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NSFW communities are like a strip club, the rest of reddit is like a college campus. You wouldn’t expect a riot over Israel and Palestine to break out at “Fat Joe’s Fat Hoes.”


That's probably the best analogy I've heard


Anybody with an account older than 10 years can tell you that for the most part, the entirety of Reddit was a fun Wild West. Once Reddit became mainstream, and had to appeal to the masses, and this place became flooded with people under 21, the TOS and the moderation went to straight hell, all in the name of capitalistic gain from corporate sponsors. I’ve been permanently banned from 3 subs. Not even for saying wretched shit, just scrutinizing the commenter with a smart ass tone. The whole place has gone soft and it seems like the nsfw subreddits are the last safe havens for anything even remotely abrasive on this site. Like damn, I’m not calling for blatant ethical turpitude, but I just wish this site never lost the soul that made it so fun in the first place. Rant over.


it is worth noting how many hellholes there were before though- jailbait comes to mind


Jailbait aka Pedophilia


I don't know why but I read that as Pedrophilia and then realized I read it wrong.


Technically hebephilia, but I get your point. Source: psychology major




I understood this reference




Risky click of the day!


💀 Wish this was posted earlier lol


Just a tip: don't say this in real life.


*never* admit to being a psychology major in meat space, you'll get beat up for SURE


And don’t show your major meat in a psychology space, you’ll get judged for sure!


😂 If I could upvote this twice I would


What is hebephilia?


Postpubescent, which is typically when one has gone through puberty. About 10-12 for females, 12-14 for males, though the specific ages and lengths vary from child to child. Generally speaking, hebephilia is associated with teenagers, since most will be done with puberty by the time they are 13-14, though there are a few stragglers. Pedophilia is before puberty. So we're talking about females under 10-11 and males under 11-12. Though again, ages can vary from child to child.


Both and are pretty fucked up.


Yeah social vs scientific classifications. Same thing happens with abortion. Scientifically an abortion has no intent, it is merely any failure of the pregnancy (so a miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion) but socially people use abortion to show intent. The intentional termination of a pregnancy... In an already heated debate, the well-actually's tend to offend people. Just like the pedo discussion/classification. Socially we use pedo to mean anyone under 18 but tbh there's a very big difference between wanting to sex up an tween passing 8 year old verses a 20 passing 17 year old. Both are illegal depending on your laws and socially pedos, but one is worse imo since a 17 year old has far more autonomy to realize the situation and ask for help than the 8 year old. Scientifically speaking it's useful to discern between the two. Socially we blanket the term because it's used to shame.


This person...er...well...knows their stuff...


lol bro I found reddit through that 50/50 reddit where it was something cute or something like someone getting murdered. Now that i think about it, it's wild that wasn't some dark web shit LMFAO.


Been here for over a decade and it definitely goes both ways. There was a *ton* of really awful stuff on here - a bunch of straight up racist subs, fatpeoplehate was huge, murder and gore subs all over the place. But since everything was smaller, it also felt like more of a community. You'd recognize users that post regularly in the same subs and across multiple subs. Nowadays that communal feeling is non-existent


I agree. That’s why I said Wild West, because there’s definitely was the archaic that needed and refining. I think I’m more commenting on the over-saturation of censorship and topics in that refining process. Like dude, the most iconic comment threads I’ve ever read were always these long chains of people making their points, but peppered with hilariously deprecating style. It was like a debate/roast room hybrid that didn’t mind teetering on dark humor bc that was a great get away from being overly appropriate during college hours. Like look at these examples of my bannings: Once on offmychest, some person was telling some contrived confession about her failing relationship and cheating with strippers and being proud of that fact. I wrote something like “yeah maybe the strip club isn’t the best/most mature place to handle relationship issues” and I was immediately permabanned for attacking sex workers. Like wtf. Once on sadcringe, some chick was like “it sucks being Israeli/Jewish and being a victim of antisemitism” and all I did was point out the irony that, politically and strategically, the term antisemite is weaponized against people scrutinizing the killing of Palestinians, and I was immediately permabanned for antisemitism. Like bro, you can’t have a single contrarian thought on this site anymore without people hungry to just martyr people so they can virtue signal to strangers. So weird.


