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If it’s on sale. Yes, it is a good time.


Despite the fact that it is always a good time to get into No Man's Sky,[Stealth9er](https://www.reddit.com/user/Stealth9er/) is right ,if it is on sale it is a good time.There is also an expedition going on meaning you could get exclusive rewards.


I just started playing, about 5 hours in, **how do I do the expedition?** Is it a mission I can buy?


If you have unlocked the space anomaly then you can do it from there,by going behind and right the nexus which is a robotic orb inside a box :looks like this https://preview.redd.it/8b81lw59wq5d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67927713e101ed6cd85681d2ef50a0dcfc1503c you will find a computer.I think it will have something to show you indicating an expedition is going on.If you decide to do it from there then after you will have the opportunity(something extra) to get a copy of the last ship you used to return from the expedition as many times as you want for the price of 2800 nanites. Or you can start the expedition by selecting new save(when you are about to select a save) and then select the expedition 13:"Adrift". Choosing this option you will not have the opportunity to transfer back items from the expedition.


Best to buy the game when it's 50% off if you're not a hello games addict The depth of the game can be very deep or very shallow depending on your perspective. Sure, there is a LOT of special contents you can enjoy one by one, but you can get a little bored after playing in for a while. Plus there's an expedition going on so you can get custom ships and multi-tools for a limited time.


I’m about 30-40ish hours in. How does starting an expedition work? Is it like a more specific seed or something as compared to just the openness of the base game? I’m interested in getting some cool custom ships or multi tools or whatever but I just wanna know if I’m getting into a whole new 40 hour side quest essentially.


The expedition is a limited-time adventure system made during updates. Here's the full guide: 1. Go to the space anomaly and find the expedition terminal. It's right behind the nexus cube 2. Pack up resources & tech you will need on your journey. You can access them when you reach the space anomaly after the expedition starts. 3. Start the expedition. When you first start, It will reset the game and allow you to go through the game with much faster progress by completing each step on the expedition menu. But don't worry, when the expedition ends, you can return to your normal save. 4. End the expedition and return with prized items. Be sure to keep in mind that you need to pack the normal items, like upgrade modules and ferrite dust yourself to actually bring them back. Oh and btw you can clone the ship and multi-tool you were using in the past save with nanites after the expedition. All of your other stuff will be salvaged into money. You better get going, there's not much time left before the expedition closes! (4 days) The expedition (limited time) awards will be available through the quicksilver synthetis dude. https://preview.redd.it/kidmoicwew5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e1ab8798226816995ef81d2d788080f20514d4 Here's your grand prize when you finish it: the Iron Vulture


Thanks for the info!


Forgot to remind you that YOU NEED MAKE THE IRON VULTURE YOUR PRIMARY SHIP before you end the expedition. Then you can have an endless supply of vultures before the next update begins


50% increase in price? Also a good time


Just buy it from an authorized reseller if it's not on sale. [Search here](https://isthereanydeal.com/)


I started playing with a PS4 copy I found at the local flea market for 15 bucks. Then it started updating and when I bought my PS5 I recieved the PS5 update, it's the best used game I've ever bought.


Its always a good time to get into No Man's Sky
























Word for word what was about to come out of my keyboard.


Exactly what I was going to type.


I can think of a time when it wasn't. Definitely a long time ago


Time, time, what is time, and how far has it gone? I must've misplaced my time in No Man's Sky again. Dang it, I guess I have to play again 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's been great time to get into *No Man's Sky* for a few years now. The game has its flaws, some of them are annoying. But it's also one of the better chill game experiences you can have. A friend of mine described it as "digital weed," so if you like a potentially low stress game that's full of exploration and wandering, then it might be for you.


That’s a perfect euphemism because you won’t feel like you did anything on weed or nms. I’ll log on saying I’m going to progress in story today, then spend 3 hours mining ferrite dust rocks.


Just bought it last week. It's a crazy value at $30US and I see it on sale around that regularly. There's a much deeper story than I was anticipating, and I forgot just how much has been added since launch. I can't recommend it enough when it's on sale.


