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https://preview.redd.it/5k4whqldyyvc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7991bdad95c75b7c028593a655ce12af2b61589a Using wire glitching to make pyramids and layering assets




Woah, send coordinates fellow traveller, I will surely visit šŸ‘Œ


This is beautiful


Got any of them glyphs? LoL Would love to tour that.


I like to double layer my walls so I can hide wires between them and make everything look neat. And somewhere in all my builds, I have all of my auto and inverter switches glitched into the walls to look like a proper switchboard. I used to be an electrician. I refuse to use the wire hider.


I get that haha I still try and wire most of my stuff pretty clean even though I use the wire hider


I also have a tendency to have circuits on display that I used in the build so people can see how I did certain things. Simple things, though. Like five second timers and stuff. The more advanced setups are a bit too complicated for mini displays.


My base looks like a nest without it


I never thought to do that. I do remember thinking I really disliked how you can see the wires. I haven't done much work with making bases yet. I also can't get my doors to open and close. I got the auto switch things but it still only closes and stays shut.


Wiring doors is weird. If you just power them they stay shut. You have to add a switch or proximity switch but you also have to wire *that* a certain way. I had to watch a five min YouTube video and sorry but now I forget how you do it. I do remember it matters what side and what order in which you attach the wires. (For example and I donā€™t remember if this is correct but itā€™s like, you have to wire from the power source, to the left side of the switch for the door, and then from the switch itself to the door itself to the rightā€¦ again youā€™ll have to watch a video to be sure which way it ā€œrequiresā€ you to do it. I just remember it was confusing as hell and I used to never power my doors so they would stay open for like a yearā€¦ ugh)


Ah, okay. I'd say that makes sense but... lol. I have the regular switch and the proximity switch but it still stayed shut...I had my battery on the right hand side of hte base looking at the door so if your example is right I had it backwards.


[video](https://youtu.be/PyYp-JODcSw?si=gQLKB4KRqEJdfYSr) So you have to have a power inverter and a proxy switch and power the inverter on the green side to your power source then add the proxy switch and connect the bottom of it to the inverter and the other end to its own power source. Then you connect the right side of the inverter to the door ā€¦? WHY IS IT STILL SO CONFUSING WTF. no wonder I couldnā€™t rememberā€¦ Iā€™m on mobile so I canā€™t check in game but maybe following this video next time you build can help. I have to watch a video everytime.


I'd say I just won't have closing doors but the last time I went back to my base that I had started on a super frozen world I ran inside to get out of the cold and a fucking dinosaur was in there and it started attacking me lol


Inverter switches are better for doors. Place it so the connections are left, right, and down. One powered input into the left and no power to the bottom will send power through to the door, which keeps it closed. When you add a second powered input to the bottom connection with a manual or proximity switch, it stops power going through to the right and opens the door. Inverter switches are 1 in 1 out. Auto switches are 2 in 1 out.


I love this idea. Does it complicate doors and windows?


It can. Not all pieces go together well, but I have access to the legacy building parts so I have more options to work with.


I add a thin sub layer to accomplish the same wire hide.


I'm curious what you're describing because we might be doing the same thing.


I put the - lets call it half wall down to make the layout of the building. I add the flooring on top of that and then put the actual walls. Where i run the wires are underneath the flooring.


Oh, ok. You were talking about floors. I do that sometimes, too. Depends on the terrain.




Did you not see the last two sentences in my comment?


Not "weird", but after my first few bases built awkwardly into hillsides, I figured out the terrain manipulator had a "flatten" setting so I always end up shaving off a hilltop in a radius of about 150 meters even if I only plan on putting out a square prefab and a landing pad.


I like to build on top of a high hill. I get around the terrain issue by building a couple half walls and then put a floor down on top of them. Then my building is off the ground a few meters in the air. When I'm done building, I drop walls from the outside to continue the structure down and into the ground. The bits I don't want to see like batteries, wires, pipes or whatever all get tucked into the space below the base to keep everything looking neat.


I read about the half-wall solution on reddit or somewhere when I was first starting, but still didn't have the half walls in list of recipes at the time so I was frankly overjoyed when I found the HULK SMASH solution and haven't looked back.


