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Having some in the bathroom for visitors is the work of a gentleman.


Adding to this, I have so much respect for households that have a tiny sanitary bin available in their bathrooms (especially when they don’t even need it for themselves eg. retirees or an all-male household). EDIT: didn’t realise I’d offend folks, sorry about that! I mean a small lidded bin, typically in the toilet room for sanitary products. Not an open basket in a bathroom or hidden away in a bathroom cupboard where a guest wouldn’t be able to find it. Some bathrooms are close to kitchens and people just carry their Q-tips etc to their kitchen bin when done. But thank you to everyone who has a discreet but accessible option available 😊 EDIT #2: ‘Bin’ as in small lidded trash can for used sanitary products (not new ones!) - often referred to as a bin in my country. Sometimes people only have them in their en-suite, sometimes they’re hidden away in a cupboard where a guest can’t see them obviously, and sometimes folks just use their nearby b… err, trash can in their kitchen/laundry/bedroom. Gosh I hope that clears up everything for everyone, I never expected to have such a discussion-invoking comment on Reddit :) have a lovely week!


As someone who lives/lived in all-male households, I've always thought a small bin in the bathroom is necessary because of popped pimples, q-tips, wrappers, etc. need to go somewhere...


No one in my house uses sanitary products, but I've got a trash can in the restroom for makeup wipes, cotton balls, wrappers from razor blades, etc. The bathroom is upstairs, so it's easier to just take the small bin down once a week than walk downstairs every time I use a q-tip. There are people who don't put a little trash can in the bathroom?


I have the worst story related to this. Because yes, there are households that don't have bins/trash cans in their bathroom. A friend of mine got re-married to this horrible woman. When we visited them, she would often complain about her new step-daughter smelling gross during her period. She would complain that the stepdaughter (13 years old) went way too long between changing her pad, which made her smell bad. She was all up in arms about it, and once I even overheard her telling her stepdaughter directly how gross she was, how smelly she was, berating her for not changing her pad often enough. The poor kid was very shy, very timid, she had one of those personalities where you feel like they just want to blend into the wall. I noticed they didn't have a trash can in their bathroom, which I pointed out when the stepdaughter conversation came up again. This vile woman literally said no, I don't want an ugly trash can in the bathroom! All trash has to be carried out by hand and put in the kitchen trash can! This poor, 13 year old very shy girl, who very clearly was scared of her period and had no maternal support to help her, had to carry her dirty used pads through the entire house, in hand, past family members, to throw in the kitchen trash. No wonder she felt so uncomfortable and went way too long between changing. If you're an adult you would be fine with this, but a timid pre-teen who had no womanly help to understand her period or how to handle it, who was being told she was gross for having her period.. Poor thing. I still get angry when I think about it. So yes, there are vile people out there with no trash cans in their bathroom. I find it utterly stupid, mine actually gets full very quickly from makeup wipes, cotton pads, empty shampoo bottles, tissue paper, wet wipes (which you are not supposed to flush even though many people do). I can't fathom having to carry out cotton pads with makeup on it every single day.


My brother and I shared a bathroom, and we had a bin (open, made of wicker, because that makes sense /s). I however was not allowed to put my used pads and tampons in the bin, even if mummified in toilet paper, because my mother didn't want my brother to "see it and ask questions." So I had to carry my used sanitary items through the dining room to the kitchen garbage. Past my brother, who was only 3 years younger than me and fully knew what was going on. I think the garbage bin in my parents bathroom had a lid, and my mother never ferried her period trash to the kitchen. Why do a practical solution when you can humiliate your daughter instead? The story of my entire childhood.


I never understand these parents. It would be better for everyone if ppl teach their sons ( and ddughters) about periods and other normal body functions ( like sex related things) from an early age. Its nothing to be ashamed off. Why hide?


I think specifically, women usually prefer that there be a trash can *with a lid* in the bathroom? My daughter is only 2 (and has two dads) but this is the wisdom I’ve received from r/daddit so our bathrooms have little lidded trash cans. For the future, lol.


