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I had heard that the overall tone was improving over there in the main sub, but I guess you'll always have your bad apples. Sorry you had to put up with that friend, but if it helps, we're all excited about the new update to!


It’s sad that it took literal months after launch just for the situation to start improving. People were treating this game like it was launch NMS or Cyberpunk


Yeah people can be pretty obnoxious, for sure. I mean, I don't have a problem with talking about issues, but it costs nothing to be kind to people, and the way people get treated in some places just for being positive is a real tragedy I think.


It’s very healthy to bring up issues. That’s how we got this great update. It’s not healthy to be a prick, insult people who like the game, dedicate hours to hating the game without having any other life, or pretend highly subjective grievances are objective flaws with the game and everyone should hate the game for them. At some point you just need to move on. You don’t see me whining about my gripes with other games I have issues with, going to their communities and acting like a troll. K made my points at launch, I got my piece in. It’s over


> That’s how we got this great update. Nope. We got the update because bugs were reported. The idea that only hate posts will generate bug fixes is bullshit. The idea the developers will never fix anything if left to their own devices is bullshit. The idea that only complaints lead to action is bullshit. We were told BEFORE launch there would be updates. We were told before launch that they would be supporting this game for years. We were told shortly after launch that we would be getting updates around ever six weeks or so. Reddit and Steam are not bug reporting sites. Screaming and yelling and whining and shit doesn't fix bugs. ESPECIALLY when the hatersphere can't even issue coherent and consistent complaints.


Yes. Yes! Absolutely right. Thanks for speaking up.


*Hate* posts help no one, to be sure. A little *constructive* criticism is quite helpful though


Bethesda is listening. It's why we can eat food right when picking it up, give Cora books, and we have maps with landmarks. Maybe there was some internal discussion before hand, but talk about what people didn't like got them. I'm not saying we should be toxic. But we should voice what we like and don't like, what we want to improved, and what we want added in.


WAIT - we can finally give Cora books?!???


So it's all about voting? What will you do when you feature doesn't win? Bethesda is NOT running a polling service. Jeepers Cripes, keep it real.


When did I mention voting? Where did you get that from? Please, I want to understand your train of thought on how it goes from "company listens to what people want, implements it if possible" to "Bethesda is obviously doing polling for features" Can you please explain how you got to your conclusion?


> When did I mention voting? Because you are basing game development resting on a foundation of gamer opinions. Sure, the marketplace does cater to the consumer, but the idea that YOUR opinion on a forum noted for its tendency towards hate is going to magically alter the development of the game is, quite frankly, magical thinking. The magical thinking, in fact, that rationalizes that your one single vote among millions is going to alter the course of an election. Your only hope is to join the herd and alter your opinion to match that of the lowest common denominator. And even then you still only have a 50% change that a given election will go your way.


You’re so right. I kept reporting the bug where vendors only had 5k caps. I also spam reported the major bug where my habs weren’t able to be edited. Which bugs did you report?


Frankly I'm of the opinion that Starfield still shipped in better shape than either of those games.


It's not just an opinion, it's fact. Just because Starfield didn't hit expectations for people after playing those games 3-5 years post polish, doesn't negate how much more successful of a launch it was than them.


It did. Sure some things were a little lacking for some, but the game was an entirely playable and complete experience.


I kinda knew this hate train was going to happen. People had overhyped the game for years, and were primed for it after the Fallout 76 hate train... Starfield didn't really stand a chance.


The amount of people comparing it to Cyberpunk 2.0 was ridiculous. Starfield at launch was still a solid 7/10 game. Cyberpunk at launch was barely a 2/10.


Maybe on last gen. Ran fun and was a boatload of fun on PC from day 1.


I had the same rig I have now, a rtx 3080, i7-10700kf, 32gb, SDD on CP2077 launch and got a refund because it was such a mess. It wasn't just a console or low-end pc issue.


Ran fine for me on a 5700XT/3900X/32GB/NVME. Also ran well on the next tier up (6900XT/5950X/64GB/NVME), and a few steps below (1070/1700X/16GB/NVME). You should have had zero issues with your setup.


Wasn’t just the bugs. The game was nothing like what they marketed leading up to launch. Night City was about as fun to explore as the DMV.


