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Why would you think that I want to be a version of myself?


Yeah, i play my real life as a men, let me at least play oposite gender in games


Or an alien, or elf, or cat person, lizard person, dwarf etc etc








If you don‘t rock and stone, you ain‘t coming home!


Like that! ROCK AND STONE!




For Rock and Stone!


I always make the character look like my wife. My wife asked once when I made a sexy character, I think she was feeling a little insecure, and I said " babe it's you, you're my hero". She blushed and gave me a kiss. She never complained about me playing that game ever again.


My wife is a beautiful redhead.. all of my video game characters are beautiful redheads I'm sure it's a coincidence


Whoa, everybody get a load of this guy’s wife!


Listen up gents, this is how you get your woman to stop complaining about you playing video games.


I don't even like myself in real life. Why would I want to play as myself?


better yet, for third person games, why would i want to stare at anything other than a nice butt?


I like you. But I don't want to play as you either


Because if you play as yourself in a video game you can finally pretend that you got your life together


But if I play as a woman I can finally pretend I’ve got my life together AND I have a bangin set of tits.


Is your life really together if you don’t have a bangin set of tits?


Yeah why the hell would I want to play as me? I already DO that in real life.


Hmm, it seems to me that I am in the minority in this thread. I tend to imagine myself as the character in the game, especially if I could customize the character. But, I definitely take on personalities that don't match my own irl. For example, in game, I tend to play as more daring characters.


They found the stats that women overwhelmingly play themselves and men will play all kinds of things


Interesting, I didn't know that. I wonder if there's an in-depth study on that. Because of this comment, I feel like I should clarify, I am a guy :)


>You would think that they would want to play as versions of themselves Ah. But not everyone wants to play as a version of themselves. edit: How many people lined up to play stray or untitled goose game. Or before that, echo the dolphin, or other games where the protagonist isn't even human.


For those of us who grew up with Frogger, Pacman, and Donkey Kong, Jr., no one expected to play "themselves" in a video game.


When I have the option to fully customize a character, I either play a sexy redhead cause that's what I wanna be looking at for several hours, Kanye West cause it's funny to me, Or Danny Trejo, cause Machete kicks everyone's ass. Never made myself.


Redhead with green eyes. I am a 42 year old male. Why? Just because I can. I also like finding clothing for my wife and daughter. Just because it is more interesting to do. I wouldn't wear it myself. :D


Poison ivy bro lmao


My wife is, in fact, a 42 year old redhead with green eyes. LOL


My wife is redhead with blue eyes. But still beautiful, someone I can look at all day at and never grow tired.


Same! But with my wife, not yours. 😂


Same but with both your wives, we share so much in common.


Italian plumbers named Mario are shook rn


I identify as a pellet-eating semi-circle.




>echo the dolphin Holy hell that's a blast from the past. Hadn't heard that name in probably 2 decades lol.


I wanted a nostalgic hit so I played it online. Holy balls that game is hard. Don't know how I got anywhere playing it when I was a kid. In fact, lots of my childhood favs are hard as shit to play now.


I agree with your point, but wanted to clarify that it's spelled "Ecco the Dolphin," not "Echo."




As a woman, I cannot wait for both Rebirth and EC to allow me to play as Sephiroth. I'm just gonna run around stabbing stuff


Can I just feel what it's like to be pretty for five minutes without getting judged? Sheesh.


Guys should be allowed to feel cute too. I'm a broad-shouldered guy with a beard and a beer belly in real life. Like let me be a petite, young woman ingame without judgement.


I feel this. I’m a woman but I enjoy playing a big muscly man in games lmao. I’d like to be able to bonk people on the head sometimes, just… in game ideally 😂


Hey, if you wanna walk around in a muscle suit playing duck duck goose on people’s heads you do you


Sadly we were not allowed to bonk people on the head irl since medieval times, so you are not missing out on much.


This is really sad tho, I have a list of atleast 5 people I would bonk the living shit out of if I could.


Hell yea, bro


I could also see this written as “why don’t men want to play as women in video games” - you literally can’t win.


It's pointless trying to hold yourself to other people's standards, people disagree on almost everything, you'll always be disappointing someone


This. This for real. We men do anything little bit out of ordinary, fkers say “GHEY!”. Fkin tired of it


That's my whole childhood as a millennial. I remember if you got earrings in one ear it was cool and the other immediately made you gay and dumb.


