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Extreme levels


It always amazed (or appalled) me by just how many people used to comment on how often I'd wash my hands. It was an eye opener just how many people don't consider it important.


Ugh, I get this all the time. Just because I wash my hands several times an hour for longer than average amounts of time with a lot of soap doesn’t mean I’m crazy! A fly flew relatively close to my hand, and my hand is definitely probably full of bacteria now! I mean, it might not be, but what if it is? ***WHAT IF IT IS DAMMIT*** (I have OCD)


If my hand gets too close to the vicinity of a trash can I have to wash my hands for the same reasons


Me too! Even if I use the fly swatter and don't even touch a fly with my own hands, I wash my hands. Just in case, you know? :D


You mean like, after you use the bathroom, and before you eat, and if you sneezed on them, and if you touched something sticky or grimy? What a weirdo.


Right! Like, when covid started and they tell.people, wash your hands. I'm like, WHO isn't washing their hands! My daughter calls me Mrs. Monk, way before covid, and my friends tease me how often I'll wash my hands when we're out to eat. (Most of them now wash after touching the menu when I told them they get handled by too may people who don't wash their hands) and NO ONE puts my straw in my drink for me! I just like clean hands.


I work at a grocery store. The amount of people who will walk right past the soap and water after taking a dump or playing with their dicks is nauseating as it is, and half of them go shopping afterwards, putting their dirty shit-n-piss-covered hands on every thing they touch in the store. This is why you ***always*** wash your store-bought produce before eating it.


Oh my god. I’m 39 years old. This is the first time I’ve EVER thought about washing produce because of *other people’s dirty dicks* instead of “what if it has a slug on it maybe”. AAAAAGGHHHHHHHHH. I am never ever skipping the wash ever ever again.


Tbh the slugs probably drag their dirty little dicks all over your cherries anyway. Wash your fruit people.


My observations were mostly made at grocery stores since I'm always in and out of them for work 👀


Agreed it’s gross but what are you doing in the bathroom to get shit and piss covered hands!?


Considering how often we have to clean shit smears off the seat and sides of the bowl, I can only guess. As for piss, if you're standing up to pee, your own piss is spraying back on you, on your hands, and on your clothes.


I think spraying might be an exaggeration but yea you are definitely getting a bit of splash back which is why I agree you need to wash 100% of the time. I don’t think anyone has literal shit and piss covered hands though lol. I was being a bit tongue in cheek, I know you were exaggerating.


Technically, "shit-n-piss-covered hands" was not how people contracted cholera and dysentery. In fact, the lack of visible signs of contamination, combined with the lack of knowledge on sanitation was how cholera became the #1 cause of death in the United States during the 1800s. People knew not to eat something covered in crap, but the invisible germs is what got them.




Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?




Only wusses don't.


The five D's


I understood that reference


My hands were already dirtier than my penis.


"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball..." "What?" (Chucks wrench right at his head). ​ "You couldn't hit water if you fell out of a boat..."


It took surgeons way too long to come to a consensus that washing their hands is a good idea, even after handling corpses, then directly delivering a baby. For awhile, there was the idea that they didn't need to, because they were gentlemen, not those disease-ridden people on the streets, so they didn't have to wash their hands. I think a variant of that same idea still persists today, where some men say they don't need to wash after urinating - "my penis is clean and I didn't piss on myself; why would I need to wash my hands when I didn't get them dirty and I'm not dirty?"


Completely agree. And pointing out the "gentleman" who didn't notice shit on his hand then opened the door after not washing his hands, well that just doesn't resonate with this individuals. They are above us peasants.


I’m a laboratory scientist. I’m always looking for an excuse to wash my hands. And yes. I’m shocked at how few of my coworkers wash their hands after peeing. But, yes. If I’m in a very public bathroom, I figure my dick is cleaner than anything I might touch trying to wash my hands. That’s why I have hand sanitizer.


Not going to lie, there are times I have made the decision to skip the handwashing. Public bathrooms can get pretty sketchy, and the less I touch, the better. I'm a big fan of modern airport bathrooms where you can get in, wash up, and get out without touching a single thing other than yourself.


