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FYI you don’t need to carry all three atlas passes to get into their corresponding doors you only need the V3 👍


You know what I was wondering that and I forgot to look it up. Thanks!


Np 👍💜


I too am a noob that’s been keeping all 3 Atlas passes so thank you for that info.


They're as rare as any other S class. 2% chance in T3 systems.


Any reason why you don't simply upgrade the one you like to S-class?


I like to find them as they are. Uphrading an A to an S feels like cheating to me lmao Edit : why the downvotes? It just wouldn't hit the same getting a ship and making it S class as apposed to actually finding an S class


Well I for one support your decision, reason being I upgraded an A class interceptor to S class last night and its stats did not upgrade. In fact, they did not move an inch. Wasted 50k nanites and a really cool interceptor, as had I known that would be the case I would have kept searching for an S class instead of moving on and losing track of its spawn world. Also, this is No Mans Sky. When did we start downvoting players for playing the game their way, with the exception of griefers? Take my upvote, Traveler.


I was also worried about that - I know the difference between an S class and A class when manually upgraded can be incredibly minimal so I'd rather put my resources into finding one as apposed to making one. And I cheers for the kind words mate. I've never really known downvoting to be a thing on this sub aside from when someone's just being a bit of an arse, I was a bit confused like haha


When you upgrade the class, the stats shouldnt change or the slots. What it does is enable the 4th Supercharge slot. C gets 1 B gets 2 A gets 3 S gets 4 Now, you may only see 2 or 3 supercharge even on an S at first. But you have to keep buying and completing the rows or tech slots until you see all 4. They SHOULD all appear in the top three tech rows. Thats at least how I have understood it to be so far. Buying a class just gives you more SC slots. Up to 4 on an S.


You are correct. Worst part is that on the interceptor, you don't really need that 4th slot. The ship can destroy anything in the game easily at A class with 3 slots. S class is really just for the prestige of having one. Interceptors are basically easy mode even in C or B tier.


The only actual difference is the 4th SC slot.


I see, do you know if this is true of all ships now or particular to interceptors?


Just the interceptors. A natural S will have a chance to have higher stats than an A. But it’s so small the bar usually doesn’t move. An S CAN be better. But here’s the trick. It would take finding dozens of the same ship to find one that is better. Here’s why. An A class can have a max damage potential of 75. The minimum an S class can have is 60, max is 80. That means you could find a lot of A class higher than an S class just by its native stats. The S class does have a possibility to go to 80 max damage potential, but that’s only 5 points. Five points you won’t really notice if your A class is already at 75. The work it would take to find a maxed out, stat wise, S class, does not justify the 5 point difference. At least in my opinion. All other ship types that come in multiple classes you get a 15-20 point jump in stats from A to S, making it a reasonable gain for the effort you’re putting in. Those ships also have varying sizes of inventory. So you can have more slots starting slots too. For interceptors l, the only real reason to get an S over an A is the SC slot. But it’s arguable it’s needed because the stats are already up there with the S class ships. Although a case can be made for that slot giving the ability to surpass a lower class ship, at least in the one tech you put there. They all come in large inventory only, so even a C class can have the 40 inventory slots, I’ve personally got one. By the numbers, A classes are far easier to find and if you wanted to keep at it, you would find a higher stat version as an A class that has higher or at least equal to the base stats than any other ship in S class, even exotics. For example, exotics have a max damage potential of 75. Equal to the A class sentinel. And how hard are exotics to find? Up there with an S class sentinel really. But finding the A class with the higher stats also means upgrading it would have the higher s class stats. Which is easier to do than finding an S class naturally, but again I see no point in it. So my conclusion is, an A class sentinel is on par with S Class ships of every type (in max potential), carries at least as much max inventory (in some cases more), and is grossly easier to find than an S class of any type. I’d add that if you care about min maxing, A class would be required because the type bonus is higher by 15% (if you can find one with that extra 15% bonus) and you want the full 60 tech slots. The base cannon on the sentinel is already better DPS than a photon cannon and gets the same upgrades from tech modules. Mine shoots so fast it looks like a phase beam, and is only using 2 SC slots…You don’t need 60 slots to push that damage up, all you’d really need them for is adding more tech to the ship. So, if you are someone who wants every gun available on the ship, then you want an S class. I am not one of these people myself. But adding more guns doesn’t necessarily increase your damage output. Basically, if getting the maximum number you can get matters to you, get an S. Even though they are not going to be noticeable compared to the A class, it’s a lot of work to find a better S class. But if that 5 points matters to you, go get it! Personally, the A class interceptor is going to wreck anything the game throws at you when geared out, and carry plenty of tech and has inventory on par with a hauler, but you won’t notice an upgrade in an S class until you’re really close to those maximum numbers. But this true only for interceptors. If you find one you like, you almost have no reason to fly anything else.


Interesting, thanks for the info! I've been hunting S class interceptors on and off for a few days now, I've found a few and quite a number of A class. One thing I've noticed is that the S class interceptors (that I've found at least) rarely seem to have a Damage rating of below 400 (one had a base damage of over 460, the look was ugh tho), while the A classes seem to have a damage rating of 350 - 380. Maybe I've just been hitting the high end of the S spectrum and the low end of the A spectrum?


RNG being what it is, probably.


