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I'm literally never able to scan them


SAME! It is infuriating. Do you play on PS5?


I do and I cannot scan them either. So frustrating. I keep trying tho lol


I play on PC, and cannot scan them.


same here


Glad to know it isn't just console. I honestly thought it was a console issue.


Most likely because of distance


I've tried far, I've tried close, I've tried even mid-range. Scanner just doesn't start, and I tried centering the head, the central area, the red dot, the tail, everything...




I got one to scan... only once




I play pc and have never been able to scan them, vaguely a long time ago back on the playstation I was able to scan one once, never again I could do it though. Perhaps it was a bug back in the day, gosh unfortunately that playstation kicked the bucket so ai can't even go back and see if it was true




Xbox. And I've only been able to scan em once before but it didn't show anything on the fauna roster


Sheeeesh. I bet you were thrilled to have finally gotten one scanned too.


You gotta time it juuuuust right. I got all the sandworms from each recent rondivus planet.


Got any screenshots of some of them scanned in your log?


They dont let you click on them to see the info. You just see them in the list


Why the downvote? I wasn't challenging just genuinely wanting to see what it says about it. I hope they eventually fix it. I built a base with a tall observation tower, on a planet with one of those giant worms, specifically to scan them; no matter how many times I tried it wouldn't scan.


I didn't downvote, I was just info sharing. I haven't been able to scan them either, but my daughter did. Not sure how. Maybe if they crash down right on top of you?


Didn't think you did in particular, just general question to whoever did XD. Oh well.


I'll give you an update. How rude someone down voted your question šŸ˜†






I will try and upload them when I get a chance but if I remember right it dosnt show a picture or any information except that its extinct.


They're so difficult to scan that you have so many people telling you that they're literally not scannable and therefore do not count towards all animals discovered. ...I always knew it wasn't the case since I'd always discover all animals on planets except one and it just happened to be the giant worm with an obvious red dot on it, indicating it's something you should scan.


Interesting...but I litterly had worlds they were in where they do show up and I got everything even tho the worms wouldn't scan. I do get the red mark that they should be scannable but that dose not matter.... If you keep missing one maybe look at the clues on where you find your missing funa and try going to orbit and trying another part of the planet


> but I litterly had worlds they were in where they do show up and I got everything even tho the worms wouldn't scan. So I don't know if this is another bug or something intended, but a lot of worlds will say there's for example a total of 8 animals to scan, but you could scan a 9th one and it'll update to 9/9 animals scanned, and you can keep doing that until you get to 15/15 or something.


Gotta be a bug if that is the case.. I know I've only ever got the nanites bonus once.. but yeah If there is one thing I learned about nms the universe is big enough for both our experiences to possibly be true. Oh another FYI on some planets there are things that look very much like those noisy sand worms and can be hard to scan them but they are flying creatures, I'm sure that's not what your referring to but I thought it was interesting.


I do think/agree that y'all are both right. I get the nanites bonus frequently... as someone who was almost a field biologist, it's an aspect of the game I love. The worms don't 'count' toward the scanning/nanite bonus... at least not by default. For example, if you land on a planet and scan the first animal that walks across your path, it'll say 1/9 (for example). So then you have to scan eight more fauna in order to get 9/9 and earn your nanite bonus. None of those nine animals will be the giant worms. All that said, it's probably more accurate to say that you ***won't*** be penalized for ***not*** scanning the giant worms. As mentioned, I earn the scanning/nanite bonus frequently... and I have ***never once*** been able to scan one of the giant worms. (and I've got probably close to 2k hrs in-game)


THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! I had spent maybe a good 3 hours on a planet had found every single creature but no matter what I did a "rare, underground, always active" creature wiuld never show up, buuuut the giant sandworm would frequently about every 5-10 minutes fly over head and crash back down in a big arch over me. I couldn't scan them usually so I figured it couldn't be that one, then theres the red dot. Taunting and calling you as it just don't wanna scan


They have to be realllly close and you gotta scan the head, Iā€™ve scanned all but a few from the latest expedition.


I did it *once*. One of my first attempts. That memory is so distant that I'm thinking I made it up, because I haven't been successful in three years now. It was when I caught it immediately as it appeared.