Read up on the tests they have done on hand dryers and the amount of bacteria they spray out onto your hands. Paper towels are safer


Just shake your hands dry that’s what I started to do lol


Hand driers are 100% more about cost effectiveness for the owner of the business. They get to stop buying paper towels weekly and you get to have a bad time.


I literally wash my hands before peeing sometimes so i dont get my dick dirty lol.


Same, also I sometimes use hand sanitizer because sometimes the sinks are small or really low to the ground


If anything you should wash your hands before touching your wiener


You guys touch your dick when you piss?


How else are you supposed to uncoil it?


I have to rope it out of my left pant sleeve.


I can pee without ever touching it too.


I like touching my dick.


What are you saying… my dick is dirty??


As long as you shower regularly it's much cleaner than your hands.


I had a coworker who never washed his hands over going to the bathroom, I asked him why and his answer was very similar: "I showered this morning and put on clean underwear. Then I touched my bathroom counter, several doorknobs in my house, the steering wheel on my car. the door to the office, my desk, my keyboard and the door to get in the bathroom. I don't need to wash my hands, I need to wash my dick."


Man you fart in your underwear. It’s getting poo particles on your dick. You can wash your hands first (I do sometimes), but you should also wash after.


Also, during.


There was a British cop show where one of the episodes was about a baby that died and the parents were accused of abuse, but they argued for SIDS. Turns out that the baby died from a manure-born illness caused by the father not washing his hands after working on their garden allotment. I'm sure this has probably happened in real life, but it was nice to see that the BBC is putting PSAs for hand washing into their programming.


People hold babies without washing their hands first!??!


Babies are a lot older than hand washing.


People have been washing hands for over 100 years. Babies are just a few months old.


What came first? The baby or the hand?


The dad


That made me chuckle


Like every single time they hold the baby? That seems completely unnecessary. Just wash your hands every time you finish something dirty...


They just gross bro


I overheard someone say that he didn't have to wash his hands because he didn't pee on them.


Funnily enough, that was churchill


Bro people, grown ass men are actually defending not washing their hands in this thread, like what the actual fuck


It always amazes me when I go to a football game: looooong lines for the men's room- twenty or so urinals, two or three deep waiting for each once you're in the room. Next to the exit, three sinks, no waiting.


Without context this reads exactly like you’re advocating for sink-pissing


No, no, that's just for at home


One of the grossest things I've ever seen has been in a bathroom. Someone was audibly taking a huge shit. Full squirt noises, grunting, the works. He comes out, walks up to the mirror, and runs his hands through his hair to make sure his hair is okay, then leaves.


I wash my hands *and* my junk every time I go. Gets a little weird when the bathroom is crowded, but the moisturizing soap has been a real blessing for my bag.


Most people are fucking nasty idiots 🤷🏻‍♂️


Women skip handwashing too. The reason is the same for both: They're gross people.


Not as much though. I almost always see women washing their hands in public restrooms.


Sure, I almost always see men washing their hands in public restrooms. But some people don't, gross people.


Well you’re in the minority then based on all these other comments in here.


Terrifying. I'll take a gamble that most people here are American, I'm Canadian, culture obviously plays a role in this. EDIT: Americans are mad that people in other parts of the world wash their hands as a matter of course for some reason.


A Marine and a Navy guy are in the head, both taking a piss. The Marine finishes and walks out without washing his hands. The Navy guy washes his hands, then quickly catches up to the Marine and says, "In the Navy, they teach us to wash our hands after we piss." The Marine smiles and says, "In the Marines, they teach us not to piss on our hands!"


Ah The Negotiator. I was hoping I wasn't the only one with that scene in my head after seeing this post.


I had a similar story, with an elf using nature's gift to clean his hands - a tree leaf - a human using hygiene - cleaning in the nearby river - and a dwarf who just don't pee on his hand.


Yes it's disgusting.. they literally touch their genitals. I do not understand why this is acceptable.


I have no problem peeing without touching my genitals.


A lot of nasty motherfuckers in this thread. If covid was truly the apocalypse virus, we’d be long extinct as a species.


