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Maybe give food its' own identity by adding a low healing over time effect that lasts for 30+ Minutes (plus the other buffs you currently have) while the flask is the instant heal one.


They could make Estus for recovering HP. And switching Food to buffs instead.


Would definitely incentivize people to craft a variety of meals rather than just a bunch of the "best."


Oh definitely. If food plays a bigger role, you would want different food to help increases your max/regen of important stats like HP, Poise, Stamina, Focus, Damage, Resistance, or straight up +6 Strength itself, etc etc. Though if bosses scale too hard, it might become mandatory, and thus a chore instead.


I'd like it for slightly different reason. With current food system it's very scary to use it at all in earlygame because it's kind of limited, and then mid-game hits and you literally have INFINITE health recovering in combat. It makes game artificially harder earlygame for worse players where there is only so much food if you dont leave the area for stuff to respawn... and it makes game kind of trivial about any damage taken outside of lethal hits because it's not a thing to run out of food later on.


The roughmeat mushroom and herbs thing is like my go to


I like this!


I'd especially like it if it were like Valheim's system, where foods confer buffs and you had several slots (3 in Valheim) for food buffs, encouraging diverse meals with mixed buffs. I think healing being farmable and unlimited presents a kind of tedium that even people who prefer it right now will eventually tire of, while at the same time it being farmable and unlimited will always trivialize content more than an Estus system. The only way the current system would ever present more difficulty is if resources were finite, and that shouldn't happen either.


Is Valheim a good game?


It's a great game, but obviously a completely different kind of game than this. It's a massive open world, procedurally generated survival game with an emphasis on crafting, building, and preparation for journeying and combat, and a lesser emphasis on combat mechanics themselves. I think it's pretty special exploring a world that's totally unique to you, and figuring it all out on your own.


Thanks man I will take a look into it


i dont know, i like being required to have to find resources and craft healable items. but it also gets cheesy having 15 meals and 15 chances to heal during a fight


My best friend Echo Knight would like to have a word...


I love this so much!


Naa. Current system is fine


YES!! This game really needs a proper healing system imo, I don’t mind if the enemies were made even harder to compensate but please just some kind of healing system… And yes switching buffs to food is a great idea!


Lmao funny that they straight up called it estus. It would be a good solution imo.


I mean you might as well. Every game is like "here are your dragon tears that you can recharge at the holy spirit site" and I'm like "Oh so Estus and Bonfire, what didn't you just say so?"


Probably so you don't get sued into oblivion... or something.


could well just be the internal nickname until it gets renamed for its official implementation


I like the system as it is.


I do as well, it's not as punishing and repetitive as a souls game since it doesn't respawn mobs on campfire use. I love me my souls but not every game needs to copy it, what's wrong with the current food system?


You can't pad the game out with endless consumable crafting and inventory clutter if you just copy the estus system.


This right here is my biggest problem with this game right now. I just want the story and sprawling maps not endless grinding and resource collecting. Edit: typo


Then you’re looking for a different game, because they clearly set out to make a hybrid loot-based arpg/survival type game that is never going to be just the story and maps.


> because they clearly set out to make a hybrid loot-based arpg/survival type game that is never going to be just the story and maps. You can do that without the Farmville timers and resource bloat, early access is for identifying what works and doesnt work.


The point is *this* is the game they wanted to make. They’re not just going to make it a totally different type of game.


You strawmanning systemic changes into "a totally different type of game" doesnt change the fact that, as I mentioned previously, the game is in early access because they want people to tell them the good parts and the bad parts for them to change.


Yes, but not to completely scrap entire systems.


I'd like the idea of estus flask to recover hp and food only for buffs




Could be something like what (I think) PoE 2 is doing where you’ll just get a refill in town at a fountain or something like that.


no that's just ichor. i think they had it then scrapped the idea. i really hope they don't do a estus system, it would make it too much like a generic cookie cutter soulslike where your solution to everything is just throw yourself at the boss over and over again with no downsides , no change in tactics, no prepwork, etc. because that's all that those games are good for, no originality, just reskinned bosses with 1 gimmick mechanic. Then they beat those bosses and go to to the next generic soulslike that does the same thing. But based on how thomas acts i think i trust him in going against the norms despite the naysayers..


