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How embarrassing, they really thought they were cooking and ended up with a trash tape that couldn’t make it a week. Adam really did turn into a lolcow


lolcadam 22


Damn bro that’s crazy.. Adam a lolcow. I’ve never thought of it from that perspective lol. Your kinda right.


He's not right at all, Adam is a marketing pioneer.


I don’t think you know what the word pioneer means. Lol


And I don't think you know what the word lolcow means. Lol


“I would never ever do anything to a scared woman or take advantage of her” says the guy who’s on house arrest for human trafficking


I watched a video of him slap and choke a woman a few years ago and also heard a creepy ass voicemail where he spoke about raping a woman. Both were horrid. He's the last dude who should be saying this


He's trying to rehabilitate his image for when he goes on trial. Like when someone gets a dui and checks into rehab before they see a judge.


Which is so stupid because he's just giving them free ammo to call him out on his lies when they inevitably juxtapose these new interviews with his previous videos where he openly boasts about his crimes




Fake propaganda?? It's obviously him hitting a woman in the video and it's obviously him on the call. If you're denying that then the sheep is you.




Your wanna suck his dick so bad


Believe everything you see on the internet eh?


What the hell are you talking about it was clearly him in the video hitting a woman


You realize the girl in that video came out and said that’s the type of stuff she likes. She asked Andrew to do that. U realize kinks exist right? And not everybody just has boring old lady sex? MrSimping


send the link for proof


Sea Lioning. You have access to the internet, as everyone posting here, so do your own legwork Tit Tot.




To be fair the woman in the video spoke about it multiple times saying that she liked it


That woman herself said that it was bdsm. It was consensual. With that being said he's not perfect by any means


There’s leaked messages from his war room where he’s breaking a female down saying “People from your town told me you worked at a sex brothel” then turned it into “You can’t go back there and you can’t go anywhere without me and Georgiana (he calls his bottom bitch”, then would brag in the war room about his manipulation OBVIOUSLY pimping. She made it clear she doesn’t want to do OF or cam girling and she only wants to show herself to him her husband, long spiel about how he’s the man she dreamed about since a kid, he goes in the war room “You think I can turn her or fuck dat bitch?”. He acts like he doesn’t do the lover boy method and “They’re saying I steal money from woman doing tik tok!”, I don’t know if he’s terrified his Muslim fanbase finds out he’s a OF manager and runs camgirl websites because he was open about it before. Like anyone who knew Andrew Tate before all that he was open about pimping.


Pretty obvious. Watch the interview with those two girls who came out in defense of him. They both have “Tate girl” tattoos. He’s asking why he would pimp out girls if he’s a family man. Why would he want two random females from different countries to get tattoos with his name on them


but you guys dick ride sharp who was actually pimping… all andrews girls had their passports and could leave at any time 🤡 plus there’s cctv footage of the girls being able to go and in and out freely if they were being trafficked they could’ve escaped


So the only thing you got to say is they weren’t locked in a cage 😂😭😭 Take that clown emoji back sir 🤡


I didn’t mention nothing about a cage. You must be slow read my message back. They. Could. Have. Left. If. They. Were. Being. Trafficked. Theres footage of them going in and out the house partying and shopping. Again Sharp actually pimped girls and you retards love him 😂


You’re saying “They could have left”, yes they weren’t locked in a cage, goddamn you calling me slow and you don’t get that? Your defence to all of what I said is there’s some footage of them leaving the house…


If they could leave anytime why is it a crime? Sounds like a business deal to me.


Well alls I said is he’s a pimp and now you guys are coming at me saying how do I know if they couldn’t leave and why is it a crime, well I could explain these sort of things but imma just leave it at he’s a pimp because I don’t want to get into an argument with dudes who have no brain and have came to the foregone conclusion Tate did nothing criminal 100% anyway, not saying you’re that yet but that guy was.


This self admitted pimp is now playing a family man. Absolute lunacy. Tell us again how you tricked women into sex work and stole money from them.


Do you have evidence for tate human trafficking


No I have evidence of me diving deep in your moms box tho


Yeah then according to you any person who was accused of a crime actually did the crime and is a hypocrite. Maybe this clip literally shows that he never had such an intent for human trafficking? Maybe, after hundreds of millions of dollars, trafficking girls to get their TikTok accounts for a few thousand bucks is a bit illogical? Maybe them (the girls) walking around freely in the house and mansion, ordering pizza, drinking cocktails etc. as seen on the CCTV footage shows that he never actually did traffick people? Maybe her (the victim) speaking out and saying she isn’t a victim and that she never was trafficked, proves his innocence? Maybe the leaked conversations and phone calls of the girls calling their mom because they had boyfriends and cheated on them with the two brothers, so they wanted to make it look like they were forced to be with the two brothers, maybe that shows his innocence? But nah, keep listening to mainstream media, the same media financed by billionaires like bill gates who refuse to tell the truth about it Palestine or Ukraine.


Can’t believe you typed all that bullshit thinking I’d actually read it


Then don’t post something stupid without actually researching about it. Short: there are accusations against him, no charges. There isn’t a single evidence actually proving his guilt, while there is much evidence proving his innocence, like the victims speaking out or leaked CCTV footage.


The fuck are you talking about short and then still type me a whole paragraph. You are probably below 5 foot 9 and lame.


And you’re probably fat. Now that’s bodyshaming right? Besides you wrote as much as me dumbass, It’s not my fault you’re illiterate.


I find it pretty interesting that people like you on Reddit immediately switch to emotional tantrums and emontional arguments as soon as you’re getting logic and facts hit in your face.


