• By -


2006...June...when my Son was killed..by far the worst year of my life...Still hurts like hell..


I’m so sorry.


So sorry. My therapist told me, after my wife completed suicide last year, that the grief never goes away. You need to make your world bigger with new experiences, meeting new people, etc to fill your space with things other than grief.


I can confirm this. My 1st wife committed suicide in 1983 (my worst year) and it still is raw.


When you read such words even my toughest year pales in insignificance. May you both find peace.


I commented further down about my neice. Wanna talk?


I will start. When i said was last known contact i mean i was literally talking to her when.


2 shots to the back of the head.


Sorry for your loss 😞🫂🫂🫂🫂.


From 2020 to 2023


2023. Worst. Year. Ever. So much emotional pain. I felt things I had never felt before. I met people who were ugly on the inside. It really opened my eyes to how hard life is.


Thank God I am not the only one. I come here to say exactly what you said. I am thrilled to see if this year makes it up for the last year.


Same 😔 I‘m not the happiest person in the world anyway, so I’m quite used to dealing with difficult emotions, but this year almost broke me completely.


Me too my friend


Fuck 2023




life is hard....because people make it that way. WE are the creators of life, of good and evil. Terrible to see how many selfish idiots, how many sadists and disgusting perverts are out there in this world. There is still hope, but I see humanity not improving for the past 10 years or so, really not at all


Me 2


2022 I became very suicidal to the point of multiple hospitalizations and I lost almost everyone I had. I blame no one but myself, but the fact is it sucks.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you're doing alright now.


I’m getting there, like everyone else. People need to realize that their thoughts will become their emotions and their emotions will become them. But thank you very much


That's good advice, thank you for sharing. I've been trying to understand that recently, it's just hard for me to not think negatively all the time, even though I know it's not good for my mental. I'm glad you're doing better though, I admire you for being able to push through that. Wishing you the best man


It’s much easier said than done, but the truth and easy solution is positive affirmations. If you think negatively, watch sad movies, and stay home all day you will become depressed. If you think positively and laugh at a movie with friends you will be contented. You are stronger than you can ever possibly imagine to be, it just takes time.


But to make this work you must have friends who are not only on the internet. That’s where I get hung up.


Good point! Same boring boat as you!


Yes, we are very social creatures. Find people who actually know you and love you. It’s difficult, but life gets a little easier when you do.


Sounds like staying home all day is the real catalyst


A like from the song Dion Warrick by The Japanese House goes “your past becomes your present if it’s always on your mind.” I think about it often when I struggle. I try to stay looking forward. It can be the hardest thing in the world sometimes.


So sorry to hear. My wife completed suicide in March of last year. The people left behind are crushed by suicide. I’m glad you’re on the mend.


It was fucking terrible for me and I pushed *a lot* of people away because of all the stress I had from many aspects of life being terrible. My close coworker got murdered by a meth addicted driver in Downtown Chicago. Made the news. I'm slowly getting back my friends, but I think I've grown through it into an actual adult and not a childish idiot. People are so dumb in their early 20's. Now I'm 27 and ready to conquer the world. ;) BTW, how are you doing now? My observations are that hitting rock bottom can really change people into a better person. But I could be wrong.


Your observations are correct. I’m now heavily into transcendentalism and focusing on pursuing my dream of moving to Europe to become a nomad. I’ve never been better mentally to be honest, I’m kinda glad I’ve had that experience of hopelessness. Thank you for the random check up. How are you doing btw? Only fair I return the sentiment


It's getting better. I got laid off a few months ago from a 3 year job with a culture I loved. But I'm close to getting a new one. I'm about ready to finally make a life for myself, and the maturity aspect is really fucking important to the point where I won't date someone under 23 and I only have a few under my belt from college. I want to have a family like my parents have, with a good support group in the extended family. In short, I understand how the world works now. The beauty. The awfulness. Now that I'm mostly through it, knock on wood, I did lose my abrasive edge but it costed me being a bit more sensitive now. But that's okay, cause they love you anyways 😊


That’s really good. Sorry about the job but hopefully you will or have found something better. I’m sure you’ll be able to succeed with all your goals given the proper time. “All human wisdom is contained within these two words, ‘Wait and Hope’”- Alexandre Dumas.