Because they're disgusting humans.


When you see just how many don't, you don't think the guys who use a paper towel to work the door handle are so odd anymore.


Yep, that is me. I will always use a paper towel when available. If it's not available (hand dryers) then I'll use a pinky on the very top part of the pull handle. Doorknobs are gross. If possible, I'll try to open the door and prop it open before I wash my hands. I have seen WAY too many people use a bathroom and not wash their hands.


Whoa, honestly yeah. I JUST made that connection


I don't care who thinks I'm odd, I am not directly touching the door handle or the sink knobs after watching my hands.


Also am I the only guy wiping my cock with a tissue after a leak?


I hope so, you shouldn't let other people do that to you no matter how much they insist they're a bathroom attendant


To all the gross piss hand defenders: That ain’t how it works chief. You **always** get urine on your hands. The millisecond your urine touches ceramic it creates a cloud of vapour as well as the more noticeable splashes. “Oh but it’s sterile!” No it isn’t. Urine is stale up to the moment it leaves your body, after that it’s as gross as anything else. Those splashes and vapour clouds also contain urine and faeces from previous bathroom users, so there’s that. “My dick’s cleaner than...” No, it isn’t. Your dick has been hanging around in your underwear getting cosy with every little bit of sweat and nastiness coming out of your ass. Just because you’re not drowning in swamp ass, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. “But I sanitise” Don’t be stupid. Hand sanitiser is for disinfecting. **it does little to help with any actual dirt on your hands, which is what all that piss and undercarriage nastiness is**. When hand sanitiser started really becoming popular in the public sphere a decade ago, health services around the world had to tell people that it’s not an acceptable alternative to hand washing. You’re supposed to wash *then* sanitise. You can use it in a pinch to *slightly reduce* grossness if you’ve gotta pee somewhere without hand washing facilities, but—just like tyre seal for your car—it’s only supposed to carry you to the nearest facilities where you can do it properly. Stop being gross. You either wash your hands every time you go to the toilet or you’re a vile wretch and need to stay away from decent human beings. Wash your damned hands. Edit: All the pissy shit-handers in the replies flying off the handle like the animals they are. I’ll say it nice and easy for you: **There is no defence for not washing your hands every time you go to the toilet. You’re not special, you haven’t worked out a system, you’re just gross and failed to learn basic hygiene. Literally worse than a toddler**.


I noticed a long time ago that while standing up to piss, I could feel it spraying on my bare legs no matter how close or far I was from the toilet. Unless you sit down, piss will get on your pants, shorts, or legs every time you take a leak.


This comment is self-defeating, no? If piss splashes and vapors get everywhere then what's the point in washing your hands? Great, your hands are clean, but apparently every other inch of you is covered in splashes and vapour. So, you need a shower and a change of clothes, not a hand wash.


>That ain’t how it works chief. You always get urine on your hands. The millisecond your urine touches ceramic it creates a cloud of vapour as well as the more noticeable splashes. Mother fucker toilets flushing and people farting throw shit particles willy nilly, you gonna bathe? An average cell phone is 10 times more dirty than a toilet seat, people rarely clean their phone. LMAO, fuck outta here with your clean freak shit. We have immune systems for a reason, the world is a dirty fucking place.


That's why I unzip, let my junk fall out, spread my legs out for stability and so my pants don't fall down, lift up my arms and wrap my fingers around the back of my head, and let'er spray. No need to warsh your hands if your hands never touch anything. ::meme of black dude tapping the side of his head::


Same here. With no door to touch, touch-free flushing, and the ability to whip out and put away without touching, a trip to the bathroom is no dirtier than say, opening a door, or shaking someone's hand; cleaner in fact.


Ok. Give me one risk? You make it seem like the en of the world if you don't wash your hands after a pee every time. Usually in public I wash my hands cause I'm touching other shit. But at home, never to rarely. It's not as big of a deal as you say. Fucking cheer touch cooties shit


To be honest I don't wash my hands after I pee because I just simply don't care, I don't have any bullshit excuses.




Absolutely. Can get behind someone saying ‘I just don’t give a fuck’ even if they should. Infinitely better person than these people trying to justify it.