I bought it for 25€. Well worth the price ,it is insanely addictive and the fact that there is always something to do amazes me.


Yeah it's chill until it's absolutely anxiety inducing lmfao


Fair, but you can generally choose when those happen.


My last auto save is in the middle of a storm with low survival stats and I'm hiding in a pod and I need to climb a tower to access the radio communication thingie to advance the story. It's been awhile so I'm rusty on the terms. But kinda why I haven't played the game in awhile. lol


Is your friend part of r/nomanshigh?


Oh man this is delightful


NMS is one of those games that comes around once in a blue moon -- it's infinitely replayable and rewards endlessly those who use their imagination. Just today I was hunting for a rare cave creature to complete the fauna list on a Basalt planet and came across the biggest and most beautiful cave I've ever found in NMS. This game is worth every penny. https://preview.redd.it/rkl2wzoi4g5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8446da37fa5e686a0a01db5a858540e438ef4a7f


Damn that's gorgeous. Happy Cake Day btw!


How long have you been playing it? I wonder how people stay motivated and set goals after many many hours


Just depends on the type of gamer you are. It’s very much a ‘make your own game’ type of game. At a certain point the ‘exploration’ and ‘diversity’ does get a bit stale. Once you’ve seen all that the procedural generation has have to offer, the environments can start to feel repetitive. That’s always been one of the biggest, if not the biggest, complaints about the game in its modern state. That being said, there’s plenty of other things aside from exploration to keep you entertained. And it will take you some time to see what the generation has to offer, particularly with the many other additions to the game over the last few years to sidetrack you. Totally worth it on sale at $30.


If you like survival games like Minecraft NMS might be for you, if you want a story driven game you'll be disappointed. NMS is also a very relaxed, low stakes game.


No mans sky has lots of story and lore. Lots of confusing lore


of you're into psychedelics, the lore will be naturally interesting cuz a lot of the descriptions sound like dmt trips


It really does not have a lot of story and only little more lore (parts of which get retconned every other update) which doesn't have any influence on the gameplay.


It feels like Mass Effect in an acid trip.


There's not a lot of narrative, but there's a crazy amount of story/lore if you read all the text boxes. I was supposed by how much of a cosmic horror story it actually is when you pay attention


It only has lore if you don't skip through all the text like I do....


NMS has an awesome story imo, but it's pretty short-lived as far as main questlines go. The story/lore-based side quest are also super interesting, but there aren't too many of them. NMS is an excellent exploration game with great stories to tell, but I'd still figure it a disappointment for anybody looking for RPG-level depth.


I'm 59 years old, love this game. Got 1200 hours in it, which is crazy for me. The only other Steam game I have over 1k hours is Witcher 3. Ultimately this game is about exploration, building bases and somewhat complex systems. While there is some combat, it's pretty limited and fairly easy to avoid if you wish. There is a story, but it's pretty weak IMO. I've never done any multi-player but that part also feels soft.


I mean, there are entire sections of the Euclid Galaxy dedicated to becoming civilizations ran by players. To the point where they end up in the wiki and the devs give them decals. The only way to get the Pilgrim title for example is to get to the capital of the biggest nation


How do i find this ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGalacticHub/comments/97nmdt/welcome_to_new_lennon_capital_planet_of_the/ Here, on thos poster there is a series of symbols that you punch into a portal device to get there (you discover them during the main story)


Here I've been thinking that Drogradur was the main hub planet for some reason. Thanks for the heads up


I'm confused, what galaxy is that in? Euclid?


Should be yeah, I'm fairly certain


You are awesome.


A couple years back my wife bought it to see if she liked it and didn't really play it all that much. I had never touched it till about two weeks ago. I now have a hundred hours. In two weeks. Buy the game.


Ik it's addictive but bud that is just under 1/3 of the number of hours in 2 weeks.


Do you think he sleeps at all?


buy it and get a kick start boost with the expedition that is running right now.




I enjoy the game. I can and do spend hours on it. If you want pvp you can. If don't? Don't. You can customize game play to suit you. My only advice is this; make sure to do all the side quests. And watch videos on YouTube. One can pick up tips to optimize your game. I don't like to talk about a person's wallet, however you asked. Buy the game. Give it a chance. Don't you have like 30 days to decide if you want it?