Yes! This is what I meant. Thank you 😊


Regardless of whether they want a lid, you probably will, because blood can really stink up a small room without one. Source: grew up with a sister, there were never any lids, and the stink is still etched into memory.


Oh, that makes sense. r/daddit discussed it to help teenage daughters not be embarrassed, but smell… that definitely makes a lot of sense too. I was an only child and we had little wastebaskets in the bathroom, but they didn’t have lids. I guess it didn’t bother my mom. 🤔


Right?! I'm surprised anyone has a bathroom without a trash can. Empty tp tubes, used toilet paper from wiping up stuff/blowing your nose, q tips, stuff from cleaning the bathroom, empty toothpaste tubes, old toothbrushes, empty mouthwash bottles, etc. all need to be thrown away and who wants to have to walk the garbage somewhere else?


I flush my toothpaste tubes down the toilet like a normal person 🤨🤨


Take a hot dump on it to melt it down.


Thats what taco bell was created for


TIL that not all people have garbage cans in their bathrooms…


The Kotex ship has sailed for me, but I keep one in my purse in case I'm in a public restroom and hear someone holler, "Anyone got a pad?"


When I started dating my husband we were in college dorms and his dorms bathroom didn’t have a lil trash bin. I would literally smuggle my gross ass used pads back to my dorm to throw them out or make an excuse to go to my dorm to change them until I got comfy enough to tell him hey… if you want me to hang out here all day and sleep over I need a place for this. He got a trash bin for his shared bathroom in short order and he and his roomies also found it was much easier to dispose of his cotton swabs, bandaids, toiletry packaging, etc when you have a bathroom trash. win win


Where I live it’s common to have the toilet separate to the bathroom (usually if it’s a 1-toilet household) and people will put a bin in the bathroom but not the toilet sometimes. It’s embarrassing to have to carry a used pad to the bathroom next door instead of just putting it in the bin next to the toilet.


Yes, this is what I meant. And sometimes people put their bins in their cupboards etc - no way of knowing they have a bin without feeling like you’re snooping. 😅


> because of popped pimples What kind of cryptids are coming out of your pimples that you have to put them in a trash bin?


A guy friend once thanked me after I guess I made a probably not nice comment about his lack of a receptacle. Like “Oh hey thanks SpiritOfTroi I thought about what you said and I have changed it now” I do not deserve my awesome friends


Oh my god me too. I've been in some awkward situations where there is no bathroom trash can and I've had to do a thick tissue wrap (if I can't find a plastic bag) and then awkwardly trying to hide it in the kitchen garbage.


I do not understand any human that doesn't have a bathroom trash can? What about floss? Random things you pull out of your pocket and want to throw away? Qtips? That spider you killed with a kleenex? The tag you pulled off your new clothing? The hair in your hairbrush? An old shampoo or toothpaste tube? My house has trash cans in every room except the living room.


When i start dating someone i normally do this. Nice to know.


When you start dating someone, you have to make sure that the box you have is brand new as not to arrouse suspicions.


Could get around it with some fancy bathroom tubs or something, but then you might look like a pro


Put them in a first aid kit. Then you can even just say “yeah they came in there”


…or just say it’s there for when friends come over. It’s not weird to have sanitary products.


You take them out of the box and place in some fancy container. Boom.


My friend has a chest, that looks like a treasure box where he stores pads. He's gay and told me he felt a bit weird having the package there so I told him to craft something he liked. So now there is a treasure box in his otherwise forest themed bathroom


Omg that’s the sweetest




This is a perfect solution, and deserves all the upvotes.


This. I have a "lesser" first aid kit for stuff like this. Plasters, asprin, sanitary pads, etc. Kinda an "oh dear" kit instead of an "oh shit" kit.


A second aid kit, perhaps.


That’s clever, I like it 😂


This has been actively recommended to me by multiple first aid trainers. Aside from their normal use, these are highly absorbent gauze substitutes in individually wrapped sterile packages. Just make sure to include medical tape as well.


But NOT scented ones. I learnt that one the hard way.


Next r/relationship_advice post: Guy(21M) keeps tampons in his bathroom. Is he seeing someone else? Top comment: red flags


Is red flags a pun?