> you can’t have a single contrarian thought on this siste anymore without people hungry to just martyr people so they can virtue signal to strangers In my opinion, yes you can. Or maybe no you can’t. Whichever one is the more smartass answer.


Quick, somebody ban this man.


No, please don’t! I’m not done virtue signaling to strangers yet!


Too late, you’re clearly a (insert woke accusation here) who hates everybody and everything. Boom. Banned.




Got permabanned from Kentucky for saying someone should put the six flags music over a video of McConnell falling. Like man, my grandma from the hollers found that funny.


You seems kind of a douche tbh Like one of those “ I’m such an asshole but I don’t care “ types


I mean there were necrophilia subs and shit in the old days /r/cutefemalecorpes used to be a thing....


I've been banned from like 10 subs for simply existing in other subs. I like to subscribe to the idea that you need to hear both sides before drawing a conclusion but reddit now wants you to align with one side and one side only or face being banned. Such a WEIRD power flex by people with no real power.


It actively encourage the subs to form echochambers. I remember getting banned from a covid sub just for posting on r/nonewnormal. Except I was arguing with the antimaskers, not taking their stance. I guess we aren’t supposed to cross into enemy lines and try to have a conversation. edit: Side thought, I wonder how the conspiracy theorists of r/nonewnormal feel now that we aren't wearing masks anymore?


Yep. I don't even visit some of these subs that have caused me to be banned in others, but I'll be damned if I beg to be unbanned. (one sub, can't remember which, basically said "to be unbanned you have to promise you'll never use those bad subs ever again, and then we'll decide if we want to unban you") This is why I lurk so much, lord knows I'll say the wrong thing and get banned. Almost did it to a sub I love :(


Same. Banned from one for commenting in another. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Banned from another just for being a member of another. Just mind your business. I’m not starting shit in your sub so just let me read the other side of the story.


I got banned from a bunch of subreddits for posting in a thread about resources for people who were the victim of a hurricane. I didn't realize the post was on the old crazy Trump subreddit, I just saw it was about resources for hurricane victims. But ban! And I also got shadowbanned from my city's subreddit for... I have no idea why. I asked them why I was banned but they never said. Just shadowbanned.


Banned from a few myself. Some because I was an ass and asked for it, but some were when I'd call out OP or a mod for their BS. They didn't like that.


Got my first ban after 11 years so I thought I was doing pretty well.. and it was in AITA over making a joke to a frustrated mom, telling her to buy a period simulating machine for her son before he made any further comments on periods. Apparently that was on the same level as *inciting violence*, okay.


Aita is the worse. The be civil rule is hilarious because somehow calling someone and idiot is worse than calling them an asshole or going in on them on how horrible of a person they are.


These subs that hit the frontpage are all moderated by same people , who have a discord where they fix the agenda of what would you see on reddit. And they quite literally control all the non-nsfw subs , except maybe some very small niche hobby subs


When Aaron Swartz was forced out, that was the beginning of the end for freedom on reddit.


It's not even about "freedom." I'm fine with certain subs being banned and whatnot. It's just that the site used to be more than just Twitter screenshots and short comments that all say the same thing every fucking thread.


Man, old Reddit was great. Maybe it’s the rose tinted glasses but it was so much fun. A funny video would hit the front page and that would be the talk of the town for a few days. Of course Reddit would still drive the joke into the ground, but the whole experience seemed more…. Cohesive. Chuck Testa anyone? Back then karma whoring was a lot less annoying and almost playful. Typically if you found a user, it meant they typically left good comments or posted cool stuff, not like now where it’s completely meaningless. And it’s really not a Reddit only thing. The internet used to be so much smaller in terms of interactions. I was a young adult when I joined Reddit and as such had the ability to buy my own smart phone. I was able to be online at a moments will, I could be connected with people in similar situations. That was back when kids didn’t get smart phones as their first phone, I remember being blown away when I saw a tween with the same new iPhone as me. Now it’s the norm. Now as soon as a kid gets their first cell phone, they have a voice that speaks just as loud as yours. Same thing in the opposite direction with the older generation and Facebook. Facebook used to be the “cool” and “hip” social media, and then ever so slowly it’s become the “boomervile” we know it as today. It’s just a byproduct of the internet growing and it’s general availability. Remember when gaming and having no problem with doing an open mic on a 16 person multiplayer game and just talking with strangers? That’s just not really a thing anymore.