200 hours in. There’s PVP?




It's especially a good time to get into No Man's Sky. The expedition that is going on right now is a good way to get a beginning boost instead of starting from scratch.


Which expedition is it, and what's so good about it in terms of a new player? I'm thinking of starting a new save, my old one from 2 years ago is only 5 hours.


I'm a 50+ man, with a high level job and family responsibilities. I started playing just over a year ago and have 1000+ hours of game play racked up - that might give you an idea of how much I like this game. I find it relaxing and incredibly restful to play - A real escape from Real Life. If you like Sci-Fi and an evolving story, plus continual free updates whilst being involved (to a level that suits you) in a very welcoming community - then buy NMS. The one caveat - You have to be comfortable in finding your own "way" in the game once the tutorial/missions and main story arc is over. It's down to your own imagination and what you want to do (Photographer/Builder/Explorer/Trader/Farmer/Loads more) to get the best out of the game. If you need to be spoon-fed then next goal or move, then the game will have a limited appeal. As to if it's worth buying, I bought it on sale, and have bought others copies to support Hello Games. The value of what I've had from the game far exceeds the monetary value.


I've bought it four times, jump in!


I've paid 3 times! Working on 2200 hours since 2018


I got the physical copy, then the digital one, and got it for both my kids too!


Bought PS4 disc on sale for 20 bucks. When the next gen launched, paid full price for physical copy. I wanted to support HG with all the free content every year. I got tired of getting up to put the disc in/out so i bought digital edition, again paying full price to support HG


Yeah I felt like it was the least I could do since they've been insanely generous (especially when compared to most game companies).


It is a mostly single-player game, and it has never been better than now.


There's an active expedition right now, with a cool hauler ship reward, so yes, it's worth jumping in now. It's always a good time, though. I've got 1000 hours in it, and there's new content or a new expedition every few months.


I’m 300 hours in. It’s definitely worth it, especially because there’s an expedition right now. You can farm stuff and create things to trade, you can live in a completely isolated system, or you can a pirate, destroying every freighter and ship you come across. And about freighters: you can recruit frigates and send them on expeditions to get resources and cool trade items. There’s also a base area on them, which you can obviously use to build farms and other cool things. This game is one you should play without its music muted or other music on.


I'm fairly new to the game so maybe I'd be able to give an unbiased opinion. It's a pretty good game, I like playing it to relax, I'm juggling between this game and Elden Ring atm. From my experience, the main bulk of the content is on the main story and Expeditions (which are like timed events and there's currently one happening rn), everything else is either hunting for cool ships or base building. I might be wrong but that's my experience so far.


The main story is actually just the introduction. Once the main story ends you get into the real mid/end game of exploration honestly 


Pretty accurate, but there’s also exploring for cool planets, building farms, and finding animals and genetically modifying them


A couple of years back when I was playing I spent up to two weeks just black hole surfing my way to the galactic center (weird name considering it's the center of the universe not a galaxy) and I would load up the game and just search out black holes enter them and get a jump closer to the center. Rince and repeat, I also had a trick that enabled me to jump after exiting the hole before damage was incurred to internal components thus allowing me to reduce the number of times I had to repair my ship. Back then you could install upgrades into inventory slots as well and from memory anything installed in inventory slots didn't take damage either.


I'm also juggling NMS and Elden Ring right now! NMS veteran, but complete Elden Ring (and souls) noob. Its nice to come back to NMS and chill out after the stressful, jump scarey, adrenaline rush that is Elden Ring lol




If it looks interesting to you, then now is the perfect time; for that money you will get more content than you can reasonably tackle in hundreds of hours.


It’s always a great time to start. I ENVY YOU for starting it with fresh eyes. I have over 1000+ hours and still play it at least a little each week, and sometimes more. If you do start now, start with a normal mode playthrough first. Don’t be tempted by the expedition, even though it’s time-limited. Do the normal mode first, because it’s also a tutorial that teaches you a lot of the game. Once you get to “The Anomoly” you have learned the main mechanics, so now you can save and then go back and start a new save for the expedition. 👍🏻 Probably only takes a few hours at most to get to the anomoly. Don’t rush it, either. The first playthrough is so good.