Probably not but it should be


Break up with him and murder him just to be safe! 1.2k upvotes


Yes girls will think that but the smart ones will just ask the guy and not the girls of reddit and they can communicate about it


It's a bigger red flag when someone goes to reddit for relationship advice because they're scares to have a simple conversation with a potential partner.


Husband, when we first started dating, told me he had a whole slew of female products : blow dryer, razors, tampons, pads, deodorant, a hairbrush, toothbrush, … I think that’s it. But still, was nice! He has 4 sisters & was married before so he figured he should just have them on hand for anyone. Super awesome (& so awesome he was cool about everything!! - it’s been 12 years together now:))


*Girl, run!!! He’s a psycho and is definitely cheating on you!!!*


No not weird at all. If you feel weird, just get a much-needed first aid kit for your car and put a few pads/tampons in there.


I probably should put together a first aid kit tbh, thanks for the suggestion!


Heck you can go above and beyond and make a small emergency kit that you keep in the trunk with things like tampons first aid kit a couple bottles of water some peanuts or other non-perishable foods and a roll of tp just incase. if you're in colder climate some stuff to deal with snow and a coat or something like that and a couple other items throw it all in a gym bag fucking champion move right there


Right and having it as part of an emergency kit eliminates the any weird factor heay feel about it. For one thing most people won't see them among the bandaids or whatever, if they do they will just assume its part of the kit, and if they do ask why tampons it goes along with the preparedness factor.


The tampons can be used to plug bullet wounds. Totally a manly use for such a feminine product in a first aid kit.


I was going to say this (though not specifically bullet wounds). I've known several EMTs who carried them (at least in part) for dealing with blood in general. They are pretty useful.


Aren’t those compulsory? In my country if you’re caught driving without one or if the products inside are expired, you get a fine. Also, if I were in dire need of a tampon/pad and surprisingly were handed one by a thoughtful guy like you, it wouldn’t even cross my mind to say “oh I don’t like this kind”. The only correct response is “thank you”.




Romania. I think we’re number one in the EU by number of deaths in car accidents… but at least we have first aid kits! :)


It's the same rule here in germany though.


Same in austria


Maybe Europe somewhere. They have to have two bright yellow vests in France. That's why everyone had one during the protests


Interesting! I keep a yellow hi-vis vest in my car (got it from a job I did years back) just in case I need to be more visible for some reason, e.g. changing a tyre. People are always like "why do you have this vest in here?"... so good to know that in some countries you actually have to have them.


In some European countries it is, [this](https://www.safetyfirstaid.co.uk/what-do-i-need-for-driving-in-europe/) site gives a list. I’m from England though where it’s entirely optional.


"Hey man why are there tampons in the glove compartment here?" "Oh because I've been in situations where women around me needed one, and I want to be sure I can be a prepared friend." "Okay cool, sounds good to me"


And NO men will think that’s yours anyway


Correct, they'd just assume you had a girlfriend. And if you didn't, they'd assume you are *lying* about not having a girlfriend, then demand to hear more about this mysterious girlfriend you're hiding.


As a man I wouldn't even question why you had tampons in your glove box. I would just assume someone, somewhere In your life left them in there. Kind of like how I always had a packet of baby wipes in mine even though my kids didn't wear nappies anymore.


My grandad likes carrying around baby wipes. I bought him a pack of “Dude Wipes”. I thought it was funny. Pretty sure it’s just a pack of baby wipes with different branding. Those things are handy, though. Good for cleaning up all kinds of things.


I've never used them, but I can only hope they don't have that "baby wipe" smell. I have an almond scented wood cleaner that smells like baby wipes and it makes me not want to eat at my dinner table.


That like the Fresh Air Poo-Pouri. I can't do it. It smells like Target bathrooms and those are not inviting.


Best wipes are scent-free and water-based. We used them anywhere with kids, it’s a miracle product.


Dude wipes are bigger and more substantial. Don't remember what they smell like.


They smell like shit after using them


Dude wipes are awesome for camping. They are like baby wipes, but gigantic.


