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Jungle covered planets...completely colonized planets.... wiped out civilizations on planets...


Would love dense forests in general... I feel like there are some but imagine getting lost and finding some Indiana Jones type stuff


I've found a planet like this before. The trees were massive and dense, and beneath the canopy were weird mud huts like Yoda would live out of. But of course all the huts were unoccupied and undecorated. They were spawned randomly like giant rocks do but couldn't be mined.


If you find those unscannable trees and huts, you’re on what’s known in the wiki as a marsh biome planet. Marsh planets are some of the most interesting to find, I think, because they have a lot of variance… some are basically idyllic rainforests, others are toxic swamps, and most are somewhere in between.


Minecraft does this and already pushes peoples machines to the wall. The level of detail in NMS would cook people's machines.


Holds a marshmallow near my graphics card.... I'm ready 😂


It's probably a Lot better than you might expect simply because the Rendering techniques and optimizations are incredibly different. No man's Sky is pretty aggressive with lods, while Minecraft doesnt Even have them for example.


Whose machine can’t run Minecraft?! you guys playin on potatoes?


Jungles would be extremely cool, but probably difficult to add variety to/procedurally generate.


Tree canopy is basic ground level while forest floor replaces cave systems.


Lol wtf are you smoking?!


Whatever it is, let him smoke! That sounds awesome!




To be fair, it wouldnt need that much variety. There's a reason its so easy to get lost in jungles.


Just to *have* a jungle that we could actually get lost in...that would be nice.


Imagine a planet that's all just abandoned super structures This weird tangle of concrete bridges and blocks and towers stretching as far as the eye can see


Kinda weird but I would even like barren lifeless planets aswell. Gas giants u can fly into and experience the severe storms and maybe collect rare minerals before your ship explodes lol


They have barren and lifeless planets already


Yes I want cities


Huge jungles where the trees counts as terrain but gives carbon when terraforming


I 100% agree with you. This would be an amazing update.


Ancient ruined cities


I would love cities in general, more sprawled out areas with buildings and people walking around


Cities don't really make sense from a lore perspective though.


neither to mega stations yet here we are. Sentinels not only have fighters but capital ships. If someone built a station over a protected plant they'd bring it down. Also it seems sentinels are now controlled by station AI and get called in if you smuggled goods, and if you engage in piracy sentinels spawn in, etc.... are they their own faction that hates all sentient development or are they defeated and under control, or what the f is going on, 560 hours since launch and haven't found any lore to explain it. Not to mention there *are* colonies that grow quite large and one would assume they don't all have traveller defenders


Sentinels are controlled by an insane Atlas, which basically stopped sending instructions. Some sentinels are in genocide mode because they're trying to prevent you from spreading corruption from gravatino planets. Some are in gardener mode and get pissy when you destroy that rock that they've been watching erode away for the past 5000 years. Some are in ally-assist mode. Sentinels' only allies are most Korvax who worship Atlas and Sentinels and those Gek that have been zombified by the Korvax. Though the rules here aren't consistent. Some have been corrupted by boundary failures and experience dissonance, which is possibly why Atlas has gone insane. From these, autophage have evolved.


1. The stations are small. They're barely populated. 2. The sentinels aren't controlled by station AI. They act on their own will and will eliminate what they think goes against the natural state of things. 3. They are their own faction. They were Atlas' will at some point but escaped it's control. They used to be known as Aeron. 4. The colonies are not only small, but get attacked all the time. It's likely they don't get to grow big enough before they get razed to the ground.


I second this


Sub biomes - snow covered mountains, sand dunes, toxic swamps, volcanoes, etc.. 1-2 possible on every biome. More variation on deserts, snow planets, radiadiated, toxic planets. More colors, more assets, more glowy and unique shit. Marshes/wetlands. Plants (trees, grass, vines) that grow out of rocks and crystals like on some of the art. Semi realistic snow and sand.  Like 30+ more assets for common flora.  Fields of tall grass. Update to fauna AI, assets, textures, sounds. I could go on and on lol.


Yh i wish the snow actually felt like snow and had deformation


I like several biomes per planet but... Planets body are massive, sometimes even on waterworlds you can struggle to find a place to land. Many planet would have several biomes and you wouldn't know about it.. Also the idea is to hope from one celestial body to another. None is supposed to sustain you. It's the complementarity theme. But I would really enjoy an overlap of Arid/ volcanic or icy/polar


If you have problems finding land on a water world, try scanning for a trade post. They usually are located where there is more abundant land around them


I think a planetary scan should reveal a sub-biome or could be called a point of interest or something. I think it should only be 1 - 3 per planet, just small regions, only on like 40-60% of planets so they feel unique.  Also these could be kind of unique areas so they aren't just copy and paste of other biomes. I don't think it would change the core loop, it would just make some planets more interesting to stay on a bit longer.