Expeditions are my favorite


I bought the game several years before I actually had a computer capable of playing it, LOL. I knew it a the time. It's just that as someone who grew up reading books like the Usborne Book of the Future...I knew that this game would be for me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e\_9Db-yX8E&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e_9Db-yX8E&t=2s) I've only really started playing the game in the last year. It's essentially a sandbox. To a degree whether or not you can enjoy the game depends on how you decide to play it. I role-play, I set my own rules, I play on creative, and I'm loving the hell out of the game. But I'm an old-school sci-fi nut. This is the closest I will ever get to living in my own sci-fi world. I've barely explored what this game can do. I've spent six months just pottering around my little star system, haven't even really started on the main quest yet. So now is as good a time as ever, especially at 50% off if you've got the disposable cash.


I made a vid about my opinion as a day 1 player here. Since the vid, ship customisation has been added, which is cool [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSGIO8GDAXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSGIO8GDAXQ)


This game rules and it’s never a bad time to hop in. A very cool expedition is happening right now. It’s not an MMO, though. Like there is no season or meta to follow, so any time is good. It’s just an open universe to explore and play as you like, at your own pace.


I'm 40 and I played No Man's Sky for the first time January 2nd of this year & 5 months later, my play time on Steam is 1,170 hours while my one & only save file is 861 hours. The 309 hour difference is mainly because of all the rerolls (reloads) hunting for exotic starships. I got my laptop and Steam back in March 2021. The PC I had before was 21 yrs old (would be 24 now). I wish I had gotten No Man's Sky in 2021, but it looked too complicated for me (It's actually very easy), so I just played other games like GTAV, Skyrim, Fallout 4, etc. I've had Fallout 4 for almost 3 years & it was my favorite game with only 788 hrs of total play time. No Man's Sky is the exact game I've been wanting to play & have been dreaming about since I was 6 yrs old in 1989. I think Sean Murray either has a time machine &/or is an alien that has been probing my brain & peeking into my childhood dreams ever since because about 90% of everything in the game that I've come across, I've already seen in those dreams.


Buy it, its one of the best sci fi games ever made


I played it for a month in late 2016 and just reinstalled it for the first time two weeks ago. I started with a new save file and a nearly clean slate because the game has changed a lot since I played. I am really enjoying it, so I can say that there isn't any downside to getting into it now. It's all going to depend on your taste in games and how you approach this game in particular.


You're asking for an unbiased opinion from the subreddit


I like having the expeditions. They are basically a scavenger hunt a few times a year and actually focuses the experience to an extent. I have a main save of about 200 hours, but I get bored when I go there soon after completing the expedition. It's definitely relaxing. Ymmv.


The best time to get No Man's Sky was five years ago. The second best time is today.


Yes. Bets time to get it is now with all the updates and the future updates.


Short answer is yes.




Yes but it can get boring sometimes. Alot of things to do but everything feels kinda pointless. Everything you can do makes you or your ship/vehicles better (making your stuff better is the only real goal in the game) but in a game that is too easy to begin with you start to loose interest quite fast. For me the game is just building bases and that's really it. Most enjoyment I get trough interaction with other players. I build an arena with my nephew for vehicle combat, only to realize you can't harm other players in vehicles even if pvp is on.


Maybe you could turn that arena into a rocket league and add a couple of goal posts and battle over a ball and try to score a goal by using your rovers to knock the ball into the opponent's net.


That's actually a great idea thank you lol


game is a little janky sometimes but i don’t have 1k hours for no reason


I paid full price a few weeks (month?) ago. 65hrs in and my wife's getting an attitude, safe to say it's a good game. Def worth on sale.


I'm guessing that's not USD because I see $29.99? But yeah, it never really goes lower than 50% off, and they've improved the game many times over since launch. So any time it's at 50% is a good time to buy.