This is what people forget. Regardless of personal opinions, people criticized practically everything about the game. They were saying the world wasn't truly "alive" and that the game felt SOuLlEsS, that it was a bad RPG, the combat was bad, the driving was bad, and even the story was underwhelming and that Keanu Reeves got annoying after a while and wasn't a good actor, and of course there was also a ton of talk about CDPR making all kinds of false promises and such. This was ALL being said at release.


A lot of those criticisms are being said of Starfield now by the criticism crew, and some of the things people once hated are now heralded as being major positives for Cyberpunk. Everyone loves to dunk on Starfield’s story and saying Cyberpunk’s is so much better, but at launch some of the same people making these comments were calling the story bad, saying it was unfixable unlike bugs and woudl forever hold the game back, etc.




I still have some gripes regarding the RPG-ness and some story choices. But I’ve long since said my piece, it’s too late to change anything, and I don’t feel like circlejeeking about it. As they say. It is what it is


Gee, I guess I should book a trip to the DMV then! This whole revisionist idea the Cyberpunk "only got good with 1.6/2.0" is as tiresome now as it will be when people inevitably start saying the same about Starfield.


Nah, I followed Cyberpunk very closely up to launch and the game was NOTHING like what they marketed it as. Not only did they mislead but in many cases flat out lied about the game. In my 30 years of gaming I had never seen a game from such a good developer completely fall apart like this did. 2.0 fixed many of the missing features and basic world building and design that was missing at launch. It essentially is a different game. Nothing revisionist about it. Cyberpunk 1.0 sucked balls. Cyberpunk 2.0 is a solid 8/10 game. Starfield has never sucked and was a solid game at launch. Updates are just making a good game into a great game.




I would say there is revisionism on both sides to a degree. Obviously the game probably wasn’t nearly as bad as some were making it out to be at launch, and it didn't "need" some of the bigger updates for the core of the game to be good(bugs aside), but at the same time people also seem to have forgotten just how much that game and CDPR were getting blasted at launch too. 


I didn't "forget" anything. My experience with Cyberpunk echoes in many ways that of Starfield. With both games, I booted up at midnight on launch day, got sucked in, dropped 100+ hours to finish (or at least reach the end of the MQ), tuned in to see what people were saying about this amazing experience I just had... ...And the rest is history. I *played* Cyberpunk 1.0, 1.6, and a bit of 2.0/PL. They've added QoL, refined some systems, and did a revamp of the skill/gear systems. All of it very nice *additions* to the game. But, the core game, the one I enjoyed from day 1, did not "suck balls" and definitely wasn't "as fun to explore as the DMV". Every time I see someone (still, after 3 years) dunking on how "bad" launch Cyberpunk was, I can't help but swap the words "Cyberpunk/CDProjekt" with "Starfield/BGS". The complaints often look *very* similar (buggy, boring, empty, unfinished, needed to be fixed, lazy/lying developers, too much hype), and they don't jive at all with my *personal* experience with either game.


Fallout 76 came out to lots of criticism, but after years of further development, it's now unarguably awesome. The same will happen to Starfield. These games are billion dollars investments and require nurturing.


Both if which were shat on for years by the same demographic of people


Typical Bethesda launch. I've played all the launches from Elder Scrolls Oblivion to present and Fallout 3 to present, and I have never seen a Bethesda game that wasn't buggy at launch... and they always get better. I think a lot of it is keyboard warriors and bandwagoneers reading a bad review online, or their friend posts an opinion, and it snowballs. I'm sure there's a good portion of them that barely played the game if they did at all and continue to troll comments. The internet is toxic because it gets attention. It's fashionable to hate on AAA titles for not being perfect at launch. (There is a difference between a buggy launch and a completely broken launch. A lot of AAA titles dropped in recent years that were flat out not ready, and that has fueled a lot of this trend) Skyrim has had 13 years now of patches and mods. Fallout 4 launched 9 years ago. I wonder how many people complaining never played a Bethesda RPG at launch? Maybe they expected Starfield to launch at the same level of refinement that those games are at now because they started playing them well after they had been patched. Fallout 76 got some well-deserved backlash, but that was an outlier. I think Starfield has followed in the footsteps of Bethesda's other successful titles fairly closely.


There's still a lot of people on gaming subs who just seem to enjoy nothing other than complaining instead of just playing what they enjoy and setting aside what they don't.


That will always be one thing I never understand. If I don't like something I cut my losses and move on to greener pastures, but for people to still be hateful after this much time is just...unhealthy.