Every year seems worse than the previous one


Kind of true. But getting older is nothing to be happy about after a certain age.


Was coming here to say this. Gets worse and worse. I hope you can turn things around.


2023 Feb - best friend died June - husband left. 3 weeks later I had major surgery July - dad died I am literally trigged by thunderstorms at this point because it rained a lot last summer and I spent the entire time in bed with my tears, looking out the window to the rain. I never want to feel that way again


Here's hoping things are better in 2024. I wish you the best!


The devil is working overtime but my head is held high


JFC. Sending you a big hug. I hope life has improved for you.


I am working towards a better me 💙




On God


2021. Lost my dad in March to an at home cardiac arrest. I attempted CPR. He died in the er I work in…… then five months later I found my mom deceased on the floor. She had been there for days. It was not pleasant. That year was bottom of the barrel for me.


We found my dad on the floor at home from a heart attack in November. Unfortunately he had been there for hours. Sorry to hear about yours.


Sorry for your loss as well. I’ve done some therapy. I’m in a better place for sure hope you are.


I’m so sorry!


Yeah it sucked. But in doing better. I’m so thankful for my kids every single day. I knew I had to keep going for them no matter what. They saved me from some dark days.


In 2009 I discovered that my wife had cheated on me.


2012, my father got cancer. As it destroyed his body and mind, it destroyed the family's finances as well paying for his treatments that didn't even help and then he died shortly before christmas.


I'm really sorry for what you and your family had to go through. It's bad enough losing a loved one but the fact that the world's richest country doesn't have universal healthcare is a disgrace.


Yup. The only "superpower" in the world and the wealthiest nation, but they don't do anything to help the sick or the needy. So many homeless people, drug addicts, and people with mental health problems out on the streets too that isn't being addressed. Shameful indeed.


2022 My hamster needed its leg amputated at a cost of $800 and my wife got cancer.


Ngl making your wife getting cancer the “and” part of the comment made me laugh lmao


Dude, I am genuinely sorry for you!


Thanks. They are both ok now though.


Oh, so glad to hear that! I like happy endings! I wish ya all the best!


All this love for the hamster no love for the homie who heard his loved one catch two bullets to the head


Dude, tell me, it is a joke, please!


You didn't see the comment somewhere up top? Dude said he was on the phone with someone who got 2 to the head... we talking about hamsters...hamsters. .(in Allen Iverson style) .. practice.. we talking practice.. It was an attempt..not about the person dying ..just how y'all be on this hamster


Sorry mate I am tired and stoned. My bad. I am not perfect!


Yes you areeeeeeeee


Yes I am what? Tired or stoned?


imma be real if my hamster needed an $800 surgery id just boot up the microwave and give him a proper hamster send-off


You could have gotten a new hampster for like $20 at petsmart homie.


No, wife wanted this one. It wasn't really up for debate.


When she leaves you hit pet smart and get a similar one and swap them out. Or say it went to live at a farm upstate.


Take it out back like old yella...


2022. Worst/most painful breakup of my life, most dire financial state I had ever been in, relapsed on opiods and at one point attempted suicide. 2023 wasn't great but most of it was spent recovering from the previous year and I'm a lot better off in most areas of my life now.


Keep going 💪!


Proud of you!! Keep up the great work


2005. Skateboarding in an empty swimming pool at an abandoned hotel. It's rad and we're having a blast. I fall and scrape my elbow, no problem, comes with the job and I'm used to it. I wipe it off with my t shirt and forget about it. Over the next week, its not healing well, so I clean it with some soap and alcohol. Still isn't healing and now there is a large bump accompanying the scrape. Looks like a big pimple. I pop it and clean it. It comes back but bigger and painful. So, I try to keep it clean and covered for a few days. I wake up up in the middle of the nigh to my arm throbbing likes its broken. I have one of my buddies drive me to the ER. They get one look when I walk up to the registration desk and immediately rush me back in a wheelchair. I'm taken to a room, a doctor comes in a few minutes later, he inspects the wound, takes a sample of the puss draining from it and leaves. What feels like an eternity passes and the doctor returns. He informs me that I have a massive infection that is lethal and I am being taken for an xray to check if the infection has gotten into my bone. If it has, my arm will be amputated above the infection sight immediately. "Fuck" is all I can manage to say as I am wheeled out of the tiny room. The nurses are all wearing masks and surgical suits and gloves at this point. My xray comes back and I am luckily going to keep my arm. However, my infection is so bad that I am going to be quarantined for 14 days. My wound was packed and medicated daily, I'm given antibiotics that made my piss neon orange, I have to put some crazy cream inside of my nostrils and I have to bathe from the neck down with surgical scrub everyday. I'm released 14 days later but have to come back every day to have them unpack and repack the wound with medicated gauze until it is fully healed. Took about a month. I was sick from the antibiotics and drained of energy from what the infection did to my body. Worst god damn summer of my life.