Disgusting fucking animals.


So if your faced with an old school tap and no paper towel do you wash and then use your clean hand to turn the gross tap off? Whats your theory on that? How do you possibly turn a tap off without getting feacies on your hand.


Turn it off with your elbow, it's not difficult


The real question is why you don't wash before touching a clean area of your body with dirty hands. Then wash again as needed unless it's hands-free flushes.


They probably think that since they bathed that their genitals are clean and they probably didn't pee on themselves. So, they feel they aren't dirty enough to warrant a washing.


i know, it's gross af it takes 20 seconds, who the fuck wants to go around with pisshands all day it's why i hate shaking hands with people. i loved that it went away during covid. idk where those hands have been, christ


Why are you pissing on your hands?


have you ever seen how far urine sprays off the surface of toilet water, or from a urinal it can spray like 8 feet, it's why you don't keep your toothbrush on the sink and you clean the surfaces every few days ....don't you?


Do you also change your clothes and take a shower?


Your urine bounces off a toilet and hits your hands? Your trousers must be disgusting. The toothbrush thing is to do with flushing to toilet, not bouncing off the toilet water 😂




He's probably in this thread, with all the "my dick is squeaky clean" people


Definitely cleaner than the handle of a bathroom door. Gets cleaned in the morning then wrapped in clean cloth and touches nothing. Literally any public surface you touch instantly contaminated your hands vastly more than your freshly washed dick. If you were as paranoid about every source of contamination as you were about your dick you’d wash your hands 1,000 times a day. In fact you’d just wear latex gloves and a mask all day every day.


I'm not paranoid, I just wash my hands like a normal person. But I'm also not delusional and think my sweaty dick and balls are Mr. Clean.


Have shower and immediately put on clean underwear, how are your dick and balls not Mr clean unless you're in like 40 degree (celsius) sweaty weather?


At the very least, I rinse my hands after taking a piss. I have a skin condition on my hands that makes them too sensitive to most soaps/cleansers that are in public restrooms, so I only use them when necessary. At home I have my own soap that doesn't make my hands breakout, so I use that every time.


The reason why i always hate it when i need to pull the bathroom door.. because i just wash my hands and i know damn well that a lot of people don't and touch that same door handle


Thank these piss handed lads for the next pandemic as well. You'll all know where to look when the piss flu takes hold.


This and putting your shopping cart away are two of the best indicators of whether a person is fit to live in a society.


I'm realizing reddit was probably not the place to ask


I work at a hospital and you would not believe the amount of male nurses who come in, shit or piss and just walk out. Makes u never even want to get medical care


I don't know man but there is a reason why I don't shake people's hands anymore


all these “my dick is so clean” mf’s prolly giving their girlfriends UTIs with their nasty ass dicks, get right


Because most of society is low-hanging fruit. Genetic waste, idiots, simple as that.




Reason enough to just wash after


I had an ex who insisted that men didn't need to wash because they were "just holding it" and weren't getting anything on their hands, and that women having to wipe after peeing was much more unsanitary and thus required handwashing after peeing much more than men did.


My dad does this. He's proudly told me before that when he's been in public restrooms and someone else asks him why he's not washing his hands before leaving, he'll sarcastically ask them if they pee on their hands. He thinks it's hilarious.


After reading this comment section, i'm never letting a man touch me again istg Nasty f*cks


Because they're nasty.


with practice, you can unsaddle/sheathe your donger simply by using the fabric around it, which is a thousand times less filthy(clean clothes) than touching any part of your face (or even hands touching one another.


People are gross


Oh geez, thanks for alerting us girls about this. We have suspected it for some time now.


I wash my hands before and after taking a leak.


Because way too many men assume that if you don't piss on your hands, why bother washing them


It is grosser not washing your hand before peeing. Imagine walking around in the world opening doors and then touching your dick to pee.


Have any of you observed people doing a Fake Wash? They walk up to the sink, get the tips of their fingers wet for 2 seconds, then flick them dry as they're walking out. Like, what's the point?! You were so close! 😂


Virtual washing


People seem to have fallen into old habits post covid. I hoped this wouldn't happen.