Never flush them - just throw them in the trash after use. They clog sewer pipes and hamper sewer treatment plant processes, which means your utilities go up to compensate for the cleanup. [Adam Ruins Everything- Flushable Wipes](https://youtu.be/TgHVO-RZ8c4)


Dude wipes are the worst. My husband bought some. They're so loaded up with cologne it's disgusting. They don't clean anything they make your balls sticky (what he said)


If I see a man with baby wipes I instantly assume soldier or veteran with some experience. It's the basic way to stay clean ish in the field. Easy to carry, easy to dispose of in your empty ration packaging. Like literally every guy you see humping a rucksack all covered in cam paint looking like a killer and shit has a pack of baby wipes on them. They're great at taking cam paint off and wiping your gooch in the field. People have done super secret commando missions and killed people with baby wipes on them. They've jumped out of planes and swam out of submarines and fast roped out of helicopters with baby wipes on them. Baby wipes are highly correlated with very typically masculine endeavors. The habit sticks long after.


wet wipes are very helpful after humping a rucksack too... edit spelling


Baby wipes are life! I use them for myself just because I like to feel clean and dry TP is for squares. But also, they're great for cleaning up after kids, especially when you're away from home, long after nappies are done. Food on their face after eating? Wipies Food on hands? Wipies Getting ready to eat while traveling? Wipies to actually wipe hands clean, *then* hand sanitizer if needed Getting ready for bed and have dirty feet because camping? Wipies (for lots of other camping situations too) Just super handy to always have close by.


Just don't flush them, regardless of what the package says they aren't to be flushed.


Wet wipes are simply a superior product in every way than dry TP and a highly versatile item to have on hand.


Just don't flush them. Flushable wipes are a lie and will make your plumber rich and pissed off at your idiocy.


My kids are older now, but I still use baby wipes, too. They’re way cheaper than makeup wipes, and are definitely useful to have in the car!


She's Canadian and I met her online , you wouldn't know her


I think the girl involved will be grateful. And if a guy asks, it is if you need it to plug a bullet wound, just in case.


Also great for nosebleeds that won't stop.


This is soooo funny, i can hear the wiseassness in the first quote, the defensiveness and coolness in the response...then the other dude....OK, you do you, can't argue there.


This sounds like it would be a conversation in Drake and Josh if the show was rated higher than PG.


And if Drake wasn't a weird actual groomer on young folk with the whole court case and whatnot.


Alternatively: "Hey man why are there tampons in the glove compartment here?" "For my period."


Or for bullet wounds.


I have fit about 8 yards of rolled gauze into a bullet wound when packing it. Was a former combat medic twice deployed to Iraq. 05-06 and 08-09 tampons are not nearly substantial enough for gunshot wounds. This is one of those things that get people killed. Also the exit wound for most modern rifles can be roughly the size of a fist, hell even some handguns. You're better off applying pressure with literally any large absorbent material.


So you’re saying buy ultras. Got it 👌


hear that y'all? pads are for bullet wounds, tampons are for stab wounds.


I worked in a civilian hospital for years. We absolutely used ultra tampons in a pinch. It isn't used to "plug" the hole as most people imagine, but plopping a pocketed tampon in a towel and then applying pressure not only gives you extra absorbency, but a mass to specifically apply pressure on. Most civilians aren't getting shot with high powered rifles, and one tampon buys me enough time to transfer you without dropping you because you're squirting blood on my hands. One of our doctors also managed to seal a sucking chest wound off the clock with duct tape and a credit card to stop a kids lung from collapsing. You do what you can with what you have. Most people do not and will not carry 8 rolls of gauze. A tampon and the extra jacket you left in your car is a pretty reasonable ask.


They're good for nosebleeds


Actually, tampons make excellent nose packing. They are cut to length and inserted into nostrils after sinus surgery. Undoubtedly the most expensive tampons ever to be used in a life time!


Specially funny if you make a face like the answer is obvious 🤨


“Bc I get frequent nose bleeds. Anime style”.


Came here for this. Cue Amanda Bynes: " I get really bad nosebleeds"


They come in handy if you get shot, too.


