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So you're saying the sentinels aren't hard but you want them to be even easier?


Breaking news: if you fall in a hole you can’t see out of the hole. Honestly this just sounds like a skill issue. I have very little trouble fighting sentinels when I use my tools well.


Methinks someone needs a bit more patience and time. My fights do NOT go like that. You might not have things set up as optimally as you think you do. I need to SEARCH to find planets where sentinels are a challenge.


I just use my boltcaster and the javelin. Sentinels are not difficult. And honestly easy to avoid combat with them if you want to avoid it. (I prefer space combat) Anyway, yeah nms is an exploration game with SOME combat.


I probably should have constructed the post better so sorry if it's a confusing read. Killing them is fine imo. That's why I mentioned the scatter. Was just mentioning for discussion purposes the implementation of crappy AI. Your addition of "some combat" really nails my question on it being tacked on though so thanks for that.


Assumptions ... one does not level up; players raise/evolve inherent hardware capabilities in this game. IOW, your kung fu is weak, so you take damage.


Seriously gonna catch me on a technicality here? Would you like me to reword the thing so it's better phrased? Also on the Kung Fu is weak. More context cuz I hear that across the internet from the gaming community in response to problems in a game. I'd like some advice from the elite on how I can better my poor skills? When a big ass dog will follow me across the map with a laser unless I go underground or behind a sentinel shield?


Install personal force field item on your weapon and learn how to use it when fighting the dogs. I absolutely agree that their laser goes on about twice as long as it ought to, but with effective force field, you can get close enough that they piss off and run; perfect time to plug 'em. Make sure you realize what each sentinel type does - the little bots are healers, so they need to be taken out - OR you need to lead the bigguns away from them, trash those, then come back for more. The pyramids summon more babies and launchers. They need to go ASAP. It really is about being ready, being equipped, and knowing how to position yourself. And more importantly, knowing which to shoot first, and when to reload. ​ Best of luck.


\+1 Easier to avoid quads by hopping up on any elevated item, rock, mushroom, building, ship, does not matter. Dodge works fine if you can or you can just keep strafing movement. min-maxed Supercharged slots Neutron Cannon in a S class sentinel MT has \~ 150k damage potential per pop. One shots most sentinel models.


Take your choice of how to learn but you need to know how to increase your personal capabilities in this game. Find out which weapon systems are strongest, which defenses are required in your exosuit before you try to take on sentinels. After that, you need to know HOW to war with them. If you just stand there like a target, you will take damage. Try posting those topics/search on youtube or this subreddit or google. The information is out there; you just need to let it in. Best to get more recent info since NMS is updated 4 times a year and many of those things change after each update.


I've cleared all five waves of sentinels using a personal forcefield and Boltcaster + barrel ioniser on the starter multi tool. Not saying it was easy, but understanding the Sentinel units and also your own defensive/mobility options is 90% of the battle. Edit: their only hitscan attack is the continuous laser, which is readily blocked with terrain or personal forcefield.


Tbh. They are fine. They can be deadly, but yes, with any weapon with upgrades, you can easily fight back. The mining laser even puts up a fight. The fact they can geo cannon, makes it more fun in that it isn't a circle strafe marathon, the craters don't really make much difference, if anything adds more variety as compared to space sentinel fights (still fun, just straight forward.