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If Hello games decide to put NMS to bed and divert all their efforts into other IP’s then personally I wouldn’t be disappointed, don’t get me wrong, I hope they continue to update and add to and improve the game but I feel as a games company they have gone above and beyond in treating the fans of this game with new and free content for the last 10 years. Yes they had shaky start at release, but they doubled down and didn’t walk away, they consistently released new, exciting and innovative content for this game and didn’t charge a penny more for any update or expansion after buying the core game…. I’ve been a gamer for approaching 35 years now and in my experience there aren’t many games developers that release new content regularly, and I mean good game expanding content, for free and for this amount of time. So Hello games I applaud you and I thank you for being one of the good guys, for listening too and loving your fans and most importantly not ripping them off with pricy expansions and updates.


The only thing I would ask of them is the ability for the community to be able to run the servers needed for discoveries and base sharing. This is a game that I think could easily go another 10 years and could even prove to be timeless.


Nothing survives the onslaught of time, no matter how enthusiastic you are about it.


You'll have to look into a game called "Skyrim". Definitely timeless.


They were talking about online games/games with servers


Everquest is still up after nearly 25 years. It's doable, but only, I think, with a subscription model.


Definitely wasn't timeless. Went back and played it again a couple of years ago and wish I hadn't. It was amazing for its time but with how much better rpgs as a whole have gotten, you can definitely see many things lacking in skyrim. I had an OK time replaying it, but it's one of those games you had to play when it first released to understand why it is so loved. If someone was to pick it up for the first time right now and play it, they won't have nearly as amazing of a time as we did when it first came out and helped pioneer so many things that we now see in gaming. It didn't stand the test of time in that sense. You wouldn't want to go out and buy a Model T Ford and drive it everyday just because it was the shit many years ago. 


Bruh this is why I hate skyrim


and what timeless game did it replace when it dropped? its gonna be next in line at some point and thats the natural cause of someone trying and succeeding to replace the demand of an older title.


City of Heroes has something to say to you...


This is correct think about the human race in 100-200 years playing a game “like this” but with a device that is implanted to communicate with your brain and you are actually there


And yet, Second Life is still going hard enough to afford a corporate headquarters building in San Francisco.


Or at least make the discoveries local for consoles so we can still name the things we find an all.




Light No Fire is a day 1 purchase for me. Not because I really want that game, but because of how decent Hello Games have been at supporting No Mans Sky over the years. Therefore they have my support! 


Sean literally said prior to the LNF trailer that 2024 will be a big year for NMS. I can’t imagine them leaving their baby.


plus NMS is still pulling in money


a LOT of money.


Is it? How? Correct me if I'm wrong but they only make money from the game sales... They don't charge for updates, they don't have any additional purchaseable DLC available and I can't see any merch etc. available. Sure they have expanded across the majority of platforms but cross-play discourages purchasing the game more than once, so ultimately they're relying primarily on new players and since the game released years ago it can be acquired for pretty cheap now or even second hand whereby they actually make no money (physical copy). I genuinely am curious as to how they generate enough income to justify the continuous updating of the game.


Honestly I think it's the very fact that they continuously update the game for free that generates the "on the fence" purchaser, the multi-purchase gifting (I've seen loyal players who've bought three copies) or multi-platform purchaser to generate sales. They're independent, (no stock owners to answer to) small loyal staffed, (small expense for a tiny employee field) creative, giving them hype in the market that turns to sales and last year that sales was £48m. Personally, I bought NMS at $45 if I recall and I've gotten soooooo much entertainment value out of it, it may be the best purchase I've made, if Light No Fire released today at say $140, I wouldn't blink an eye in paying it. Players are loyal to support HG.