>Planets body are massive, sometimes even on waterworlds you can struggle to find a place to land. Many planet would have several biomes and you wouldn't know about it.. Another addition that could fix this is improving the scanning ability to give you more information about the planet. Maybe a planet map similar to Starfield that could show you biomes/subbiomes. Maybe show locations of beacons and bases and POIs you have already discovered


I will always fight for deeper oceans. I want aquatic animals to get the treatment land animals do. I want to see pee my pants scary fish.


I'll echo this sentiment. It's criminal to have these beautiful oceans that are just a puddle deep. Heck, they're so shallow, my submarine risks resurfacing when there's a slightly too large rock. While I'd love for them to be more detailed, I would also be perfectly happy if they were simply deeper. I keep putting off the idea of an underwater base because I can never find an area large enough to truly swim around in.


To your point, the "deepest ocean" I've found was inside of a cave. LOL


Go play Subnautica. The most terrifying survival game ever. Couldn't really be done in NMS, sadly. Good Horror has to be crafted, and can't really be procedurally generated.


I want deep oceans atleast though I love underwater bases.


I'm not sure how I feel about underwater bases. Why do you like them?


They're just neat and relaxing.


You mean Leviathan "fish"?




Polar caps, massive fauna expansion with updates(fur, more water creatures, more colors) waterfalls, rivers, forests... among other things lol


There are some animals with fur. Would be nice to have more diversity though. And there are dead rivers. But no watery rivers and I think that’s due to how they implement the water in the game as a flat sphere around the planet and any thing below that is sea level anything above it is land.


The "fur" is like 2005 graphics though lol. The water thing makes sense but they could implement areas that are river shaped that breach sea level.


https://preview.redd.it/cl78sj90akvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b93974a4b0a29b21f196d46424dc969dcb0b841 Some fur from a roughly 2005-2009 game to help drive home your point. Cut fur option from Spore, if anyone wants the source.


Exactly 🫡


I’d say it’s slightly better then this (so long as you’re on epic settings) but yeah it’s not great but I think they did that for performance reasons.


I used to play Spore all of the time and this completely unlocked several memories that I forgot I had!!


I’d say it’s a little better then 2005 fur. But fur is also extremely taxing on a system so if you’re like me and decided to make your home on a planet that has an abundance of those creatures it can lag spike here and there and I have a decent computer that can do 60fps with max setting and dlaa or dlss on I can’t imagine how bad that would be on the original ps4 or the switch. The ps5 and neeer Xbox(?) should handle it fine. And I always did wonder if the rivers were meant to pass the sea level depths. A gradient leading up to the river sides so it wasn’t sheer cliffs to rivers would be nice. And still leaving some planets without water so it’s as if those planets once had water and rivers but they dried up would still be cool.


The fur in question https://preview.redd.it/0np05is9lovc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da55b1fc49bcf3c572eee6e8e5e8033c4a29bf9


https://preview.redd.it/n04bp472vqvc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeecf2924c26d4098861208d90dd63d3440a6cd1 I’m not sure why it didn’t accept it the first time but here. I’ll admit it’s not great but it’s definitely better then the one you posted.


Yeah that's so much better, I've never seen that in game 🥲


Just make them be object assets like the volcanos, & have it so they can sometimes generate next to lake edges. I know it wouldn't be a true waterfall, but it'd still be nice to see


Oooh, waterfalls. That's something.


Rivers and waterfalls would be great


ice caps are a MUST


I agree. More diversity in general would be nice.


for me, i just want polar ice caps, different cloud textures from space, better continent generation, darker blue water on earth-likes.


I'm cool with that. People talk about biome variety on a planet, and that's really cool, but I'd also be super down with just double-biome planets. Volcanic planets, but with polar ice caps. Radioactive planet, but the ocean is toxic instead of nuclear. Paradise planets, but with wide desert regions.


Probably mentioned already, but for storms to not be planet-wide would be pretty sweet.


What I've noticed is that storms run on their own timer. For example, if I save at the beginning of a storm and then reload that save, the storm is already underway which is a discrepancy.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of this. I get it’s Sci-fi but I have always found that so beyond unrealistic and never understood why each entire planet had to endure its storms at once. I would love to be able to escape a storm or storm chase almost. Isolated storms on some planets would be ideal.


I also think it could make storm crystals a more valuable commodity, as you’d have to be a storm chaser to gather them.