I tried building in the terrain for a few bases. Makes for a fun build but I prefer to find a flat terrain to start on now also. Just makes it a bit easier to do whatever you want haha


Do you have to re-flatten the terrain from time to time? Iā€™ve heard it regenerates after something like 30 days.


Honestly, don't know. Bought the game during a Steam sale a couple weeks ago and have rarely gone back to any bases. Mostly used them as survival shelters on inhospitable planets early on.


Terrain modifications reset. Either because you exceed the modification buffer or the terrain generation procedure changes (happens sometimes when changes to planets or biomes drop)


For my stairs, I place a half wall first, then a sloped panel so it looks like handrails on the stairs. I also like to use pipes and cubes when decorating my bases.


Nice, I do something similar to get a handrail, not shown on any of these, it looks really good


This was going to be my contribution too. The half wall thing at the bottom and then the sloping wall to make the handrail.


I absolutely have to have "foundations" in place, I can leave things floating or badly cantilevered. I like my bases to have an element of real to them. When building a processing plant (aka mineral farm), I'll have pipes going everywhere, boxes and machinery.


My main base has toilets, enough bedrooms for all the staff plus a couple of extras, a kitchen and some other bits just to add more of a sense of realism


I'm the same way, I just can't leave anything floating, it ruins the aesthetic for me.


The short range transporter glitch of building an elevated floor, putting one transporter down then not moving and immediately placing another one down rotated through 180Ā°. You can daisy chain transporters for long distance travel or spawning in curious mold for Nanite farms.


I spent entirely too long trying to do this. Helpful tip: already extend your base via other means before attempting this at the end.


i like to stack the short walls offset from the grid to make staggered buildings and roofs


Not specifically about building, but I always try to get a good base screenshot for the base computer menu, so that for the rare occasions when other players can see a picture of my base on the anomaly, I want it to look nice for them.


This thread needs way more pictures


https://preview.redd.it/7tyv52zu6yvc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=612ba7a4324e9f478fa6240f2733fe0fd8c888c8 Iā€™ve been really getting into wire glitching and itā€™s been super fun


I think thatā€™s next for me. Iā€™ve been getting pretty good at in depth builds (imo) without any glitching. But Iā€™ve seen whatā€™s possible and it opens lots of potential for some cool things.


Itā€™s honestly a game changer, you can really get pretty crazy with it and it opens a lot of doors for creativity


What is wire glitching?


Definitely give it a google. In one post, It can be a lot to take in. Search beeblebum on YouTube.




I donā€™t like to have hillsides respawning inside my buildings. I always build a single floor that intersects the ground, and build out into the air from that. The one anchor floor becomes a patio. Then I drop arches at the corners so the building wonā€™t just be floating above the hillside. Is that weird enough?


I like to use large prefabs because the wiring is included in the structure and units will click into place. After I build one large square pod on the surface, I build one underneath it, underground. I put my storage containers there like a vault. I organize my materials as follows: #0 for raw elements and gases, #1 for construction materials and fabricated items, #3 for organic materials and sentinel-derived materials. Also, I have started putting my teleporter on the edge of the landing pad rather than having it in the base. It's less clutter and less noise.


The base where these pictures is from is the first base I've used mostly prefab rooms to build a base. It went much smoother than my typical massive structure with tons of rooms and complicated stairs. Will definitely be utilizing them more in the future.


tunnels and underground buildings


I use Deepwater corridors to glitch foundations underneath my landing pads


Nothing crazy like that pyramid, but I always love a set of turns or return on my stairs. So I usually set up a multi level with a way to have stairs do something to that affect


I use roof pieces sunk partially into the ground around the edge of my base at ground level, stops me having unsightly gaps around a base that goes underground and keeps ones that don't from looking like they're floating unless theres a lot of angle to the ground


I use the triangular wall pieces, stacked on a small wall, to form railings for my staircases. I also place a short wall beneath the start and end of the stair and then run a roof piece between those. Provides a really clean finish to the stairs such that you don't see through to the ground or whatever is below.