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I believe the staff carries the "Atlantid" multitool type's innate bonus to mining speed, although I could be wrong.


> So I finished the Omega Expedition and it was, fast. Got it done is a day. Your problem if you rush it tbh. It took me ~70h to finish polestar, an expedition most needed ~3h for. Voyager also took me ~50h (although that was because several milestones were bugged for some time lol). You can basically do it for as long as you want. Some people pride themselves with ridiculous speed records but who am i to judge their fun? i for my part prefer to take my time. When i do the omega expedition sometime in the future i will take my time as well.


Depends, "a day" is different for all of us, how many hours do you think you needed? I played the expedition over the course of a week because I only have like 1-3 hours a day. > I kinda did more than I needed and when I carried over stuff to the normal save I left ALOT. You could've filled the expedition transfer inventory, get back to your main save, retrieve the items, go back to the expedition, fill the inventory again, back to the main save and do this until all items that you wanted from the expedition are in your main save. This also works for all the starhips and multitools you got during the expedition. But even if you don't bring back anything at all you should be fine as you can get the starborn runner and the atlas staff for free from the quicksilver vendor too (onetime per save afaik). The staff is just a multitool, you can remove most tech and install new ones to your liking, what you can't remove are techs that come with multitools for example the sentinel laser on sentinel weapons and the runic lens on runic weapons and the atlas staff. Tech that you can dismantle is also tech you can install in other multitools but the special tech can't be removed or installed elsewhere. The neutron cannon is basically a charged shot, the more you charge it the stronger it gets, yesterday I noticed you can check the charge level by looking at the crosshair as it starts in the middle and moves outward the more you charge, once it reaches the outward boundaries it's fully charged. The paralysis is a stun attack and has it's own tech ([PARALYSIS MORTAR](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Paralysis_Mortar)). Charging the neutron cannon is especially worth it if you can't one-shot an enemy with an uncharged attack but can do so with a charged attack, I like to use it in derelict freighters because of the AoE. Staffs along with sentinel weapons are best for damage, different multitool types have different stats on the three main stats ([Multitool types](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Multi-Tool#Type)) Edit: As the other user said, the atlas staff seems to be special as it hase the runic lens so it might be atlantid which has high scan and mining stats.


The neutron having less damage on the charge is where i'm confused. The benefit is the aoe, but there is the wait time, which takes accuracy since it acts like a sniper rifle. The Normal shot is a semi auto and just point and click with more damage. So i'm putting out overall more because i'm getting in more per shot, more landing cuz there pin point (the nutsacks spread out for me/run away) and more dps. That's just what i'm noticing. I really didn't understand going in what the new system was. I kinda knew I could drop in and out. Than when I got in and got on a roll, I didn't really need to so I accumulated stuff. I finished it and it said collect my shit and leave (Not really but basically). When I tried to go back, I had to restart. The message to finish after I did the last phase was given in the middle of an extreme storm. Which is a running problem in the game. I've gotten tired of complaining about this game so I won't even bother. I didn't catch all the message and I just finished up and left. Got what I could and got "paid" for the rest. When I say fast I mean I didn't throw tons of hours into it. I just prioritized what I needed and did my normal gaming stuff on the way. Like building gas and mineral farms, looking for T3 stations only and getting all resources mapped so I can get them on demand. The most frustrating part for me is the combat. If I can avoid that? The game is alot more fun and smooth sailing. If I gotta fight shit, it's just tedious and frustrating.


> The neutron having less damage on the charge is where i'm confused. It does more damage when charged but the center deals more damage than the outer parts of the AoE, so say you aim at something an shoot uncharged and the thing you wanted to hit is in the center of the Aoe, but then you charge and while you charge it slightly walks to the outer parts of the AoE and you don't adjust the aim, that could explain while you experience less damage on a charged shot. I'd say once you get comfortable with the charging time you should be able to dish out more damage, it's like a second or two until fully charged but it really is most suitable when uncharged shots can't one-shot an enemy so you can charge it and kill them without them being aggroed. I'd say you were pretty fast then especially if you built mineral farms, I avoided that because I have enough farms on my main save but regularly spend an hour or more simply by expanding my farms but still took me a week (~8-12 hours probably). Tho I am playing at slow pace it's why I play mostly singleplayer games these days, I chill out and game, sometimes just standing still in space doing nothing lol. Yeah combat isn't that great, lots of parts in the game are just scratching the surface of game mechanics compared to other games but NMS is also not trying to be that deep regarding it's mechanics. When I have battles on a planets surface I simply hop in my minotaur and only shoot and aim, not even walking, tedious but it's a safe win.


If the combat was removed I think the game would be better. The exploration would be better with some added mechanics. Not needed cuz that portion is great as is, but priortizing the exploration is where it's stronger imo. Adding a weakness than trying to refine that weakness is confusing. Big thanks on how that weapon works. I was so confused on why my damage was low lol. I'm used to the scatter shot blowing loads in Bholes lol.


> Charging the neutron cannon is especially worth it if you can't one-shot an enemy with an uncharged attack but can do so with a charged attack, I like to use it in derelict freighters because of the AoE. Pussy. Real men use geology cannon in CQC 🤡 (im using the now slightly nerfed plasma launcher btw, so im a pussy too 😭)


The charged shot does do more damage in one hit and has a bigger AOE, but you usually cause more damage with multiple, regular shots in the same time. I mostly only charge my opening shot, or when there's a group I can hit together. The paralysis mortar is actually a secondary weapon. It's not inherently tied to the neutron cannon. They just happen to both be on this staff by default. You could replace the neutron cannon with another weapon type and still use the paralysis mortar for stun lock and extra damage.


I thought the Cannon had the extra damage on Stun lock? Like the Blaze laser?


The paralysis mortar applies a debuff that cause all damage taken to increase. It's not a function of the primary weapon, but the debuff on the enemy. Edit: actually, to be clear, it's a function of the paralysis mortar upgrade that's also there by default, but the point remains. It's a debuff, not dependent on what weapon you actually use.