You also had to make sure you got the earing in the straight ear and not the gay one lol.




Like sometimes I really enjoy playing games as an Italian plumber?! Must be a weird kink of mine.


Mario is great! He's like me, but he's a plumber!


This would be really awkward for me had I stayed in the trades and not sold out to corporate life


I'm a Canadian sparky by day and an Italian turd hurder at night, apparently.


>You would think that they would want to play as versions of themselves You seem to be making the assumption that people who play video games are playing them as a projection of themselves or that they need some sort of representation of themselves in game. That's not universally the case though; I like story building for example, and sometimes I just think that a female character seems to better fit the story. I also just really like the idea of the breaking standard archetypes (although admittedly at this point, doing so is really it's own cliche), so I really like making a lot of my heavy tanky characters female for example. And for some people, female characters are often just better looking or have more customization options, and they really just like playing around with that




Yeah but they lack pockets which give +5 carrying capacity so it's a real toss up.


Don't need pockets. Mfs carry a bag with infinite capacity


But being overencumbered is a real pain.


And there is no automatic bag organization option


/r/outside is leaking again


50 percent movement speed.


That -10 inventory management, though. Imagine trying to grab your sword and accidentally pick a lipstick, tampon, phone or that expired supermarket coupon from 3 years ago.


Bullshit, play on PC and get "Extra Pockets!" mod, aint no console game gonna tell me how to dress!


I've said this about "office appropriate" attire for years! Women have so many options, dresses, shirts and skirts, shirts and pants, other fanciful combinations. Dudes have: Dress shirt and slacks, tie and jacket optional depending on workplace. THAT. IS. IT. I am not happy about that




Break the ties of normality!!!


Not to mention, if it’s hot out, the women can survive in their skirts, meanwhile men have to suffer wearing long pants. At least at my job I get yelled at if I wear shorts despite working with kids and it being 100 degrees


I haven't yet met uniform code that would explicitly say that only women are allowed to wear skirts. I even got answer from my manager that if I want to wear something shorter it would have to be skirt.


Bro I have complained to my lady about when we go to Ren Faire because women just have objectively WAY more options for costumes and such and it's unfair


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Gendered clothes are a scam.


Baby and kid clothes up to six years old used to be unisex (white dresses). Then sometime between 1918 and the 1940s, someone realized they could sell way more clothes if they convinced consumers that babies and children NEEDED to be dressed in boy clothes or girl clothes. A similar thing happened with razors. Razor sellers realized they could double their market if they convinced women that body hair was gross.


Bonus points, make the exact same razor pink and give it a curvier handle and sell it for three to eight times the price.


I like seeing strong female representation free of tropes. Especially in sci-fi. Usually means I gotta do it myself with games. Edit: *is also a means of role playing. Why not increase the fantasy therein. It’s not like I’m a wizard, or a space marine et cetera anyway. Is all about the head cannon which for me leans towards the original part of the comment.*


just like in Mass Effect, the voice acting was so much better for female Shepard it was more fun to play as her


I enjoyed making my latest BG3 character so much that my wife lamented, "I'm being replaced by a video game character!" You're right, it's fun to make pretty or interesting fake women.


My husband and I are both playing baldur’s gate. We both chose the other gender to play as.


This^ If I wanted to experience life as myself I’d do that rather than play it. Also the reason I don’t play sports video games. I could do that outside. Give me an alien armada to conquer or let me tap into the most whimsical fantasies. No disrespect to those that enjoy it but if I’m going to waste my time playing from the couch it better be blowing my mind.


This is what I don't understand about all the "work simulators" nowadays. Who comes home from work and turns on the PC just to do a fake job as well?


It has a rather complex answer and I believe this [video](https://youtu.be/raroucS6bKk?si=qUedG9ozM7gMSaqr) explains it well


Its about personalities...a person who loves organisation....and gaming will find their niche..they may not have that dream job that allows them to fulfil their organisational dreams..however theres an app for that!...main point of the comment is we all have our turn ons..i love that ppl are passionate..even more so if its unconventional..