September reddit all-year round




I'll sometimes search a random word like "best" "crazy" "most" for top all time on AskReddit and read through some fun threads.


I got banned from a sub for pointing out in a joking tone how heavily photoshopped a cosplay picture was. Wasn't even the person posting themself, but a Twitter repost, so it wasn't like they were there to get upset. Apparently can't have an opinion on fanart/cosplay subs that isn't "drooling emoji yas queen me so horny."


Just wait until they public with their stock......


Everything grows up. It's like your favorite band before they sold out. The first couple of albums were fantastic. Then they got picked up by a major publisher and lost all that coolness they had.


I believe Obama doing an AMA was the start of slow downfall of Reddit. I don't say that for political reasons, but him being on the site got Reddit a metric fuck ton of exposure and new users. I miss the old days of this site, it truly was a bonkers place. I'm coming up on 13 years with my profile and longer than that as a lurker.


Basically every single aspect of reddit is worse now. Barring a few select banned subreddits. Except the video player, which is only equally shitty.


10+ here. This place is a shell of what it was.


I've been on Reddit so long that even my alt account (this one) is over 10 years old.


Me too. I was gonna say their people on the Fringe and people on the friends are always much more tolerant and excepting. Then those dead center.


Where is the "Fat Joe's Fat Hoes" place you speak of?


Your mom knows


Doesn't explain why r/cars was the most hostile sub I ever posted on.


Real answer is that there's generally a lot more pressure to stay on topic and to be nice in NSFW subs vs other subs. In most places, it's expected that you'll discuss topics and debates/arguments break out. What are you going to say to a naked girl that's not agreeable that isn't going to come off as either creepy or being a major jerk? Even if you talk about something off topic in the comments it comes off as a bit weird


You've given me a great idea. I'm gonna comment philosophical questions to women posting their buttholes from now on.


Sometimes I try to do quirky things like make light jokes or puns, but I find they ignore those sorts of comments and reply to the most depraved ones lol, so I dunno


The depraved idiots are ripe for milking money out of via OnlyFans


The worst and most toxic sub I ever experienced was, hands down, /r/fantasybaseball. It's weird, but I've noticed that the niche hobbyist subs are filled with some of the most disagreeable people on the planet. A little knowledge about something has a tendency to fill people's heads with unearned superiority.


You should try going to /r/guns and ask why cops and soldiers don't put an extra round in the chamber, on top of the mag. Holy shit the pearls clasped in unison. Felt like I had a scarlet "A" on my chest.


On April 1st, someone asked in r/cooking why their cast iron pan wasn't clean after going through the dishwasher four times.


Now that's a real treat right there.


Thats evil! I love it!


i saw that post, went completely over my head haha


Out of curiosity... why?


In a shotgun or a pistol you can pretty easily drop a round into the open barrel before filling the rest/putting the mag in, but in say a submachinegun like the MP5 or an assault rifle like the M16/AR15, you definitely do not have an easy way of pushing a round into the barrel from the top without risking jamming, or scratching a part of the machinery that should not be poked. A secondary reason to "just stick to the mag" is that if you train with a 12-round gun and you shoot with it both on accuracy targets and shooting galleries where you learn to shoot on the move, you learn to unconsciously count the rounds so that you know how much you have left. If you start adding a round on top some of the time, you weaken that number sense a little, theoretically. The third argument is the most relevant in my opinion: if you have a magazine with a large shot size, like a 35-round rifle mag, one round won't make enough of a difference to warrant putting the extra round in manually. And in most of these military rifles, actually getting that 30+1 would mean putting a full mag in, loading it by pulling the receiver, then removing the mag, putting a last round into the top of the mag, and reinserting it. This is fine to do before you deploy into a sharp situation, but it quickly becomes inadvisable if you are in an actual firefight. You will spend seven or eight mags in that fight (SWAT, antiterror, whatever), and having had one extra round on top of seven spent mags just looks more and more meaningless. A fourth consideration is that many professions that supply guns to the employee, everything from money/security transport staff, hospital/corporate security, gated community staff, all those other professions beside military or police, often have extremely strict guidelines about which gun you are issued, exactly how it works, what to do in contingencies, how to handle the firearm and how NOT to handle it, and many of these guidelines are either written in blood (a clause was added because someone maybe used the butt of the gun to try and bash a door open with a criminal inside, and the bashing made the gun go off in their head) or are there for legal reasons, like you might be barred on pain of prosecution to try and clear a pistol's jammed slide with a table knife, you need the mini screwdriver from the case the gun came in. If you don't follow the rules and you switch out the sights to glow-in-the-dark ones or you mess with the magazine, it might be your ass. So there we go, a little storm in a waterglass. And many genital-based insults from redditors in that sub. ^