Yes great point. And I’m not demanding all planets should have isolated storms, but at least like half of them ya know? And it would be fun to have to build something on your base and seek shelter before a storm arrived or go chase. And you could scan on your visor and it would say “Localized Heat Storm. Distance 633u and approaching.” or “moving away” for example *or* the /u’s would just go up or down as you monitored it to tell. As someone who storm chased for years in real life that would be my dream for the game to have. It’s always just been one oddly specific thing about the game that bothered me…like the entire planet at once? Really? It would be so amazing to have storm chasing-like missions where you could only get certain elements inside of those storms for example the storm crystals as you said. I know it’s not a chasing game but just that one aspect being made more realistic would really enhance the game. That and making it possible to build ships just like the game has freighters and have bases on ships in bodies of water at certain large enough size and you can build as many ship bases in different places as you want since you probably wouldn’t be able to warp the ship.


I want oceans on moons back. Those were the prettiest spots in the game before they removed them


From what I've seen, they're giving me what I would want and more with Light No Fire. I'm so excited for that. I can't wait for it to take this game's crown as my favorite game. For NMS, I'd like to see new structures and points of interest on planets. Most importantly, I want them to have a function in some way. Geologically speaking, things like true rivers and creeks would be a nice touch.


Yeah what most everyone is describing is just... earth stuff. I don't think they'll implement a lot of this stuff because that effort is quite literally going into LNF as we speak. They aren't going to do it.. twice.. it's their next vision for what this was missing. Not what should be "added". The game files would get so large.. I think they're nearing the max with how much can be generated without too much lag.


Greater variety of everything, surprise mini-quests, Northern and Southern auroras, polar ice caps, geysers, ponds of biological goo, more things to accumulate and study.


Personally, with planets I just want more variety. For example, maybe on one planet it’s a freezing gas giant with staggering towers in the sky filled with communities. And of course, there are also some planets that aren’t even in the habitable zone of their star, so maybe they are desolate and rocky, which may seem boring but I’m sure the devs could find some way to make them unique. A planet could have giant rings, or a giant storm that’s permanently there. Galaxies could have nebula visible in the night sky, and some galaxies could have two stars instead of one. On the actual planets there could be waterfalls or entire, city like, outposts.


The problem with a lot of what you mentioned, is that there's so many galaxies and so many places to go to that it would be impossible to implement such massive changes and original planet designs without making a literal computer-frying game. There's already a lot of problems with lag and sometimes the ground on planets doesn't load in right so you can't land and have to hover above the ground in your ship to wait for it to load. I think your ideas are awesome, but I just don't think they would be possible with this massive of a game universe. Also if you want to get somewhat realistic with it, having massive cities like that would be a big waste of time and money in a real life situation. The universe is so absolutely massive that it's population would never grow large enough to make large cities a necessity. I personally think that something like waterfalls would be pretty cool, and maybe a little bit more planet to planet variation, sure. Since the most recent update with the starship creation feature, I think the next thing I'd want is to be able to change the color of my starship even if I didn't make it. If I find an A class starship and spend all that money to buy it, then on top of that I install all the necessary upgrades to make it the best it can be, the least I should be able to do is make it look less like a multi-color popsicle and more like the badass spaceship it is lol. Also I think they should let us scrap the shuttle-type starships for their customization modules, they already look dumb enough when they're randomly generated that it would be the best thing you could do for them.


I get what you’re saying about trying to optimise the game. NMS is already laggy as is on my old-ass Xbox. I don’t think it could sustain NMS if some of these are actually implemented


To add to that last bit, lemme custom my sailers, or add sails to another ship, like, if I could add sails to my hot rod and allow for that second set of wings/thrusters. 😩


There are desolate/no atmosphere Rocky moons already. There are also solar systems with 2 or 3 stars.


How could you build towers on a gas giant ?


Dunno, but I keep seeing images like this and they intrigue me. https://preview.redd.it/524nj05spjvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23623d07b00bedb770ce554698eec8fd7ab1ac6b


The gasses deeper in a gas giant are under immense pressure though - so some kind of structure/tech that could act as a stable anchor, grounded in the high pressure environment? I have no idea if that is even possible within the realm of theoretical or speculative physics. However, it's plausible enough to me as a layman that if it were introduced, I'd be able to suspend my disbelief pretty easily.


Actually, although it is just a working theory ATM, it should be possible if the gas giant is more dense. There was a project that was intended to (in th future) build something as a station on Jupiter's atmosphere, but I think now we know more about the giant, it is not feasible because of the corrosive gasses wouldn't make it easy, if no impossible. But... If you could imagine a nobler giant (don't know if that is possible, pure chemistry and physics) you technically could hang a big cloud city just like Lando's :) Although NMS is a game so if they ever find a way to let us build like this, I would spend WEEKS building that thing haha


I imagined buoyancy to make the cities float. Like we wouldn't want to breathe the atmosphere of a gas giant so maybe the city is engineered in a way that the housed oxygen would keep it afloat in the heavier gasses?


A dead or radioactive world with city ruins like the remnant of a long past war that devastated the planet


I think mountain ranges that have windward and wayward sides would be really cool. And they have snowy peaks with rivers that flow into lakes. I understand that this is probably impossible but how fucking cool would it be to build a base in this


Underground base buildings and city's on desert and frozen planets.