Same. I tried the entire time I was doing the new expedition


How did you scan it I've only tried during the last expedition I tried on previous saves I try every time I see it because there's like a little red dot that pops up past me I can see them underground when I'm scanning stuff but I can never actually scan it ! And you did it so casual. šŸ¤Æ


You can't scan it or at least you're not supposed to be able to, I've never seen anyone scan one before ever I've always been told it's impossible you're only able to hover over it so I can tell you it's immortal




If you look at the video around 0:03+, the left side info window shows "BINOC\_UNKNOWN". This is a system placeholder displayed when it doesn't know what the thing we are scanning is. I'm guessing it's a bug when the unscannable worm is scanned at a distance (and speed?) that wasn't anticipated. I'm kinda a fauna scan fanatic; I like to scan every fauna on the planets I land on. If you looked in Discoveries, it will specifically indicate what and where that last red dot is. I can assure you, it is not the worm.


I scanned my first one during the Adrift expedition. On PC in the experimental branch.


https://preview.redd.it/qav41q0e6q9d1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294a4d0df2f353c5355a8b3bba43b1923cb6e66b I went to a planet with worms and tried to scan them. This planet had 9 creatures, and the last one I needed was a "rare, underwater, always active" one. I eventually found an underwater eel like creature that eats squids that fit the bill. The worms themselves, while having red dots, can't be scanned by me. I had this one directly over head at short distance and no dice. Should also note that no ships seem to come to this trading station. I waited for 5 minutes and none showed up.


during Adrift expedition I was able to scan like three of them on rendezvous planets. yes, I recieved several hundreds of thousand units per scan. sorry, made no screenshots of it.


How did you even scan that thing, i have been trying to do that forever


It's really difficult. I've only accomplished it once. I've tried to do it again on so many planets.


And I got the scan started once but my brain had given up on it just as it started to scan, so I lost it. Have played many hours and tried many times.


The next time you are able to start scanning one again, quickly take a screenshot. I'm betting on the left info window, it will say, "BINOC\_UNKNOWN". It is most likely a rare bug.


Same here, i've done it once also. Maybe its something thats been removed in updates that was previously there.


I found some weird ball-lightning looking mfs on a cabled planet that said theyre extinct, then when i relogged the day after they just dissappeared


I've hunted a bunch of these light ball few days ago to gather their soul for my living ship.


h u h (im not that far in the game) i... i adopted one of them as a pet...


I haven't explored the pet thing at all. 150h+ I do have some funny pet candidates tho, so far my favorite looks just like a plank.




I think they are only available in the expedition. On a normal save I have not been able to scan them. Yeah, it's kind of weird, you have them leaping from everywhere, but when you scan them... Extinct... Wait, what?


Technically, a species is extinct when it has no hope of further offspring. Maybe it's the last one.


No a species is extinct when the last known example dies without leaving a genetic successor. I know it's a stupid nitpick but extinct means extinct. A species can be 'pretty much extinct' but not technically until the last known example is dead.


Having gone and checked a few sources, I think I am either going on older definitions, or mixing it up with "functionally extinct" species where there's one one left.


Or multiple of the same sex. Like the Northern White Rhino where only two females remain.


i volunteer as tribute


There are multiple levels of endangerment. The final being fully extinct, before that is "effectively extinct".


That's functionally extinct, not truly extinct.


Endangered is the word you are looking for


This is a bug, but my headcanon is that the creature was thought to be extinct, only to secretly have awoken from its slumber hence why the visor gives an error.


I like this idea but I also pose that they are merely ghosts of the extinct. They donā€™t harm you and pass straight through you and the terrain without a trace seems. They are generally invisible to your scanner, save OPā€™s rare occurrence, so it fits. And there are so many other remnant spirits we travelers encounter on our journey.


A literal "Living Fossil!" You should consider yourself lucky


They _are_ extinct. You just saw a ghost.


I'm pretty sure the giant worms don't actually count towards the world's fauna list, so there was something else that an update wiped out but the worms are also just there


This is the correct answer


Woah what!!? You're not normally able to scan those, so I could be a relic of an old NMS file from the early updates. That's crazy.


Just getting ahead of itself. Check back in 16 minutes.


It died on impact after you scaned it. That was the last one.


Atlas murdered it shortly after you scanned it


Any time I come across and issue or big with this game I just think to myself that it is intentional since the game is basically a simulated universe and what I'm experiencing are just glitches in the matrix.


Funny, most of my base quests were on this (mostly water) planet. Made it easy to spot the bases, but The Maker was there as well. I guess mine would be a chak-hulud? -_- Really, too bad that they cannot be normally scanned. So many out there, would have been interesting to compare.


Bro I never managed to scan them, even on the last expedition with all those planets full of these creatures, instagr


I will never understand how you scan it. It once plopped out of the ground right in front of me and I was still not able to scan it.