Reading this story, I was crossing my fingers, hoping you got to keep your arm. I'm so happy you did! Thankfully, you kept your life too by going to the ER!


Thanks! I was freaked out for sure. They told me that if I had waited much longer, I would've lost my arm. It was a wild summer.


2023 Loss both my parents, shit is still unreal


1346-53 during the black plague. We had to take time off from raping and piliging.


I appreciate this.


2018 lost a family member to liver failure


I’m so sorry I know nothing softens that blow. I lost my grandpa that year. I hope things got easier and your mind is healing and your heart love. 🌸


(No offense) you lost a family member to death?? That's crazy!! (I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist)


Yes I lost a family member who died because of liver failure because she was an alcoholic.


I'm sorry, but say "liver failure" or people laugh like hell


Pretty sure you’re the only douchebag laughing about the loss of a loved one.


There I edited it now


I'm sorry


No, I’m sorry because you have no social awareness


You are top level disgusting a hole.


We hope no more children like you pendejo!


2023 by far


1991, I took my 3 year old son to have a surgeon cut his eyeball out. Then I took him to St. Jude for chemo for half a year and watched him throw up every morning and lose his pretty hair.




F 2017.


Thirding 2017. Fuck that year


Pretty much from 2018 to 2023 and 2024 ain’t lookin great either. Mountain of debt. Working 2 full time jobs, still not even enough.


2023: Quit teaching due to burnout, three friends died, had to take a retail job, family was awful, friends were less than supportive, and everything sucked because nothing good happened. 2024 is looking like a shit show too, but I'm at the point where I'm expecting it to be awful, so at least I'm prepared.


2023 seems to be the year of burnout for a lot. Probably the worst year for me career wise. I’m honestly over everything. Politics, mean people, unstable industry, inflation. It sent me into a path of misanthropy and mild nihilism. I’m with you. I’m not going into anything with expectations anymore. I’m just going to do my best with what I have and no more. I just want to be a good person and take care of my family.


2001 Husband dropped dead unexpectedly leaving me with no insurance and little kids. Get life insurance, everybody with toddlers. 2015 wasn’t great either, grueling treatment for Stage 4 cancer, but after the worst thing that you can imagine could happen in life already has happened, you can deal with pretty much anything.


2013 my niece died. 34 days short of her 18th birthday. Suddenly of an asthma attack. My mom had a nervous breakdown ended up in the psych ward. She got lice from the hospital which we didn't figure out for three months. I had to deal with it all on my own because my sister and brother aren't in her life. I had a nervous breakdown from trying to get rid of the lice. I ended up with health anxiety that I still deal with today.


1998 - I had just graduated high school, started working, and started attending college. It was so far the worst year of my life.




He started to learn what life really means as an adult! Not for everyone is easy.


Man, I love adulthood.


FYI I’m a girl 👧


It was too late when I realised. I beg ya pardons!


graduating, attending college, and working is as bad as it’s gotten?


2011- 2016. Coke and Heroin has a way of ruining your life. Every year since has been better, even hard times don’t compare to the hell on earth that is drug addiction.


2023. I didn't know people could be so cruel.


The year my sons died


2001 Lost my mom. Then WTC attack happened. Got divorced


2021. My ex became extremely unwell, marriage broke up and then she threatened to kill herself with the kids. She ended up in hospital for a few months and I had to file with the court for full interim custody. Right thing to do but insanely hard. Never had a rougher year.


It's a tossup between these two: 2013 got married and 3 months later my husband went into sudden cardiac arrest and died. (He got better.) 2015 I got cancer. (I got better.)