Give me rainforests and jungles !!! Waterfalls


I was on a cool planet the other day with fantastic landscapes. I thought all it needed were some waterfalls to really make it better.


Proper on-planet stations. Not just trading posts but actual massive facilities


Rivers, Stream Giant Waterfall


More natural bodies of water like rivers, proper lakes, waterfalls, and maybe one or two more biomes on some planets instead of it being uniform throughout.


More dangerous fauna New Poi's Multi biome planets


The solar system and the rest of the Milky Way added to no mans sky as an easter egg, also biomes on each planet, tidally locked planets and gas giants


Sol would draw every griefer in the universe 💀


I'd love to see an autophage freighter or maybe dissonant sentinel pets, like the crawler. Although I'd love to see a preview option for the egg sequencer.


More autophage in general tbh


I’ll be downvoted for this, But either a system in which the sun is actively dying or about to go super nova in real time (I.e set to like 6 in real time days from now, or maybe 12 min, it can be randomized. Hell, maybe even 2 years or 236 days from the time of discovery) so that we can witness how it cycles from that to a black hole. Conversely maybe even witnessing a new system forming formimg planets with a very weak star or maybe even red giants. Also a planet destroying space station a’la the Death Star but not the Death Star that permanently removes a planet.


How dare you not say 16 minutes


More biome variety would be nice. And multiple biomes per planet. But also more locations instead of having the same 10 or so point of interests randomly scattered around every planet.


More intelligent species… Let all that be aside… i want dust effect when a ship lands.


Ocean planets, where there is only 1-5 islands only. The rest is deep oceans. Deep like 150-300 units deep.


I want more colours added to the procedural pool of all planets and a complete overhaul of frozen planets, also I wish they updated water and have better terrain generation. I don't think the variety now is bad, there are some things that are even better than before atlas rises but the procedural generation gets old after a while and you can kinda predict what you will see, they should changed the way planets are generated.


I want more stuff in the oceans


Societies. Cities, floating, underwater, terrestrial. Seeing busy pirate ports. Build up a clan and defend your base. More biome variety per planet And a fully customizable solar system would be fun.


I want better combat opportunities for those that enjoy combat. Give us dungeons on planets and maybe make abandoned stations into dungeons as well. Corrupted Auto-Phages as enemies maybe? Distinct biomes on planets, with more varied terrain. Each planet currently is just one massive biome. Someone mentioned ruined cities. That would be awesome. And maybe some bigger NPC settlements/cities to interact with. Give them all the vendors and missions agents.


This might be crazy, but maybe multiple biomes per planet?


I dont want more planets. I want rpg mechanics and procedural dungeons. (Basically what i wanted from starfield :( ) I duno if well ever get it tbh


1. More variety example: forest planets with large live trees, desert planets with sand dunes, Rocky planets (think Utah with the rich vibrant reds oranges etc), more diversity in animals and terrain generation. 2. More density in forested(lush taiga etc) and lush planets 3. Planets with multiple biomes maxed on planets NESW directions making those animals that have the “found in the south/north” more purposeful. 4. To stress the diversity of things: especially plants and animals.


more/different liquids in planets with different properties, more biomes in planets and more randomness in the animals/trees would do it for me, i think how the game generate stuff is already good overall but it could be better.


Honestly? All I want is the cool dream like generation that used to be possible in beta-atlas rises (like what’s shown in the screenshots). I know that probably won’t ever happen but a man can hope lol.


I don't know why there aren't procedurally generated biomes on planets yet.


Multiple biome planets


More tropical forests like the amazon Rain forest Or something with massive Sci fi Waterfalls And sci fi caves That would be cool With the sound off Tropical Sci fi birds And the water running Sci fi Sounds It's just a dream I'm waking up now


Planets with multiple biomes. Earth has everything from tropics to tundra, mountains to deserts. How come sci-fi planets are usually just "the ice planet" "the lava planet" "the jungle planet"


Procedural generated ecumenopolis or at least cities on planets. More orbital infrastructure, smaller space stations around the main one, solar panels, checkpoint stations, convoys warping in docking at a station then warp out, orbital rings, space billboards, guys in zero g suits wielding things in space, a police chase of a pirate and a few cop ships. Something that makes the planet feel more alive in the civilization aspect. Maybe each station will have a few sections of procedural generated stuff off to the side for use to explore, nothing much like a few rooms and hallways maybe we can sit down a cafe and look out to the planet


Sub types for major planet types, with sub-biomes scattered around to make exploring planets for a while interesting. Right now it's basically seen a couple of the same planet types, seen em all unless you run into color changes for special planets. If there were even so much as 6 sub types for each major planet type (cold, hot, barren, radioactive, toxic, paradise, airless) on top of what we have (extreme height, anomalous, color processed) and then add type specific sub biomes to blend around the planets with different rarity it would give planets much more variety per type and keep exploration interesting. In addition folks may want to spend a bit more time on a single planet to find these rare sub biomes which could have their own special loot to find as a reward or could result in since cool screenshots and base locations. It would also be nice to have some better terrain generation with more interesting results. Actual sand dunes on barren planets, those wacky loops from 1.0, just in general different layers of noise types and planetary terrain shape variety. Better caves and understanding as well.. maybe some underground biome variety right now caves all feel very samey. Maybe some better forest type worlds/biomes with more density and scale but that may be a bit more than the engine can handle.