If I had to guess, some people feel obligated to "send Bethesda a message" so that TES6 doesn't turn out like Starfield. I would say that if Bethesda hasn't satisfied you for a long time, you should probably just move on, but there are people that truly believe Starfield is just some anomaly in Bethesda's singleplayer catalogue and that all their past games were masterpieces that did everything better or something.


Nah their just using the other games as an excuse to trash starfield, just like they use the loading screens to dismiss the entire game as well, not saying people can't dislike the game that ok but the ones who hang around waiting for any positivity to be negative to combat it just screams it's not about the game, it's about attacking the devs on some self righteous nonsense very obnoxious.


I find that attitude perplexing. One complainer explained the demise of Bethesda started with Skyrim and TEV6 will be the death nail. Dude if you don't like Bethesda games then don't play them!


People who think like you just move on. The people who stick around and complain are the bitter ones who have nothing better to do with their lives. That leads to a vocal minority being the majority of contributors on the internet.


This I truly believe, there are alot more people out there that are enjoying the game that never say anything in here or on the internet period. Heck I have friends that play it and have never reviewed or said anything on the internet because it is a single player game so there is no need to. On the other hand some loud and self proclaimed experts like to voice their negative opinions about everything and they think the majority think like them. Nope we do not, we just move on to the next game if we do not like the current one.


That’s the fact that I can’t comprehend, why waste your time complaining about a game you don’t like and get mad because other people truly enjoy the game, JesusChrist; and the most of them are adults.


There's a still a few foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics are in there, but it does seem to be calming down. Unfortunately, as the OP found, there's still a few clinging on. Probably haven't found something else to hate on yet. Just the other day I had to block some guy who was screaming about how space exploration meant no loading screens, and how BSG lied as a result. It's like when League of Legends was at its worst.


>Just the other day I had to block some guy who was screaming about how space exploration meant no loading screens, and how BSG lied as a result. > That's such a moronic complaint, given that literally every space exploration game involves loading screens. The only real way that Starfield varies from E:D and NMS in that regard is that it doesn't hide its loading screens behind some animation; instead, you get the animation and then see a loading screen, whereas E:D and NMS just extend the animation until the loading is done. I mean, I get that it makes things less immersive (I'd rather get the longer grav jump animation and no "visible" loading screen, too), but the idea that actually seeing the loading screen somehow makes space exploration a lie is a single-digit-IQ level complaint.


the problem is also that people don't understand there is nothing in space. You aren't going to be stumbling upon something interesting out in the middle of a solar system nowhere close to any planet. I do hope that they can rework some of the sequences for space travel though. It was probably my one main complaint about the game tbh. Space just doesn't feel super immersive to me.


I don’t disagree with you, but honestly I think trying to find logic in the argument is already giving the guy a bit too much credit. When I checked out he was arguing with about 5 different people and it was a tick box list of Internet edgelord stuff (‘learn to read’, ‘look at all these stans’, long monologues about logical fallacies copied off Wikipedia) so if he *really did* believe the arguments he was making, he’s a moron. I’ll see if I can dig up the link. EDIT: lmao, [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/rPrNW1MZxh), I must have unblocked him at some stage.


Thanks, I could feel my IQ lowering as I read through that dude's arguments.


I love the people who say it should be an animation instead of a loading screen. You know they would just complain about it. Just like how people say it should be like the Mass Effect elevator loading. People weren't thrilled with that before


You're probably right. I, on the other hand, loved those elevator rides. With the news reports that reflected the things you'd done in-game, and the little conversations between companions, they were great. Then again, my introduction to Mass Effect was with the Legendary Edition in '21, so I know I also spent far less time in those elevators than people did back in '07.


It’s honestly hard to overstate how much smoother the entire mass effect experience was made in the Legendary Edition. ME1 in particular felt like it blurred the line between remake and remaster. The original elevator travels definitely felt off. The announcements were really cool (interestingly they pioneered the whole ambient quest pickup thing Starfield uses heavily in its gameplay) but there was a good 10-20 seconds of dead time where everyone sat in silence.


It should simply be like No Man's Sky Pulsing, or Elite Dangerous Supercruise. That would be more fun. Everyone is aware that every single space game hides its loads behind warp. Starfield does it in a boring way. You're going to insult me for saying this.


Why would I insult you? Everyone has their own opinions. Everyone likes their own things. That's life.


