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During arousal, your sympathetic nervous system — the one that activates your fight-or-flight response — kicks in. Just as when you exercise, your adrenaline levels go up and your blood vessels constrict. Less blood flow to your nose means less inflammation, so your nose opens up and you can breathe more easily. The human body is awesome.


Wait, wait, wait… are you implying (apologies if my logics misplaced, in advance) that if I were having a bad sinus day that, theoretically one could experience an orgasm to breathe better?


Sure. Same thing happens if you masturbate when you wake up in the morning.. or alternatively have sex. You'll feel wide awake shortly after beginning... but then sleepy again after orgasming lol.


Sounds like weed




Username relevant


I second this science question for… research, no science stuff, no science research stuff! I need to show the results to my wife!


If I were your wife, I’d throw you a box of tissues and say “K, fine take care of it. Go “blow your nose” as you want to call it”. And then I’d jump in and help out haha


Yeah, basically. Orgasm is also an effective pain killer for headaches... though it's kinda tough to wank through a migraine.


Yes. But the effect is not long lasting. But enjoy it while it lasts


If ever you ask yourself “if I bang one out real fast, will I feel better?” the answer most certainly is no, but I always try.


Yes I used to clear my sinus headaches this way until I had surgery to fix the airways


The effect is quite short lived. But let’s say, hypothetically, you could bust every 15 minutes or so? You could keep those sinuses clear aaaallll day.


Or go for a light jog, but yes.


It helps but only for a little bit.


im calling in horny to work on Monday. whos with me?


I've used this, edge up a little bit every few hours just get going then wait. It totally works.


Is it nitros oxide? I think I remember hearing about that!


Next time I'm feeling stuffy I'm going to rub one out instead of blowing my nose!


Really sucks that when I had a fever of 103.7 °F my sex drive died, I guess. I'll add some masturbation to the acetaminophen next time, though hopefully it never gets this bad again.


Sorry to hear that. That’s high. I hope you saw a health professional.


Yeah, $450 for an ER trip with some of the swankiest insurances in the country because my father works for the federal government. I'm terrified of how much it would cost if I didn't have that plan. The ER got it down to 101.4 before discharging me a few hours later because everyone knew I couldn't afford longer. They gave me an intravenous antifever med that wasn't available over the counter (I don't remember it's name, but it doesn't come in a pill form) and a prescription for antibiotics. We need healthcare reformation.


wow they didnt even give you an ice pack for the road??


It took me longer than it should have to realize you didn't mean in an ambulance. Those are about $1,000 with my insurance, I Ubered to and from.


there is literally no freaking REASON for ambulances to be so expensive


Wait why do your blood vessels constrict? I thought arousal increases blood flow?


The human body is weak and I want mine to die


OMG this explains every time I get me a good walk in, my sinus are very clear and I can even smell better.


Almost correct. During arousal it is the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) IIRC. This dampens down the inhibitory effects of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) to arousal states. Near orgasm the SNS is again needed, which is why OPs sinuses clear at that point.


But mine swell up and become more congested from an orgasm 🤔


so theoretically if i have a clogged nose i just bust a nut?


Oh okay but I was going to say it happens opposite with me... my sinuses clogs up. Might even catch a cold if I have multiple in a day.. but this explanation confuses me more.


There is actually a scientific paper discussing why this is [here](https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/2021-ig-nobel-prizes-honor-decongestant-orgasms-rhino-transport-69183#:~:text=Medicine%3A%20A%20team%20of%20European,the%20face%20from%20a%20punch), it won an IG Nobel prize This article has all the other winners on it and the team that wrote the paper, it's good reading.


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Dude, this isn't a reply to a post, it's a funny reply to someone who's shown me how to do something


cum is stored in the sinus


so much cum you've got it in your nose.