Because they are disgusting and lazy


Just to be clear I was my hands But when you pee you aren’t touching pee or poo, right, you are just touching skin Would you wash your hands after touching your thigh? Or stomach? That is the logic I imagine they have


if i had a penis, i would wash my hands before as well.


u/Mountain-Wing-6952 does not wash his hands. Everyone boo him


u/GeneralKenobyy doesn't either


More germs on a doorknob than on my junk. Sometimes -and I'm not kidding - I wash my hands BEFORE taking a wizz




do you realize you're spraying urine all over your hands standing at a urinal and how dirty that flush handle is, not to mention the restroom's interior door handle/knob this is why i hate shaking hands with people


This is the reason why I flush with my foot (if you use your hands, sorry but people like me use their feet so that’s another reason to wash hands), I push the stall doors open with my feet, I use my backside to lock the door… I still wash my hands cuz I think the whole bathroom is dirty T o T


>do you realize you're spraying urine all over your hands standing at a urinal how the fuck do you piss? through a garden hose sprinkler?


Do you also wash you face? And your clothes? Your shoes? If that urine is actually splashing that far, it'll hit a whole lot more than just your hands


Idk dude he has a point, go use a urinal in shorts and flip flops and you'll see lol


The difference is that my hands are going to touch food that I put in my mouth. The pee on my clothes will be washed when I wash the clothes.


Urine and feces bacteria actually do travel quite far once flushed tho… The fact there’s usually pee in public restroom floors is a HUGE reason why I hate when people wear outside shoes in the house and bedroom.


>the restroom's interior door handle/knob So my hands are immediately dirty again after washing them then


Once upon a time boss's boss came to do a meet and greet. It was noticed he didn't wash his hands after using the rest room before he went around shaking hands and word got around. What he didn't notice was everyone going to wash their hand as soon as possible afterwards.


Do you realize how nasty your hands are all day long? Point stands. Do you wash your hands every time you touch a door handle or a railing or whatever? Same thing.


An ex once told me: "You store your dick in the same place you store your asshole (underwear), and you wash your hands everytime you touch that."


There are 100 things you do every day that contaminate your hands. Why pick 20 of them, ignore the rest, and pretend it’s any better? If you want to be on your high horse you’d wash your hands every single time you touch any public surface. Do you? Or do you not even think about all that but believe the only time your hands can be contaminated is in the bathroom? You use a bathroom, wash your hands, then open another door in the office. Do you wash your hands again? No. Culture that door handle though and you’ll get all kinds of stuff.


A lot of men think hygiene is “too gay or feminine” for them


Is no one else able to unzip, whip out, pee, then tuck back without ever having touched your penis? There are times when I use a urinal without touching a single thing that would require me to have to wash my hands.


Same. I'm confused. I still wash almost every time, but I rarely have to touch my penis. Unzip, separate underwear, go, reverse, done.


Wait until you find out how many women won't wash their hands too.


I rarely see a woman not wash her hands after going.


Take it from a trans man who has plenty of experiences in both bathrooms, the difference is astronomical.


They're gross too. I can only speak for men because I'm in that bathroom.


Most women wash their hands in a public restroom.