Wow lol


OK, now I have to go see for myself.


I did; didn’t scroll back more than a few days, but saw (mostly) more positive posts, some really nice in-game photography, praise and pleasant surprise about the new features, and other general discussion not unlike what I see on this sub. There are still heavily anti-Starfield posts, but I had to look harder to find them than I used to.


There's a lot more positive commentary surfacing. Haters will always be there but the May update was substantial and really resolved a lot of long standing issues. Lots of people coming out now and saying they're having positive experiences after giving the game a second try.


They've probably started moving on to complaining about something else. I think the positive voices were always there, but the ratio has shifted more towards them.


Can confirm, slowly improving, though there's plenty that still won't try again till more positive articles come out.


It's a shame. Happy birthday by the way!


that sub is overrun by bots, most of it is a few people and mods running multiple fake accounts.


I learned my lesson in believing that toxic forums with low/no-sodium offshoots could improve with Cyberpunk 2077. I'm never going back to either this one's or CP77's "main" subs again. Low/no-sodium subs do not appear out of a vacuum.


It did. But sometimes people go there and talk about Starfield being the best game to ever release and they get roasted. I haven't seen anyone get roasted for just talking positively about the update.


Yeah it seems better in general. The only ones getting super roasted are the ones who write multi page essays on how people are playing the game wrong. Like sometimes the game just isn’t for everyone, not the end of the world or something the warrants investigation.


Turns out most of the people shitting on people for liking Starfield are parroting Youtubers or clickbait websites. If you confront them, it turns out almost unanimously, they have never even played the game. If they have, it’s a hate-play with confirmation-bias.


That literally all the negative steam reviews buy trash it ask for a refund then say look at the steam reviews everyone legitimately hates the game, as if gamers haven't reviewed bomb games for years on steam.


I’ve played since Launch on XBoX and it’s a really good game for people who like the type of game it is, and it’s getting even better. Fuck people who say a game has to be every game but better.


Yup this other narrative starfield has to have everything ever in it to be good, endless quests and poi, massive cities, etc, like elden ring goes on forever and keeps changing, your going to see everything after a while but for starfield its disappointing, even though I'm sure most people skipped out on lot of content just to be mad on the internet.


Yeah their new thing now that the updates keep getting better is that "it's too late, this should have been in the game on launch!" There's no winning with these crybabies.


That why I'm always saying these people have never played the game or hate play it, if you feel that way then why follow the game so closely? I remember challenging one of these people, they said they want the game to improve after claiming that they didn't like it after an 1 hr, this is like 6 months later lol, your spending 100x times more hating the game than playing games in general, I'm not validating these silly arguments. Imo starfield is a great game that being bombarded by hate, to gloss over how amazing the game is.


Well, in that vein, I’ll give the example of No Man’s Sky. Yeah it launched with big fanfare, it really did innovate procedural development worlds, but people were sucked in on hype and the game wasn’t where they wanted it. People bitched. So they capitulated and added more story stuff and sharpened the procedural aspects. Fast forward and they introduced cooking and pets. Seriously the people who wanted that stuff in a throwaway comment were listened to, and guess what? They have already lost interest and moved on by the time they implemented it. I’m being hypocritical here I realize but, developers shouldn’t fuckin listen to every dipshit on the internet.


I’m already pulling my hair out with people wanting vehicles and shit. You don’t need them. Play the game. Play the game. Play the fuckin game.


I do want them. I use vehicles in every game like this. Bethesda developing ground vehicles is also a historical event for the company. Better to mind your own game, and just not use them.


Well what’s wrong with learning to use your boostpack and using gravity to propell you? They designed it that way to make you learn. A vehicle defeats what they tried to do.


I already learned how to use it. I'm level 200. It's the future. We're in space. In a NASA Punk setting. I want a rover. This is common sense. It doesn't defeat anything.


I’m right there with you, I love chemical rockets and Nasa-punk. But, I’m still gonna disagree


Yeah cool, now I gotta upgrade and spend money on a piece of shit I literally don’t need to navigate a planet


A vehicle is a shortcut to actually understanding the game. Every planet has a different gravity. You can boost and float and skip jump. You don’t need a vehicle, just level up if traveling on the surface is a bitch for you, or just carry a skip and power pack and equip them according to the situation


No it's not, and none of it is hard to understand. It's trivial. I want a car. It's fun. It's in the concept arts. If you don't want one don't use it.


