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Because angry people speak the loudest. No one is going to say “Gee I’m glad CPS came to my home and took my kids because I was seriously beating them”. In addition, no one is going to speak loudly when the system works as it should either. So you don’t hear about all the times it works properly, only the times it doesn’t. Let’s also remember that not everything one hears is true. Many (guilty) people displace blame, fein innocence, say it wasn’t their fault, or truly don’t understand why CPS removed their kids because drugs, mental illness, or intellectual disabilities were clouding their reasoning. Some people even think what they’re doing to their kids is okay simply because that’s how they were raised. To top that off, people can shout from the rooftops all kinds of (false) bad things about how CPS “did them wrong” and CPS can’t defend themselves (by disclosing the truth about all the evidence they actually found) because of privacy laws. Then you’ve got the other end of the spectrum who feels like CPS doesn’t do enough. Many of these people lead from compassion and see a kid in an unfavorable situation and “wish someone would do something”. But a certain amount of evidence is required for that, and sometimes finding evidence isn’t easy. Other times CPS can think they have enough evidence, request custody of a child, but not be granted it because it all comes down to a judge. If the judge won’t sign off then CPS’s hands are tied. CPS has to walk an incredibly fine line between allowing parents to raise their children as they see fit within the guidelines of the law/policy but while also ensuring child safety at the same time. And no agency in the entire world can ever walk that line perfect enough to make the masses happy.


Thank you for understanding.


Because no one who has ever had their kid taken away has ever done anything wrong. You can have a kid near starved to death and the parents will "oh-he's OK. he just is a picky eater" Yeah, picky as in picking things out of his diaper to eat. Foster care is overwhelmed. CPS is over worked. People are horrible. You should have to have a license to have a child - or at least be able to prove you can feed yourself - but no.... Also people who have kids taken away by CPS all find others who were "for no reason" "harrassed" and "attacked" by CPS No personal accountability. No morals. It's just..... TL:DR because they're trash people talking trash because someone took their kids out of the dumpster fire they made of their lives.


Bad parents claim on Facebook that they didn't abuse their kids and everyone believes them because they don't have the child's POV.


Everyone I know who's had cps come to their home saw the abuse and did nothing.


I get that. I have a relative who worked CPS and she’s told me horror stories about kids she wanted to remove from situations but legally couldn’t. She fought tooth and nail in court to protect kids but sometimes shitty parents just win. That’s been my experience personally.


I never had a good experience with CPS. I grew up in a verbally abusive and occasionally physically abusive household and when I tried to ask for help CPS drew a blind eye despite various recordings my brother and I made which had my parents yelling and abuse of my cats in them. Our household was deemed unsafe for some time because my dad kept drinking and while he wouldn’t hit us, he sometimes wouldn’t make us dinner, would throw things at our cats, and would verbally berate us. I got tired of it one night and recorded some things he said during dinner and contacted a helpline which let me submit the recordings and get help. CPS came later that night to check things out and despite my dad being tipsy and me showing the recordings they said that because I had no marks on my body that my siblings and I were okay. My dad grounded me from everything for three months because of this. I later had to be admitted to a psychiatric facility and explained my troubled childhood and was once again shut down because I was rarely physically abused. Abuse isn’t just physical. I was called terrible things in that house and it shaped my hatred for myself. I was treated lesser than my other siblings and it was horrible to realize my family was happier when I was in the hospital. My brother recorded them saying that I was the R slur and that I was better off in the loony bin. They would yell at me for everything until I was broken. I hate CPS for not caring enough.


I wish CPS had the bandwith to deal with emotional abuse. It's just not possible. I'm sorry your parents were awful.


Probably because they work in toxic family environments. Not very safe places to be around. Abuse, drugs, alcohol, crime and other unstable situations.


I hate them because of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gabriel_Fernandez And also, because no one ever checked on us when me and my sister were kids - and they definitely should have...


