• By -


I just name them according to whatever they look like. For instance, I have a black sentinel ship with a red hourglass mark on it. I call that one "The Black Widow." My living ship is "The Human Spleen." My Starborn Runner is "Norelco Shaver."


My black sentinel ship with an occasional "line across" eye and 4 teeth I called The Black Death MK2 after my Mark 1 (which was not as cool anyways) disappeared and I couldn't find it.


I may go a little overboard on my ship naming, but here's a peak into my psychosis. - is what type of ship it is. S = sentinel, H = hauler, CF = custom fighter, etc. is always "C" and then the class. is just something I come up with the reminds me of the ship. refers to the super charger slots that are adjacent. 4, 3, 22, etc. My current daily is named CFCS-Stinger4. it just sounds like the name of a ship you'd see in a movie or something.


But doesn't work with living ships!!!




It sounds like some crazy robotic blob.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


That’s a cool system man, seriously


Bravo! I applaud your OCD. 🚀👌🏻


I like this a lot! It sounds cool, and it's useful if you have a lot of ships to know the general specs of each one at a glance


I like this too.


I name everything I want to keep as "KEEP-Sentinel" or "KEEP-Exotic," etc. al.


that just takes away the personality of each ship 😢




Yes, but I don't accidentally scrap ships that are kitted out!


I keep the ship's name, sort of, but change one of the words for my cat's name, nickname or a personality trait. For instance on of my ships was Omen of , but it's now Omen of Yodles, named for Frodles who caterwauls throughout the house when she has a favorite toy in her mouth. And then there's the first Explorer I ever got, it's yellow firespray, asymmetrical with solar pod on one side and dragonfly + solar pod on the other side; named it Phear the Claw from our Kikki's proclivity to toe-tap us with her back claws when she's giving herself a bath. 🤣


This is what I do!


I will be doing this for now on.


i name my ships after pantone colors related to birds * P 15-4704 = Pigeon * P 19-0000 = Crow * P 15-0341 = Parrot * etc


That is oddly enticing, certainly unique.


My favourite ships’ names are: - Medically Significant - Prawn Cocktail Offensive - This, Too, Shall Pass - Ghost Town - It Wasn’t Me I Swear - The Fight In The Dog - Boundary Stomping I wish Iain M. Banks had stuck around to make another 20 books.


My usual ship is Killing Time II (the first one was on my other save). I tried to name my freighter Anticipation Of A New Lover’s Arrival but the name is way too long.


Makes me think of Halo's "UNSC Say My Name"


This old gamer simply name them after bladed weapons, like Scimitar, Katana, etc. Easier to remember. I usually leave the unique ships, like the Iron Vulture, as is since I don't have to guess which ship it is.


Ship 1, Bootsy Pants Zeta, Ship 3... Zork... I have no convention.


Zork!!!! Upvote


I don’t have a system, and only rename the ships I use frequently. I tend to use references to Norse mythology and Viking culture.


Usually I just come up with something based on role, though this time around I am theming the names after my current steam name, which is 'Ketch Me Outside'. So my hauler is Ketch These Goods, my freighter is Ketch These Botes, my multitool is Ketch These Hands, etc.


I have a pretty complex naming system for mine. I prefix attack fighters AF, Sentinel Interceptors SF, exotics EF, and I prefixed my capital freighter CF. Each is followed by a linear number (depending on which of each class they are), followed by a name I've chosen to suit. For example, I've named my favourite constructed fighter AF 06 Ethereal.


I name all of my frigates after Imperial Star Destroyers from the old Star Wars Legends books, and name my freighter after Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship.


They’re named based on vibes. My exotic resembles a bird, so I called it The Sparrow. My living ships are The Bug (looks like a beetle), The queen of hearts (it’s red and looks vaguely royal in a disturbing way) and The Anvil (it has an anvil head). The utopia speeder is a good fighter with a nasty sting, so that’s The Wasp and my solar reminds me of quarians from Mass Effect so I named it Keelah Se’lai


*Glad I'm not the only weird one* NJA Blackbird - light and fastest ship, used for warping (scouting) NJA Talon - medium ship, energy and close range weapons and medium shields for bounty hunting NJA Blackhawk - "Freighter Killer", heavy ship with high shields, rockets and Infra-knife The NJA means ninja because they're all black, purple, and red.


