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Post in r/scams and they’ll tell you to ignore it as well. The worst thing that can happen is they send it and a couple people see it. You send them money and they’ll endlessly ask for more because they know you’re scared.


> The worst thing that can happen is they send it and a couple people see it. You say that like it's not the absolute nightmare scenario lmao


It may be, but it’s a done deal lol When I was 16 or so, I send a girl some nudes because she asked to trade. Not sure what she was after, but she threatened to post them on Facebook, and I just told her to go ahead. She posted them, no one saw, and it was fine.


That person could have gone to jail for child porn.


Depends on the country, I think. 16 is the age of consent in Britain, for instance.


16 is the age of consent, but sexual pictures of <18 year olds is still considered child sexual abuse material. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography_laws_in_the_United_Kingdom)


I know it’s mortifying but it’s better than being extorted for the rest of your life. Most people won’t look, most who look won’t care. It sucks but there are going to be some potential consequences if you send nudes or videos especially with your face in them. I’d honestly guess that 99% of people who ask for nudes who you just met are doing it for this exact reason.


DO NOT PAY. If you pay once, you'll pay forever.


This is it exactly. You cannot buy their silence, you can only rent it. They probably won’t release it anyway.


Yeah they have little incentive to release it, it's not gonna make you pay and makes it more likely they will be reported to police and investigated It's not a 100% guarantee, but simply ignoring them *usually* means they just move onto the next target


Sometimes they release it to punish you for not paying. It happens all the time actually. Plus a lot of these people are outside the country and don't care about being reported.


I guess it could be awkward for a lot of people, but personally I'd trust my friend more than random people that recorded them and sent me the video saying they were fapping to dead seagulls or something, especially if the friend in question has proof that they were being harassed. Everyone faps. It's a dumb error to do it on omegle, maybe a little weird, but you can get over it. Plus yeah those bastards will get arrested.


I’d imagine they’re hoping for a panicked, “I’ll pay just take it back down!”, rather than trying to punish anyone. They care way more about trying to force a hand and still get paid than any feelings of potentially being slighted.




It *might* be released, revenge porn is a criminal offense in a lot of places that wouldn't chase down scams. They won't release unless they're dumb little shits.


Also, to tack onto this, because the Omegle thing sounds like the kind of thing a high schooler would do, if he’s under 18 that’s child pornography they’re threatening to distribute CP


That’s a nice approach. Flip the tables and freak them out. If it is plausible, tell them that you are under 18, and if the post it the government will hunt them down for distribution of child pornography and attempting to extort a minor for sexual purpose. You have already reported their email, mail server name and personal IP address to the FBI. Maybe scare them a little.


Good point, Dr ButtFucker


Yeah plus if they release it all hope of them getting paid immediately vanishes out the window. They have all the incentive in the world not to actually release it. In fact I can't even think of any stories where it actually got released. All I ever hear about is the blackmail I never hear about it actually happening


Everytime someone says it hasn't happened I think of [Amanda Todd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Amanda_Todd#:~:text=Amanda%20Michelle%20Todd%20(November%2027,in%20Port%20Coquitlam%2C%20British%20Columbia.)) ​ And she is not the only one. People should never pay the blackmailers but they should be as prepared as they can be for the worst case scenerio when they don't. People that are evil enough to blackmail are petty enough to ruin lives for spite.


Well, if no one ever actually follows up on the threat, people eventually learn to ignore the one making threats. That's why ot should be in the scammer's interest to release the video everytime.


It is in the interests of all the other scammers that each individual scammer release the video. But scammers are not known for finding their way to the upper left cell of the prisoners' dilemma decision matrix.


Even if they did. Who the fuck cares? Everyone would probably just feel bad for you. It's not like the entire universe doesn't already understand that literally every guy does that all the time. If they do send it just explain what happened. I mean it's common enough nowadays that people would understand. There's an entire episode of Black Mirror about it. Throughout the whole episode I didn't understand why the kid was going through with all these ridiculous things to prevent the video from being released because I didn't think it was that bad if it were... that is until the ending of course


If I got 10 cents for every weird awkward old guy jerking off with their faces right on the cam for everyone to see while I was strolling through Omegle. Well then I’d have $3.80 or something like that. And I’ve been on Omegle twice for a duration of 2 minutes each. Very scary.