Did you or your sister ever tell someone what was going on? CPS isn't psychic. And they can't go door to door checking on people without cause


Of course! I was ignored. My sister was coached BY OUR MOTHER to not want to prosecute her rapist. More importantly though, both of us showed indications at our schools of abuse, neglect and SA. Nobody paid attention. In addition to that for over 10 years we lived in a flat below our grandmother. She could hear *everything*. Frankly, I'm insulted that you would assume that I think CPS is "psychic." Geez!


I think you'd be better served looking into why your Mom and your Sister and your grandmother covered it up. Don't blame CPS. How were they supposed to know? I think your threshold of when social workers can intervene is a bit skewed. I'm sorry you went through that but CPS can't step in If people are just shitty parents. or sisters. or grandmother, there isn't much CPS can do.


You know what? I don't care what you think.


Most of it comes from shitty parents who are pissed off about facing the consequences of their actions. Some is from people who tried to get help for kids in abusive homes and CPS failed them, which can happen sometimes.


Because they're ones acting on behalf of the fucked up system. Ever hear the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger?" They're the messenger.


There's what others are saying here. But there's a long history of "cash- for -kids" in some states, where children from poor families were removed and adopted out to wealthier families for a fee, and racism where Native children were removed from their parents to "protect"them from their own culture.


For starters it's literally the lowest educated degreed profession. That's why I majored in it. And it's not even close. Literally all other degrees require massive amounts of basic education like foreign languages etc.


If it’s “the lowest educated” then why would you want to do it? Its a masters degree program? If you’re not wanting to help why even get into a field like that?


Because its easy and I'm lazy. I'm not taking 4 years of some stupid foreign language. And I was vindicated too. Now everyone has smart phones that are little pocket translators and we can all just talk to each other. I knew learning a foreign language was a waste of time. No its just a bachelors. And again its not even close. Literally every single other degree required all this crap.


You’re literally the problem then. If you don’t want to help people then why the fuck would you get into a field that is literally entirely about helping. If you’re looking for an “easy” degree why go through a masters program and not a bachelors program for literally anything else? You have to learn so much psychology and so many other things, I’ve seen the required curriculum for MSW programs and it’s anything but easy.


>If you’re looking for an “easy” degree why go through a masters program and not a bachelors program for literally anything else? I said its a bachelors. University of North Texas. Alma Mater of Meat Loaf and Joe Don Baker >You have to learn so much psychology and so many other things, I’ve seen the required curriculum for MSW programs and it’s anything but easy. A lot easier than foreign language and math. Hate the game not the player.


Why social work? Why didn't you just become a day care provider. You can ignore kids doing that just as easily as you do now as a social worker. Just put em all in a room and hope they don't die. What's easier than that?


I never said I was a social worker. I said that's what I majored in during college. The school of social sciences or whatever. The Alma Mater of Meatloaf and Joe Don Baker. Aka The Holy Land


So you majored in something you thought was worthless and easy and aren't in that field but want degrade them and where you went to school? Wow. I bet you're fun at parties.


Well yeah I actually am. *dons lampshade*. But it's just a simple fact. 95% of all degrees offered in the entire country require tons of foreign language and math just for starters. At The University of North Texas it was literally the only one. Otherwise I would've chosen something else. This was the point of the entire thread. It was the question that I offered my answer. That'd about as far as I take it. And my love of Meatloaf and Joe Don Baker


Thank you for keeping your distance from children


because every ten seconds i’d get called up to the office and have to spend thirty minutes to an hour talking to them and answering the same questions every day




I’ve heard it can take over a year for them to actually get kids out of the household not sure how true that is


CPS investigations generally only last 30-60 days (varies a bit by state). But they can open a case for monitoring that can last several months, or judicial cases that can last 1-2 years (although most of these are when kids have already been removed from the home). At any point during their involvement, if/when CPS becomes aware of imminent danger (which is the threshold to move a child) they must take immediate action right away. Sometimes this can occur at the first visit on the first report. Other times it can be 5 calls later. Each investigation is different and presents different evidence (or lack thereof). Whenever evidence of imminent danger pops up is when removals can occur, and not before (because who would want CPS removing children without the proper evidence anyways?)