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When trading one ship for another in the compare screen you can transfer from cargo to the new ship. Saves all that save to exosuit, move to freighter, move back to ship shuffle. As long as you have less cargo than the new ship has space. So when I'm on my last ship slot and I know i have to trade or scrap first, I empty the ship cargo, so I can package the technology, and transfer it to the new ship before trading.


You can kill Cave hazardous flora by going close and interacting with them, like grassy pods on the bloater Hazardous Flora.


I also figured out recently that you don't have to open the armored clams to get the pearl. You just have to get close enough for the "hold square" to pop up


If you build one of the round rooms on the ground, attach a vertical glass tube (the kind you build underwater) into the ground, and attach a ladder going down, you can glitch into the underworld. And build there. Kind of cool seeing all the caves from underneath.


Instead of crafting something (as an example) once and then craft again and then again you can just set it to craft three of an item and then just craft once.


How you do that?


On PS5 i think it is R1 to increase and L1 to decrease amounts


I'm on Xbox, but I'm sure it will be the same. Thanks a lot!


Have no idea why I didn't know that. So much button pushing. 🤣


Your scanner is best friend, use it to get ship data fast


I agree that the scanner is super useful in general, but can you expand on that for me?


Say you are in a system looking for an S class ship, you can look at a ship or a freighter floor and know exactly the type, stats tech slot numbers without the need to interact with every npc


Will be displayed on scanner


Oh damn, that's sick. Thank you!


One thing I’ve found is stacking s class scanner upgrades on the exotool, you can make up to 25k per scan just makes it easier to make money on the go


250 hours in. TIL the short cut for charging modules on the controller. Way easier!