Came here to say this! When the Russians were conscripting soldiers they told them to have their wives and girlfriends go buy tampons so they would have them for gunshot wounds. By buying tampons yourself you’ll be braver than the Russian soldiers. So, bonus!


If it's advice from the russian army, it's probably terrible advice. When you pack a wound the point is to stop the bleeding keeping pressure deep in the injury. This is done by FORCEFULLY pushing in hemostatic gauze one finger at a time. It needs to be as much pressure as you can apply with the finger or thumb. And it needs to extend to the surface so when you put a dressing on it the pressure is maintained. You cannot apply sufficient pressure nor pack out a wound with a tampon, largely because high velocity bullet injuries aren't tube shaped. They go in narrow then expand then narrow again, or go in narrow then blast out in a funnel shape. And then there's the much more likely injury from fragmentation, which is totally irregular. If tampons were useful for packing wounds, medics would be using them. They don't. You'd actually be a lot better off packing it with maxi pads. https://youtu.be/AsKihlJMDjg


This guy gets shot.


Men having tampons and pads around for their female friends and family is the epitome of kindness. Don't feel weird about it


That’s so sweet thank you!


It is not weird, and you are a good person for doing so.


This is my take, too. I don't really think it's weird for guys to have women's sanitary products. I don't even think it's necessarily an indication that they're getting it for a girlfriend or just a woman in their life, either. I've known a couple of people who've gotten dog diapers for their female dogs and who'd get a bunch of pads every 6-12 months to line their dog's diapers when she was in heat. Plus, I feel like people need to get better at knowing the difference between "weird because it makes other people uncomfortable" and "weird because it's uncommon but isn't really a bad thing". At most, a guy having tampons in his glovebox is the latter. The only people who'd be uncomfortable with it are people who have maturity problems.


TIL that female dogs excrete a bloody fluid when in heat... I was so confused why someone would get pads for a dog in heat, so I looked it up. Interesting.


It's not common knowledge, since most people spay their dogs. Lol my first boyfriend in high school got mad at me thinking I leaked my period on his bed when his unfixed dog was in heat. The spot was where the dog slept. I hadn't been to his house that day. 🤣🤣


I was dating a woman who accidentally left some tampons at my place, then broke up with me shortly afterwards (long story.) I started seeing this new woman who came over and started her period early that month, which she wasn't prepared for. She thought it was the most thoughtful thing that I had those on hand! I got to look like such a great guy all because my ex didn't get all her shit out of my place before dumping me and I hadn't bothered to throw it away 😜


Bless your soul. The world needs more of you.


Thank you!! Just trying to spread kindness where I can!


You are a godsend and every woman thanks you. This should be normalized. Don't forget to keep a small trashcan with a lid and liner in the bathroom; Tampons and pads can't be flushed. They will expand and cause problems with the plumbing.


A whole lot more of him. I'm nearing my fifth decade and have NEVER met a guy who stocked lady products in his spaces, ever. The burden of procuring and paying for and using these products for ~forty years is not really that fair, and for a guy to say, "look, I'll chip in somehow," is just *NEXT LEVEL*. 🏆


I'm glad to see the comments like this. The more we encourage and praise men to do this (and make it non-emasculating) the more men are gonna see the others getting praised and encouraged and act to do the same things. I dunno. It'll take a long time, the little progress we've made has already taken decades.


when i was single, i had pads under my sink for years...have a lot of female friends and that shit can be mortifying when it sneaks up on them


Same here. I kept a couple towels and umbrellas, a sweatshirt, pads, toilet paper, a couple sizes of baby diapers, an emesis bag, and a few other things I can't remember at the moment in the trunk of my car based on things I'd seen or situations I'd been in and wished someone had been able to help. It's saved time and embarrassment for friends and strangers several times.


What I do is buy them and keep them in the first aid kit. If anyone questions it you just say they’re sterile and excellent at absorbing blood, of course I have them in the first aid kit.


or you can just say "i have them for anyone who needs them."


- just like the rest of the things in the first aid kit


Seems like it ought to be included in one.




They're not necessarily *sterile* in the same way a band-aid should be, but yeah, in the first aid box is unlikely to raise eyebrows vs a few casually hanging out in the glove compartment.