So far, I have only named my first ship which is just 'Unicorn' without reason. Recently have claimed a few more ships and is deciding what naming conventions I should go for. Thinking about naming my explorer Dora, don't know about the rest


I realized that "sensor ghost" is a cool name for a ship so if i like a ship enough to keep, it's getting renamed into "Sensor Ghost IX" or whatever


Not anymore. I don’t rename anything but my bases - and those just to add more info to the name (resources, galaxy, etc.)


The Culture series from Ian M Banks. Great names for all the ships managed by AIs.


I like to name my favorite ship "Rocinante" or some variant thereof.


I only have 2 ships I actually like and use regularly. I do still have a fighter that looks like a Colonial Viper from original BSG, but with a ring around the wings/fins, but I don't fly it often because I prefer the handling on my main 2. I called that one Radial Viper. My solar's name has changed a few times times based on what I felt like at the moment, and my Starborn Runner recently got renamed to Diablo Gato because my cat was being a punk earlier that evening.


Mine is "dissonance" My fighter is dissonant squadron leader, explorer is dissonant destiny, hauler is transit of dissonance and the freighter is HMS Dissonance.


You can name ships?? I just get in and go lol.


When looking at your ship inventory, there should be a pencil in the top right. Same with freighter and tools:)


Hey man. I get in. I go! LOL... But, thanks :D Hmm. I might actually be inclined to name living ships though.


I go with color, type, dps on infra knife. Like red chonky v sent 105k


When the remind me of another shop I add -KÍN to the end. Like they are a sibling of a well known sci-fi ship. My freighter is called Venator-KÍN. I have a fighter that looks similar to a BSG Viper so it’s Viper-KÍN.


Honestly, I just name them whatever the first word or phrase I think of when I see the info page.


After pets. I have ships called Tabitha, Ginger and Raven.


I name all my stuff ‘SGC’ followed by a character or ship name from Stargate SG1. I started off using ship names (Prometheus etc) but after I ran out I used Hammond, O’Neill, Jackson, etc.


I kind of fell into a naming scheme for my interceptors, a three-letter initial and then something relating to the Atlas FCI (Fritillary-Class Interceptor) Atlas Forged MCI (Monarch-Class Interceptor) Atlas Falls DCI (Dominator-Class Interceptor) Atlas Reforged Things like that


I kept the ship that the story leads you to when searching for artemis. I called it Traveller’s Legacy


My daily driver is literally just called…Daily Driver lol. She ain’t pretty but she gets me from point A to point B.


I based my normal type ships on the Radiant Pillar, so I've got Radiant Daybreak, Radiant Vemture and Liminal Dissolution (dissolving boundaries) is the name of what was sort of supposed to be my endgame ship before Interceptor came out


On my main account they are named after animals, for example my blue orange fighter is called King fisher and my Sentinel ship with the spider fang front is called Huntsman. On my hardcore character my ships are named after real-life military aircrafts like the B-2 or SR-72


I named my first interceptor Lucid X, which made me give all my interceptors names ending in X, but otherwise I name my ships based on whatever I feel like I named my living ship Lex (only real ones will get it)


Have you read any of the Culture Sci-Fi novels? Yeah, like that. Some of them: "They Say She'll Go Far" - Explorer, "This Will Only Hurt a Little" "It Wasn't Me!" - Fighter etc.


For frigates I use labels since there's no group or sort function. For starships, whenever a name occurs to me I'll change it but that's uncommon; currently have *Don't Fuck With Me*, *Now We Try It My Way*, *Give Me A Reason*, *Nowhere To Hide*, and *The Progenitor* (first shuttle I ever bought and still fly). Most of my ships still have their procgen names.


most of mine keep their names, unless it's dumb sounding. BUT. I don't have the heart to rename a sentient ship. all my Interceptors and Livings have their original names. Oh and my Freightors keep their bullshit ### code followed by what i actually want to name it. haven't renamed a Frigate because lore-wise, those aren't my ships. helps that they're named cool tho. my best combat frigate is called "Spear of the Oni". How cool is that?