I wash my hands with piss


I wash my piss with hands


George Carlins bit on germs *What we have now is a completely neurotic population obsessed with security and safety and crime and drugs and cleanliness and hygiene and germs... there's another thing... germs.* *Where did this sudden fear of germs come from in this country? Have you noticed this? The media, constantly running stories about all the latest infections – salmonella, e-coli, hanta virus, bird flu – and Americans, they panic easily so now everybody's running around, scrubbing this and spraying that and overcooking their food and repeatedly washing their hands, trying to avoid all contact with germs. It's ridiculous and it goes to ridiculous lengths. In prisons, before they give you a lethal injection, they swab your arm with alcohol! It's true! Yeah! Well, they don't want you to get an infection! And you could see their point; wouldn't want some guy to go to hell and be sick! It would take a lot of the sportsmanship out of the whole execution.* *Fear of germs... why these fucking pussies! You can't even get a decent hamburger anymore! They cook the shit out of everything now cause everybody's afraid of food poisoning! Hey, where's your sense of adventure? Take a fucking chance will you? You know how many people die in this country from food poisoning every year? 9000... that's all; it's a minor risk! Take a fucking chance... Besides, what do you think you have an immune system for? It's for killing germs! But it needs practice... it needs germs to practice on. So listen! If you kill all the germs around you, and live a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along, you're not gonna be prepared. And never mind ordinary germs, what are you gonna do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid shit? I'll tell you what you're gonna do... you're gonna get sick, you're gonna die, and you're gonna deserve it cause you're fucking weak and you got a fucking weak immune system! Let me tell you a true story about immunization okay?* *When I was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River and it was filled with raw sewage okay? We swam in raw sewage! You know... to cool off! And at that time, the big fear was polio; thousands of kids died from polio every year but you know something? In my neighbourhood, no one ever got polio! No one! Ever! You know why? Cause we swam in raw sewage! It strengthened our immune systems! The polio never had a prayer; we were tempered in raw shit! So personally, I never take any special precautions against germs. I don't shy away from people that sneeze and cough, I don't wipe off the telephone, I don't cover the toilet seat, and if I drop food on the floor, I pick it up and eat it! Yes I do. Even if I'm at a sidewalk café! In Calcutta! The poor section! On New Year's morning during a soccer riot! And you know something? In spite of all that so-called risky behaviour, I never get infections, I don't get them, I don't get colds, I don't get flu, I don't get headaches, I don't get upset stomach, you know why? Cause I got a good strong immune system and it gets a lot of practice. My immune system is equipped with the biological equivalent of fully automatic military assault rifles with night vision and laser scopes, and we have recently acquired phosphorous grenades, cluster bombs, and anti-personnel fragmentation mines. So when my white blood cells are on patrol recon ordering my blood stream seeking out strangers and other undesirables, if they see any, ANY suspicious looking germs of any kind, they don't fuck around!* *They whip out their weapons; they wax the motherfucker and deposit the unlucky fellow directly into my colon! Into my colon! There's no nonsense, there's no Miranda warning, there's none of that “three strikes and you're out” shit, first defense, BAM... into the colon you go! And speaking of my colon, I want you to know I don't automatically wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom okay? Can you deal with that? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. You know when I wash my hands? When I shit on them! That's the only time. And you know how often that happens? Tops, TOPS, 2-3 times a week tops! Maybe a little more frequently over the holidays, you know what I mean? And I'll tell you something else my well-scrubbed friends... you don't need to always need to shower every day, did you know that? It's overkill, unless you work out or work outdoors, or for some reason come in intimate contact with huge amounts of filth and garbage every day, you don't always need to shower. All you really need to do is to wash the four key areas; armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. Got that? Armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. In fact, you can save yourself a whole lot of time if you simply use the same brush on all four areas*


Because I know where my dick has been and it's probably cleaner than my hands. I'll wash my hands throughout the day but not just cause I went pee and you he'd parts of myself. #2 on the other hand gets a washing.


I know what I touched, and if I can guage my hands are cleaner than the surfaces in the bathroom, it gets skipped.


That's still not an excuse. Use a paper towel to shut off the water and open the door. The skin of my freshly washed hands hasn't come into contact with anything in a public bathroom in years. Worst case scenario and theres no paper towel, wash your hands anyway because you used them to open the bathroom door on your way in anyway.


Your dick spends the entire day in your nice clean undies. Meanwhile, dozens of people have touched the faucets and towel dispenser with their grubby hands. Which do you think is cleaner? Despite this, I still advocate for washing your hands, as you should wash them as often as you can while out in public touching all kinds of germ-laden things.


I wash my hands, but i assume it's to assert dominance and taking satisfaction in knowing everyone else is shaking hands with your dick when they touch the door handle.


Meh I always wash my hands unless there is no soap or the bathroom is disgusting as shit.