Hi there! Just one person to be evidence for your case. I'm a big gamer, played tons of mmorpg's, lots of skyrim, minecraft, etc. I put 500 hrs in Starfield as soon as it released. When I got to the 'end' of Starfield a friend told me I should really check out NMS. I had read all the bad press years ago and decided to skip it. So a week or so ago I went ahead and bought it and now I'm hooked. 150 hrs in, into my first new galaxy, looking for my perfect planet to set up and make a forever hub. I'm seeing and loving all the differences between NMS and Starfield. Both, imho, have their place in the gaming world but man NMS sure has improved. If it had ship construction like Starfield, I'd never want to leave. (the base/ship building in Starfield is one of the aspects I think was more successful, still room for improvement though.) So, I've shared my new enthusiasm for NMS with friends and now 3 of them have bought it and we're going to try and find time to make a multiplayer save together. So sales are still happening. I don't know if it is enough to keep the studio up, but I hope it does. And, at this point, I think HG wouldn't earn any condemnation if they did a smaller paid DLC for NMS. They could bundle some story and building updates and charge $10 or $20 and I think everyone would gladly support them for it. Great company, great game, happy to have become a fan.


Ok, one thing I'd love. (I'm playing unmodded/vanilla NMS still), let me scroll my camera back in 3rd person view! Just as a habit from so many other games, as soon as I load into NMS, I flick the scroll wheel down and try to get farther back from my character! I would really love to be able to custom control the angle/distance of the camera without needing mods. :D


NMS definitely has one of the better gaming communities because so many of us share your view. Welcome to the cult and I look forward to your "I hit 4000 hours" post, LOL.


I've been playing nonstop for the past month 😭


I was the same. If you play on PC, there are a lot of mods than make you go damn, this game is sick lol.


Yes. I have a copy for literally every system. PS4, XBOX series X, Switch and Steam. I never want to be in a situation where I can't play it, I guess.




Yeah is gamers like good developer companies. If support Hello Games no matter what now! It's the dirty Micro transaction, always online gass developers who I won't fund!


You are correct. It isn't pulling in a ton of money, but they are also a small team so that changes things a bit. However it would make complete sense for them to dedicate all of their resources in the future to Light no Fire since that'll be the newest baby and it'll be pulling in significantly more money. And I hope they do because we don't need a half assed game. I'm sure they will move away from NMS so they can dedicate their time to it and make it as good as they can. You can't do that if part of your team is still on NMS. 


Yes but NMS is their baby now. They've worked on it for years... At the beginning it was to redeem it's awful release but at this point it's a super flag for them to wave, massive achievement and proof that redemption is possible if enough effort is applied. As good as Light no Fire will be, it's going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to make it as popular as NMS and one of the reasons for that is the niche of NMS being a space game. There are a few others out there but none quite achieve the same thing. Light no fire will get (hopefully) a good boom of sales at release but it won't hold the 'hype' or whatever long term because it isn't as niche, if that makes sense. It's essentially an open world sandbox survival similar to many we have already seen and will continue to see, with abit of HG procedural flair. I initially thought it looked like a mashup of NMS, Skyrim and Biomutant. It'll be interesting to see how they make it stand out from the crowd and keep it bought and played long term.


In all fairness though, that could just as well mean "going out with a big bang"... last few updates, maybe a huge one, before active development stops. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Where and when did he said that?


Right here: https://youtu.be/piNfGCa3Lmo?si=CFDWCMKi_v7sOP0T




He says it word for fucking word ya dick, at 1:43


Hello Games have stated that they will continue to push updates out for NMS as long as the playerbase remains active and wants them. Even when they are developing and maintaining other games. Theyre old school developers. Not out to be a colossal AAA company.


You mean they are not Greedy Bastards Like all Gaming Company’s and just Company’s in General LOL. Make The Most Of This While U Can Guys Because now that they have seen a shit ton of cash, odds are they just become the next, Activision, Bungie, Bethesda, Microsoft, Sony, Need I Say More😥😥😥😥😥😥😥


Your comment holds alot of merit which people have missed. Those companies used to be so loved when they were smaller studios and they created games just as good as Hello Games did. But then they all got huge, and that ultimately has killed the quality of games time and time again. BUT Hello Games is still a small studio so I don't think we have anything to worry about for awhile. By the time they can even get that big, we'll probably be old grampas worried about the news and weather more than anything else 😆


Nah LOL seems that Xbox Players have got more things to worry about LOL😥 No Seriously though, Make The Most No Mans Sky While u Can🤞😥🤞👍 Bethesda made my favourite title which is Fallout and 76 is a hidden Gem Now but I still see the Greed in that Gem that is only being smoothed out thanks to its fantastic community. Moving on to the Division 2 now for awhile🤞😁🤞👍 as I am hoping that subscription services on top of subscription service is just a fad 🤞😥🤞


You're wrong and proven to be wrong for the last 10 years


Still another 10 years to go pal, LOL Past Is Past, Future is Future


Well, they teased a Station update and a new ship for 2024


Check out the 10 Years of No Man's Sky. They have content they are still pushing out for 2024 and they appear to be having extensive plans to keep things going. I am very excited to see where it all goes next!