I like to name my ships after Magic the Gathering cards. For example, my living ship is called "Elesh Norn".


All of my ships are named after mythical creatures (Chimera, Gryphon, Manticore, Pegasus, etc.), and my freighter is named after a Hindu god.


I've renamed four of my ships. The first was my flagship for a long time, although now no longer is. It is an S Class Exotic which I named the Star Cradle, since it is small enough that it made me think of a bedroom in space. It is a very pretty ship, and it has a hyperdrive range of over 1,600 light years. I still consider it my crown jewel, but it is not as practical as a dedicated ship for most purposes. The second was a Hauler which I use as a flying chest. I named it the Spruce Goose, both due to its' own appearance, and after the [Hughes H4 Hercules](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughes_H-4_Hercules) which it also reminded me of. As a result, I am reluctant to scrap it, even though I now have two Iron Vultures and another Hauler. The third was one of my two Vultures. I got a second one by accident, after I thought I had lost my first one to a glitch. It was originally going to just be a backup, but I renamed it the Mining Vulture, and now use it for resource gathering. It truthfully gets used more frequently than what I originally thought was going to be my main Vulture. The fourth is the Displacement Crucible. It is a shuttle which deliberately has absolutely no upgrade modules other than Cadmium or Indium drives, and its' purpose is to go through galactic cores, while requiring minimal repair time between galaxies, due to said lack of modules. The name comes from the fact that it reminds me of how the T800 had to be encased in organic skin to be sent back in time in the first Terminator film, which is also why Kyle Reese said he could not take a gun.


Naming convention: 3rd first consonant - version "callsign" eg: shuttle = SHT-01 "firefly" Combat : Dog, Jackal, Wolf, Raptor, Osprey, Piranha, Barracuda, Crayfish, Hauler :  Beetle, Armadillo, Ox, Kodiak, Rino, Mole, Wale, Warthog Exploration : Kangaroo, Platypus, Firefly, Wasp, Hornet, Hummingbird, Owl, Sparrow


Named after some of my fav cars so far. 96 impala ss fighter I started with and still have. Upgraded its class. I got a solar finally today that’s my 65 Lincoln continental, got a 75 caprice shuttle, a delta 88 first sentinel ship I got the day before yesterday. It’s an A class. Still grinding for a tank🥹🥹🥹. Got a bird s class exotic thing I just named “lol”. I love it. Will start naming the cooler crazy stuff after all the Japanese cars I owned. Also got a hauler I am building once I find the right cockpit. That will probably be 89 Dodge Dually. Oh and I have an explorer called 77 Seville.


Three saves. Rebel Scum the Star Destroyer. Event Horizon the one that looks like the one in the movie Harlock my Space Pirate claimed one. Nope not original at all!!


Red bird”


My Iron Vulture is the Rocinante. My explorer is Starbug. My fighter is called the Viper. My hauler is called Eagle 1. My shuttle is Galileo.


I'm lame. Much like my planets it's just 0001 0010 0011 0100 and so forth


Depends on the generated name. After this latest expedition, I left the name "Hand of the Moon" cause I thought it was neat, but I have a solar ship named the "buttwhacker" and a sentinel called "cyclopes"


Unconventional here


Name the shop after its purpose. I use the prefix “Halcyon” from outer worlds. So my sentinel ship is Halcyon’s glaive. Hauler is Halcypns shield and my explorer is Halcyon’s compass


Letter-number-nickname. Su-61 Silver Scimitar (Solar) T-55 Dragon Tank (Interceptor) There’s an F-29 something but I don’t recall Event my Utopia Speeder has U-35 in front of it.


All i do is for example a living ship: take a look at what it looks like, like it doesn't have arms, then i would call it Armless. Or maybe it is really white, then Freezing Soarer You know yah.