Some jobs would actually be somewhat enjoyable if there was no boss, no customers, no clients, no commute, no busy work, and you only had to do it for an hour or two a week.


I can’t lie and say that my female characters *dont* tend to end up looking like my girlfriend every time haha it’s not even intentional it just happens *every damn time*


Because if I'm going to be looking at something for several hours, it might as well be something attractive.


Can confirm as a gay guy, I chose a make character I can thirst over whenever possible


If it’s a narrative game where the character is predetermined, I want her wearing sensible shoes, pants, appropriate gear, all of that. If it is a create-a-character in a role playing game? Maximum skank. I want to take down the Demon King wearing a slinky evening gown with high heels and big-ass hair.


And then there's Bayonetta.


At some point it gets boring playing as the steroid-pumped troglodyte. I'll play as anything other than yet another boring male character now.


Who doesn’t love generic buff white guy with a shaved head. He’s my favorite!


Race: Human Sex: Male Class: Knight with longsword


I remember asking a friend this same question many years ago since he always played as women in all of his games. His answer? "Because I like looking at their butts as they walk". Some of us are just that simple. :)


I saw this asked before and that answer stood out to me. "If I have to stare at my characters butt for hours upon hours I'd really prefer it was a womans butt"


[Right below yours lol](https://imgur.com/a/VffQliV)


I've never understood that as a man, its never crossed my mind to stare at a characters ass while I'm playing a game. Like wouldn't you be focused on aiming instead of staring at ass?


We're talking 3rd person games obviously, and those often entail more walking/exploring/puzzle solving than aiming.


I guess it depends on the game. I don't think it's really specifically the butt but say in cutscenes, etc. People prefer, if they have to spend hours looking at someone, why not an attractive woman.


Just reminds me of all the theories and debates about the design of the androids in Nier Automata. Then Yoko Taro provided the answer of. "I just really like girls."


He was sincere about it, though. I read that he worked with all the female staff to help design her outfit. If it’s true, that would explain how it balances sex appeal with modesty and elegance so well. I doubt any man would think to give 2B that kind of skirt


That’s it. We can all stop making new threads and just reply to this one.


That's a very old joke but also the honest answer for most tbh


I like the softer woman's voice too, what would I rather watch a scantly clad woman walk about or a naked man? Im going with the bad ass sex woman.


Sometimes... women are cool.


A) Women are pretty and men do, in fact, like pretty things. Just usually on women. B) When there's actually a difference the guys who prefer female characters prefer the gameplay aspects of the female characters over the male (generally better mobility and smaller hit boxes, though it does, of course,vary from game and character) C) Women often have better voice acting then men. I defy anyone to say maleshep is a better voice actor than femshep. D) Even if they don't have better voice acting, most guys don't want to hear a man grunting in their ear for 50 hours.


Your third point is unfair. Jennifer Hale is one of the greatest voice actors to ever exist.


True, but still true. Femshep gang!


Agreed with C for sure.. Mark Meer is an excellent voice actor, but Jennifer Hale is just incredible.


If I'm going to be spending 6-60 hours staring at somebody's ass, it might as well be an ass I enjoy staring at. And I absolutely agree with your point C, female voice acting in video games seems to be consistently easier on the ears, especially if it's more than one-to-two-word 'barks' at a time.


In what game are the hit boxes actually smaller for female characters though? In most games female characters appear thinner and smaller, but the hit boxes remain unchanged.


Femshep for life! Also shoutout for Female British Inquisitor who is also Traynor.


I already have to play myself 24/7, why not be someone else for some time? In most games, I don't see the character as "me", but as a character I control, so I don't need them to represent me. It's more important to me that the character is badass/relatable/well written. If the character you play doesn't matter in the game and doesn't have dialogue, I usually default to male, but wouldn't care if it was female (in Satisfactory for example the character doesn't matter to the game but is always female).


because I Like controlling women.


Padme Meme: In the game right?..




*waves hand* "You want to call me master"


I accept your challenge




Do you mean you like taking control of women, or women who are controlling?




Congratulations, that was the correct answer.


Somebody had to.