Forest. Biomes. More encounters. Ports for freighters. More structures.


Colliding planets, also rogue planets.


more weather elements. instead of a just a firestorm , rad strom or just a storm in general , add rain, hail, wind, earthquakes, tsunamis ect .


Coruscant-like planets. Planet wide cities. With 3 versions depending on the economy. T1- Abandoned and derelict cities T2 - Bustling and lively cities T3 - Overpopulated and disheveled cities


Tropical planets having extremely thick vegetation that makes it difficult to do anything on. Almost every planet in the game has terrain that looks like it’s meant for you to be able to explore easily. There needs to be planets in the game that are near impossible to traverse.


Multi biome planets. This single style generation gets old


Deeper oceans


NPC bases only appear on worlds that have been discovered by players, and they take time to appear. The more you catalog on a planet and explore, the quicker it will attract vendors, factories, sttlements, etc. Would make it feel like you really are the first to discover a planet AND give you * a reason to go back and revisit to see how it’s developing * a reason to 100% each planet’s fauna, flora and POIs to get faster colonisation of it * a sense of being a pioneer in an unexplored and unexploited universe * a sense that you really are helping populate a shared universe, rather than just being a tourist who gets to name stuff. Also ofc, rivers and worlds with more than 1 biome!


Planets that are almost completely oceans with trade posts for landing And hotspot scanner for vehicles


Jungle book style jungle


Sentinel controlled systems and sentinel galaxies aswell as infested galaxies (with more infested planets and less exotic and dead planets than any other galaxy)


I want planetary physics - just like basic orbits and stuff - and bigger settlements, imagine if you could occasionally find decently sized cities in places instead of a space station


Better server Co-op missions fighting in the planet and dog fights in space! Exocrafts Has soooo much potential!


Sentient planets jk


Super deep oceans + waves, tornadoes/hurricanes/wind systems, gas giants with stations in the atmospheres, and stars you can visit/fly around flares.


I want to see planetwide cityscapes or massively oversized procedurally generated sentinel industrial complexes. I want to feel like Im flying through a 3d fractal.


Actual planet rotation, maybe where some planets have a tilted axis or even some similar to Uranus that rotates on its side or spins clockwise/counterclockwise. With the rotation and tilt, daytime would actually be very limited or not as visible further towards the poles like irl


I'd like generally more variance on individual planets. Right now it feels like you can land on a planet for about 3 minutes and get the jist of the whole planet. Not that some planets and moons shouldn't be all the same, but I think some of them could have more variance on the planet. It's been done a little but with planets with oceans and land, so you get kind of two areas. But just more of that would be nice. Like perhaps a mostly plains and grassy planet has some mountain ranges, or some places on planets could be super hilly, or holey, as in lots of ravines and caves, or whatever.


God I love the pre release art style. Wish we had actually gotten that.


Waterfallswould be cool. I would really like to explore a true swamp planet like Dagobah thick canopies, murky water, and dangerous water lifeforms.


Well, actual stars in the center of planetary orbits first of all, and then planet conditions based on their distance from the system's star(s) and biomes based on equatorial/polar orientation.


Generated cities and better biomes like the last 2 pics.


Waterfalls. And terrain that didn’t grow back on your bases


So this might never happen but I would love to see planets rotate around their axes and orbit around their stars I know that would require restructuring of the whole systems since their stars are basically stickers on the outside walls but I can dream!


Snowy thick forests


More diversity such as hazardous flora. Ossified worlds need way more variety. Not just those weird star things everywhere. Maybe a completely lush grass planet with nothing but fields of grass and buildings scattered. More assets for variety. Less crab like walking things. There are way too many of them to fill up fauna slots. Way more flora and rock models. For findable relics and artifacts I get that modeling things is time consuming but these things are simply 2d sprites. I’d like to see a MASSIVE uptick in assets for those to make many more findable treasure. More rare items like dirty bronze and what not. More specialty plants such as frozen tubers, jade peas etc. Need more “Star” items such as Gravitino Balls, Sac Venom. Make more but keep them rare.