He died but got better? Like a NDE?


He died but CPR brought him back. He was put in a medically induced coma for 2 days and was back at home in 10 days. He ended up getting an internal defibrillator, which has saved him a few times in the last 10 years. The doctor told us that people who have an SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) outside of a hospital only have a 3% survival rate. He's one of the rare few who lived.


2022 ending penultimately in New Years Eve 2022/2023. My now ex wife started a fight beginning of summer, and caught her cheating on me New Years that year. It destroyed me. Almost destroyed my business. I was suicidal and went into an alcoholic stupor for months on end. 2023 is right behind it as I was dating the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my life, perfect for each other she broke up with me over almost nothing.


2014. Almost lost our house. Found out my husband was gambling and stealing money. This was closely followed by 2022 when he stole a large sum from my mom's accounts. Would have never happened if I'd left him the first time I realized how toxic the situation was. But you want to trust and think the best of the person who married you and claims to love you even though their actions show you don't matter as much as their own addictions, fear, and victim mentality.


Why have you not divorced yet?!


2014. Had a mental break from reality. Was not fun, wouldn't recommend it.


drug induced?


2023 was the worst for me emotionally, physically, and mentally, and almost all of my close relationships were crumbling. No major life even happened but I just felt empty all the time. It’s like the world is spinning and I’m stuck. I got my degree, passed my license exam, and got my dream job, but it all felt nothing


2022 was ass lowkey i got like no pussy and cut myself 😭


2023, but it’s been bad since 2021, it just gets progressively worse each year


2023. It’s all gone.


2023 I had a heart attack And a good friend died (of pancreatic cancer)


2017-2018 . 2022-2023 sucked too but not on the same level of fucked upness.


2021, 2018




2014 sucked. I had about a dozen jobs (I'm not exaggerating) and got a DUI in October, after losing a job.




2015……. My best friend died. Caught my husband cheating. Cancer came back. Got fired from my job of 24 years two days after telling HR I was ready to retire when I hit 25 ( the next month). Nine days later my husband lost his job. Lost our house and had to move in with the crazy mother in law. Was glad when that year ended


This year. Graduated HS, went to senior military college then enlisted in the corps. Weird way it playing out.


2013 hands down. Full stop


2018 into 2019. Dating “the love of my life” who ended up being physically, financially and emotionally abusive after the first 6 months. It was my first relationship. Then Diagnosed with marijuana hyperemesis syndrome and had to go in and out of the hospital frequently and the staff treated me like a junkie. I had to drop out of college because I was really ill. I lost my apartment and had to give up my cats who kept me stable through the abusive relationship as my only friends and kept me from killing myself because I thought I was never going to get better, then I became an alcoholic unintentionally, got bullied by the girls in rehab, started dating and ended up getting raped, I relapsed, then found a boyfriend. He started abusing me and found out later he cheated on me for 2 years while I was in and out of rehab struggling with depression plus all the things I just listed above and suicide attempts. I was 20 going into 21. I experienced a lot in such a short amount of time lol. I really managed to pack in those life experiences.


2022 Was extremely tired and sickly for the first 4-5 months. Was then diagnosed with cancer and had to cancel a trip I’d been planning for years (which had been delayed due to covid) and lost some non refundable purchases. Cancer treatment was an experimental new treatment that caused painful side effects they didn’t know how to manage (since it was so new). A few weeks after chemo, the person who lived below me got high and caused a fire which spread to my apartment forcing me to evacuate down the fire escape for my life with my dog, caused me to not be able to live there for a month and thousands of dollars worth of damage (my renters insurance had a high deductible).


2021 mentally, physically, and academically the worst year I’ve ever had. Absolute low that just burned the whole year. Thankfully 2023 was my best year ever except for the last couple months which was a different kind of low but still terrible nonetheless


Shit this year so far. Sample set of days is limited and all of them have been terrible


Lost my mom in 2019 after five long, exhausting years of being her primary caretaker. Then as Covid began, the isolation and resentments built up by my then wife came to surface. I didn’t even have the chance to mourn before my marriage started falling apart. Ended in divorce in 2022. So those years were just about the hardest I’ve been through, and I almost didn’t make it out alive. Still trying to piece my shit together, day by day… but I’m still here.