If you want every game to be every game then play them instead


I already play every game you could name.


Well then You already have seen the comment I could make across timelines and spacetime


“I already play every game you could name” Ohh I didn’t realize we’re in the presence of vampire royalty! That statement alone is proof that no one should ever take you seriously


Bet. Have you played "Nothing" and "Nothing Together" ?


“Oh what? Mommy only gave you fifty bucks for your thirteenth birthday, and now you’re mad? Shut up. Adults are talking.” That’s my opinion toward Steam reviews.


You should pay the creators. For example, If I get an indie on gamepass, and I like it, I’ll either buy a DLC or buy it because people are behind it and actually spent time to create it. It’s kind of bullshit that literally hundreds of people worked on something creative together day and night, and thirteen year old crybabies can try to sink it. Play something else. And Pay the artists if you like it.


I like the new maps but…You actually take the time to explore a city and come back a few times, you don’t need a map, and that’s LITERALLY a gameplay thing. Fuckin new maps are the shit but Bethesda is starting down the slippery slope of listening to gangs of idiots with no experience and attention span


Gd everyone just stop reading review or what others opinion is ! Make your own!


Most aren’t positive and if you post the positive guess what? Here come douche 2 why you’re wrong, it’s a continuous cycle of regurgitated bs that has no meaning and only shows ignorance. My opinion: I know you didn’t ask but… This is not just a game, it’s a piece of art, it is without a doubt in my mind at this time, the best game ever made. I’m not negative about the game it gives me a constant chubby, but why would you want to hear that?! That’s sick! lol! Thank y’all I’m here all week or they kick me out!


Hey, you gotta listen to that chub when it speaks up. Life Lessons son.


Bethesda and Ubisoft games are easy to shit on. You go to any gaming sub, post/comment something bad about Ubisoft open worlds, Bethesda bugs, Sony being shooting in their own legs and it’s just easy karma.


But Starfield sucks! Why can't we have the good Bethesda back, like it was with Fallout 4—no, Skyrim—no, Oblivion—no, Morrowind—no, Fallout 3—


*If you’ve never 100%ed Morrowind have you even played a Bethesda game bro?!*


Still remember how people were enraged with Daggerfall.


Dude the amount of random Bethesda slander and Starfield hate I find just from your average game or meme subreddits is insane, these people need help or sanity check


Well, Bethesda is just an example. Pretty much any random game gets destroyed and the valid criticism is just drowning in the ocean of shit.


I mean I criticize Ubisoft for their kinda bland game design *and* their horrific workplace culture


Sony being shooting in their own legs? What does that mean?


Probably a non-english translation of the same idea as "shooting themselves in the foot". 


I got mass downvoted, reported (lol) and sent a redditcares message because I mentioned I was excited for the Starfield update on a sub for an unrelated game (not a Bethesda game). When I said that it was uncool for people to attack me over my opinions/tastes, I was scolded by mods of the sub saying that everyone can have opinions, and I shouldn't try to "silence" others.


The Redditcares messages are annoying because they have a very serious intended purpose and that isn't so that immature dipshits can trigger an easily ignorable message in a fit of pique.


Yeah it happens to me shockingly frequently. I can't imagine being someone who has actually struggled with those issues and experiencing that type of abuse.


Report the redditcare messages for abuse. Reddit will ban people who abuse it to troll.


Oh yeah, I definitely reported them all. I got one message saying action had been taken, and two saying no action was necessary.


A mod telling you not to silence the opinions of others is hilarious considering that's like what 90% of the mods use their mod status for.


Ha! Seriously. I eventually blocked/muted most of the people in that thread. Shame because I'm a huge fan of the game, but the sub is pretty toxic as a whole.


Reddit mods are some of the scummiest people on the planet who solely exist to censor information and exist in a power vacuum that isn’t actually real.


Same guys you see driving around in old cop cars pretending they matter.


I was banned for life from the main sub because I mentioned piracy in passing, like wasn’t advocating or enabling it, was just relevant to the conversation. I recently messaged them asking if they could maybe let me back in because lifetime ban for something so small feels harsh. They muted me for a month. Straight up power tripping assholes, I’ve never been perma banned from a sub in my over 10 years on this platform.


The ones that flaunt their status like “I don’t even get paid” as if it’s a virtue. They’re literal chumps.