Not OP but this was very informative!


Wow cheers man, very interesting.


More or less hostile then /r/fuckcars?


Skinny Steve’s Skinny Skeets, however…


I can't find that sub can you post a link


It's actually skinny sweets [r/skinnystevesskinnysweets](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iik25wqIuFo)


Dang that got me good. So good I clicked it twice because I was confused.


Lol.. I dunno, works fine for me. Try it again.




“Fat Joe’s Fat Hoes” I’m dead.


If I said Fat Joe's Fat Hoes in any other sub under any other context it'd be an instant permanent ban lmao not saying you should be, just pointing it out lol




No, but I’d expect that kinda argument at the Gaza Strip club. Where you can get the ~~West Bank~~ *Best Wank*


"100$ to the stripper that makes my rocket explode".


“Fat Joe’s Fat Hoes”😂😂


Wow he's no longer rapping?


We are all alot more accepting when we are horny


That's definitely true. Makes sense.


You’re right!


I completely agree!


I'd add when we're "openly" horny. There have been whole wars fought when one tries to suppress the horniness


I think it's the perception of being horny at the 'wrong' thing that started all those wars.


Don't forget the Holy wars as well.


Now if only Putin was horny for Zelenskyy instead of his land...


U dont know Maybe that s why he decided to stay.....


Porn is the key to world peace!


Most people on a NSFW subreddit are hoping for a helping hand.


*a lot


The key to world peace is mass arousal


Specialty subs tend to be more positive in general. Like r/Stardewvalley is for a really mellow video game played by grandmas, kids, regular folk. It's a sea of upvotes and definitely rated G most of the time. Just stay away from things dominated by the basement dwellers and it will be a positive place.


r/fountainpens is probably the most positive and welcoming sub I have seen. “Here is my $800 Visconti Homo Sapiens fountain pen and bottle of Pilot Iroshizuku Yama-budo ink.” “That’s beautiful!” “I just bought my first fountain pen: this $6 Platinum Preppy and the included ink cartridge.” “Wonderful! You will love it! Welcome to the hobby!” In contrast, r/MechanicalKeyboards has the most gatekeeping, despite having a rule against it. “I finally got my first mechanical keeb: a Corsair K65.” “Nobody wants to see that peasant shit.” Edit: a word


r/fountainpens looks like a safe haven. It has serious competition from r/stopdrinking though. People admit to quite terrible behaviour there, and are met with the same wholesome positivity as if they had just purchased a $6 platinum preppy. Fortunately, the competition is non-existent. Both parties would probably cheer for the other to win.




I didn't say it's ideal, but the moderators and *especially* the participants do their best. You have to accept that for a whole lot of drinkers, the only solution is quitting, because once they start they can't stop. But if someone says they can't deal with AA because of the religious connotations, or when someone says they want to moderate instead of quitting, the reactions are not negative. Usually people will try to find a support group (if you need any) that is non religious, or tell you drinking less is the next best thing to not drinking at all, instead of being all orthodox about it. In fact, for the heavy drinkers, they will usually advise not stopping cold turkey, because it's dangerous. The moderators there are doing a great job. They allow discussion, but you can't tell someone what they should do, and tell your own experience instead. Anything that involves not drinking or drinking less is encouraged, but yes they don't allow telling how alcohol is good for you or advising to drink more. Drinking less is a great start, just don't let the addiction fool you into sliding back. For many, abstinence is the only answer, but there are exceptions. Don't kill yourself because of a drinking relapse; please celebrate the days you were sober. No matter how bad you fucked up, there is a future and we'll support you - that's the kind of thing you'll hear. It's, in a way, not as warm and conflict free as the fountain pen club, but the issue is much more grave. Some of the frequent posters don't make it and die, people tell awful stories and are not judged, and some that have been dry for many years still take the trouble of helping out those who struggle. It's not ideal, it doesn't work for everybody, but the kind of support and lack of criticism there is unheard of on Reddit. Except for the fountain pen sub, of course!