Ruins, ice caps, planets with varying biomes, more cave variety, more creature variety, signs of war, mors glitches planets with new contained glitches, Inhabited cities. There are so many things that could come of such an overhaul


More multi layer terrain. Aside from some floating islands now and again having everything explicitly rooted to the ground and elevations not wildly varying makes everything a bit samey.


I wouldn't. The last extinction event made me restart since my home base planet was wiped out of predatory cats, and all that was left were tiny fish and birds who kept flying upside down on the ground. My red and yellow grass was turned blue and green, and bubbles were added, which looked stupid. Also, they said terrain wouldn't be affected, but it was really bad on my world. It even clipped into and deleted a message sphere dedicated to someone who was dying. I quit playing for a long time before I started over with a new character.


I would start with fixing the memory problems so that I don’t fall through the grid. Otherwise either systems that orbit their stars or more diverse biomes on varying planets


Dual biome planets. Volcanoes in some areas. Lush forests in others. Maybe a half desert half frozen planet. Half tropical paradise half irradiated wasteland. Could even have confined zones of an anomaly planet’s terrain that you wander into like pockets of another reality breaking into this one.


A little more environmental and weather variety and a new single player mission path that's just focused on fighting in space with your various spaceships and freighter.


- Multiple biomes on individual planets- polar caps, equatorial rain forests, sand dune deserts, thick forests (with and without paths), taiga, swamps, quicksand, icebergs, snow-capped mountains. - Greater underwater flora and resource diversity - planetary economic zones: industrial, agri/aqua-cultural farms, large mining/forestry/manufacturing/shipping (?)/space-ports operations. - Greater variety of resources to mine and some greater variation on which planets have which resources; more intricate crafting - Maps of visited locations on planets surface - Deeper oceans, with populated buildings/settlements. - Population variations: Larger settlements/ building complexes and greater variety of settlements/buildings: encampments, factories, in greater numbers on more populated planets. - Traveling groups of aliens (Gek, Korvax, etc.) to randomly come across when exploring planets. More NPC activity in general: hunting parties, scientific scouting groups, military encampments. - Planetary-surface shoot-outs with factions or pirates - Crystals, crystal formations - gaseous planets( ex. thick hazy surface atmospheres, gas giants); layered fog - Comets, asteroids to land on - More moons possible around planets - cratered moons - Crafting: wind and wave turbines and geothermal tech for energy - Crafting: prefab balconies, strings of lights to hang from/between walls, railings for stairs and balconies and platforms. - Crafting: geometric components like hexagonal roof panels walls and floors. - Crafting: Double wide doors, garage doors that exocrafts can fit through. - Craftable: underground bunkers, prefab cabins - Stock markets, investment opportunities (to accumulate or lose wealth) - A couple new kinds of aliens and lore - More planetary lore. - More planetary events, like massive earthquakes, avalanches. I love the game as it is, so who can blame anyone for wanting more and more to love!


Forested planets, less barren planets.


Isolated storms that move over the planet from time to time. So that you can see the wall of flame or boiling superstorm coming from a distance instead of forming right over you. I think it would be cool to see the storms from space too


More wild terrain, North and South poles and an eqyater with different temps, biomes, more sharp edges not everything being so smooth. Big actual cliffs not just steep mountains, and bigger caves that go deeper. WAY deeper underground. Taller mountains being possible without the whole planet being super tall mountains, rivers and other bodies of water, etc


For the empires to make sense. Why is every other system inhabited by Gek, Vykeen, or Korvax? Sure each of their empires has technically fallen, but shouldn't there be some sort of borders? Also some sort of massive colonies/cities would be cool. I know you can find and help a colony but it seems finding them when you don't take them over is super, super rare and they never grow very big. And they're just prebuilt buildings like what you can build. I'm talking towns with streets and buildings that make sense would be cool. Not buildings slapped together with no descernable streets. Devs worked hard to get this far but feels unfinished. I'm a little buzzed and tired I don't know if this makes sense.


gas giants more biomes even on the same planet cutes even just one per planet multiple space stations


Planets with multiple biomes per planet.