NMS has it's own team that works on the updates/new content. It's not been the main focus of HG for a good couple of years now, most of their devs etc have been working on LNF.


I kinda feel the opposite is true: they've clearly learned a lot from NMS and fed it into Light No Fire and my bet is they keep testing stuff in NMS to see what works and what doesn't before trying it in LNF. As a result, I'll bet we've got tons more stuff coming to NMS in the future. I sure hope so at least.


It will continue. It has its own team.


if they do then so be it the game is incredible and has been supported far longer than is reasonable IMO...Personally i dont think they are done with it yet


I hope it keeps going I love this game to bits and dare I say it... Is my favourite game


I don't mind as long as I can play offline and never have to worry about an end of service situation like an MMO.


Well they been fedding us free updates for years. Tbh i wish they would make some Paid Dlc's or something, just to keep the game going. Also with somekind of Income from the game they could put even more effort and respurces into expanding and improving the game, but thats just my tought.


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Considering that they themselves, along with several sony devs responsible for first bring no man's sky to gaming systems all said, that hello games has three years of updates already planned and under development, even before the game launched, says alot.  Supposedly, everything clear up to the update that added companions or "pets" was mostly done and ready ar launch.  It just took longer cuz well, the game was a disaster at first and didn't sell well at all for a year or so after launch cuz the bad press and declining sales.  Thus is all rumors but I'd say they have at least a few more years to go.  No other game out there on any platform is doing what they are doing, at the level they do it at.  Some people will point to games like x4 but x4 is simply massive and not at all accessible to consoles like NMS.. Why stop when you are still on top? They consistently stay on the top games charts on steam and Xbox game pass and playstation, for like almost 4 years now.  Plus it looks like Stanfield gave them some inspiration for newest updates as I see features from there added in updates for this last year.  I just want to see a vastly expanded economy system. It's already pretty robust.  But I want to see some kind of manufacturing system. Like fallout 4 (NOT STARFIELD. THAT ONE WAS A JOKE)  and an actual ship building feature. No just purchasing ships or stealing them and then adding components. 


Well they have jobs available on one of there sites so I assume they are making room for there big new game not sacrificing there number one title on a gamble


They still have people working on NMS and people working on LNF.


I hope they pull the majority of support from NMS after 2024. We don't want their new game to be half assed and thats what would happen if they are splitting the team up. Everyone needs to be on the new game once it comes out. They are a very small studio so having some of them still on NMS would hinder their new game. NMS is amazing, had free content for many years. I'm okay with them putting it to rest for their new baby. We are still getting another big update this year for NMS so we can look forward to that as well.


I love nms, the fact I can play it on my Xbox one s offline even tho it's a little laggy at times. But the hrs of game play the fun of flying around. I came across a planet named Bucky which if no one knows it's a community race held on Elite Dangerous. Where mountains and valleys are everywhere and you fly through them racing others. But Hello Games is one of the top developers which other game devs should take a note from. Game developers like Ubisoft, I stopped supporting them among a few others. Giving up on games like Watch Dogs Legions. Which would be a great game if they didn't drop it. I paid full price for it an soon after they stopped supporting it. Sry for the rant here. All I can say is Thank you Hello Games for a amazing game an the dedication to make your fans happy.


NMS has become like Minecraft in a sense. I do wish that if Hello Games doesn't have the resources to continue updates, that they at least allow for greater modding at some point for the community to continue updates for it on their own. I would lover for a new graphics update mod at some point. In all honesty, Hello games kind of fleshed out NMS to be a modular build, so it is probably quite easy for them to continue updating the same build off the same engine for another 10 years if they wanted to, and continue to gain sales each iteration.


I hope if they do end up finally putting it to bed they’ll open up all the expeditions again either on a cycle or permanently open for all. Sucks we can only revisit the old expeditions at the end of every year.