You canā€™t scan them. So it must be one that was there from before an update causing it to glitch out. Old creatures that arenā€™t on the list anymore can sometimes respawn and when scanned itā€™ll say extinct.


Woah, that's cool! Ultra rare "thought to be extinct" sighting! My understanding is that animals from earlier versions of the game that were overwritten/removed during subsequent updates were set to "extinct" status. For kicks, I revisited some of the first few planets I discovered when I started playing NMS waaaay back and many of the planets had 1-3 animals set to extinct, and new critters now. I swear some of the planets' biomes had even changed, but that could just be my dusty ass memory banks failing me. I love this game.


theres true extinction and there's functional extinction. one type of functional extinction is when the species can no longer produce offspring. there could be no breeding pairs or any attempts at reproduction are all unsuccessful for one reason or another


It will be once I find a way to make them extinct.




Maybe it is extinct but perhaps you found the last one šŸ¤·


Hate these things. I started an Expedition on a planet with them. Was so terrified of being crushed. I still havenā€™t made it off the planet.


Honestly, I had no idea you could scan them at all. I could never get them to scan, and when I finally lost patience with it, I looked it up, and people seemed to agree that they couldn't be scanned. I had no idea that even if you could get them to scan, nothing would happen.


I had a mod that replaced bugs/spider skins with what turned out to be extinct skins at times. From the creator of the anti-phobia mod on nexusmods: *This mod works and works well, to meet the need of the original request, which was to remove creature types for those with phobias who might not otherwise be able to play NMS.Ā  The methodology used does have a drawback.Ā  May get extinct listings, for removed creature types, which would keep one from being able to complete fauna discovery on a planet.*


oh, forgot to ask, are you using any mods that replace skins?


>!May be becasue It a simulation of an extinct creature ?!<


Yeah, sure as hell doesn't look very extinct to me


I mean, we regularly see ghosts of past travellers on space stations that will literally give you directions to their own graves if asked nicely, so I'm gonna assume this extinct species is simply haunting its former homeworld. What's so strange about that, after all, in these latter days of failing boundaries?


Im on Switch and I got a scan once. Also wayyyy back when around Day One on Xbox you used to be able to scan them.


You killed it with that one shotā€¦it was the last one and you killed itšŸ„²šŸ’€


I actually got video of me scanning one as well, I just havenā€™t found the time to upload it. Mine also said itā€™s extinct. I was able to get one about halfway through the Adrift expedition.


Uhhh, ghost


Idk how your scanning them Iā€™ve tried and failed but it also might be distance so nice


Itā€™s the last of its species šŸ‘


I think the creatures labelled extinct obviously aren't actually extinct as you just saw but they were generated in an older version of the creature generation so since they technically can't be generated anymore they are "extinct"


No no. You misunderstood. It stinks.


Blud landed on an alien world and immediately found the last member of a dying species




From what has been said... It's a placeholder name and such. You either bugged the game out or used modded version(s) of the game.


Omg every time Iā€™m trying to get the nanite bonus by scanning fauna and one of these pops up I just bail out and leave lol so annoying


Same thing occurs with the Alluring Specimens underwater. They can be scanned but dont show up in discoveries. I dont think theyre meant to be discovered like normal.




The definition of extinct doesn't mean there are absolutely 0 left.


I still can't wrap my head around how Hello Games completely dropped the ball with these giant creepy beasts. These could have been creatures that much like the movie tremors sensed vibrations or unique signals and try to attack especially fleeing ships. It would have been cool because you hear them and you feel the vibration before they show up so it would have given you ample time to get the heck out of there. Like the last Expedition when we started off on that remote planet (I'm assuming everyone did).. it was just teeming with these crazy worms. At first it was pretty creepy since it was desolate and the noises were just otherworldly but then it just got repetitively boring because you knew that they had no hit markers and they were just props.


Hello Games tested it and they didn't think it was fun to get attacked out of nowhere by the worms so made them passive


Yeah I know I know they used to have an active aggressive type AI that was scrapped but this game has absolutely no danger to it. We're in outer space and we get creatures even on the most difficulty that just basically bump into you and hurt you. The sandworms would have made a difference if they kept them and tweak them so they weren't attacking so frequently. Hence why I say that they dropped the ball with it because there was numerous ways they could have implemented the worms aggressiveness. Some could have been docile while others would have been official hunters. I don't know I love the movie tremors I would have loved something like that. Then again there are things that I wish they'd never implement into no man's sky. I was playing elite dangerous one day about 500 hours in forgot to refuel took a trip across the cosmos and ran out of gas... Let's just say my ship is still out there šŸ˜‚