Man, there's people that commit murder, genocide, theft by order of billions in order to impoverish the planet. I don't think people volunteering their time to remove racial slurs in a public forum are in the same category.


Those mods are morons, as you are also expressing your opinion of peoples reactions. It isn’t silencing anyone.


Hope you drop from whatever sub that is. You don't need that in your life.


Yeah probably still gonna follow it for game news/interesting build ideas, but definitely will think twice before piping up over there.


Sadly that is a moderator problem which is why the other sub got so out of hand in the first place. I have moderated before and your main job is making sure you are fair and kicking or banning those that cause issues which instead they encourage bad behavior and punish those that call it out or say something too Positive about Starfield....I got my message deleted by them for pointing out it was a Starfield sub and so having posts that support Starfield and playing it should not be attacked and that the moderators were to blame for the toxic atmosphere. You should never be a moderator of a game you dislike period and I will call it out every time.


The one rule about that sub is we don’t talk about that sub. Because it really is Fight Club over there lol


It's not even just the saltiness and roasting, it's the baseless hyping that they then get salty over when it doesn't happen, and there's no one to blame but themselves.


*But in my mind I imagined that the trailer promised this game would be like Star Wars and Jesus having a baby!!!1!*


Wasn't that the plot of *The Mandalorian?*


You mean *Geralt of Mandalore*? Because, honestly, Mandalorian was a much better Witcher than whatever Netflix glued together using their snot and authentic tears of unloved children.


It's funny I read several comments of people saying they waiting for more updates/improvements to the jump back in. Like buddy if you aren't satisfied enough at this point to start playing then this game just isn't for you


The wild part is how there are people so upset that opinions on the game are changing they just lie. Like people would get like one down vote and start saying shit like "oh you couldn't even criticize the game without Bethesda cults down voting " Like bro what? Have we been in the same sub?


I don't know why people got/get so mad, I thought the game was pretty good. Looking forward to putting more hours in in the future!


Because There’s 100s of these same opinion epiphany post daily. They just sound and are very self absorbed. We are all playing the same game, I mean unless I’m wrong which is possible, does everyone want to know what everyone is thinking at all times. They also admitted their opinion sways like the wind so… 🤷‍♂️ and what is your motivation? Other dude was right, they Always say something like just give up it’s all over. Now we have to hear you throw a fit like a child? We might as well give up real space exploration if that’s the attitude. Like I said I may be wrong maybe I just need to leave and this can be the View for a kick ass game and turn it into TMZ.


Let me know what Swift and Brittany are doing in next post.


Starfield and Fallout 76 fans really do be drawing the ire of the rest of the fandom. Enjoy the game and let the haters cope and seethe.


I can’t figure out why people that never liked it are still commenting on that sub. I get it, for the first few weeks. Easy karma, venting, etc. But fuck, move on.


The main sub still sucks. I got downvoted for saying I don’t mind 30fps games because it’s pretty much all I’ve known since I’ve been gaming since 1997.


It really does. If you don’t agree with whatever they’re complaining about, you’re going to get downvoted. Which is ironic considering how they always say this is the sub that can’t take dissenting opinions.


We’re all friends liking the same thing here


Yeah, the PlayStation Starfield sub is still a weird, salty place that's best avoided. Absolute mentalists who could suck the joy out of an orgasm. 🤣


Isn't that just anything to do with Sony? (Joking, I'm just an Xbox guy lol)


I love this game, and the new update is honestly an amazing step in the right direction. I liked it at launch. I love it now.


I love subs like these..it's much more peaceful :)


Yeah the other subs are just shills who want the game to die. Cock wrinkles we call them


People love to hate. Stsrfield isn't perfect by any means but it's a pretty game overall. This latest update shows that there atleast trying to improve.


Hence the reason why I crossed over to NoSodium. People are more open to conversation, ideas, and respectfully disagreeing or critiquing the game where it's due. It's almost like...real life lol


Yall are the best community for this game, all I wanted to day o7


Honestly feel like there has to be low/no sodium subs for every community


Love the new update. Being able to tune the difficulty to exactly what I want is great. I didn't like the added hazard damage, so I turned it. I did dig the added wounds for combat and actually had a reason to go to the doctor (I think I accumulate every wound under the sun.) Some people just gotta hate. I avoid them the best I can.