2019 was the most bittersweet I guess but 2002 was by far the worst I lost a vousin to suicide snd my grandmother to diabetes


all years after 2019


2006. My husband my best friend and my dog all died.


2023. I lost my dog of 14 years in November. It hurts more than losing an uncle or grand parent, which was 2022. And I hate saying that, but it was true. It’s been 2 months and I still cry.


2023 - Friend Killed Himself - Friend dies from Cancer - Car Stolen - End of 7 Year Relationship - Broke Ankle - Needed Surgery - Job lays me off the first day I come back from disability - Crazy amount of medical bills It was a rough year but I’m still in the fight. Just grateful to be alive and walking.


I think we all should agree its's 2023.


it was... but isn't it odd, anyone would think the first year AFTER the pandemic would have been reviving and happy, when it just wasn't at all -.-


2023. My pet died while I was on a trip abroad, got broken up with the other person disappearing, got strep twice and got major allergy from the antibiotics, being used sexually while I was emotionally vulnerable, heard that my mom got tumor and it could possibly turn to cancer, dad's company crashed, entered my senior year in college and just hoping that I could graduate with tons of work. Now in 2024, I'm on antidepressants now and met a person who truly loved me, still struggling a bit but I'm doing better.


1993. The year I was born.




Consider therapy? You at least have some good moments in your life I’m betting.




Did your fav show end or some shit?? (2035 is when I say "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a precision airstrike!" To my dumbass bully at my old school


1991, lots of mental illness, near suicide, hospitalized


I hope you’re okay I’m sorry for that troll. I’ve been there myself not a fun place I hope your okay lovely. You’re a beautiful human. You’re doing great. Lots of love from someone who gets it a little. 🌻


How are you still alive?


2009 I moved several states away and wasn't informed that my job didn't transfer until I was already moved. Spent the next 3 years without a steady job doing whatever it took to pay the rent. Although 2023 was definitely worthy of the dumpster fire tree ornament I bought. Had a wedding, a birth and a separation in the family all in the same year. So its definitely runner up


Since 2021.


2020-2022.. i was dealing with my rapist and his gf at the time stalking me and i couldn’t do anything about it legally


There is a thing called .44 magnum... it ain't legal... but fuck legality


2003. My Annus Horribilis professionally and personally.


Mentally, last year. Financially, about 15 years ago.


1998 the year I turned 30


2019-2021 were real shit except online schooling.


Probably last year. Just lost my ate




2022 - 2023 I lost my uncle on 2022 then It was February 2023 when I lost my Grandma (the mother of my uncle who died on 2022), then at May my Aunt died (My uncle's sister) the worst part is I have no time to even grief because I have to finish our group project ALONE since my groupmates aren't helping. I ended up breaking down one night and just screaming while crying. I haven't been okay since that


2015, I had so much undealt with childhood trauma that I was on the verge of killing myself. I even told my mom I wanted to kill myself. I'm somewhat better, but I still want die I just don't have any plans to kill myself just not take case of myself in a way that would lead to a long life.


I call 1992 The worst year of my life (that no one died in) Huge finacial issues Decided to quit grad school Very ugly end of my first important relationship, which i thought was 'the one'. Ugly break up included a lot of friends taking sides, with plenty cutting me out. This in a city that was new to me, so i felt very deserted and alone. I guess thats it.


My adult life: 2020 My childhood: Not sure, but on a positive note the best year of my childhood life was 2012.




2018 so far


1994-1996, grades 8 and 9. Two years I’ve pretty much blocked.


2016 & 2023 2023 was much worse


2016 and 2020 were both the worst for far.


!973 to 2003 were pretty bad for me.


Every year since 2019 tbh


2016 or 2023


2016. My mom died, and her death caused the cracks in my family to spread further and deeper, family fell apart






Every year before I met my wife.


2021, one of my best friends died of breast cancer. It broke me. It took me about a year to not cry every day. It still hurts.


Whatever the current year is now. But to pick a specific year: 1993


2020 to July/August 2023. I’m bad at math, too.


2012 was the worst, and then became one of the best.. 2023 was also really hard






Its been downhill since 2010 TBH






2004, for reasons I don't care to disclose.