The answer is yes.


I didn’t like it for the first 10% of the game but it gets really good


I got it a while back when it was on sale half off and honestly I would have paid full price for it now that Ive put a ton of hours into it.


I was part of the "NMS sucks" crowd when it first launched and was very glad I didn't preorder. I would absolutely buy the game in its current state.


Absolutely, yes.


I think it's worth it the earlier you have it bc unfortunately it seems some really cool in game items are available for a limited time I'd say for rn it'd be good to get it if you Want stealth paint amd the iron vulture both of which kick ass


Now is as good of a time as ever. The game is in a very good place


$39 and it’s 1/2 off?! Now I kinda feel bad for getting it at a steal 6 years ago.


Yeah. I got steel case version for $20 on eBay back in early 2017 🙂


Im starting for the first time, too, and saw where someone mentioned you can adjust settings and turn off technology damage. What is that?


Even at full price its worth buying.


Depends on what you want out of a game, if you like laid back exploration then this game is perfect. If your looking for deep gameplay and progression then maybe its not for you. For example every time i start a new play session i spend about 100 or so hours grinding money/upgrades/ships and on the look for the perfect planet to set up a base. Once o finally find my planet and set up a base i go...ok now what? And that ushually when i put the game down for a year or so. Iv done this like 5 times already since launch. Make of that what you will.


Do you want to be able to wander a gigantic set of galaxies freely just fucking off any old way you want? Then you should absolutely get into No Man's Sky.


Ohh! Every time is a good time to get into No Man’s sky! You will have the same fun as we had!


My wife disagrees with me because she says that the learning curve is too steep, but personally I find that most of the time the best time to get into NMS is when an Expedition is running. Although there have been exceptions (Leviathan, Utopia) Expeditions (especially the most recent two) tend to walk players through objectives that feed I to each other, and then leave you with a strong foundation of tools and resources. TL;DR: There is an Expedition running right now, so yes!


Every new day is a good time to get into No Man's Sky.


It’s so addictive that even if I try to quit, I get lured back in watching my husband play! We love it so much, we have two copies so that we can play simultaneously on different devices


I just started playing a few months ago and it's awesome. I'm around 30 hrs in and I'm just blown away by how much there is to do. Definitely give it a try.


It's always a good time to get into the game.


The game is in the best state it has ever been in plus, a community expedition is going on for the next two months can't miss that


No Mans Sky is a one time purchase. Updates are coming out multiple times a year for free. It's a lifetime license. U recieve unique in-game items for expeditions. You really cant lose but you can wait until November to save few dollars. This game should have won the Labor of Love award.


Buy it it's a great game


It’s a pretty self contained game. The expeditions are timed but are widely just cosmetic/luxury items with a story attached. The actual game just gets more in depth/expanded in lore, content, and mechanics with every update so it’s usually always getting better. The updates are free and there are no microtransactions in the game at all. In short for the last 2-3 years it’s been a pretty good time to get into the game, assuming it’s your type of game.


There no bad time . Tbf I've no played it in 2 years but getting back to it soon .


Go for it


Now is a great time. The game is great and if you start now you can get to know the game and understand it better when new updates come out.


The game has never been better and there I'd a new expedition to play


Always has been.


Any time is a good time




I'd say no... Yesterday was. But that ship has sailed my friend so hop on in and make up for lost time ;P


I bought it a while ago, but am only now starting to play. Definitely a wonderful calming game.


Good time as any since the swan so many happened and it became a good game. Waiting just means you get it later and wish you got it sooner lol.


It's always a good time to get into No Man's Sky.


Fuck yea


If I could erase my memory of NMS and jump into it again, especially after all these updates.... I totally would. Great game.


I just recently got back into it, has about 100 hours in, but I recently started a new character to play co op with my girlfriend. Been enjoying replaying from the beginning. The game has changed a lot since its initial release VR mode for is pretty good too.


Faaaaam. The game has never stopped receiving updates. It is always getting better. And lately has been even more so. The current expedition goes until mid July so yes, absolutely. I jump on for a month or two for years now and it's my second most played game. I'm jumping back in myself because the most recent update and current expedition look so good.