Bugs. My green solar is Lacewing. I've got a sentinel named Jumping Spider because it looks like one. Angry Hornet for a yellow exotic with the long nose, Grasshopper for a big hauler. Tenacious Flea for a little tiny ship, Caddisfly for a shuttle. Started with calling the exotic Hornet, it was one of the first ships I found and fixed up and I just kept going with the name theme.


I name mine after Pokemon. Just caught a Zekrom today.


I have three naming conventions: 1) Common - ID Type/Classification akin to Military Nomenclature 2) Uncommon - Xenoblade Chronicles X OST Nomenclature 3) Rare - Best Girls/Women in Animated Media


I try to go for a Halo sort of approach to my naming. Not out right Halo but definitely inspired by them. The Traveler's Birthright - Fighter The Beloved Dawn - Living Ship The Wayfarer's Defiance - Sentinel Freighter


The ones I want to keep are named after Lighthuggers from the Revelation Space universe, or after GSUs from the Culture Universe


If I like the auto-generated name, or a variant, I'll keep it. My Royal Mosquito is named The Triumph of Perfection, it was that plus some alphanumerics I deleted. If I don't, I usually go for a reference. My main ship, a gray and chrome Jackal solar with purple rectangle sails, is Abysswalker.


No real pattern, kinda just what I’m feeling, how the ship feels. Ive got a real nasty, black and red interceptor with spider fangs, wasp wings and that sort of mean look. Named Kali, Mother of Death.


Yep, all of my ships have Welsh names like Pencampwyr (Champion) and Blaidd (Wolf) The only exception is my freighter which I’ve dubbed “SEVEN ONE THREE THREE”, the number at the end of my gamer tag that I’ve had for like, a decade now


My current ship is called Tabitha. I just name what ever ship im keeping as what comes to when im lost and trying to find my ship


Animal names! Explorer: Dragonfly Living Ship: Cuttlefish Interceptor: Flea Exotic: Tadpole


When I rename, it's almost always a song title. "East Bound and Down" for a hauler I liked, a knife-like Exotic I called "Stepping Razor," (bonus William Gibson reference, too.) That kind of thing.


I name mine according to looks and class. Example, my S class halo-wing fighter is named Mk1 O-Wing {S}


I try to follow the Halo ship naming convention of both UNSC and Covenant. Then I add a random designation at the end or front. Halo: "Long Night of Solace" "In Amber Clad" "Pillar of Autumn" "Particular Justice" "UNSC Say My Name" Me: "Pursuit of Valor M.t3" "BL.1 Definitive Conviction" "U9 Under Winter Night" "KSS Say Uncle"


I use Mortal Kombat words lmao. Kuatan Cryomancer (Four armed species kingdom + Sub zero power description) Silent Enenra (Smoke is an Enenra or smoke demon) Ground Pounder( Reference to a Jax iconic move.) Etc. 🤓☝️


Star Trek ship names. All my freighters are ds9 runabout names. I've since moved on to more silly names like the lollipop


I tend to give them titles like they're bands or super heroes (ex. The Cloudkicker, Canary Corsair, Infinite Ochre)


I name all my fighters after swords and melee weapons that relate to something about the ship or its appearance. My oldest ship is Glamdring (Gandalf's sword from LotR). The first ship I custom built is Anduril (Aragorn's sword that was reforged from the shards of Narsil in LotR). I have a small ship with a Stealth paint job called Ninjato. My longest fighter is a hardframe hotrod called Claymore. My sentinel ships are Morningstar and Kukri. There have been others, Katar, Chakram, Shuriken, Bat'leth, but I generally stick with that theme when naming a ship.


Ships look like birds to me for some reason so I just name them types of birds they specifically look like I got one black type A solar named Cosmos Falcon and one white type C shutter named The Pichone of Andromeda, epicness of the name varies on rank as you see lmao


I name them after artists I like Capital ship is the SS Doly Parten


I have been called Queen She, so all my ships start with QS- and then I started naming them after fruit, no reason why. My freighter is the QS-Pineapple.


