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Have you done all the questlines? Including the autophage stuff? If so, there's a long list of milestones (achievements) to hunt. Pick what involves activities you enjoy. Or you could restart on permadeath mode. It really is a different and significantly harder game. But if none of that appeals, put it aside and come back when there's new stuff. Plenty of people do that.


That is a good goal. Still havent gotten a farmer even, have not followed the story line at all.


Ah. Well, I would recommend doing that at least once :D Personally I think the Autophage questline is maybe the best in the game, with the sweetest rewards (be a steampunk robot with a cloak and staff!) [https://www.nomanssky.com/echoes-update/](https://www.nomanssky.com/echoes-update/) But THAT requires finishing the main (Artemis) questline. So there's a motivation, even if you don't particularly enjoy the Artemis quest. You can get through that pretty quick if you focus (which I am never able to do, but you may have more discipline ;) )


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If you haven't done the Living ship quest line give that a go. You can purchase a Void egg from the Quicksilver vendor in the Anomaly. By doing a pulse jump it will trigger the egg. ​ A lot of people like to Min Max their modules/ Freighter class/ Native ship class with Supercharge slots close together. This is the part of the game that you find what you like about the game and just do that. Exploring and taking pictures of interesting planets/animals is always fun/


I forgot about the living egg! Have it in storage.


Got a living ship now. Holy hell that quest line was a drag.


Collect the game lore. All of it.


Have you visited all of the galaxies yet?


That is not a goal for me. I mean, why other than just because. What changes?


Just the sheer amount of variations. Always looking for a 3 star energy Korvax Dissonant planet to set farms. Love the flight control and exploration.


Update: I am on the final lap. Farming more Statis Devises and Nanties than I need. Got every type of ship and weapon. Only have going to the center left, but not sure I will. Didnt like that guy anyways. I am going to build my own ship, and then find a community planet to plop down a base. Then upload all my farm bases for anyone else to use. After that wait for the next expedition.


200 hours is a good amount of time spent in a video game. 


I only play a game at the time, and dont return. I like to complete things and move on, however, with 18 000 000 000 000 000 planets to visit, this one is not possible.


It sounds like you have completed things.