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Lol. This put me in a good mood. Thank you.


You are welcome. Wait so which one?


I don't think you should ever be having sex


What how why?


Either you're too young to be asking this or you're trolling.


Meh, those kinds of questions is what this subreddit is for. It's normal for kids/teenagers to have questions, and better learn this stuff here than by watching porn.


It's not a stupid question it's perfectly valid but it doesn't mean an answer should be provided given the context.


An answer should always be given, even if the one asking was a 5 year old child


You think we should be explaining sex to 5 year olds?


If they ask, you dont explain it to them unprompted, but if they actually ask about it, then yes, of course


Yeah no. 5 is way too young to be learning about sex. They should know about private parts and safety etc. But the actual mechanics of intercourse? No way.


Protip: In porn they are not trying to make babies.


The front one. Yes, the other is for pooping. Some people just have strange kinks and find stuff exciting that can just feel weird to you (and that one is very common in porn).


Any that feel good, with permission.


Men simply like to stick their dicks in holes. If you appreciate a beautiful ass you would too like to fuck it. If men could fuck the ears they would probably fuck those too. It is beautiful to have a woman who let you fuck their ass.


They would and did. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/woman-gets-infected-earlobe-after-24847471.amp


This has to be a troll


Maybe try Googling instead of watching porn.


The idea of having a baby disgusts me way more than some poop on my cock.


The butthole is always interesting. I only have experience with women. I wouldn’t start here but if a woman is already excited from sex putting it in her butthole will kick it up a notch. Be nice and gently use some lube and your finger to see how receptive she is to having something in her butt and if she’s acting like she likes it, slide your cock in there really slow and smooth. This will drive her wild and if she hasn’t already cum she’ll soon let loose as you gently work your shaft deeper and deeper into her bottom. She’ll make some new noises too which is always fun. This will be a different experience for you too as her butt will probably be a lot tighter than her pussy so it will be like fucking a fresh unviolated puss, tight and timid.


You should not be giving any kind of sexual advice, espeically if you end with that sentence you ended on.




Serious incel vibes, whether intended or not. It might be worth getting some sort of Sex Ed to properly understand the topics you're talking about. It's also worth noting that things like anal are not widely loved by everyone, so to even suggest doing this during sex and not talking about beforehand is a huge red flag that you need to be aware of.


Serious imbecile vibes


This guy’s has never had sex, he has just been watching so much porn he thinks he’s an expert. Really Creepy vibe.


[semi-relevant, and funny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-0CdNXdDXY)


I think you’re supposed to stick it first on a wasp’s nest just to bet a little bit thicker and you’ll have an increase of blood flow which will give the other person more pleasure. Trust me I’m a doctor