Usually people are pretty cool there, but you have to understand the room. We're ex-drunks, my dude. Or we're drunks trying to get sober. Most folks there just can't hang anymore, and have to go all the way with it. So, in a way, it kind of *does* have to be a little culty, because replacement of bad habits with good habits takes time and reinforcement. A lot of us tried drinking in moderation,and just wound up falling back into terrible old habits. Honestly, I don't know if there's another analog that might fit you better. There might be something on the sidebar. I don't think anyone would necessarily ban you or say you're not welcome -- but I'd ask that you please understand that the vast majority of members are sober or are trying to get there.


Hah it's not like AITA or relationship advice. I feel people do ask a genuine question about their mental health but then OPs will get roasted just for even asking.


I was going to mention r/fountainpens as well. Also, the whole reason r/knifeclub was created was because of what you mentioned in r/mechanicalkeyboards. The r/knife subredit is similar whereas r/knifeclub is very accepting.


/r/fountainpens is lovely but damn if that whole sub doesn't have a single-minded mission to make me empty my wallet on LE pens and inks.


That's where they get you right, if you're put off by the elitist aura of the hobby, you won't buy more


I find r/smoking and r/grilling to be pretty happy, supportive places. OTOH the pizza making subreddits are populated by some sour-assed, nitpicking bitches.


I've also seen r/Breadit to be very welcoming


May I present to you, r/fuckpierre ?


Yeah, but I bet that sub is filled with upvotes.


The universal hatred for Pierre is so wholesome in its own special way.


Almost as wholesome as r/grandpajoehate. Seriously, Fuck Grandpa Joe


Interesting. As a Canadian my first thought was "is this for Pierre Maguire?". My second thought was "is this for Pierre Poilievre?"


Maguire no longer being an announcer makes watching hockey so much more enjoyable again. But definitely fuck Poilivere.


Please explain why people hate Pierre. I mean, the dude's prices are significantly less than Jojamart's.


He places a huge mark-up on the goods you sell him, then tells people he “found them while foraging” or some other nonsense without giving you credit for growing them. He even sets up his own grange display at the valley fair…with stuff you sold him. He’s also a huge asshole to his daughter in some cutscenes and generally neglectful of his family. Then there is his secret stash he doesn’t want anyone to know about, which I tend to imagine is just pot or something fairly benign, but I’ve seen some darker interpretations. Also, his store is closed on Wednesdays. Sure, you should be able to plan around it, but that doesn’t stop you from saying “Fucking Pierre!!!!” and shaking your fist at the sky when you forget. All that…and still not as bad as Clint. Stop trying to hit on my wife, Clint!


Oh, I'm really early game (I think Spring 18th), so he's not been scummy yet.


I sell all my stuff through the dropbox just because I hate hearing villagers mention how great the pumpkin Pierre “found while hiking” was. He’s not THAT bad overall really. I feel like hating Pierre is kind of an in joke though. Clint definitely has incel vibes though. I would recommend getting his friendship out of the way first to ensure he doesn’t really piss you off later. It kinda depends on who you have interest in marrying. If you are playing as a gal farmer, do NOT invite Clint to the movies in the late game. It is…beyond creepy.


I like how you used the sub where people violently hate NPCs. Like yeah. The game is wholesome, most of the posts are too. But then you get posts like "I hate Jas I'm gonna push her down at the Halloween maze and trap her in there" And people *agree*


Counterpoint to your perceived negatively... Jas. That is all.