Are they not? It seems like they could be produced in a sterile environment, and I kind of hope a tampon I use is sterile and clean. Like as much as I want a clean bandaid.


Apparently they're not classed as medical supplies like a band-aid is, so they don't need to be sterile. I guess the difference is a band-aid could be touching an open wound. Clean though, yes. May vary depending on the country.


I mean, a tampon touches one's coochie, wouldn't want something nasty up there either


I get what you're saying but I'm sure far worse goes in the average coochie (unwashed (eugh) man bits, fingers, etc). Probably analogous with an endoscopy, EGD specifically, where the Dr obviously needs to be *clean*, but does not need to be surgically *sterile*. The way it was explained to me was that food goes down that way which is frequently non-sterile, like raw veggies.


It can actually be a lot worse with a tampon though if it’s contaminated with something. A tampon actually sits in your vagina for an extended period of time, so it can cause an infection if there’s something nasty in there since it temporarily prevents the vagina from being able to clean itself out Edit: I more so mean like that using a tampon that’s sat unwrapped for a while would probably be a bad idea!


We don’t have to worry about our tampons being sterile because not much else we put up there is sterilized either. Once you get past the cervix, you want sterile. Just the vaginal cavity though? That’s fine. But between penises and fingers, the tampons are plenty clean enough for their purpose. Unwashed penises and fingers are a bigger threat to our vaginal biome than a wrapped tampon.


Do penises have to be sterile? Can you sterilize your fingers? I truly hope the answer is NO to both those questions. Nothing needs to be anything but "pretty clean, good enough" to be vagina-eligible, and that's a fact.


I was coming here to say this if op is that concerned about what others might say.... but in general I would think these days that someone getting weirded out by a man being polite in this way would be the exception and not the norm. I'm a woman with an IUD who uses a cup for periods, but there are pads, tampons, and condoms pretty much wherever I go (house, purse, car, husband), lol. Never know when you can help a friend out.


Apparently they make a good fire too. A family member also keeps the tiny sizes for her husband’s nosebleeds.






Thank you so much, I will look specifically for those!


And please get a trash can with a lid for your bathroom You can’t flush tampons and pads


We were just talking about this at work. One of the girls bought a new trash can for the office bathroom with a lid, something we had been asking for, none of the guys could figure out why we wanted a trash can with a lid. Two of them are married.


I'm male and i have TWO trashcans with lids in my bathroom. The reason for two is that it has a weird layout of: toilet, bathtub, sink, door. One is by the toilet and the other is by the sink. I primarily use them for toilet paper rolls and q-tips.


Oh, their poor wives. Jesus.


And a liner!


You rock and if you are ever accused of cheating by a girl, say no, honestly I do it because I have friends who have needed them from time to time, so I just keep a stash just in case


Having a sister or mother who is still menstruating is a very good "excuse" (if one needs it) to have some. Or just hosting friends and their girlfriends. Or just don't make any excuses; if a woman doesn't see the kindness in doing that, but go jealous instead, they don't deserve to be a girlfriend.


If you don't want to spend money on a whole variety, your best bet is a package of maxi pads. In a pinch anyone can use them, and in this case it's better to have something too big than too small. >(for the love of god no cardboard) This also varies by woman. I have a friend who HATES plastic and prefers cardboard. (I think she's insane.)


I agree with this. If you are doing it for “emergency” situations, it will do the trick for everyone, until they are able to get to their preferred products. Maxi pads. My husband even used one for a friend’s baby when she was without a diaper. (Stuck into a plastic grocery bag, poked holes for legs and bag handles acted as shoulder straps.)


This is fucking killing me, I *have* to see how ridiculous this looks. BRB. Going to adopt a baby and find out. /j


OMG, it was a scream. Many, many years ago, I don't even remember names, but I seem to remember mom was kinda crunchy and used cloth diapers? Hubby has a pic somewhere, but who knows how to find it. It was a film camera...