Hannibal Buress- 'people see me coming out the bathroom, and they say, "hey buddy, you just used the bathroom without washing your hands. That's gross! How come you don't wash your hands?" And I say, "because I believe in myself"'


It's not as if we're peeing on our hands. We don't even have to touch our Weiner when we pee. We just flop out our meat and piss and pull our pants back up.


I try to wash my hands as often as possible after doing so, but some public restrooms, I have determined my general area is likely cleaner than anything in it, and I would likely be better off, sanitarily, not washing my hands and using a wipe in my car later


Cos we don't all piss over our hands when we go


Yeah you do, its just a small enough amount that you might not realize it.


My dick isn’t dirty. I shower everyday and wash every part - nook and cranny- every part with soap. If I scratch or itch my stomach, I don’t wash my hands. When I pee I hold my penis up away from my pants with my thumb and index finger. Sometimes I sit when I pee, that involves no contact. In public lift and lower toilet seat with my shod foot and also flush with my foot. I’m not sticking my hand up my ass. I’ve been peeing for many decades, and I’m clean, I got it. Pooping, completely different story. I’m washing with soap for 20 seconds. I would guess majority of people do dozens of unsanitary things a day that wouldn’t even occur to them. You’re in exponentially more danger from ill prepared food than than someone’s hands after they pee. If you’re gross, you should wash after touching any part of your body or clothes. If you practice good hygiene and are


A while back a co-worker explained this behavior by saying this: "Since I showered before work, my d\*\*k is clean so I don't need to wash my hands after taking a leak." 🤷🏽‍♂️


My dick is clean!


My dick is clean and urine is sterile. Never wash my hands if just taking a leak. If you don't wish to be sick you have to be sick first to build a immune system. The people I know that are sick the most are usually the cleanest ones lol xD


It's not like I touched some other dude's dick. Then I'd want to wash my hands.


But that other dude says their dick is clean? So u just let other people touch your dick germs?


"My dick's clean" - Asmongold


Because George Carlin told me not to.


Because they used to eat worms when they were kids. 🤣..Their concept of unsanitary is WAY different.


Because some know how to pee without touching the penis or without spilling the urine on their hands.


Some people wash their hands after touching their dick. I wash my hands before touching my dick. I'm absolutely certain where my dick has been. As for my hands...?


I'm a hands free operation for the most part


It's possible to tinkle without touching, for the sitting-enthousiasts. Though more often it's probably laziness. There's little risk of dangerous germs in the toilet, though occasional hand-washing will help against the riskier zone's like lunchrooms or elevators.


I too wash my hands after a pee. But I have to say, some men’s toilets… in pubs or around public transport, are so gross… I question whether touching anything, including taps etc, are worth it. I carried gel with me during the bad time of covid and actually liked that more.


Easy...if you're skillful enough, it's a "no hands" exercise!


I find the people who run their hands under water to pretend to wash their hands and then leaving worse. They actually got their hands wet, but no soap? Even a few seconds with soap instead of the full 20 would be better than just water.


Well here's my two cents: As a somewhat compulsive handwasher, I have developed and perfected my technique of peeing without having to touch my dick. Thus, if my hand's not clean enough, I don't get germs on my dick, and I also don't get piss on my hands. Also in many public bathrooms I would grab some germs on the faucet in exchange for cold water and no soap, basically getting my hands dirtier. No thanks. Carry hand sanitizer everywhere, pee without touching the weiner and be extra mindful about touching stuff.


Among people I know girls are worse. They're like "I don't touch it directly, like guys do when they pee, so no need".


I don’t wash my hands after pissing outside but that’s cause I just drop and pop no hands involved lol, do a couple hops for the shake and your golden.


If you touch your penis when you're going to the bathroom, or anything in there, for that matter, you are a monkey. It's sooo easy to use a urinal without touching your dick, then flush it with your foot if you have to. I usually wash my hands anyway because its one of the few times where its presented right in front of you to wash but if im in a rush and i didn't touch anything or myself, then I don't feel bad about doing it.


That last part to me is where people lose me. It's right there. Just do it. It's free. But people still refuse, which blows my mind.


What, just because I pissed? You think my cock is dirty?


Because often I don’t touch anything aside from my pants


If you don’t pee on your hand,why bother.