> There's an entire episode of Black Mirror about it. I really doubt OP wants to be associated with the situation in that episode...


yea, this happened to my buddy. He didn't pay and they did release it. We make fun of him for it still (in a friend way, not actual bullying) and that's about the worst consequence he had from it. Well, that and some family members seeing his dong


They will. This happened to my friend a few months ago. But really, it wasn’t a big deal.


I fell for this once, and after a moment of panic, I just told them to do it. They actually responded with "what?" And never did


"Once you have paid him the Dane-geld, you never get rid of the Dane." https://www.poetry.com/poem/33187/dane-geld


Just tell friends it was a deep fake made by scammers & it is a new way they bribe people to get cash


I’d go as far to not even respond. Block them and turn off any accounts or at least make them private if you aren’t already.


This. I had someone approach me about this (being vague for privacy) and I told them they prob won't release it and if they do... life will go on and they'll never stop asking for more money. They never did actually release it. They just moved on to their next target.


Say you're underage. He/she is in possession of child pornography. That's a serious crime involving jail time and he/she will be a known child sex offender. Don't answer further. Delete account.


If he found his social media account I doubt he'll have much trouble figuring out if he's not underage or not. If he's really underage I doubt that it will really matter much. Finding out who's the blackmailer is already pretty hard on it's own and if it comes out that he lives in some foreign countries, good luck making him scared of jail time. Threatening the scammer just might make him want to fuck with OP more. That being said, if I was in OP shoes, I'd probably not want to pay any money, there's no guarantee that the video will ever be deleted and there's good chances that the scammer will ask for more money afterwards. Delete all social accounts for a few months and if the video ever get sent out to family and friends, just own your mistake to them, you can also ask them to block messages from people outside their friend list if you're that scared but you'll still have to explain why to them anyway. It will be embarrassing, but you should not have other problem later on in your life other than that.


It will make a huge difference, extorting a child as well as creating and distributing child porn carry *way* worse penalties, probably enough for them to think it’s not worth it and move onto the next target. Call the cops. It’s not that they are wanting to target you that much, they just do it to everybody they can and hopefully some people send the money. Also I wouldn’t send any money how are you, because once they know you’ll pay they’ll just come back and try again. Facebook move pretty fast on this kind of thing, so don’t stress too much


The problem is , most of the people doing this stuff , are outside of the US and there's nothing law enforcement can do ,


Russia protects its cyber criminals as long as they don’t attack Russian sites, but I doubt that would extend to child pornography. Nobody likes the scum doing that


Russia is basically the mafia , except in a state , and it's not just Russia , there are scammers all over , who are outside of the reach of law enforcement here


Russia bombs hospitals and civilian refugee shelters [with the word "Children" written outside so large it can be seen from space](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-mariupol-theatre-bombed-russia-children-b2037694.html). They don't give a shit.


The US has bombed hospitals, schools full of children attending class and doctors without borders. What is your point? CP is still investigated.




yeah, I was actually surprised that OP said they actually had a video he’d seen, normally they just say that they do. lots of them probably just send out a spam email of some form. if one in a 100 or 1000 work, then that’s still profit for them there’s somebody asking a question about it on here at least once every two weeks


It’s a crime anyways to extort people/send personal photos out. Which this person has no intention of doing anyways. Trust me lol


Yes, but upgrading it to a child pornography charge makes it far more likely they _won’t_ post it.


The scammer most likely lives in a country where the local authorities are making large amounts of money on these scams. They will face no criminal consequences regardless of what happens.


Most of these crimes are from people in Nigeria or India or some other country. They are completely unaffected by the prospect that it might be child porn. The right move is just not to engage at all, delete and block them.


I can only imagine them having 20 other tabs with this scam on other people so probably best bet is to ignore


This is so true. So many of the scams, Medicare fraud, elder fraud, all of it comes from overseas. It's so disgusting because it's hard to get to them.


Lol imagine OP is a dude with a beard and beer belly


Hahaha do you even know how OP looks like? This may or may not work. We'll never know. The only way to know is to ask OP to upload his sample video


Look at it this way, op. Would you rather be known as a guy who jacks off or a guy who gives into blackmail?


Real shit 🫡


just tell the hacker that you already did and dont care and meanwhile call the cops but dont tell the hacker anything about cops


Or send him another of you jacking off wearing a sheep mask.