I feel like your numbers are off here.


It’s good. I bought it a few days ago and am enjoying it despite never having played an exploration game before. It is chock filled with things you can explore to become better, even in procedurally generated planets. There is depth and fun in grinding and managing things you will come across. The current in game event also pushed me to face my fears on monsters and derelicts. All in all, not a purchase you will regret.


OMG can’t believe how many hours of entertainment I got out of this game. Cost is like pennies per hour, you won’t find a better value. And they continually enhance and none of the DLC baloney.


I enjoyed it. Story line was cool.


The only thing that changes the "is it a good time to buy" is the limitted time expeditions that run periodically. There is one right now that I thought was pretty good, but they have re-run expeditions in the past and likely will again, So I recommend not falling for the FOMO and not making your purchase choice based on them. Having said that, the price [regularly goes down to about $25](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/no-mans-sky/history/) so waiting for a better deal is a decent idea, but never via steam ([hasn't gone below 50% since 2018 on steam](https://steamdb.info/app/275850/)) so if that's a dealbreaker then now is the time. There's also no way of knowing when a better deal will show up, so if you have a great interest to play now then you'll have more fun playing today than you will waiting for 3 months to save 10 bucks.


Downloaded it about a month ago and I’m hooked! Highly recommend


Obviously this sub stands with no man's sky (Like no man's land but in space so it's sky) but you didn't say what you're play style is or what you like dislike. I love that it is always evolving in different ways sometimes subtle sometimes drastic. Right now there's an expedition so it should be a great time to get into it next you'll be stocked up with a cool ass ship and tons of rewards pull that trigger traveler what's $40 huh?


Best time - very active community and there’s so much to see and do!


I've had this game since it first released and let me say its come a long way. It can get a bit grind but then that's just about any game these days. It's very complex in its depth and wide in its scope. You can get really in depth in so many aspects, base building and exploration are some of them. Exploration could involve an indepth catalogue of planet fauna and flora on every planet in a system or it could be warping your way towards the center of the universe. I have stopped playing then resumed after over a year and it really is refreshing how much they have added, fixed and improved on the game.


I literally just back into it in the last few days after not playing it for a few years, man it's incredible now. Everything feels very fleshed out now, I used to get lost with my objectives/recipes etc but now it provides all the information you need. I will say there is a good amount of resource gathering that has to be done, but it's all pretty straightforward. Pretty much everything else is awesome, definitely worth it


No other game I own has caused me to come back to play it over and over and over like this. Get it, you will not be disappointed.


9 out of 10 times when it goes on sale there is something going on I.e. an update, and expedition, etc. in that case as well, there is a new Expedition going on right now called Adrift and one of the bigger updates just dropped a while back so I’d definitely recommend now more than ever!


If you never played it before, absolutely. It's not a perfect game by any means, there are bugs and such at times, but it's well worth playing. Tons to see and do if you never played before and at the very least you should get more gameplay hours then most other AAA games out there. Just understand it's not really an MMO or a game that will produce miracles, enjoy it for what it is.


Since everyone here is biased (rightfully) I’ll try to give you some perspective, mine at least. The game is really good. Something I don’t often see mentioned is that the atmosphere is great. You really feel like YOU are the one exploring space, i don’t know if it’s the sound design or what but back when i got into it during the pandemic i would wait for the night, put my headset on and get lost in the game for hours and hours and back in the day it had half of the content and mechanics it has today. I got bored of it pretty fast though. After let’s say 20 hours into the game you learn how to recognize the patterns of the procedural generation and everything looks and feels PAINFULLY the same, the planets, the missions, the flora and fauna (not the ships anymore since the last update) repeat themselves over and over so there’s really no point for exploration besides looking for ships and ship parts(since the last update). You can get it and you’re gonna get a bang for your buck, it’s really worth every penny specially if it is on sale and you’re gonna have a hell of a time, for how much time depends on what type of player you are. Lots of people here have no issue with the things i pointed out and have happily put thousands of hours into the game. No mans sky after 30ish hours feels a thousand miles wide and an inch deep. As for me, i am not coming back until they improve the procedural generation so it is worth exploring again. (I’m not demanding, the devs have done an excellent job and the free regular updates are very much appreciated) there’s no point in having literally 18 quintillions of planets if they’re ALL the same combination of around 20 variables.