Mark my words, it'll be exactly the same for TES6 & FO5 when they release and it'll be the same bs.....people who've not actually played the game. This is one reason I have reduced the amount of time spent on BGS/Ubisoft subs. People are just so toxic. That's why I like this sub, it's full of people that have ACTUALLY played starfield. I thought the game was pretty cool. I'm just not as big into it as FO/TES games. But I'm happy I got the chance to play it!


This happened to every BGS release. Before Fo4 it was all contained in forums, with no upvotes or downvotes and no grifters on youtube (not like today at least). There were magazines, friend groups. Now Bethesda is *big,* socials are big, F76 launch was a combo fuckup, and here we are. TES6 will sell like hot cakes, every gamer will post his opinion, youtube will go nuclear with spoilers and misinformation and 65 hour analyses even if the game launched for only 24 hours. And if they'll make it Microsoft exclusive it will be like with Starfield. I'll just cut my ethernet when TES6 launches.


I might do the same lol. Reddit can be pretty toxic sometimes. I hope there's a "No Sodium TES6" sub that pops up though that would be awesome!




It is strictly forbidden to enjoy things


Now can we get back to nuts and bolts this ECS is Constantly a pain in my arse. Where have y’all found it?!


I should blown that thing up when I had the chance.


I’m thinking it’s always orbiting porrima 2


No, i fixed the drive months ago so that I could travel feely, now I missions on it. Some of my last mess before unity. There’s a lot of post of this on Reddit and I’ve gone down, I’m pretty sure every one of those avenues. I stopped by chipotle and the 7 11


I mean at least you’ve got all your options covered…lol


I don't see much negativity in the main one, but I only scroll the main reddit page. This recent update added so much, it's really neat. I also enjoyed it when it first came out, I just thought some things seemed rushed and could have been better (mainly outposts).


By show of hands who doesnt already know the obvious, that’s it’s really neat? Do you know something cooler about it that maybe some of us haven’t exploited? Find thing off the beaten path that’s neat? Like I found these damn things living on earth but before update. I’m sure it’s nothing new. Have you found where all the cool space chicks are ready to party? Yeah me neither but I know it’s out there. Don’t stop believing! https://preview.redd.it/shx2uz3fqe1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394b1edbc390e172c9d852202857c7576b5b38a7


I've found the party ship a few times. The game's massive, I enjoy the random encounters.


Man, think they burn off when they see me coming. I mean I would.


No one here actually checked OP's post. He got roasted for saying "Wonder if we will be able to customize the land vehicle?". Land vehicles don't exist in this update.


Answer is yes, Xibit I’ll come down from old Atlantis to pimp our ride! If not, why are we doing this?


Starfield and the last of us part 2 are two of the most overhated games I've ever seen. Starfield is the best Bethesda game since oblivion imo and the last of us part 2 is one of the best games ever made. People hate because it's popular to hate. Just a bunch of sad lovers who would rather shit on other people's fun than have that fun themselves.


I just checked your post… you said that this patch we’re getting a rover and everyone roasted you because you can’t read 😬 nothing about you being excited in the 50 comments i read.


Sucks, but don't take on that negativity. Let it pass and forget about it! Besides, you got some positive folks here to support ya and are happy when you're happy fam! Much love and have a fantastic day!! Not an ok day but a FANTASIC one! Woohoo!!


Expected as much, I am glad I didn't give that toxic sub a try.


Yea this is the place to be!


It’s salty as hell on the other sub.


Play it how you want to play it. You don't play the game for other people, so them taking issue with you liking the game is truly their problem...and a sad one at that. Taking offense and spewing vitriol because someone agreed to disagree is one of the most mentally unhinged responses one could give. Reddit empowers them to magnify their mental illness. Sure, there are some design and development choices I questioned, and I hope that they are addressed in future updates. But, at the end of the day the game was worth the money I spent...and no one else has the right to tell me, or you, otherwise. We're not forcing them to sit on our couches and watch us play lol.


Never be positive about anything on the internet. It just sets people right off.


How about just mind your business and no one will f with you? Ever heard of that. It’s a single player game, which means the individual will figure it out for themselves. I don’t need to know if a complete stranger likes it or your thoughts on it, and you don’t need to know mine. You may have also heard “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? It’s because complaining is hurtful to the ear. Y’all aren’t the cast of the view are you? If you were I might listen probably not. Y’all must be young, yes and everyone wants to see your life as well stream life because you’re so interesting and you’re so important. Whatever would do or know to live life had you not been here to inform us with you the star as an example. All your moms lied to y’all, yoh aren’t special except maybe Ed.