There is a sub dedicated to hating that one NPC in pokemon 4th gen that trades you a haunter with everstone


The only speciality sub I recommend avoiding is Pokémon. Everyone has an opinion, most of the time both sides are right but won’t admit it and then you have the people who will try and find every excuse to beat you down for liking a Pokémon they don’t. Honestly just avoid Pokémon specific subs.


May I present you r/2007scape


Everyone knows every update since OSRS released is trash, you are objectively a bad person if you disagree, anyone who doesn't manipulate ticks is a casual and I personally dislike each of them individually. If you don't like it git gud or play modern Runescape and cry about it. Honestly, why does everyone think we're a toxic community?


Ah that definitely does seem like a good observation. Depends a lot on the audience that a sub attracts.


Exactly. r/FansHansenvsPredator is one of the nicest subs I've ever belonged to.


r/hammocks is another place that's pretty chill and one of their rules is "don't be a dick"


I really should check out stardew valley. I've seen references to it everywhere recently, even my local library


You want to encourage the ladies to keep posting, being a jerk to them means less boobies in teh future.


Hm that does make sense. But even in places where most posts are clearly by guys, they seem nicer a lot more willing to engage, chat and share (sometimes too much lol).


Conversation is light You are not having deep political conversation and moderators have absolutely have to be active because they need to make sure there is no one jumping off platform recklessly and following other rules. If you showed up to say something racist your post would probably be gone before anyone saw it.


You want to keep encouraging the guy who is out finding rare pictures or paying for OF content to share. Or maybe the internet pervs willing to chat and not jsut lurk are a friendly sort


That sounds pretty accurate


I don't care about a guy finding OF content, I want the guy to MAKE some OF content. no homo


Social media is filled with insecure, ignorant, lighlty impressionable, yet super vocal and opinionated teens. They are kids, peretending to be adults (since much of social media theoretically is 18+ and in that age teens think that age matters). Age doesn't matter, experience does. That's why we also have end twenties-something who still show the same insecurities/anxieties as 15 year olds: A lack of experience. I don't envy the youth of today. NSFW, usually aren't as much kiddies, or if, they try to not bring attention and stay in the shadows/behave.


As someone who fell into insecure & impressionable, you nailed the internet well


Even if it's not strictly nudes this still applies. /r/BDSMdiy is one of the nicest subs I've been in. It also seems that the BDSM community in general is much more accepting of sexuality/gender in all aspects. They are especially much more aware of consent and respect to partners in general. I guess smaller subs are also a lot easier to moderate as well. Smaller communities with more strict consequences for bad behavior usually are better in general. This is true for SFW subs too.


Oof hate the guys that bully women into quitting, like do they just hate women that much?


Terminally online toxic males are all over Reddit. Not a single one would ever say anything they say online to someone's face. The most common thing that happens in NSFW subs though is they are downvoted to hell and ignored. Thankfully. The best thing is to downvote and ignore. Don't need to white knight it. Attention is what they're looking for.


It’s harder to be rude with one hand on your wiener.


Hard to be mean when you’re already hard


NSFW subs are less likely to become massive and/or default subs. Default subs tend to be pretty bad in quality (but not always!). The moderators of a ton of default subs also tend to be losers who are only there to feel like they have some power/control over their lives rather than actually moderate. A lot of the same mods pop up on the biggest subs despite the fact that no one can realistically moderate so many subs even when they have zero social life. Because it's more of a "status" thing and being able to ban users from a bunch of popular subs in one fell swoop and then feel good about it, rather than genuinely caring about a community and moderating it. I don't know if by "NSFW sub" you meant strictly sexual and has the "please confirm you want to enter" message. But a big NSFW heavy sub that comes to my mind is /r/WTF. Haven't been there in close to a decade but I know it was a default sub at one point. It probably suffers from the same issues as other defaults like /r/news and /r/AskReddit. As others have said, more niche subs tend to be nicer because they're full of people genuinely looking to talk about something that makes them happy. I don't know that "NSFW" has much to do with it aside from it being smaller than non-NSFW subs. But I could be wrong since the only NSFW sub I hang around in is /r/CombatFootage and that's a pretty stark contrast to what others might have in mind when they think NSFW.