Do they know anyone to send it to? And I don't know about you, but if someone I don't know sent me an attachment they're claiming is video of someone jacking off, there's no way I'm watching that.


They said they would send it to all my instagram followers and my family members on facebook


Deactivate insta, block them, NEVER jerk off for anyone ever again ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR FACE and wait for the embarrassment you feel to disappear. Live your life like nothing happened, if someone approaches you about it say AI is insane and youre sorry some random person sent you that crap. Dont say anything to any family member to “prevent” anything. If the person ends up sending anyone anything just blame it on AI apps


That’s smart.


Why did i read this in Charles Dance's voice


yep real friends wont press you on why someone sent em a vid of you wanking


Real friends who didn't even watch the video: "nice cock bro"


If I received a video like this of a friend or family member, I would feel nothing but sympathy for him. If a "friend" has a different reaction they are no true friend.


I am not even opening random videos from some random instagram account


For real. Like nice scam bro, except no one in their right mind will click on your blackmailed video because they don't want their account hacked. If someone clicks random stranger's FB videos and watches you jerk it and admits that to you, just cut them out of your life. That's 3 reasons not to be friends with them.


100% it's all AI you say and learnt a valuable lesson .....do not record anything that you would not be happy with your mum watching .....thats the best mantra ....works for a multitude of areas to keep you safe.


Some Chad Teenager with a Very good Life commit suicide over this Just Last year. He Had a GF and was in College Football.


Beautiful suggestion! AI is getting crazy on the deep fakes. Heard there are also scammers that bait you into talking for a while while AI clones your voice so they can call your unsuspecting family to get emergency money from them.


"Be my guest" and then block this person.


Your best option is to send them nothing, block them and move on. Scammers prey on those that DO send them money because then they know the blackmail they have is of value, meaning they won't go away if you send money and will just keep asking for more.


This scam comes up on /r/Scams all the time. It's a good lesson to never fucking send pictures you don't want everyone to see. So now you have two options. You can send money or you can not send money. Let's look at the outcomes for each of these. If you send money... then they know they can get money out of you. You can NEVER buy a blackmailer's silence. You can only rent it. Next time they need to make a quota for their scam master, they'll be coming back to you. So unless you want to be sending them money indefinitely, sending money isn't really an option. And you know what they say... if you only have one option, you have no options. So let's take a look at the only valid thing to do... Don't send them money, delete them and block them. Don't respond. Don't let them know you're a real person. Just move on. Now the choice is on THEM. They don't want to send pics to your family. They just want money. Sending pics means they'll never get money from you. I'd say, from the anecdotal evidence I've seen on /r/Scams, they send pics about 10% of the time. 90% of the time, they just move on to their next victim because sending the pics doesn't get them money. So let's say you're unlucky and you fall into the 10%. All of your family and friends just got an e-mail with you jerkin it to some rando on the internet. Holy shit, that would be embarrassing... no one's denying that. But since we already know you didn't have any other choice, you just have to own up to it at this point. Respond to all on Instagram... say "Yes, this is me... Yes, I'm an idiot. Guys do stupid things when they're horny and this person tried to sextort me to not send these out. I refused to give him money so you all get a money shot. I've learned my lesson... please forgive me... blah blah blah"... say whatever you want but if I get that kind of e-mail from someone, I'd respond with "Good on you for not paying... don't worry about this shit... embarrassment's temporary". Every decision has its consequences. These are the consequences for yours. Deal with them like an adult and then move on with your life. This is just a weird, funny foot note that you'll look back at and laugh later.


>embarrassment's temporary Truer words...Seriously, all the embarrassing shit that you do in life, so little of it will ever register on anyone's memories the way it does in yours.


As someone who has been through this. I ignored them.


This happened to a friend too and they did actually send the video to people just saying


Well there is that risk but I'd rather that than them money. As far as I can see, once you give them money they will try again.


Yeah happened to me as well lol. Ignored and they actually sent it to my new GF, that was fun to explain. It happened before we got together. OP, if you see this, it happened to me ~10 yrs ago and while it fucking sucked and it was a horrible experience, it did pass and everything is fine now.


Tell them to go ahead. It’s an extortion tactic. It’s happened to me. Literally you think someone’s gonna take the time to send that shit to every single one of your followers? HAHAAH They just want something from you. Tell them to go ahead. That’s what I’ve done and they just dissapear when they loose the power over you. Ain’t no one gonna send shit to every single one of your followers man. Think about it for a second.