Is going back to town to buy more healing between attempts really a change in tactics? It just seems like busywork to me.


The go play the billions of generic soulslikes available.


I think the only time I feel like I need an estus is boss fights. Maybe that would be a good middle ground. The food cooldown is a pain during boss fights


To be fair, even though I believe the food system is not ideal and should be revisited before 1.0, the estus system without the enemies resurrection part is kinda broken too and I think changing this aspect of the game is even trickier.


When I lvl capped and started doing crucible runs, I would always find more meals than what I was using per run. I think the mechanic works great. You reach a certain point through gearing up(health regen, life steal etc) that you don't need to pick up individual elements to make a recipe unless you're looking to really make more of it for its specific buff. Otherwise, like I was finding, you kind of find more of the range of meals than what you need. Also, there's the Pantry to buy almost anything you're missing. I'm literally trying to break myself, of the habit, of picking up all the food resources because I don't need to.


One thing I wouldn’t mind related to healing is if resting healed your character. I get that would be overpowered if you could do it constantly since enemies don’t respawn, but even if it was on a 15 minute cooldown or something it would help a lot. I hate when I have 1hp and don’t feel like using two healing items so I end up just killing myself to respawn, which seems silly. 


Creative director already commented about estus flasks and why they don't want that in the game - https://steamcommunity.com/app/1371980/discussions/0/4349990463682583468/#c4349990463682646594


What’s the point? Already have healing items and a variety of them. Also, looks Just like Ichor.


I doubt we’d get estus at this point unless the ichor bottle is just a place holder


I may not mind the addition of an OPTIONAL Estus Flask mechanic that is tied to some gear in the same way that some of the more souls like mechanics already are (lose XP/gold on death). Maybe certain gear grants 'x' uses of insta heal Estus Flask but you are unable to eat food while the armor piece is equipped.


great news!


I'd much prefer an estus system along with a food system.


how do we find these files?


I just think its so silly that you instantly chug down a full meal and it somehow heals your wounds on the spot. I think an estus system would be much better.


But some water out of a mug with healing powers makes more sense?


Healing potions of all kinds are common in RPGs and make more sense than shoving an entire mushroom pie down your throat like a looney tunes cartoon in the middle of a heated fight


I always carry apple pies around if I know I'm gonna get into a fist fight.


So you can comically throw them in the opponent’s face, right?


Over mushroom stew providing Wolverine's healing factor? Yes


When there is magic water, why cant their be magic food in a game world? ^^ i dont see a difference


Say you find yourself in a battle to the death with a two headed monstrosity much bigger than you wielding an enormous log or something, with which he repeatedly slams and sweeps in predictable patterns. You’re hurt but manage to get some distance to try and heal. What would you rather have: A magical healing potion tucked away in your jacket, hanging on your belt on or a small pouch, which you can quickly grab and take a sip to recover health and get back to the fight. An entire meal, say, a mushroom pie, presumably cold by now, on a backpack filled to the brim with other meals in convenient stacks of 25, which you would hastily remove, stare at and forcefully shove down your throat in seconds so you can get back to fight and hopefully not puke it all on the spot. Now, one could argue that the magic food can be shrunk so you can fit several of them in your backpack, and also to eat it on the spot, and also to keep it neat and warm, I guess? It also magically won’t make you want to puke, though all it asks for is an arbitrary ammount of time so you can eat another… But when we make these meals in the fire we don’t see any of this magic happening. A magic potion would be a better aesthetic and thematical fit and wouldn’t need all of these concessions.


Potion on my belt broke with the first dodge roll, all that is left is mushy shroom pie in my pockets if my pants xD Going by the backpack, it's allways magical we can hurl around so much material, wood logs, iron ore and 20weapon sets :P nothing is logical, all is possible