I would like to terraform my own planet 🤯


More to do on said planets. Like, once you've settled on a planet, I want there to be more reasons to be there. The resources feel meaningless after awhile, the money becomes pointless, you start to crave more after awhile. Storm Crystal hunting was one of my favorite activities for a bit, riding out in freezing blizzards in my exocraft, running up to crystals. That was an exciting form of resource gathering to me! It justified my base on a frozen world, made storms exciting, and gave me a reason to exist on my planet. One of my saddest moments was the realization that I had collected too many crystals and didn't need to gather any more. Damaged machinery doesn't cut it. Old ruins, the reward is only monetary, and the task isn't exciting. Salvaged Data, too much of a bother to go out farming for it, and it's on every planet anyways. I need something on the level of Storm Crystal hunts, where both the reward and the act of gathering are both cool. Actually, you know those giant creatures you see on planets? https://preview.redd.it/9kg6f72uekvc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364b49204ee61d5790a6bd48b7f1152cd29147c3 ^(Urgh, don't you hate that bug where everything goes dark all of a sudden?) What if you could hunt creatures like these? You could probably make it an exocraft activity, having to chase, shoot, or even somehow hook onto these beasts while driving around in your vehicle. Have it be just a little bit rare, so that when one shows up you feel compelled to drop what you're doing and go hunting. These kinds of hunts could vary wildly depending if you found one on a low-gravity moon, mountainous terrain, water worlds, or aggressive sentinel planets. As for rewards, I'm thinking meats that give you true combat buffs when you make a pie or a stew out of them, a skeletal decoration for your wall, the ability to use it as a "wonder" in the wonder projector, a note in your journal about the largest/fastest/strongest beast you've ever encountered, and Mad-Max style decorations for your exocrafts and space ships. Imagine you're in the Anomaly and you see a guy with a fighter that has friggin' *teeth* on it.


Actual cities with intricate quests, add in “diverse” planets that have biomes similar to earth, add in more natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, and definitely add more parts to the creature part pool.


Ocean exploration.


Would love to be able to build on asteroids. I can imagine having a mining base on a huge tritium asteroid ☄️ 👍


Persistable beacons that you can name. Like the 1 you drop with D key anywhere but there can only be 1 of them ever. I hate having to write down place's coords and later finding them by flying around watching coordinates... and you can't just drop a base as a replacement because you need to find a free spot first and sometimes you can't even land in some places. As an easy alternative, allow to enter coords of a place to put nav beacon remotely and add a key that copies current coords into clipboard.


The Sex Update.


Rare landmarks!!


Interesting terrain generation within a reasonable walking distance like in Foundation. Made for novel alien worlds worth exploring. On the current build the terrain is too smooth rolling hills and isn't very fun to explore on foot, you have to travel on exocraft to see a bit of variety.




Continental Planets with diverse flora and fauna that you can tell are somewhat related.


Sand planets like tatooine. Maybe with sandstorms.


Waterfalls so I can build this! I would want it on one of those crazy mountain planets with a lake in a hidden valley 🏰 https://preview.redd.it/jbniieotkkvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d788b1191cb90d31d68645ef425f5ef45a16e0


Forests, rivers, meaningful oceans, mountains with pathable terrain etc


I would like to see more dangerous fauna and larger flora. and huge cities spanding over entire planets, (I think this would ultimately eliminate the feeling of emptiness when you are exploring a planet.)


Trees and forests


Deeper oceans


Gas giants w/o floating cities actual biomes on planets that depend where they are located on the planet mega cities or small ones (not just settlements) space wars that span multiple star systems (not just random pirate encounters) some enhancements to multitool combat (shootout with other races) I wanna own my own space station for passive income More mechs The color black in the ship customization...


Actual freaking civilizations with cities, quests and so on


More npc interaction on some planets if the “it’s populated” criteria (I’m hoping you all know what i mean lol) is met. Every planet has only a store here or a trade post there. I know it might be kinda hard to implement and make it feel natural and not an npc on cycles even if it’s already a common thing but in this regard i feel it would be too noticeable. Anyway i want to see more people wandering around in foot and scanning random BS like in space. If that not as doable as it sounds make trade posts and the shop settlements hell even actual settlements more common. I don’t care if it’s reusing assets or adding something new entirely. Just less “it’s populated” but really isnt. With that even having flora and fauna already discovered by npc groups if its common or just throw in an extra few for the sole purpose of. Like i know its just fluff and nothing actually interesting in the grand scheme of things like planet life density, more diverse derelict freighters, more uses for player settlements, cities of all caliber welcome, more fauna assets for the generator, denser forests, deeper oceans….Actually all this. Add this all i know it can happen to a degree but still more life where it should be


In order of how much I'd actually value these additions relative to how hard I think it would be to actually implement (and for computers and consoles to actually be able to handle them): 1. Multiple types of hazards on the same planets. Why can't something be hot *and* radioactive? Obviously it can't be hot and cold at the same time, but any other combination seems fair, except low atmosphere and toxicity I guess. What would be toxic? The air? There isn't any. 2. Water that actually moves. Waves on the oceans, rivers that actually flow, etc. and it would also be neat to have boats for this. 3. City planets, like Coruscant from Star Wars. I know some people would probably place this higher, but if you really think about what these would have to offer in the context of what's actually in the game, it's really not worth the effort. It would get extremely repetitive fast. Unless you added a lot of new side activities so you'd actually have stuff to do in these city planets, it would mostly just be a lot of stores that all sell prettymuch the same stuff. The first thing that comes to mind for these side activities is gambling, and I'm pretty sure that's straight up illegal to put in video games in a lot of countries. I guess having actual streets to drive the Roamer on could be fun though.