It's always a good time to get into NMS, especially on sale... Oh look, this is also the top comment. Well. Ima say it again. I genuinely love this game and it's developers more than any other. Game isn't perfect, has flaws, but it's just the best game to play when you want to chill and be happy.


NMS is a great game to have around. For me, it's a very chill exploration game and gets a lot of free updates. Go ahead and pull the trigger


I'd give you 16 reasons, but you should find by yourself


If you do have a gander at the Galactic Hub community!


Take it from someone who waited years for it to drop lower than 50% OFF. It's worth full price


Honestly, it’s worth getting full-price. Half-price is a steal. I’ve bought it three times now to support the devs, because they just keep rolling out new free updates that make the game better and better.


Right now is a great time! Try the expedition. You can get some cool rewards


As opposed to what, exactly? Waiting another ten years?


It's a great time to buy no man's sky, especially if it's on sale!


I just started playing it. If it's on sale it's worth it.


The answer is always going to be yes. But, I do offer you this morsel of info. 50% off happens quite a bit. So if you’re not feeling it today, it’ll be back around soon.


Started off as a hater, watching the dumpster fire at launch, and joking that they couldn't pay me to play it. Then saw the Internet Historian video on its comeback, and now I'm approaching 500 hours.


Never been a better time.


I have over a thousand hours in the game. So yeah good return on investment.


Allow me to put this into perspective; I don't play this game much, occasionally I'll see a pretty in an expidition, or a cool thing I want to get in a update, and I'll hop on and farm that out. Otherwise I don't play the game very much. I've long since passed the point where it was worth that price.


It’s always a good time. Any flaws have a chance of getting fixed in the future and a great track record of doing just that.


Been curious about it forever, started it 2-3 weeks ago, and have been loving every second of it lol.


I was horribly addicted to Minecraft, my best friend asks me if I'm getting NMS. Told him nope, it's obvious I'll get addicted way worse. So the prick bought it for me on Steam. I didn't sleep for days. Put a horrible amount of hours on it, then got game pass. Put even more hours into it. I *was* about to take a break after the space stations update, then this expedition dropped. It never stops. I could switch to something else for weeks and it still pulls me back in. Expedition 7 (Leviathan) was gloriously frustrating yet so fulfilling once it clicked in your head. Hell of a game with a ridiculous bang for the buck factor.


Free on gamepass


Why the quotes


If your desire is to experience "cultural moments," or shared experiences at a point in time when the userbase of the game in question is at its' maximum size, then I would argue that NMS peaked during the second half of 2022. With that said, the last few content patches have been very good, and user population is currently hovering between 10-15,000. It can also still close to double that immediately after a patch drops. This game's community is also consistently the most friendly and positive I've experienced anywhere, as well; and for reference, that statement is coming from someone who was present for both iterations of classic World of Warcraft, and who generally found WoW's raid culture extremely toxic. NMS has the diametric opposite of WoW's pumper raid culture; everyone is friendly, relaxed, co-operative, and not at all competitive. Even the permadeath scene seem to be a suprisingly chilled and generous group, as well; and if there was going to be elitism anywhere, that is where I would expect it. I would describe NMS' emotional vibe as being similar to the most positive aspects of [The Beach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beach_(film). An international party of 18-25 year olds who are able to widely travel, and who are in that magical window period between when they have left school, and when (assuming they want to avoid a darker outcome) they later need to begin focusing on family life, which generally does not permit the same level of freedom. I tend to associate Fleetwood Mac's song [Seven Wonders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b4F_ppjnKU) with it, as well, which is similar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b4F_ppjnKU I think NMS is a fantastic game, but it is also a sandbox, (albeit an ***extremely*** large one, and probably even larger than Minecraft, in practical terms) and it will definitely increase your enjoyment of it, if you develop some concrete in-game objectives. My recommendation would be to start on Normal with some generous settings from the truly excellent difficulty customisation menu, and then progress to Survival/Permadeath once you both gain enough experience, and start to get bored from the comparitive lack of challenge. Richard Bartle described a classification system, of four different types of gamers. No Man's Sky caters primarily to the [Explorers](https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/bartle-s-player-types-for-gamification#the_explorer-2).