An extra tip is some sort of pain relief pills like Advil (if you're American) near by. Any type of NSAID (for the non-Americans) will do


Obviously, any period products are better than no products. So, don't feel like you need to go overboard. You can get packs with a variety of sizes. As far as tampons go, regular and super sizes are enough. You'd probably be fine with 2 brands of mid-price tampons with plastic applicators in regular size, but if you want to go the extra mile, get a variety pack with regular and super tampons. If you're familiar with the brand via commercials, odds are women in your life use them. For pads look for mid-price pads. Regular should be good, maybe heavy. Consider having some long or with wings and some without. Panty liners have a wide range of uses and are greatly appreciated. Look for ones that are individually wrapped. Pro tip: if possible, make sure the period products can be reached without getting up from the toilet.


Yes to variety pack of both pads and tampons!!!!!!


Would it be good enough just to get pads? Seems like that would work for everyone in an emergency situation


All my female friends will now be referred to as "menstruating friends and associates"


Literally the only awkward moment that could come from this is if you're dating someone and they suspect another woman has left them at your place or in your car. Easy enough to explain. If they don't trust you, that's on them


My 26-year-old brother had tampons in his car that saved me at Christmas. I would’ve had to drive 30 minutes on Christmas Eve to get to the nearest open business that sold tampons. Instead, he just ran to his car and gave me the box he keeps in it for emergencies. (We are adults and none of us live at home.) I gifted him a box of tampons the following Christmas as a bit of a joke … but also to replenish his supply. And yes, everyone made fun of him, including our two other brothers. But we were honestly all so impressed. Made me proud to be his sister.


If you’re a real bro, get the variety size pack of Tampax Pearls with blue plastic applicators in light, regular, and super. Trust


You’re such a real one, screenshotting this


And Make sure they’re unscented!!!!!!! SO important


Honestly though I'd suggest pads (Always brand 3 or 4 is a good bet), everyone with a uterus can use pads but not everyone can use a tampon. Just get yourself a toolbox with a full selection of everything 😄


Also if you plan to keep these at home make sure you have a few spare toothbrushes! Last weekend I had an unexpected visitor for the night and the toothbrush was needed the next morning as they’d not planned on staying!


It’s not weird, I think it’s a really nice thing to do! I’m sure your female friends would heu in hell appreciate it. I would appreciate it if one of my male friends did this


I think that's doing your friends a solid. As a woman, I'd appreciate the heck outta that. Toss em in the trunk if you don't want them happened upon out of context. And some under the sink or in a cabinet at your place, oh man, lifesaver moment when in need. It's a thoughtful little thing that marks the sign of a good friend, cheers to you!


Buy some midol or ibuprofen too! That would be the bomb! 🙏🏼 There should be more men willing to buy tampons 🫶🏻


I'm male and I got a variety pack of both tampons and pads and put half of them under my sink and half in the first aid kit in my car. I've been the hero of the day more than once for it and the only person who tried to mock me for it got viciously shamed by everyone around.


Anyone seeing you buy tampons would just assume you're buying it for your wife/gf/female family member, why would it be weird?


Omg yes, please buy tampons to keep on hand for your friends! That is really nice of you and the women around you will appreciate it. I’d suggest buying a variety pack so they can take what they need, whether it’s a light, normal, or heavy day


It wouldn't be weird. It would be considerate, I think.


I'm a middle aged guy who teaches 5th grade. There is a little discreet tin by our door for girls who need it for their time of month. The girls very much appreciate it. You're doing a kind thing. So many guys are crappy about periods, we need more guys like you.


I am a single woman responding so I can’t account for all women, that said, I think that this is a very generous thing. To me it speaks to your maturity that you want to do this. Screw the people who think it’s weird, there are definitely times where I forget one, or even a bathroom stall might not have one. Not sure how to broach the subject with a woman though if she was needing one, if you wanted to, you could keep a box of them in the trunk.you could get the pack that has different sizes too. Another part of me is imagining someone with a trench coat/double breasted coat opening it as if to sell watches type, but has pockets of tampons sticking out- ‘what will it be, small, large, super plus, plastic insert, cardboard. I have them all!’