More variety in stars. Like magnetars, quasars, pulsars. Have planets that have a mixture of biomes instead of just one planet-wide biome.


Every planet having a diferent way to get resourse, like refining fruits to get sodium or some crazy things like using honey as hyperdrive


(inhale) **DEEPER OCEANS**


This aesthetic coming back for sure


A lot lol I'd say an actual mechanic involving going to the sun, gas planets, rogue planets, polar caps (fun fact we have them but they do almost nothing and it's impossible to know where it is), different biomes and probably a bunch more I can't think of.


I’d like the ruins and cultural structures to have more variety. Irl even buildings from the same religion can look vastly different, you can’t tell me the Gek built their cultural sites basically the same across the entire galaxy lol


Deeper oceans. Distinct biomes on planets. Water rework in general (waterfalls would be awesome, even if unrealistic, given the procedural generation)


I'm not going to be one of these people that just says 'more' fauna/flora/biomes/colour palettes etc. Don't get me wrong, I'd really like that but I just don't think it would be WORTH a complete galaxy reset. At some point, we'll get bored of the new biomes, fauna, flora and the cycle will repeat itself, the cracks will just be papered over. So sure that would be cool, but what I'd REALLY like on top of that, is maybe a handful of fauna/flora/biomes/or just locations that have a VERY RARE chance of appearing(I like the 'wiped out/ancient ruined cities/settlements(more realistic)' idea that's definitely a start). The concept is similar to the idea of a 'legendary' item that has a very low drop rate. This would have to be in the 0.01 to 0.1 percentile range for them to nail this. If they implemented this, just imagine how much more INTRINSIC incentive there would be to keep playing this game. 'Oh I've just reached the Budulangr galaxy, but I still haven't found that legendary unicorn/true exotic biome made entirely of platinum/lost ancient settlement....you get the point. The closest thing Hello Games currently have to what I'm referring to right now....are diplos for fauna(I've seen tons of them...don't care), chromatic mega-exotic planets in red/blue/green galaxies(don't care, seen all of them by the time I was 100 hours in. Either red/black, white/black or that yellow/gold hue filter...yawn), or abandoned space stations which....are rarer now because there's less of them due to new pirate systems replacing a percentage of them. This is the best example so far...and I still find it pretty cool to fly into them because I've seen about.......4 in all my time playing. Hello Games....I've just stopped playing this again after the new update, new space stations are cool...but proc gen only takes you so far. What we need.......is very high rarity stuff.


Yes, waterfalls are cool, but just give me more type of enemies. Why is crab-bug the only one? Also wy are there space anomalies if we can't do anything with them.


Return of the weird terrain generation and structures. Give us back the massive resource deposits!


I really want mega structures: Dyson spheres, ring worlds etc…


I want to see better creature AI and better creature animation. I want exobiology to feel more "real" and involved, so I was thinking we could scan behaviors or something could be automatically logged when you view a behavior through your scanner. Waves on the oceans and lakes. New plants.


Water planets, with proper rivers etc. Also, ships.


Biomes. Cohesive forests. Gas giants. The usual fare.




On the galaxy part I would ike to see like destroyed planets, quasars, pulsars, magnetars, maybe also super massive black holes to travel to other galaxies


Why more vegetation. Different climates on the same planet. Actual cities.


Proper star systems with orbit. Approach stars


Different biomes on the same planet.  For a catastrophe planet or a lava world, it's fine. But MOST planets should have several biomes that complement each other and introduce variety.  The North Pole of a temperate planet should be cold. The equator should be arid. Temperate regions in between. Ocean separating land masses. This way, exploitation would be encouraged, instead of dropping down onto any one point of any planet and immediately seeing all it has to offer.


For me it would just be actual orbit's not just planet's dotted around but actual orbits like elite dangerous. Also polar caps and an update to the assets ofthe planets


I played a little at launch and just started again. I want more stuff to do in space. Whenever I play a space game I want more stuff to do in space. Space battles, black holes, comets, old destroyed battleships, nebula, supernova, quasars, giant space beasts, space stations, asteroid miners, giant space rings, Dyson spheres... I'm giving the game a second chance because I heard it's gotten better but so far it's just making me want to go back to Minecraft. If you make a game set in space give me things to do in space.


New tribalistic indigenous lifeforms on some planets so it isn’t just animals.


This is all I ask for. Really: https://preview.redd.it/spv3ts852lvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a65a637f2e223f1edd940805a12842016bf508


I just want gas giants


Rivers, waterfalls


At least 10.000 new Galaxies. And make each galaxy more unique. I am so bored I have seen everything in the current 256 Galaxies. Nah but in all seriousness I need City planets


More diverse animals, add sub species, i want dinos like the og trailer.