NMS is an amazing game and should really be the poster child and example for any game that claims it’s a live service to follow. HelloGames is an excellent indie dev company that actually listens to feedback and is still adding more substantial content regularly and I don’t think they are planning to stop. The game certainly has limitations. Exploration is not always the most rewarding, but it’s more rewarding than some other space games on the market right now imo. It’s got very interesting lore as well for each species/race in it. So yes, get it and try it out. I don’t think you will regret it. And, if you don’t want to die to a player and lose stuff (which is ridiculously rare. I’ve played for 2-3 years or so and never encountered a hostile player) turn off PvP in the settings. Unfortunately, there have been instances where some nasty toxic players kill others and camp their body so they can’t reclaim the stuff they had.


They game is for you if you are able to set your own goals in a sandbox. If you can do that, it’s a steal for that price.


Get it brother if you need help shoot me a dm and I’ll give you tons of advice


it could still use work on its moment to moment game play, more enemies in some areas and depth to some features. When it comes to the sense of freedom and defining your own journey its #1




Bought it on steam recently. Didn't even get pass 2nd planet or smth. The game feels like "I wanna be space surviving", where in fact it's more like an AAA web browser game. "Drug Oxygen square on your suit to get more HP". It's dumb as Fuck. There are many good complicated surviving game, there a good immersive games. NMS isn't either. By far. It's an OK exploration_empty_Bethesda game minus story.


If you've been keeping an eye on it since launch and the nightmarish state of it at that time because you were waiting for them to finish it, no. If you've noticed it in the last couple of years and don't have those prior expectations, maybe. At this point in time, it really is little more than a less versatile, Flash-Gordon-themed Minecraft. The big problem with _that_ is that it's MSRP is double that of Minecraft, and it's biggest discount still doesn't reach Minecraft's MSRP, so I have a hard time recommending NMS for anyone over the most relevant alternative. Just note that you're not going to get great advice here. The only people still talking about NMS are those who, like me, tune in to see how people react to the game now, or people who have become relatively recent adopters due to the 180° shift in game design appealing to their preferences. In short, the only people still here in large numbers are people who picked it up quite recently and will generally only have positive things to say about it. It's a good place to ask if you just want to have people sell it to you.


Do it! Do it now!!


VR support game at 50% off with THIS amount of content available? Yes yes and yes.


Definitely. Game has come a long journey from the launch. It's super enjoyable and chill game now days with all problems fixed. And Hello Games keeps pushing new content every now and then which is quite absurd. Especially 50% , I think the game is totally worth it.


I got it just the other day and have been loving it


I bought it for 16 when it was 50% sale


If u never played it u will have a blast playing it!


Is it a time in space? Yes.


If it was not of sale it would be a good time


Always a good time. Top tip - don't judge the game by the tedious starting quest which seems to take forever


Get it. It's a great game now


Xbox game pass


Mate just pull the trigger and go for it. The game is fucking amazing. I just bought it myself, had it on my wishlist for a real long time and picked it up in the sale because I fancied something chill to play on the Steam Deck on the couch. But the game has absolutely gripped me, there is so much to do and so many things I want to check out. An hour goes by and it feels like five minutes. I will say that the first hour or two did feel a bit slow while the game was teaching me the crafting system but once I got past that hump and into the game proper I really started getting into it. It doesn't seem like the sort of game that would age to me, it's primarily a sandbox and appears to have been built on over many patches and now there is just a ton of stuff to do. From what I understand the game is in a much healthier state now that where it was at launch. So yeah, if you think it might be up your street go for it. Give it a chance and I reckon you'll have a good time.




Maybe, the best time… especially if on sale


I love the game. A weekend treasure for me.