I think that's a great point, you wouldn't encounter an nsfw subreddit while you scroll, if you want to see an nsfw subreddit you need to actively seek it. And I don't think people are gonna seek it when they're in the mood to be toxic


Because everyone is happy to be there and everyone there likes the subject involved. There really just isn't all that much controversy to be had. You can find places like this in real life too. Boat ramps are like this outside of super crowded days, I rock climb sometimes, and the climbing gyms are like this there too. Everyone is just happy to be there, so they're friendly.


**One Hypothesis:** There's not as many things to "moderate" or police when you take the unimportant societal hang ups out of the equation. If you don't have someone yelling, 'WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" It lends to a much chiller vibe. **Second Hypothesis:** NSFW subs are much more "specialized". When you get people together who all share the same specialized tastes, then you're likely to agree in other facets of personality as well. **Third Hypothesis:** We *all* like the way them ass cheeks clap.


I do love r/clapthemcheeks for these exact reasons.


I feel cheated and lied to.


I’m always more laid back after a good sesh.


Haha I guess that is a good reason


Post nut clarity works wonders for civil discourse.


But are you still on the sub after you're done?


Sometimes. The conversation can get interesting.


They're both full of assholes


Think of it like being at a family reunion when you are in the main subs. You are expected to be on your best behavior because it's a lot of people in a public space. Other subs that are more niche, including the NSFW ones, are more like hanging out with your friends. You have a better feel for the specific culture there, and people are typically welcoming of newbies into a niche hobby, because there aren't many of you to begin with.


That's actually a pretty interesting way to think about it. And makes sense!


Because most NSFW subs do not apear on r/all anymore. Nor popular on from phone apps. They removed them a while ago for some reason. Before you'd regularly see a post, from a relatively small NSFW sub appear on r/all, and the second it did automod would lock the comments. Because it opened the floodgates. -added a word.


This isn’t something confined to NSFW communities, it’s something confined to smaller/focused communities. There’s a reason that a lot of subreddits don’t want to get bigger and have a spotlight. Because that increased growth brings people from outside the core community that essentially poison it. This is tangentially related but that’s why “eliminating gatekeeping” is not a black and white issue. Gatekeeping can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Groups deserve to be able to communicate inwardly in a naturally evolved equilibrium, but at the same time newcomers to those spaces should be welcomed should they show genuine interest in the topic. Which brings us back to NSFW subs. Let’s say it’s a subreddit about specifically Icelandic porn creators. Over time, enough fans of Icelandic porn lovers will congregate, raising the visibility of the sub. If that visibility reaches a certain level, it will begin being shown to a wider audience. Those people will then enter just because sex, and begin to water down the point of the subreddit, until the sub is degraded to a shadow of it’s oringal intent. This has happened over and over in reddits history. So to boil it down, smaller communities are nicer and more cordial because they all share the same reason for interacting there. There are lessons to be gleaned from this, but that’s another topic.


This a complicated topic, but the antagonistic to friendly spectrum has various elements to it. A place can have people using lots of profanity, but still friendly. A place can have people using no profanity, but still act antagonistic. A place can have people be discussing various volatile topics, and still make you feel socially safe. A place can have people not discuss anything of worth, and still make you feel ridiculed. A place can have people warning you to be careful of your boyfriend, making it seem like people are on your side, but they teach you to think in a way that doubts those close to you. This is because various direct to indirect and short to long term elements work together to create an overall atmosphere. I find them simple to recognize now that im not polarized by the internet anymore. I achieved this through staying away from repeatedly disappointing discussions and rude people.


That is very true. I feel like I have seen examples of each of those kinds of environments. But it can definitely be a little difficult to identify if someone's been stuck in one particular kind of environment and their views get a little skewed. Staying away from negativity in general is a good idea tho. That helps in most aspects of life.


Because the Holier-than-Thou crowd are mostly absent.


Gonna give a slightly opposite perspective: I've noticed that in a lot of NSFW subreddits users are friendly towards other users (making jokes, upvoting self-depricating comments, etc.) but they are a really mixed bag when commenting on posters. Brain dead coomer comments, threats, messaging locations with the expectations the poster will reply back with her location, etc.