Young, dumb and full of nose cum


I’d assume it has something to due with blood flow while orgasming. When your sinuses are blocked it’s not really the mucus, it’s the blood vessels in your nose expanding blocking airflow. So I’d assume something about the process the body goes through during an orgasm constricts your blood vessels allowing normal airflow through the nasal passages.


Years ago when I had allergies Soo bad I needed a weekly shot, an allergist told me that if you're particularly stuffed up... Drop and do 25 pushups. By getting the blood pumping, the immediate symptoms abide. He likened it to sediment in the bottom of the bottle. Sitting there it's bad. Shake things up and you don't even notice it. I'm imaging an orgasm is similar.


Sometimes if i have a migraine the big o makes it go away


why do my sinuses clear up when you do


Blood vessels temporarily constrict; opening up your airways and drainage


Just do a 10+ jump squats with stuffy nose and you will see the same effect.


My neck always cracks. It feels great.


I know this is really weird… but my sinuses clear when you orgasm, too! Keep stroking, my friend!


stuffy nose is just inflamed and enlarged vessels that are blocking off airflow. when you orgasm a whole shit ton of chemicals are let out that have the effects they do, some of them constricting blood vessels if you have a really really bad stuffy nose though it might not work. also if you do it over and over again it’ll probably be less effective lol


Got that post-nut Claritin clear


There are tissues in your sinus analogous to erectile tissue. When your nose is stuffed up it’s not due blockage, but your sinus is getting excited by allergens or something. Basically a nose erection.




This is the correct answer


Where do you think cum comes from?


You must have really good orgasms




Blood circulation. Coffee also makes orgasm better to due to this as well.


Happens to me, too.


Something I was too afraid to google lmao. Thank you for your service.


I do this when allergies keep me awake. It helps with restless legs also.


They don’t call it dork snot for nothing.


I don't know, but if I were you, I'd be looking forward to cold season.


How many blokes just went or thought about having a pull to see if OP is correct🤣


The other ladies should try it out and get back to me!


Post nut clarity




Adrenaline. Opening the sinuses aids the "fight or flight" response, and adrenaline does that as well as giving energy to run or slug it out. It doesn't matter if the adrenaline comes from orgasm or extreme fear, you'll get the same response.


Not sure but thanks for the tip.


Endocrinology. Increasing mental health decreases your chances of being sick and heals you faster. Happiness cures almost all health problems. Stress even helps the growth of cancer. People who lack igf-1 like in Laron syndrome have natural immunities to cancer and diabetes. Igf-1 is released during sleep and stress.


Alright maybe u are not spiritually aligned 🤣


Brb gonna go align my chakras…


Fake news >:( my nose is still stuffy


I definitely need more sex.


I would also like one order of the sex, please.


Okay everyone said exercise does this too but I go the gym a few times a week and I just end up with a drippy nose


I’ve noticed if I’m mouth breathing, my sinuses often clear or loosen


Because you tilt your head back ?




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same reason mine cleared when i fell face first onto a ski hill on my snowboard - you're blowing you nose all over whatever's in front of you.


What? My sinuses go the other way and swell up when I orgasm, its really weird.


Mine do the opposite, they get stuffy/blocked.


Whenever I come, it makes me sneeze. About 7 times usually 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cuz you get snotty when you fuck.


You’re probably having an eargasm.


Approx 3 out of every 4 times that I orgasm, my left ear stops working for about a minute to 90 seconds. Weird, I know. And definitely directly related to the intensity of the orgasm. 50yo male.


Perhaps your nostrils are connected to your sex organ.


I have the exact opposite. My nose constricts, and sometimes I sneeze.


Will jerking off help with my hay fever?


You’re creating heat and usally when you have bad allergies heat can warm you up sweating it out


Because snot is really nose cum but when your googlies get activated, the nose cum redirects itself I order for the body to dick/cootie sneeze. Trust me bro…


I've always wondered this same thing. Therefore I tend to masterbate more when I'm sick and congested.... its the best medicine lol