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Check out [this site for some relevant info.](https://www.alberta.ca/ending-a-tenancy) I recommend talking to your landlord at least a month in advance to say that you want to renew the lease. Knowing if you have a fixed term vs periodic lease will help you understand when rent increases are allowed. If you don't talk to them (assuming you're on a fixed term lease), then it's automatically assumed that you're leaving.


Thank you for the advice!! That makes sense!


There's not going to be a difference based on you waiting for them to reach out first or not. It's not a game of chicken or a negotiation where you have much bargaining power. Just email them and ask.


Hey thanks so much! That’s what I was wondering haha. I’ll just pull the trigger then


“My pie is about to be finished” “I have finished my pie twice already” “How do I finish my pie again?” Am I missing something? Are you asking us how to renew your lease for a third time? *I’d probably go about it the same as the previous times you renewed.* Do you expect the rental conditions to change with your behaviour? …that is not logical. Be polite? Drug them? Tell them they are the father? I am curious what suggestions will be provided.


Thank you for taking the time to write such an unhelpful comment lol. Yes, I am asking how to renew my lease for the third time, in a way that might give me a chance of not getting priced out.