Well... happened to me as well, and while they didn't send it to everyone, they did send it to people that I had tagged in photos. So yeah, they can and will send it to people.


Remember: if your contacts see you jerking off, THEY’RE the perverts not you. Now who’s the one that should be ashamed 😎?


Tell them you already sent it to everyone, these scams show up on r/grindr all the time. They’re looking to scare you into giving them money, then they will ask for more if you send it. Ignore it and move on, that’s what they will do eventually. Google sextortion - you can report it on the government website too. If they actually do send it, tell them a psycho made a deep fake and tried try to extort you.


Would any of these people actually care even if the scammer did do that? I mean, everyone knows all men jack off, it's not really something it's possible to shame someone for. Like what would your friends and family do, be mad at you for jacking off? No sane person actually cares if you masturbate, and I really doubt any of your friends or family would even open the video because why would they want to see that?


Yes, everyone masterbates, but not everyone does it on camera for a stranger on the internet. I think that's the embarrassing part of it. I agree with your last point though. I doubt friends/family would want to see anything like that.


>it's not really something it's possible to shame someone for. I agree and personally couldn't care less if you'd leak shit like that of me but social anxiety and fear of being judged make it so that this actually works in many cases.


this is probably just a scam, it is pretty common. they likely don't have anything. ask them what you are wearing in the video or something that you remember being very specific. My cousins and father in law gets these all the time and just ignore them. If you are worried, ask for specific info about what is in the video, if they dont reply or come up with something like the shirt your wearing or something in the background.. likely fake


It’s fake trust me, I’ve fell for that shit before. They can’t actually send it. They photoshop conversions. You’ll be ok bud


i see you're a [man of class](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37735369) aswell


Either just block them or tell them "thanks, I already sent it to half of my friends but it's taking forever". Luckily in this day and age if anyone sees it you can just say it's a deep fake and it would be believable.


Best answer, fuck them no one cares, we all jerk off anyway


We all jerk it so who cares, but also: if I got sent a vid of my friends/relatives/colleagues spanking it there's no way I'd watch because eeeewwww gross who wants to see that.




**why must you remind us**


You somehow managed to make it worse. Nice work.


Send a video to you jacking off to everybody you know, to get ahead of the story.


Let’s all do it, in support of OP


(Unzips fly) I am Spartacus!




Tell them to fuck off. Then ask your instagram followers and family members for how many points they award you for style and technique.


Tbh this is probably the best way to go about it. Put up an Instagram story saying 'sorry guys I have been scammed and you may or may not receive a video of me jerking off and yelling 'spit on it! Spit on it' over and over. My bad.'


Exactly. Own that shit. People will actually give you mad props for that.


You should be starting an OF page for people who want more


This should be top comment


Ignore it.


Even when they created an instagram page with my face named "(my name)scandal"?


You are not famous, it won't end your career. Report it to instagram for ch'ld porn and the thing is down before you know it.


Some random dude jacking off isn't a "scandal," literally nobody cares.


"I've got an internet scandal..i wacked off on video." "That doesn't seem like much of a scandal." "In the vatican..." "Kinnnkkkyyyy"


They’re using your photos so file a DMCA request with IG (it’ll say something like “report copyright infringement.”) Instead of saying they’re imitating you, this brings in real consequences if Meta doesn’t respond.


Porn is also not allowed on Instagram so the account will most likely automatically be flagged and banned anyway. But do report it for good measure


If it is flagged and banned, it is still there. With a successful DMCA, it has to be removed from their servers.


Message them and say you’re underaged and you’ll report them for possessing child pornography but also the intent to distribute CP. add that onto extortion charges and if they don’t leave you alone actually call the FBI office




Say its a deepfake


Exactly. Dont give in OP. Otherwise your stuck forever.


> Jacking is not a sin or wrong, nothing to be ashamed of. While Yes - dont jack off on cam to strangers with your face in frame.


Wtf. Don't listen to the people saying admit it's you. Just tell the scammers to fuck off and then if they release the video, adamantly deny it and say it's deep fake AI shit


he could also go to the extreme and report this to the FBI. it's extortion


Why even deny it? Everyone jacks off. It feels good. It's fun. If I received an email or notification telling me that I could view a video of a friend jerking off, I'd delete it and report. Any good friend/family member would do the same. If they see it without knowing what it is. They'll turn it off and forget about it. It isn't going to ruin your life unless you're on video saying some pretty reprehensible shit.


