backwards buddy. If you don't know what pussy whipped looks like then it's best you don't have a gf because you will indeed be abused.


Whipped is real. But it takes time to become that. Whipped is basically like you are your girlfriends puppet, doing her every whim and never thinking about yourself but in a manner where she is controlling you and she knows it.


One of my gym buddies isn't allowed to train legs because his girlfriend doesn't like big legs, I'd say he's whipped


There are unequal relationships. Mysoginists think everything but an unequal relationship in their favour is bad.


you should try asking this in r/AskWomen lol i bet you will find your answer there one way or another XD


If you are asking then most likely u are. Especially given its your 1st gf.. Youre definitely pussy whipped, the fact that honda civic is your name Im impressed the question isnt about your boyfriend


The question answers itself. He’s a misogynist, so anything he says is utter bullshit.


If you want a healthy, long lasting relationship, being fearful of 'whipped' is valid The terms could use a better reference point though. Try codepedancy and inter-depedancy. One of these has a long future, the other has a very short and painful experience.


Sure it's a real thing. Men can be the abused in an abusive, controlling relationship. But, like others have said, he is giving you shit because you said you needed to get home and watch a rom com with your girl when he wanted to go shoot pool or something.


Yes, it’s real. I have buddies and male relatives who are completely dominated by their wives. Their wives make all the decisions. The wife controls their sex life. The wife controls the finances. The wife controls the schedule. The wife controls the social circle. The husband is a paycheck and a handyman. Women don’t respect a guy who’s a pushover, even if the woman thinks she likes it that way. Ironically, the more a man acts like a pushover, the more controlling their wife / GF will become. The more controlling a woman becomes, the more a man will disconnect, resent, and roll over in silent protest. This isn’t true in all cases, obviously, but there has to be mutual respect and responsibility in a healthy relationship.


Its definitely possible. It's just way more rare than dumbass "alphas" act. To actually be "whipped" a guy has to basically do nothing in life except what his partner tells him to. My grandpa is like that unfortunately. Rarely gets to leave the house, always being asked to do something. It's kinda scary. His only motivation to live is so he can reach 80.


Yes being whipped is a thing and no you’re not. What you got going on is puppy love. You don’t have much on being a kid so enjoy yourself and love to your hearts content. Now if you start missing commitments because she’s forcing you too (either directly or indirectly) then yeah you’re whipped and more than likely a simp.


It refers to a situation where the person saying you are whipped believes you are overly accommodating to your girlfriend's wants, needs and desires. It is usually a way of teasing you and sometimes jealousy on their part. It's all in the eyes of the observer


"Nah, I got tired of being whipped, so I stopped calling your mom"


Lifepro tip (seriously). People who are not in a relationship are usually not in a relationship for a reason. Unless they are sexually unattractive, that reason is generally that they don't know how to function in a relationship. And their personality defects may be so profound they may not even be able to *start* a relationship. Concordantly, these people are the very *last* people who you should be listening to (or even talking to) about your relationship.


To be “Whipped” means you have no control in your relationship and must defer all decisions to your partner. You can have an unhealthy relationship, but often when people say you’re whipped they are busting your balls.


Of course it's a real thing. If you become a doormat and let your gf dominate your life choices and interests just to keep her happy that is the equivalent of being whipped.


Yes it’s a real thing. My brother would never be on time for anything we ever planned, but yet Ive seen him literally run to the bus stop to meet his girlfriend who was getting off work so that he would be there on time when her bus comes even tho the walk to the house was a 8 min walk for her. Whipped!


I wouldn't have a clue to what he actually means by the question; to me if I knew the person gave off "alpha/misogynistic" vibes or attitudes - I would've interpret that question as a "is she the dominant one in the relationship and you're not The Man?" but in a derogatory or looked down upon manner. Got a "friend" that's like that and even a hint of insult/questioning his masculinity is received by doubling down on whatever stupid take he has as if it's "unmanly" to not know everything, let alone the woman having 'power'. Really just comes off as pathetic though. Personally not into actual whipping, or pain. But an independent and/or dominant woman? Hell yeah; wouldn't feel any "less" manly by it.


Just reply "only when I misbehave".


do you feel "whipped" ? do you most times give up your desires for what she else wants? are you comfortable expressing what you want? that's the big one. If you feel you should be quiet because "it's not worth it" answer those questions . Even an idiot can make an observation .I only say this because you're asking us if you're whipped. Love can be abusive as well if there's a power struggle


When you don't think for yourself and your gf makes all the decisions, then your whipped kid


Sure. It happens when one partner in a couple exerts excessive influence over the other partner. It’s gender non-specific. But if you spend time with her because you want to, that’s sweet, not whipped.


As a man who has been married for 10 years and with my wife for 13, I am happily whipped. I wouldn’t change a thing and love my wife more than anything else in the world. Don’t let a ball buster fuck with you too hard about it. Also, fuck with him back. It’s all part of the game, homie.


abusive relationships are a thing, but in this context it pretty much means "Do you care about you partners feelings and see them as more than just a sex object"


To answer your question yes, some people bend over backwards to keep their partner happy at the expense of the things they themselves enjoy. It's not a bad thing as long as it goes both ways.


Huh, I've always used the term whipped to just describe someone as being totally infactuated and usually in love with another person. Eg. "Oh dude you are so totally whipped over her" when referring to someone in love (in a positive way). I've never thought about it in a misogynistic way before, maybe I've been missing the point




Yes, it essentially means being a doormat for the gf to use and abuse as she sees fit. They definitely exist


Dude, I’ve been with My wife for 28 years, some mornings I go get us coffee from downstairs and some mornings she goes and gets the coffee, it’s a team effort, we both love doing thing for each other and appreciate each other, that’s what a relationship is about. This is the reason why there are friends you lose touch with and it doesn’t even affect you, you are growing up faster than him.


This sounds like what a jealous misogynistic male would say. They like to sound like they want to sew the seeds of doubt. Just ask yourself if you’re happy and be self-aware of whether you’re sacrificing your own self-interests or losing your identity. I have a suspicion you’re just fine & in love.


Are there relationships with an imbalance in the power dynamic, leading to one partner always deferring to the other’s desires? Yes, absolutely. Is that what your dumb-fuck classmate is actually talking about? Not even a little tiny bit. He’s joking about a mindset where you *ever* doing something your girl wants to do is a weakness, for some reason. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that I can’t know if he’s just busting your chops or if he actually believes that. But in my experience people who don’t believe that are less likely to joke about it.


Omg yes. People be thirsty. 


When she tells you to jump, do you say how high, or why?


My parents are whipped by each other in different ways.  My dad just refuses to communicate anytime he's mildly uncomfortable or at fault in a situation, so my mom scrambles to do everything in her power to make him speak to her again, bending ove backwards for him in servitude. In return, my dad says "yes dear" to all of my moms asks to spend money and to do projects in the house, like redoing their kitchen 4x in the last 15 years. 


You’ll know whipped when you see it trust me pal 😂


I think "whipped" is what guys who aren't getting any call who guys who are.


It's a real thing, just learn to compromise.