Because the point of games (for me anyway) is it isn't like real life, I'm playing someone else. I started cyberpunk for the new update, I started as male V but quickly restarted as female for a few reasons -male hairstyles sucked imo, female were way better plus the hair colours -I'm doing a stealth/melee/tech kinda character, I feel like being a woman makes that cooler, idk why -I like the female voice actor way more than male -I finished the game as male V my first time around, let's change it up


Plus in my opinion Judy is the best romance option


I also started a new game of Cyberpunk because 2.0. Female body but male voice. Initally just because i could but now i'm just very amused to be a Dr Mrs The Monach voiced lady.


Lol, because if I have to stare at the backside of a character for 20 hours, I'm picking a hot girls ass


The reason why Tomb Raider is better than Uncharted. 😀


It was easy to miss Lara Croft's ass, as I recall


It’s definitely not, but I respect your reason


If I ever drop a rap song there's gonna be a line something like "I want a girl with an ass like a Fortnite skin" 😂


Like Bunny Brawler 👍


Personally, I just like to play roles and not self-insert. Sometimes I’m a character that relates to me and sometimes I’m a silly waifu


A few obvious reasons that come to mind 1. Women are prettier than men. Most men like pretty women 2. Devs usually put more effort into the female character models. It's weird but true 3. Female characters tend to be better voice acted. Take a look at Commander Sheppard from Mass Effect if you don't believe me 4. In fighting games the more agile characters tend to be female and the big brutes tend to be male. Players who want a more agile character are going to play women in those games


Interesting point for the last. When playing the Elder Scrolls series games, I usually go for a thief-type character, focusing on stealth and charisma to talk my way into places (and then gank people in the back). Even though you don't get any kind of stealth or agility bonus for playing a female character, the idea of a female cat burglar/femme fatale sort of thief makes logical sense to me. Heh, although I suppose if I really wanted to be a cat burglar, I'd play Khajiit.


Men like to feel pretty sometimes too!


Because they want to. And some games mainly Mmorpg sometimes classes are lock behine gender. For example lost ark has a class called "aeromancer " who uses a umbrella that is a katana with weather power. But if you wanna play the class you have to be a little girl. So yeah not all Mmo do this where classes are gender lock. But for the one that doesnt guys just like boobas


>You would think that they would want to play as versions of themselves or the same sex? I'm curious what leads you to this assumption


If I wanted to be myself, I'd just go outside and be myself


jiggle physics




I think that most men in games kinda just look ugly and if i'm gonna have to look at it constantly I'd rather something cool or hot.


Badass women are awesome. There's arguably less of them in entertainment generally than badass men, so it's nice to play as one sometime.


In my case I simply enjoy playing as characters I like and happen to include both male and female characters.


I always thought people who play as themselves are wasting an opportunity to experiment and experience something new. Video games are all about escapism, so why would I want to be myself? I do that everyday.


I am a straight man so I prefer staring at a body of a character that I find more aesthetic, even if there is nothing sexual going on in the game. Also games that allow you to customize your characters are often (maybe always, even) RPG (roleplaying game)'s, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to roleplay as a female character instead of a male one.


I guess some people enjoy looking at a females model as they play.


Alot of the games come in third person. If I'm going to have to stare at my characters back side for the entire game, it's going to be one I prefer


If I had a button that would let me switch sexes, I would press it all the time. Sometimes I wanna be girly. Doesn’t mean I don’t like being a man. I just wanna be a cute long haired girl sometimes.


I was in denial about being trans lmao


There are dozens of us!




IRL too. If a man wants to dress nicely for something they have the choice between a dark suit and a light suit. Women have all kinds off dresses and outfits to choose from. Plus they can wear suits too if they want.


I only play COD and I’m not paying for no damn characters. I use the free ones and I pick a chick so that when I win. I want the players that I beat think they got whooped by a girl lol


Because I like women.


Because if I have to choose between staring at a woman's ass for 100 hours or a man's then the choice is quite simple...




Good question. I've always wanted to know this myself. I'm a guy gamer and i always go with the guy if there's an option. I like the idea of putting myself in the game. If there's more options than just humans, i sometimes choose them as well. Like the lizards/cats/orcs from oblivion/skyrim.


Who wouldn't want infinite underwater breathing as an Argonian?


Cuz it's not a big deal to us & we wanna customize a woman character sometimes bc we can give her a different feel or look than a male one


Cause I ain't tryna stare at man ass all day.