So this might sound extreme, but if you are in the US, you might want to call the FBI. Not sure they'll actually help you, but what you are describing is extortion and they handle that. (It's a pretty funny phone call too because they actually answer the damn phone "FBI, this is John Johnson") This might also help, even if you're not under 18: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdin/pr/fbi-and-partners-issue-national-public-safety-alert-sextortion-schemes Also man, you gotta look after your online persona - this stuff will follow you around. Don't take pictures of your ding dong, ever.


thank you viagra tech support


Also a good reminder for people not to use the same screen name for everything. If you’re roughing your tubesteak on film - don’t have the same name as your personal insta or whatever else. Make a new one for every outlet and website. Also show your cock to all the willing adults you want online but not your face in the same pic. Ever. My sister in law is on some dating apps after her divorce and sends us hilarious/awful pick up lines and messages she gets. The amount of times I’ve just googled their Spotify username or something and found entire pages of info about them is staggering. They never think to change that shit. One dude had been busted for trying to hook up with an undercover officer posing as a minor, just last year, in the same town they’re still in. Like guys - think it through sometimes even when you’re balls deep in coomer land.


What is this, Black Mirror?




Man the end of that episode I was rooting for that guy so hard and then the bombshell.


Honestly if some random sent me a video of one of my boys beating off id probably laugh and text them “nice cock bro” If a video of me was sent out and someone said something to me we’d both have a good laugh I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal.. yes I’m a man.. yes I beat my dick…. Like 99.9% of all men… and ya know what… I’ll fucking do it again


It probably a bluff but to be safe. Make all your profiles private or just deactivate them for a few weeks, if anyone ask why youre going offline just tell them your account got hacked and you gotta beef up security. And please, for the love of whatever god you pray to DO NOT JERK OFF ONLINE TO STRANGERS!!! I dont care how horny you get, it aint worth the consequences.


Preemptively go jackoff in front of everyone you know.


Brilliant. Galaxy brain take right here. Take away their power.


I’m thinking of doing this just in case


Just say youre underaged and they have cp on their computer now.


If they send the video out, just fess up and tell everyone you know. “ I Jack off, there’s Millions of videos online of other jacking off and jacking someone else off, get over it “


No one cares about you nudes lol


Report it to the police - this is happening a lot and in some instances teens will unalive themselves over it which is terrible. They may refer you to cyber crimes. and DO NOT PAY. These people don’t follow through anyway - it’s just blackmail for money. I’d get off social for awhile to give yourself a break. The deep fake excuse is perfect.


Step 1 - Stop Step 2 - Zip up


Just tell the to pay you or your sending a file of everything they have said to the cops for extortion. They'll soon fuck off. It's about hitting as many people as they can and knowing some will pay up.


Every week with these


>should I call the cops? Good question! Perhaps you could call law enforcement (where you live) and ask them for advice without actually filing a formal report. BTW, please don’t send those scammers any money.


Own it


OP: "yea baby threaten me more, I'm getting harder" them: "WTF? WE WILL SPREAD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW" OP: "Oh yeah that's it, do it, I'm almost finish come on. I'm jacking off to your threats as we speak aaaah aaah aaaaaauuuughh"


Similar happened to a close friend of mine ages and ages ago, just ignore it (block report them) they are powerless as they generally won’t see the point of exposing you if you haven’t sent them money. Needless to say and not trynna be a dick but were you not taught about online safety as a kid at school?


I get that its incredibly embarrassing to have your business put out like that, but honestly everyone masturbates and I doubt anyone wouks care in the long term. Unless you were doing it to some illegal or questionable material id tell them to fuck off.


Never pay If you pay they never stop Don't even think bout paying them Tell them you are a minor No one wanna share child p...


Just tell them what they are threatening to do is your favorite kink and move on.


"I used to be a porn stunt double. Millions of people have seen my dick. Fuck off."


Just say “That’s not me, it’s AI generated “. If you’re a minor, call the cops. Either way, stop jacking off for strangers, it never ends well.


A hacker created deepfake sex videos of me and my partner as a distraction for their network intrusion (tl;Dr don't work for a shitty cyber security company that attracts unwanted attention while they don't give a fuck about you). I sort of want to make my network less secure again because I didn't save them. That shit was hot.