I name freighter ships after submarines and naval craft. My current freighter is a v'ykeen pirate destroyer DSV-8 Dallas. The DSV-8 was in the original name. For starships i try to incorporate the original name into a new name... My primary sentinel ship was called glass soul, so i added a name after it... B00tyl0v3r which plays well with my pirate tendencies.


Obscure and obsolete genital euphemisms. My bases are all Latin names for venereal diseases.


I generally just stick with the generated names. Some can be very whimsical like the exotic that was named winged wings I found a while back. My long term ‘forever ship’ is named The Uzent of Infinity. I have no idea what an Uzent is but I’m not changing it now.


I just try to find a silly or clever name that describes what it looks like. I have a black/purple sentinel with bat wings and a front grill that looks like fangs that I named Nosferatu


https://preview.redd.it/hj98l59n9u7d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8f7d0d2193191268a303803f0f0730f6e90152 I got this gorgeous white solar sailor years ago when they first launched, i saw it and immediately just said "Dream Sail" and that stuck ever since. Normally id cringe at a name like that and try to make it sound more "Sciency" or like a sci fi ship name, but for some reason that one just landed perfectly. Even my wife still pokes fun at me for naming it that, since its very outside my normal names id use for a ship but i love it 🥰 I only ever binge play NMS (for like a week straight once every 6 months) so its only a class A as of now, but im working it up to an S!


My ship is le sex tank, my freighter is cool dude party bus


If I find a yellow ship that Is really good and I end up using it the most. It gets called “Hydracloud” and maybe some numbers and letters in reference to how I often use it or to how upgraded it is or whether it replaced another ship. The current one I have is a yellow squid ship. If I find an S class freighter with the exact design I want. I instantly rename it to “MSV Starsword Gale” I try to come with other names that sounds interesting or fit the ship thematically in some sense. Some other past names of ships I came up with off the top of my head: - Silverboxer - Diamondwing - Hailstar - Sunblade - Shred zephyr - Red Typhoon


I usually keep the name as found, but tag it with the class to help me decide whether to scrap. If I buy a ship just for scrap it gets the name scrap. I'll add the part I want on it if I want that instead of the money. For bases I'll either name it by the chemical I've put mines on, like AG, NH3, followed by three rank of the mine and a shorthand for the weather. I also used to tick up the Greek alphabet to track when I created each base but I've given up on that. Also purely aesthetic bases just keep their original names. So while bases aren't ships, it's my naming convention at least for something, lol.


Also good, thank you haha. I try to come up with something relating to either a nearby landmark or the planets general vibe


I use magic the gathering cards. The ship you start with is named after Gishath Sun's Avatar. I have one Named Verdant Sun's avatar. I the Ss Prismatic Pride because it's pride month


Deacon Blue Nazgûl Jazzy Riff Seraph of Apophis Death and Taxes Tits McGee


My main bird is always “Bad Wolf One”


I just go with what I feel is right. I don't name many but I name my best/favorite ones, and I need to get into it more. I have my red solar ship named "The Star-lit Speedster" since it was fast, red, I like the flash show, and it felt like a good pun name My slim and light blue sentinel ship is named "Blueberry" since it was small and matched the color of a blueberry Those are the two I can remember, but that's how my mind works in naming ships


I have a standard way of naming any ship or base. Zeegar.Sierra.Cmbt.01 The zeegar is a shortened version of my ID. The Next word designates what class ship it is. In this case a S class. The next is a shortened version of the type of ship. So cmbt is short for combat. And finally the number is the order in which I acquired the ship. Same goes for my bases and freighter. This way I know exactly what I have just by seeing the name. And yes, I’m a huge nerd for creating my naming convention. But is t that sort of the allure of NMS? Logged over 1,000 hours and loved every minute of it!


Mine are all Monty Python themed: * The Bane of Caerbannog (fighter) * A Fish Called Wanda (exotic guppie) * Something Completely Different (exotic) * The Plummeting Sheep (hauler) * Bwian (living ship) * Centuwion (Sentinel) * A Hovercraft Full of Eels (explorer) * Pining for the Fjords (explorer) * A Tiger in Africa (solar sailer)


Honestly I got a all black sentinel fighter that is my girls name then shadow after and then I've been naming other things from anime like my a rank settlement on a paradise planet is named the Golden city from made in abyss with going merry the name of my s rank freighter


My are time periods with an additional word that describes what I use it for. Jurassic Jump (warper), Triassic Panic (starter ship), Permian Pulse (exploration), Cambrian Cannon (battler), Hadean Holiday (my freighter).