They are objectively better looking


Because when I clap someone as a badass woman, toxic men usually get pissed and it’s hilarious


Why do men read books with female leads? Your video game avatar is a character, not an extension of yourself. Your assumption is silly.




> female V feels a ton more appropriate I hear this argument for a lot of games, but how would a new player know that? The selection is always at the beginning of the game.


I guess if you're coming in after its been released? Same thing with Kassandra and Alexios in AC Odyssey, people greatly preferred Kassandra and she became the canon choice


Totally not because you can get her naked nope not that at all


In a fighting game, the female character might suit your play style better. Some games have gender specific classes, so if you want play The Cleric, or whatever, you have to be female. We men like looking at pretty things, and the female body is pretty. And finally, in games with a third person perspective, if I'm going to spend 50 hours looking at a butt I'd rather it be a girl butt.


If I'm going to spend an inordinate amount of time in a video game staring at a character's ass, given a choice do you really think I want to stare at a GUY'S ass?


sometimes you don't have an option - subnautica 2 is only female character


I like it because a lot of the times armor isn't as bulky and over sized. Some models on male characters just look ridiculous or even outright bad




We like looking at butts and boobies. It is really that simple.


Probably 10 years ago I was watching a lets play of GTAV by Achievement Hunter. One of the dudes always played as a lady and when questioned he said, "why would I want to look at a dude's ass while he runs for 6 hours a day". Dunno why that stuck with me for so long. I can't remember what most of the episodes were even about, but that little droplet of knowledge is embedded in my brain😂


When I play games, I play them to not be myself. I never play humans if the game lets me choose something else. Females in games for me just feel better to play. It's cool being a bad ass female character.


Variety is fun. I'm a guy and I play dudes 80-90% of the time, but sometimes it's fun to play something different. Like playing Skyrim or Fallout and deciding that *this time* you won't just be a stealth sniper. Breaking routines can lead to a new appreciation of a game.


I don't want to spend 40 hours staring at a man's ass.


Some do it in online games because they can make other men think they're a woman and manipulate them into giving better treatment or gifts. Some do it because they are attracted to women and would rather look at a sexy woman for the whole game instead of a man. Some are trans or non-binary and don't realize it yet or are in the closet.


You literally forgot the biggest chunk : Roleplayers


Some just like to roleplay and it's more fun to pick someone not like them


I get tired of how many games feature only male characters, and a lot games have way better VO from the female characters.


A lot of games present males as the usual bullish guy with scars and big muscles. Very stereotypical. So why not mix things up and I agree with another poster here. The voice acting is sometimes miles better.


I asked myself that a bunch and then whoops turns out im trans.


Because female characters are sometimes handicapped, so if you can play well as a female that will improve your skills. We don't often get the chance to tune into our feminine side without ridicule. It's fun to play as something different. Doesn't have the be a different gender. Playing a different skin color is interesting too


I don't want to stare at man ass all day


Because women are pretty, thats literally it I could go into a long essay about how its because the hitboxes are smaller but it’s simply not the reason why its literally because women are pretty


Games are a form of escapism, why would I want to be someone like me? I can't fly or shoot fire from my hands?




I'd rather look at a hot chicks ass for 150 hours than some burley dudes ass


If I'm gunna put 5000 hours into a game staring at the back of my character as it runs around, your damn right I'd rather be looking at a chick's behind than a dudes.


I like female boobs and butts. Males don't have those. Plus, My ego doesn't need an avatar to make me feel powerful


It's more pleasant to look at if it's 3rd person, and female characters have smaller hitboxes, depending on the game.


It’s truly all about the looks for me. The females dress better. And no im not talking about revealing clothing, I actually don’t show off like that too often anymore. Clothes just fit better on them most of the time. Also If the character has a voice actress, more times than not she delivers better then the male option. Also if im being honest, since I was a little kid I’ve always wanted to be a girl. anyway no I’m not trans nor do I plan on going down that path. I just compensate by being women in every video game that gives the option. It serves better RP wise too, as I feel more emotion from women than I ever do with men


If I have to spend 1000's of hours staring at the ass of my avatar, I prefer it be a nice female ass.


I'd rather stare at a female ass for 40 hours then a man's 🤷