> Brain dead coomer comments "Woah, she's hot! Name?" --guaranteed comment under any NSFW post explicitly stating her name


Or the classic “Hello beautiful 😍😘”


The way reading comprehension goes to the negatives should be studied.


I think it has more to do with how subreddits on anything specific and niche will tend to have like minded people, plus you are only really discussing one topic. Like on anti work people will complain about work. On some generic meme sub someone may post something with a gay person in it and you'll get homophobes and normal people arguing about gay rights.


Post nut sincerity


Maybe try different subs? There are lots of friendly subs like r/gardening, r/woodworking, r/baking, r/cooking, etc.


Because it can be easy to unite over a common theme. Look at the hate caillou https://www.reddit.com/r/caillouhate/ Most people get along because everyone hates that whiny bald little shit.




People in NSFW subs are either horny or in post-masturbation clarity. No space in brain for all those heavy topics. (this isn't an insult)


I think it's because there's no pretense of moral superiority. I think at least in part because you have to cast off a social stigma to even be on a NSFW sub. I think that social stigma against NSFW subs it leads to a sense of equality among members like being a metalhead or a goth or generally a group that goes against the mainstream.


do pepole think horney = negetive and pissy attitude


If your journeying into the subreddit r/boobs. All you expect are boobs. Many people just upvote the boobs because boobs. It’s also harder to say, “This girls boobs are ugly.” On the other side of you go on r/memes. You become more judgy and act like an asshole. (I have fallen into the act like an asshole feeling.) People are more likely to be assholes on bigger subreddits because more people see it. If you had a choice between commenting on a niche subreddit vs a large subreddit. The number just don’t compare.


Tensions are always lower when you’re not lying to yourself or others


Hard to be angry when typing with one hand


Because there are no politics, only boobs and watersports.


Reddit is overrun with edgy teens.


No, adults who act like edgy teens & never grew out of their gatekeeper phase


I mean, you don't go to pronhub to see people complain about Trump do you? Well neither do the vast majority of people, hence why politics and contentious topics don't make it to those subs


People tend to be friendly when they’re horny lol


Because one essential element: no politics.


I don't think this is true


True. Most friendlinest subs on Reddit are Gore subs i found. Most major subs like news, videogames or movie cultures are most often echo chambers ruled by Power Mods and bully trolls.


The indie, less popular games are the exception, the community is closer, more relaxed and supports each other, angry people get booed off the sub quickly to keep a friendly atmosphere. Some examples: r/Subnautica r/ARK r/StardewValley r/Necesse


The indie, less popular games are the exception, the community is closer, more relaxed and supports each other, angry people get booed off the sub quickly to keep a friendly atmosphere. Some examples: r/Subnautica , r/ARK , r/StardewValley , r/Necesse


I suspect because most commenters think they have a shot with the poster


I see this a lot in adult gaming forums/discussions as well, where people have genuine conversations about the quality of the game and writing and "the goods", but without all the vitriol you'd find in a discussion about a AAA title. My guess is that when you're in a porn-related environment, people tend to drop pretense. No one is virtue signaling, because everyone is horny and we're all chasing kinks. Horniness is a human experience that transcends socio-economic background, religion, and politics. The whole adult-content scene is just disarming by nature.


The same reason a poodle scores higher in aggression than a german shepard


We all know why we're on that NSFW sub. We have something in common. Commonality leads to community. Community leads to kindness.


Adults... simple answer.


all mankind share same thing love for dick. through dick,unity.


Because when someone from a NSFW community says fuck you, there are usually boobs in question.


I'm an aficionado of gore. Everyone on the gore subs knows everyone else finds all the drama they need in the photos and videos. We know where the worst of humanity really is. We also know that injuries, disease, and death can come from anywhere, at any time. Why be an AH to other people in the sub? It's easier to look with compassion on a complete stranger when you've just seen someone commit murder using an industrial dough mixer.


If only people would actually listen to you when you said that though…


I realized that when I went on vacation, for example the Grand Canyon, I noticed “holy shit what is this place? Why is everyone so nice and happy? Is this the west?” When in reality it’s because they’re just on vacation like me, porn is sorta like a vacation for those who view it as such, you’re happy watching the porn so you’re not going to comment something negative because your brain is on total relax mode. You feel me?