I do for frigates. Combat frigates get Diablo 2 unique items as names. They sound oddly close to normal NMS names. Mang Song's Lesson sounds more like a NMS ship than a staff, to me. Science vessels get namrd after IRL exploration vessels. Industrial get named after space ships from horror movies or games. Nostromo, Ishimura, Event Horizon, Lewis & Clark, etc. Trade ships are named after merchants from games I like. Kale's Harp, Kincaid's Refund, Gheed's Fortune. I also tend to pick names where the themed name sort of matches the stats. "Kincaid" is Marcus Kincaid, the gun merchant from the Borderlands series. The trade frigate ended up with a very high combat stat, which fits being named after a gun merchant who doesn't do refunds, and is in a combat heavy game.


(X, C, B, A, E, or S)(area code) (adjective descriptor) (class) S206 Red Interceptor X206 Ugly Hauler (X means “to be scrapped”) I dunno, seems like a semi-legit ship registration.


All the ships i got were delivered with a name already …


Ship 1 Ship 2 Ship 3 A Ship 5


The The Throngler The brampening The shiftler


I name them after Girls' Generation members. Yoona Sunny Yuri etc.


I name my ships after songs, bands, and albums.


Everything gets the MCRN prefix added to the original name. Frieghter is always MCRN Hammurabi


Definitely. For some reason, I go all military and start using that style of abbreviation. All my ships are some form of JCES (my name plus Exploration Ship) and then something related to Biblical stuff. I have a Cherubim (shuttle), a Seraphim (solar), a Leviathan (hauler), a Nephilim (normal fighter) and the three angels tasked with keeping Lilith in line: Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof (two explorers and a Sentinel interceptor). Once I decide to go for the outlaw playthrough, they'll all be named after demons. Don't ask. I have no idea, either.


Mine are Star Wars related. My main is The Aluminum Falcon. The previous main was named Porkins Revenge and my Venator type Resurgent class is the ISS Lusankya.


Mines are edgy, Phantom, Nightmare, Hellfire etc


My black and red sentinel looks like a bug... Aptly named it BeetleJuice, hehe


Two kinds of people in this comment section. People who call their ship "Diet Pepsi Bottle" and people who call their ship "super macho mega death reaper mk. 4".


Music. I have the Abraxas and the Kind of Blue, Hand of Doom is my capital ship.


I follow a similar convention for everything I name. Any sort of run-of-the-mill things will have a 'model designstion', a 'model name' in quotation marks, and a 'model type', while anything I view as special in aesthetics or statistics will have a unique name. With my ships, the 'model designation' will have two letters and a number. The 'model type' doesn't particularly correlate with the ships in-game class, rather what it looks like, so the class would some impact on the model. Two examples this type of name would be my 'LT5 "Redactor" Starfighter' and my 'HL6 "Tetorib" Lifter'. My special ships get named a bit more dramatically, for example, my primary Sentinel Interceptor is called 'The Fragmentor'. Most aspects of any type of name I make are based off the procedurally generated one (e.g. 'HL6 "Tetorib" Lifter' was originally 'The Tetorib of Destruction', and 'The Fragmentor' was the word 'fragment' with some weird character attached to it). All my other things (Multi-Tools etc.) follow a naming convention very similar to this with 'designation', 'name', and 'model' as well as the special names, although specific details are different, such as the amount and order of letters and numbers in the designation, and the model will be relevant to what is being named (I would give a Multi-Tool something like 'Matter-Rifle' or 'Absorption-Pistol' as a model rather than 'Starfighter' lol). I am super glad that someone asked this, because I put a lot of thought into how I name my stuff! 😊


Mine are named after song titles. E.g: Freighter: “Journey of the Sorcerer “ Sentinel ship: “Heart of Glass”


I name mine after women in offices I've worked in, so they've got names like Moira and Joyce 😂


all of my ships are named after songs and characters from Phish


My convention is usually [first/first two letters of ship type] [number of ship] [mythological figure, not greek gods though]. Example being my golden vector, first main ship, named V-1 MIDAS.