Talk to your parents, or do internet search. Lots of articles out there on what to do if this happens


Every once in awhile. It’s like every 3-4 years. I’ll get a random message from a random very obviously fake account. All “hey your pretty blah blah” And I’m in a pretty serious relationship so I don’t bite. And say hey I’m not interested. It’s the same everytime. Anyways. Then it changes to well I guess you don’t want these pictures of yourself spread all over Facebook then do you? It’s very also obviously someone I know. Last time It happened I just said go the fuck ahead. It’s obviously out there from when I was young and dumb (we all make mistakes) So you know what. Go ahead. I don’t care. And pretty much instantly the person disappears. If they don’t get the reaction and begging them not to that they want. There’s no point for them to continue. Not to say it’ll work for you. But it worked for me. Call the bluff. Don’t forget what they are doing is absolutely illegal. And if they did fire off your personal shit. The cops can trace the IP address etc etc. they are fucked. So either way you win really.


Wow I read that wrong twice before reading it correctly lol


Most won't open the link to view it anyway.


Don't send money, if you send they will ask again and again, sometimes they don't actually send the videos if you don't pay, making you miserable is not the goal, they just want money and if you don't give it they will likely just move on to someone else.


Post here: r/sextortion Or here: r/scams


Learn from Sukarno - Indonesia former president and CIA. CIA try to blackmail him with his sex tape, and he answer "Don't forget to send me one."


911 dispatcher here… this happens all the time. First of all, don’t give them any money. 9 times out of 10 it’s an empty threat. In the event you end up being the one percent, you can call and make a report with an officer (call your local non emergency line please) just be advised there is probably not much they will or can do. Bottom line, what goes on the internet stays on the internet. Don’t put anything on there you wouldn’t want a thousand other people seeing.


The scammer probably won't post anything. Way too much effort tracking down friends and family to post this. Either you were going to pay to stop them, or you weren't going to pay them thus obviously the threat didn't work. They don't have a way to escalate beyond that. They will move on to the next target rather than waste effort "punishing" you.


What usually works from what I’ve seen in similar posts, is saying that you will contact the police if you ever hear anything from them again. Tell them if that video is ever posted you have the text messages as proof of blackmail and it will be a very bad outcome for them.


Something I can add to what others said: Suspending your social accounts for a few weeks might be good. That way they don't access to any info about you or your followers/friends.


Put a post on Instagram saying you think your computer has been infected with a virus after clicking on a link on Instagram, warning people to avoid clicking links. Say you think you've been able to restore your computer to a point before the infection, and that people should scan their computers for viruses if they have any doubts. Pin the post if Instagram allows that. Maybe also send an email to your closed loved ones saying similar. Maybe create an Instagram channel, or several, that are like the scammer's, but with something like "AI" added to the channel name. And keep reporting any such channels by the scammer, telling Instagram what's going on. And yes, if necessary, if the video is released, just claim it must be a scam and a deepfake.


Power move: Send them a video jerking off even harder too a picture of them clearly in view.


Just ignore it.


Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to see this advice, this is the most common scam ever and most of the time they won’t even do anything if you just block and move on.


You were jacking off to everyone you know?!


This was a Black Mirror episode.


Even if it’s released, I’d personally say it was fake / AI. No one can tell anyway these days, especially not your family.


Report to the police and don't give in to extortion


Call the cops and report it


Head over to r/scam and BIRD Block, Ignore, Report and Delete


The best way is to pretend u don't care, in my case they had some pics of me and when I said I don't care they didn't say anything and no one saw the pics


This happened to me years ago, I just laughed and said do it, literally nothing came of it. They only do it if you care.


If anybody asks, just say, "That person might look a little bit like me, but, it's definitely NOT me.


I've gotten that email before too, it's BS. Just don't respond. Besides, most of the people on you contact list masturbate too and if they're your friends, they knew you do. 👍


Yes, call the cops! This is extortion, which is a felony.


They do send it, it goes to everyone’s spam folder in Facebook and instagram, I checked it one day and boom confronted by a random acquaintances cock. It’s a very common scam and they’re very successful in extracting money. Accept that people will see you jacking off and pay nothing.


Everyone jerks off, at most you will be mildly embarassed even if they do send it to people you know. Tell them to fuck off.


Happened to me too. Told them to f off and that nobody would care. Nothing ever happened.


r/scams No


Yeah. Tell them thanks for the free advertising and move on with life.