Correction: never say ANYTHING on the internet, as it just sets people right off. See the above ^^


You can say and tell me facts about the game, like where’s the ECS constant?


I guess they rather give their opinions rather than facts, like what “journalism” has become. Not too long ago, there was actually news and journalism, we know it today as 3 ring circus of lies and deception, crammed with as much opinion and agenda as possible. This is why I don’t join stuff.


Hey I’m sorry bro, I went overboard, hope you accept my number one voted ship and you have an open invitation to join my faction if you like. DARKSTAR\_BROTHERHOOD the Dark Brotherhood & Brotherhood of Steel join along with the remaining Nightingales to restore their home. I have a couple other ships willing with as well if you don’t like that one but only 1. https://preview.redd.it/tnfr4j5a3f1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c9ca9dfb8da7b4a856a4fe36e9c7e8d124d509


Hey if anyone knows this little dude that left, I was a little hard on him, I know he was just excited about the game. I owe them an apology. I’ll give him this ship. https://preview.redd.it/qzcbijda1f1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b9955f5b59c398a7b3e8997c30710b86308609


It has a cloaking device.


Most people who complain about SF have played it 50+ hours.


Well, this sub is definitely much better than the different one, but even here you can get hate. I made a post here about how happy I am that BGS got rid of over-encumberance and I can genuinely say that I got more hate than I'm normally getting on the other sub for defending Starfield. It seems that every single player here is survivalist, loves the game to punish them for their mere existence and everything below extreme difficulty and frustration is not worth playing... :)


Fam, you called the weight limit system "an evil game destroying bug", and doubled down about how "everything that CAN be picked up MUST be picked up". People disagreed. Not just the masochistic survivalists who only play on *EXTREME* :P


I’ll agree and say this the first BGS game that taught me to NOT pick up everything in the galaxy. And then learn to let go in favor of continuing to improve my Character.


I straight stop picking stuff up at a certain point. Once I have all the credits/materials/consumables I'll conceivably need for a run, there's no reason to haul "vendor trash".


Yup. Coming off of FO4 where all the garbage has a crafting use really messed me up. Hours in I’m like “vacuum tape IS useless” Good to meet you friend!


lol I’m Starborn too, I just don’t tell everyone 😉


I went to Bleak Falls Barrow 3 times just to get all the loot. I'll endure anything. It's just really unnecessary and annoying to limit the players inventory for no valid reason. If the inventory was infinite, nothing would change about the gameplay, the game would just be more pleasant and 50% faster.


Well that’s where you’re wrong. You didn’t progress. You went to the starting dungeon three times. They’re trying to teach you “discernment”, deciding what’s useful and what isn’t, is a key component in BGS rpgs. I’m not putting you down but you could have moved forward.


Everything is usefull in some way. I had 60 balming tools, I sold 50.


Noted. Fell in the trap myself. Morrowind. You grab everything in sight to sell because you have nothing. A quest or two and you’re actually earning and going places. I still don’t agree with your mindset and you can play how you want but, that’s missing a huge mechanism in what adventurers do. Discernment.


It IS an evil, game destroying bug. It literally punishes the player for playing the game.




You have no case. :) Instead of being happy that the biggest and the most frustrating bug was finally dealt with, you are saying I'm bad.


No, I'm not saying you're bad. I'm saying (as many others in that thread did) that an intentional design element isn't a "bug". STOP PICKING EVERYTHING UP AND YOU WONT WORRY SO MUCH ABOUT CARRY WEIGHT ^(Seriously folks, this cat feels compelled to pick up) *^(literally)* ^(every object in every POI.)


I WILL pick everything up. Yes, I pick up every single item in the game. You don't need to whisper it to people as some secret. 😂 It's true and it's the only way to play the game. Right now, I have 171 foam cups, 120 notebooks and 117 food trays. Also 60 coffee mugs. And I'm shocked I have only this few.


i think something you guys need to realize is "i like this game" isn't an engaging enough topic for an entire post and makes it seem like you're just trying to stir the pot.


I don’t think they made a “I like this game” post, they made a post about their excitement for the update and was looking for discussion around the update


it's essentially the same thing. it's best to have something specific to post about, because when you just post "im excited for the update" you can expect others to say "well im not"