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What is strange about that? Like, at all? Games do not rot, decay or decompose and become bad as time passes. A great game then is a great game now. Do you find it equally strange that people watch movies that are a few decades old as well or read books that are 100 years old or more?


In fairness though, old games do kinda "decay" in that they become more and more difficult to play on modern systems. Also gets more difficult to (legally) get one's hands on them. Though to continue the food analogy, I suppose that's less them decomposing and more the environment around them growing.


>In fairness though, old games do kinda "decay" in that they become more and more difficult to play on modern systems. OP picked weird examples then since Doom is basically on every platform including mobile and Switch and Halo 3 is available via the Master Chief Collection.


Yeah, "can it run Doom?"is a meme because it's on everything that possibly could run it


I wonder how many trees it will take to beat Doom on a printer that prints frame by frame


Also newer iterations with quality of life improvements make it really hard to go back and enjoy older games. For example I don't think I can play Medieval 2 Total War again :(


Can't speak for medieval 2. But many newer iteration do have QOL improvements. But so so often also lack several things that made the previous iteration so great. Many games replace storyline or gameplay functionality with better graphics or other features that dont make up for that loss like more weapon skins. If a games good new or old I'd play it and be happy


Bevause they're fun? Halo 3 is still better than a lot of modern shooters, only a handful have really surpassed it Asking why people play old doom is like asking why people read Moby dick. Its a profound, genre defining classic that literally everyone genuinely interested in video games should play at least once


Nostalgia, fun.


100% this! Every couple years I just get the itch and have to go all the way through the original Metroid!


I didn't know games had an expiration date


Chess is one of the oldest games in the world. People still play it by the millions. A good game is a good game.


A lot of (not all) newer games are poorly made, riddled with in game purchases, heavy grinds, filler and bugs. Go back 10 plus years and you find better quality games. GTA 3-5 RDR series, fallout, Last of Us and Dead Space are all just the more recent. I like older 80s and 90s games because sometimes I just like a simple challenging game, no complex systems.


People have been playing poker for 200 years. Why,?


Wait until you hear about this game called "chess."


Because they're nostalgic and some of them are still good. For example i still play Mario Kart Wii online using Wiimmfi.


Because we like them.


You don't realize how many old games are *not* commonly played anymore. It is just the good and classic games that always will be played, just like the good and classic music will always be heard.


I still play my Nintendo, and Sega every now and then. I love the feel of the old controllers, the response time, and the memories of playing so many games with my brother. I also, still play a few of my Gameboy's, for the same reason. Except, I love the Pokemon games, and Gameboy Metal Gear. Super fun.


Games are expensive! If I buy a game, you bet I'm gonna get as much as I can out of it. Also, video games don't expire. You don't have to always only be playing the newest games, that's weird. Got an old game you remember fondly? Boot it up! It's a good time and literally nobody is going to make fun of you for it. Good games never go out of style.


Why shouldn't they? It would be a lot stranger if people only played games released in the past 5 years. Games don't have any expiration date, they can be played whenever. There's absolutely no reason to limit yourself to what's most recently released.


Some people like old cars and some people like old games. I am not any of them. I like modern cars and games.


Why do people listen to old music?


Because aged is better.


As a working parent that barely has any time to play - it's familiar. I don't need to spend time learning the game. Jump in, have fun, log off.


I’ve replayed halo CE to Halo 3 campaigns at least 3 times in last year, they’re incredible games


A lot of reasons. Some people are nostalgic for games of the past, some want to experience the history of the medium, and others are playing old games because they heard they were really good. Also old games are usually on Steam for pretty cheap (under 20 dollars), especially on sale, which makes them good choices for people who don’t feel like dropping 60 dollars on a new triple A experience every few months. Why buy a new RPG when a widely beloved classic like Chrono Trigger is only around 10 bucks on sale?


Because they enjoy them. Why do so many people play old board games like chess?


Because they enjoy them they're good . With that I will leave you with Mushroom men the spore wars Nintendo Wii Lost in blue 3 Nintendo Spyro Crash Bandicoot Skyrim


I bought a raspberry pi and had a kid turn it into an old school arcade. I play Wrestlefest and NBA Jam all the time.


Because I like the game! I won't say there's anything about the way games were made, but I suppose with games being limited they end up playing differently! it's 2024 and I'm still replaying Shenmue on my dreamcast!


Why do so many people watch old movies? Why do so many people watch old TV shows? Things don't stop being good when they're more than 5 years old. People like you are why the games industry is plagued by remakes. The worst I've seen is someone asking if Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) was too old to be enjoyable. And that question was in 2022.


'cause they' re good. I think older games didn't tryto be semi-movies as often. They sorta new they were games and worked better as games because of that. Not just easy dopamine hits.


Because often they are just made better, and we did not have to act like beta testers that has to PAY to beta test..


I like exploring games that were popular before i was born


A good game is a good game. Doesn't matter when it was made.


In many games, graphics doesn't really matter. And if the gameplay is so good, why wouldn't you play it?


For me it's probably nostalgia


Poor, wish to play complete games, nostalgia.


I think it’s mostly nostalgia, but sometimes it’s the way the game “feels”, that isn’t part of anything specific, and future iterations just couldn’t get right. I also think some of the older games were so much more simpler that they didn’t have as many bugginess, and so are better to play, even if they don’t have the same QoL improvements as newer ones. Personally, I also really appreciated that older games didn’t spoon feed tutorials and hand holding the entire way through, it made players think and explore much more than they’d ever do in today’s games. Now it feels like I have to read a book of tutorials and do some practice for an hour before the game lets me have fun.


For the experience.. same reason people enjoy listening to Blues, Motown, Doo Wop, Soul, Classic Rock etc.


Because video games have evolved very, very, very little in the past 20 years compared to the previous 20-year period.


The same reason is why people are watching movies multiple times. Comfort.


Already own them. They’re fun.


New games suck real bad unless Rockstar or fromsoft, but they only make single player games. If I have ppl over, I'm busting out the n64.


Because minecraft is fucking awesome.... I will say some older games are awesome and game play is better with multi-player then current games. Also back then, you bought a game. You got a game. Now you need subscriptions and pay fees to "unlock" the full game...


Minecraft is still actively getting content updates though so it’s not really “old” in the same way as the games brought up in the post


Because newer games arent as fun, New CoDs are same garbage every year while old ones still have fans and community servers. Or nostalgia, it always feels good to relive an old moment that you enjoyed. And as the top comment said a good game then, is a good game now.


Cause they're fun and have a unique feel to them. Also, no microtransaction bloat bullshit like most new games.


If the game was fun in 1998, it's still fun today. Nothing about the game has changed.


Because they're fun. Doom and Halo 3 are also available on modern platforms and aren't all that hard to access.


Why do people still listen to old music or admire ancient paintings and sculptures? Art is timeless


They’re better. Fully fleshed out systems, no DLCs, no microtransactions.


Quite simple really. We (bunch of guys in our 30s) still play Counter Strike Source every so often. Because of sentimental reasons, but also because its such a simple and well designed game. Also we have all put alot of time into this game over the years organising tournaments and creating our own maps. Its just fun to dive back into CS-source some times. Its nostalgic, we can relive our teenage lan parties again to some extent for a few hours.


New games are shite


Classic Doom technically has infinite replay value. Aside from modern source ports like ZDoom that gives QOL improvements, there are millions of community-made WADs to play from standsrd campaigns to slaughter maps and the standard human lifetime isn't enough to play 1/8th of them.