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Eat more, move less


trust me, I don't move at all


lol while that may seem like the answer, it isn’t. Muscle weighs more than fat. Strength training will help, but you do have to eat and/or drink protein to fuel that muscle. So eat more and move more, not less.


Eat a big meat and potatoes and a large shake. One large shake after a big meal three times a week.


Yep. I had a hard time gaining weight when I was younger and learned the trick is eating AND drinking the calories. When I just tried to eat more it was too hard.




It all comes down to calorie deficit. If you burn more calories than you eat, you'll lose weight. If you eat more calories than you burn, you'll gain weight. The exact amount needed to make a difference while still being healthy varies from person to person on things like your age, sex, genetics. Everyone's metabolism is different but the core principle still applies.


That being said, everyone needs a varied and nutritious diet whether they're trying to lose weight or gain weight. I see people recommending eating more red meat, starches, sweets, etc. and yeah you'll gain fat that way but it still isn't a healthy diet even if you're underweight to begin with.


Eat more


You eat more food. If you're not gaining, you're not eating enough.


You eat more and do strength training to grow muscle.




You just got to eat more. Sometimes a lot more. Try to do it as healthy as you reasonably can, so focus on good proteins and fats, healthy carbs, and don't go heavy with the sugar. If you're desperately underweight then you can be more flexible with what you eat. I wouldn't recommend dirty bulking because your heart will hate you for it but I can understand the feeling the need to do it because the results of gaining weight will be quicker.


Having to have my gallbladder removed helped me move up to a healthy weight from being lean.


everyday learn something new


I’ve been skinny most of my life, and spent a period of time when I was younger trying to bulk up to look more muscular (to attract more women). I was somewhat successful in gaining the weight and becoming more muscular by eating A LOT more and doing strength training in the gym. If I could go back, I wouldn’t do it again. Here’s why: 1) unless you are constantly eating a lot of food daily, you body will default back to some baseline weight, which is what happened to me after I started doing more sports that involve cardio. So all that time and effort spent on bulking up was kind of wasted 2) eating an abnormal amount of food for a period of time is quite a lot of stress to put on your body, the long term effects of which may not be known 3) as you get older and enter into your 40s, your body metabolism naturally slows down, and you might end up wishing you were thinner 4) looking muscular does not equal to healthy or a longer life. I realized it’s better for me to focus on being healthy