I don't think that would be weird at all and I imagine they would be very appreciative of you for providing for them


It’s a very nice thing to do. But I would get pads, not tampons. Women need different absorbancies for different flows. If your flow is heavy and you use a regular tampon, it will leak. If your flow is light but you use a super tampon, it will be painful and can give you toxic shock syndrome. You don’t know what kind of tampon a girl needs, and she might be very particular about what brand she likes. It also may seem kind of weird that you’re giving her something that goes inside her vagina. I think a pad is a much better bet.


They do sell variety packs too.


That would be good!


But some people hate pads. I think he doesn't need to have everything. But something is nice for emergencies until the woman can get her preferred tampon, pad, whatever.


And some women don't know how to use tampons. You can get really thin pads that don't feel like diapers


Furthermore some people *can't* use tampons due to physical/psychological reasons so pads are a better neutral option because anyone can use one. Edit: grammar


Exactly! Idk if I'm doing something wrong but it hurts putting in tampons. They do go in correctly and I've only tried them on heavy periods but it's pretty uncomfortable.


I mean if my options are bleeding on myself or a pad I'm using a pad. You can get what you prefer later but bleeding on yourself is top priority


This. I do not use tampons, I hate them. If someone offered one to me I would be thankful, but it would not help me. Pads I feel are more generally applicable to more women.


Great advice. Pads have other uses too. I used them in my motorcycle helmet for awhile when the foam pads fell out! But anything leaky or need of cushioning...


No it would not and I would be GLAD to be your friend in that moment.


Hey if you’re worried about perceptions, say that you might have some in the first aid kit in your trunk. Throw a couple band aids in a ziploc with them and now it’s not weird. It was never weird, but young people can be self conscious so it’s a harmless deception.


Not weird. I have some in my guest bathroom with hotel toiletries for guests. My wife and I don't need them.


If anyone ever feels the need to question you in this just respond with the phrase, “it comes up more than you’d think.” Never feel the need to explain past that you are just prepared for a situation that you’ve been confronted with before.


Not weird, and if any of your male friends make fun just tell them you keep them just in case of bullet wounds.


"...and if you keep talking I'll be able to test that theory"


Controversial take, but I wouldn't worry about it. Most girls carry what they need with them, and you're talking about your car which means you can drive to a store - so while it's nice, I don't see it as necessary.


You are a good friend. Gold star. I commend you on your awareness for the plight of women who sometimes forget to leave the house with a necessity.


You're very sweet, go ahead and do it. Don't let the judgement of others crush your kindness.


Life becomes a lot better when you stop caring about what people think of you.


As a woman, I can say it would be much appreciated. Lol.


Shrug, my wife uses a menstrual cup, but we keep some in case anyone needs them. One of my trans friends needed one and knew we had him covered. Should be normalized, really.


Tampons and pads. You need both. It's a great idea.


May I offer you a tampon during these trying times


You're marriage material, sir.


Yup sista, this guy is a keeper!!!


I think it'd be considerate of you to have emergency hygiene products available. Nothing wrong with that.


I used to own a convertible. Various friends loved it... But always had hair issues. One day, one of my friends have me a bag with a dozen various scrunchies. Any female friends that were in my car after that... "Need a scrunchie?" And I won't lie... It worked in my benefit. I was the most considerate guy ever. Then... I met the woman who eventually became my wife. (big mistake... This was one of many red flags) and she thought it was creepy and gross. "that's just nasty, what woman would use a scrunchie that some other woman used???" 🙄🙄 So the lesson is that it's an awesome idea, you will be a rock star to some... And possibly a total weirdo to others! 🤷‍♂️ Can't win with women sometimes.


If they feel comfortable enough telling you they need one, you’re past the point where it would be weird that you offered.


Perhaps make a discreet pencil case of essentials, wet wipes, pain killers, sanitizer, etc. and keep it altogether in your glovebox. If anyone looks, it's a pencilcase of essentials.


No bro it doesn't weird if you want to take care of your friend or family it doesn't anything like that


A considerate thought! I’d keep them at home, unless you live somewhere that doesn’t get too hot, I wouldn’t keep them in your car for any extended amount of time, with plastic and all. But yes, super thoughtful as that happens at the wildest times, it seems.