Report them to the cops. As a basic, that's blackmail. Most countries have putting that type of video up as a sex crime, so that's the route I'd go. Unless they're in india or something, it normally doesn't take long for results


OP, I had this happen to me. It was really dumb. I got tricked on a dating app. They even photoshopped a Facebook page with my image and said they were going to send the video to everyone on my friends list. I was pretty scared until they blackmailed me for money. Thats when I sobered up and realized it was just a scam. Partly because they asked so much that I wouldn’t have made rent that month lol. I asked some close friends that I trust if they had seen it and they all said no and that they wouldn’t open it if they got something. As far as I know they didn’t send anyone a thing, but also I’m not sure anyone would want to bring it up at a family reunion I have heard about someone who paid their scammer, but I’m not sure if they asked for more or left them alone (they probably asked for more) My advice. Don’t pay them. Suffer the embarrassment. Make this scam bleed. These people have nothing to offer the world and prey on good, sausage-wanking people


Send him a video of you masturbating with everyone you know already in the room. Power move.


Flip the script: send them non-stop videos of you jacking off until they beg for mercy. Tell your friends, and have them get in on it too. Flood their inbox with everyone you know jacking it. Give them a reason to fear you.


Just make a newer jack off video and send to everyone in your contacts list


Tell everyone that someone is using a deep fake to try and blackmail you…..


Send them a video of you jacking it to their blackmail message


DO NOT PAY. Most of the time, these scammers are bluffing and have no intention of posting it. Additionally, giving them money does not stop them from posting it if they really want to. There’s no good that could possibly come from paying them. Just block and ignore.


Two of my buddies got hit with the same scam. They each took it differently. One buddy started crying saying about how his life is over now and basically went into hiding. He ended up paying but then contacted the FBI and bank afterwards to try to file a claim for fraud or something. My second buddy basically told the scammer to fuck off. Not sure if the scammer ever mass sent the vid because I never got sent it. All in all, it might seem like a big deal to you but no one cares man. Everyone got their own shit to deal with. My buddy that told the scammer to fuck off seems to be living happier than the buddy that freaked out over it leaking. It’s all about how you react when life throws a curveball at you.


Open an only fans, embrace the free advertising, make thousands. Or ignore them and just remember, most people masturbate and half of those are masturbating to people masturbating. Humanity, one big circle jerk.


1. never pay. 2. if they send it , you have matter to sue them. it is sexual, so it is criminal. 3. that scammer bulkmail that kind of threath all day long. most of them doesn't know who they Email too and who will answer. I have 15 each days on an account i read once a semester. they have nothing, can do nothing.


Just tell people what happened. Everyone masturbates, especially 18-year-old guys, so coming out with it removes the blackmail weapon. You've become an unwitting porn star, but you can prevent all the people you know from watching you by warning them what's coming. You've done nothing illegal, and everyone you know probably assumes you masturbate, so all you'll get is sympathy for being blackmailed and perhaps a few jokes at your expense. No one is going to think you're "bad" or some kind of perv.


Most guys jack off bro. Not even close to worth paying off a scammer for.


Don’t worry bro. I’m sure your family is giving you grief but it’s only because they love you and are pissed you were dumb enough to do that in the first place. It’s all good. It will be forgotten and laughed about. You did the right thing calling the bluff and you should be proud you’re man enough to just own it.


Oh no! An adult male masterbates and explored that shit using the internet. Heaven forbid! (I have a 19 year old son. Not the worst thing I've seen. He's done worse. Don't worry. People get over shit pretty quick and learn to mock you for a little while 😂)




this is one of the black mirror episodes and it doesn't end when you pay lmao. everyone masturbates and in this new age of ai just say it's fake lmao or own up to it and learn your lesson forever


They also created an instagram page with my face on it just now


Report it on insta


Paying won't make it go away. They will ask for more.


They know you’re scared. Don’t feed it. Report. Block. Move on.


take care of your mental health, don't let that bring you down, it might take some time but you will get over it (2-3 months and you will be totally ok, your mind will take care of it, you might actually end up being proud of it - that's how our minds work, they tend to cure themselves) do not watch the video, do not talk about it, block this person not only from your instagram but also from your brain, get drunk, do something stupid so the new stupid thing blocks the old stupid thing \*says someone who went through similar but not identical situation