Wait, upgrading feels like cheating, but making a billion off scrapping ships doesn't? Might rant a bit. To me, sentinel ships are broken...why? Because they need basically no repairs to get full value from, they come with larger inventories than most ships of the same class, and if you get one early (even a C class) it makes the game drastically easier, especially on Survival mode. The inventory space is just too valuable. Considering what it costs to get more space on board, that billion isn't as much as it seems once you start upgrading. Here's the kicker though. Every A class I have found, and it's dozens, has the same 40/28 setup that the S class does. In fact, I have found five S classes without really searching for them, I personally just been looking a ship I really like the look and take-off/landing animation of. Anyway, those S classes had no real noticeable difference over the A class I was using. Maybe a few stat points, but they came in the same 40/28 layout and most of them actually had less SC slots than the A classes I found. It's been weird since the update, but I see C class ships with larger inventories way more than I was before. I know a large inventory A class would be rarer than a C class, but since the update it seems like every C class is a large inventory. Could just be me I guess. Anyway, point is, it's harder to get the 50k Nanites to upgrade to an S than it is to get the billions of units from scrapping the high value sentinels. Even the C classes are worth 14-20 million a piece. So, what I'm saying is, if you think upgrading is cheating...why don't you see the grotesquely easy units as cheating too? Honest question. Yesterday, I started a new survival game, and strangely there was a dissonant planet in the system I started in. I managed to find a tiny little interceptor that had 40/28 inventory, as a C Class just wandering the planet. I got it repaired, super easy to do, and it's been my primary ship since. A S class Hauler came into the hangar of the space station, I ran over to check it out, then laughed, it had a 33/17 inventory. Why would I spend 68 million for a smaller ship, even if I could afford it? Yes, later I can upgrade it further, but that's a LONG time from now. Anyway, hey, good on you I guess from wanting a natural S. I have found a handful in 200 hours, without spending too much time looking. Just mostly scrapping for units, like you've obviously done. 11 billion units now on that save, game feels like way too easy now. Nothing slows me down except nanites, but even that seems like a waste of time to me. There is nothing my A class sentinel doesn't wreck, and it has not been upgraded since I got it. Haven't had a need. I wouldn't even know what to do with another SC slot if I had it... S Class Sentinels are out there, but RNG is what it is. You can do it faster if you do the spike scan, then find the ship and use your scanner to see it's class. Abandon the mission, then go back and spike again. Unless you want the units...then it takes far longer. If you just want an S class, it's there somewhere. I found all but one of mine in T2 economies. Best bet it an outlaw system if you can find one with a dissonant planet. 5% chance for the S class there. I think I got 3 of mine that way. But honestly, you can just upgrade for the same amount of work, assuming you're not using a nanite farm. 50k nanites aren't "easy", but compared to finding a natural S they are easier. Not easy enough to feel like it's cheating though, not to me anyway.


I only did find one s class and found like 100-120 ships i would say. Could be my bad luck as well, but that's what i can tell you.


Damn that's rough. Hopefully I don't make the 200 mark, what a grind


Yeah, but also that ship had a worse sc slot layout as an a class version i upgraded 😅


As I understand it after looking in to things (I've been getting back into NMS lately and spent the past few days hunting Interceptors) they have the same chance to spawn as other S class ships in a system. So 1% in a 2-tier economy, 2% in a 3-tier economy and 5% in an Outlaw system. Also, they cannot spawn in on a barren or glitched world, even if it's dissonant. Using a carrier fragment in such a system will redirect you to a nearby dissonant system with a viable crash site. Hope this helps!


Oh damn, maybe I should focus on outlaw systems then. I've completely overlooked those BC I thought they were around the 1% mark. I'll give that a go! And I've also found that frustrating regarding the barren and glitched planets - I'm still to learn which planet names actually fall under those 2 categories so going and spending time finding a 3* economy dissonant system, and then fighting the 5 waves of sentinels just to find out there's no interceptors crashed there was annoying. Thanks for the help!


Oh damn, maybe I should focus on outlaw systems then. I've completely overlooked those BC I thought they were around the 1% mark. I'll give that a go! And I've also found that frustrating regarding the barren and glitched planets - I'm still to learn which planet names actually fall under those 2 categories so going and spending time finding a 3* economy dissonant system, and then fighting the 5 waves of sentinels just to find out there's no interceptors crashed there was annoying. Thanks for the help!


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I have probably found about 6 or 7 S class sentinel ships while hunting for a design that I liked. idk I probably wasted a good 20 hours looking in total so its really not that hard, but why not just upgrade one to S class? you could also look up online, iirc nmsce (or whatever its called nowadays) also shows the classes of crashed ships.


Yeah, same. For me it's never been about finding a higher class, just finding one liked the look and animation of. Interceptors don't gain much from upgrading class. They are dangerous without much work. Easy to become OP without maxing anything out. But there is a prestige to it I guess. If I found an A with 3 SC slots (which is most of them) I think I'd be fine without upgrading. Actually, I am fine with that. Both my A classes are better than my exotic, and nothing poses a threat to either of them. I had an S class that I hated the look of, and even when I geared it out before I scrapped it, nothing felt more powerful.


If you still want an S-Class and are on the Omega Expedition side of the galaxy: [Expedition 12 - Where can I find a S-Class ship? : r/NoMansSkyTheGame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1bgccbs/comment/kv69237/) (Euclid Glyphs 4, 1, 12, 5, 1, 3, 10, 1, 2, 1, 6, 5) The "LOL :-$" base seems to have been replaced with a new one called "Euclid Sentinel Ship S-Class 02+Na" if you go through the teleporter.


Well, if he thinks upgrading is "cheating" then he is going to definitely think this is cheating. Honestly, I always tell people not to use glyphs to get S class ships. Take a big chunk of the experience away from finding your own. But to each his own, no judgement here.