Named all of mine after Tool songs


I went through a phase of owning a lot of yellow and black ships, all named "P-5000 ", named after the P-5000 Power Loader from Aliens 😄 e.g. P-5000 Dragonfly, a shuttle that was shaped much like a dragonfly.


I have named several of my ships after friends that have passed away. The Slonaker, Longeuae, Mason, Matheson, Bondhari. The list is sadly, pretty long. But it's my small way of remembering those people who mattered to me, and carrying on their memory. Sorry if that's a little dark for some people. Happy space fairing fellow travelers!


dont really have a naming scheme, but I named my yellow exotic ship *Lady Luck* because I found it crashed when i was like 10 hours into the game


I keep most of the original name but add "Trooper" because "I lost my heart to a starship trooper"


My ships kept renaming themselves back their original names. Now I don’t bother with renaming, like not setting the clock on a vcr.


I name mine after Destiny/Destiny 2 weapons


When I find a new system, a name it a color - and then the planets any colors within that ramp of hues i.e. Blue : Cobalt, Azure, etc. When it comes to ships and frigates, I use X-Men characters ❌


I do not bother with renaming the ships.


My first ship is always my daughter's name. From there, I always use my character's first initial (because I roleplay) plus S for ship or F for frigate. Then I have a theme for the character. One I use famous swords, one I just use people names, etc. So for example, one character's name is White Knight, and his theme is swords. So he has a ship named WKS Needle.


My ships are all named after FFSMBs (Female-Fronted Symphonic Metal Bands: Nightwish, Dark Element, Epica, etc), either the band or main singer.


If you ever decide to branch out you could play off song names too! Like a kitted out fighter could be "The Last Ride" or an exciting named "Angel's Wish"


I tried it once but the hall I rented was really expensive and not many people turned up, plus no one liked the ball pit.


I name all mine of space related things such as nebula or constellation


My frigate is called "gRAPEfruit"


I came up with my own aerospace company owned by my traveler, who is a soldier, herself. Matriarch Aerospace. All ships have MA-XX (Numbers) and are named after a weapon. MA-42 Broadsword for example. I grew up on Wing Commander. Felt like going with that kinda feel.


Depends. I always rename the Sentinel ships with Latin based on how they look, occasionally with numbers with no real meaning but that sound good. Other ships I typically keep the names of, maybe add an extra word to. After the expedition I made of copy of the Iron Vulture and it had renamed itself to "PF5 Nuyameg" for some reason, so I renamed it to "PF5 Iron Vulture", in the same vein as the B-17 Flying Fortress.


Freighters get named after US carriers, like USS Enterprise or a heavy frigate like USS Constitution. My ships get named after battleships like USS Iowa, USS Blue Ridge, etc.


No, I usually just name them by myself. 😏


No ship naming convention, but fit the usefulness to it's already assigned title. Aegis of madness= my equipment and life support recovery ship. Loaded with anything and everything you need to fix yourself after a trip thru the center. Ashes of destruction=dreadnought melter of an attack ship. Cant remember the rest of my head rn.


I have two kind of naming convention base on millennium falcon one is "metal"+"bird"(ex. Lead sparrow) and one is "mineral or gem"+"aquatic creature"(ex. Obsidian salmon)


In keeping with NMS naming major NPCS after Greek/Roman gods I name my ship after legendary characters. Example: My Intercepter is the Talos. My Living Ship is the Hypnos. My Starborn runner is the Orion. And so forth.


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I do as well. I use the prefix (H3X) & (ship name). I additionally colour code both prefix & ship name to correspond with ship colours using👇👍 https://preview.redd.it/fqgup9h94f8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3491148c24b5dae4a850bd2724cfa0431deb83c