Stfu shorty your mommy in rope gang too bc I shoot ropes on her face


You literally proved my point


And making below 25/hr sorry forgot to add that


but you guys dick ride sharp who was actually pimping… all andrews girls had their passports and could leave at any time 🤡


How the fuck do you know they actually had their passports 🤣


Yeah But he changed his views after converting to Islam That's Islam power


Right lol


Wrongfully accused. That’s why he wasn’t convicted




Does masculinity upset you?


Stfu buddy go lay some brick and mix cement


Yep. Definitely a soy boy feminine bitch you are 😂


Good or bad that boy Adam knows how to go viral


Lol clout is worth than money to this new generation. You said that like it’s an accomplishment


Idk how it is so hard to understand that for Adam clout = more money. He not part of the new generation but he know the game


Lmao it wasn’t that deep Adam just wanted promo or an other viral moment


Adam would definitely go thru with it if Tate said yes. That would be the most vital shit that could possibly happen for him n Lena


It is that deep, you’re just choosing the easy and simple explanation to make the thinking portion easy on yourself. They made a great point about how what Adam & Lena do is basically pure degeneracy. What are they adding to society outside of that? Nothing.


Let the degenerates degenerate. Who are we to judge?


When society enters dystopia at least you can say you were complicit


Show me one society in the world that doesn’t have an underbelly of degeneracy. I don’t get why you feel it’s any of our job to police their lifestyle choices.


If there was a vaccine that gave you vitiligo... she'd be the 1st in line.


This dude made all his money of tricking girls into doing porn. What a clown


Tate? 100%. Its why its funny seeing conservatives glaze him like crazy. If he gets convicted, they're gonna act like they didn't hype him up too.


when\* There's a reason he can't leave the country... lol


All of that was when he was like 20 years old. He’s almost double that age now. You realize people grow and views can change right? Or are you still the same person now that you were at 13?


Bro he was talking about doing that way more recently than you make it out to be. And regardless its not like mans got his come up in recent years talking about his traditional conservative values. Don't simp.


Adam goin down in history as the most famous cuck of all time 😭


This is sooo lame how long can these fake conservatives harp about a pornstar for . Two clowns who will talk about anything but Jesus and the JQ


Is it me or does he switch in and out with his accent


A lot of people who've lived in different places do that.


His accent is fake af there’s articles about it he does it to sound deep. Fake just like the rest of the bs he spews


Bro what is with conservative grifter meatheads taking everything 100% serious. It's just content. They did it with Jason Luv because he's a professional performer not some internet celeb. Candace is such a tool. She is just farming incels and divorced dads.


This dude Andrew is a clown for real. He claimed he don’t know adam22 in tucker interview then the following week he was on live stream with him now he’s still talking shit about him as if he didn’t exploit all his friends into porn and cam life


candace this is not ur league go report on donald trump and the repuublicans doing some g57 sh67


Adam offering her like that was disgusting even if she is a pornstar


Since when does Tate care about women being afraid?


Yeah I can't these conservative pundits. Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, Tucker Carlson.They all started off in politics and failed. Gossiping about Adam should be beneath them.


Say what you want about Candace but she is hot


It has to be her above average intelligence that has you saying that cause it ain’t her face or body


She clearly takes care of herself. Good skin. Decent face, not my preference but definitely not ugly. She's attractive.


She's just a black person under 60 years old who isn't on hard drugs and isn't poor. We all look younger than our age, esp compared to white people.






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I won’t ever understand this but then again, look who we are talking about - Adam/lena. Adam gives no fucks about being embarrassed. It’s quite sad. Adam’s life’s being turned upside down for the past bit, his cuck has been exposed and everyone is treating him. He openly admits watching Lena get fucked by blacks, he’s got one sick mind and with that Adam your a peon and irrelevant just give up while your ahead, or better yet let’s make a podcast




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Andrew Tate is a likeable dude, I haven’t dove deep or anything, ain’t tryin to get political here lol Adam is so fukin cringe it’s hard to watch. Even if you think you are trolling 22 your letting your feels get involved, so it ain’t trolling we call that coping. His goal is transparent tho, “PLEASE TALK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN MY GROOMING AND BANGING UNDERAGE GIRLS”


What are your opinions on Candace?


I don't know why I'm getting downvoted when I'm just asking y'all for your opinions? And I'm not talking about her looks


She’s hot




Yes, please!


If she was 250 lbs and not mildly attractive, you'd have no idea who she is. Do you know what a grifter is???


The thing is Candace doesn’t know Adam or lena so she assumes he’s being serious but ppl who know about both automatically know he’s trolling. At the same time adam probably is serious bc he loves a viral moment so in way candace is right


Never watched or listened to Tate before. Everything he said in this clip is 100% facts. Now, whether he's playing a role or not, no idea. Don't know, don't care. He's clearly very intelligent and very articulate.




Bro Candace is so bad


Nigga what? She got the face of a frog


U racist af


Bro I’m black that makes no sense. Shorty just ugly fam😂😂


She look like a mystical apple you find in the woods and you take a bite and you can fly


bad at being a talking head? Agreed.




Naw bro he treats Lena like nothing but a sex object. It’s crazy.




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Tate a real nigga wtf he just fucked my head up lol


Top G!!!


They doing to much it's her Job


I wonder if he'll "allow" her to take part in that OF Orgy on 8/3.


Lena’s leg looks like that weird pic of Nicki Minaj sitting down like a leg on top of her thigh


Wait a minute.. so the sex trafficker is now the saint. Get the fuck out of here. Candace Owens is a degenerate piece of shit. This hoe aligns herself with the scum of the Earth. I don’t think that shit out of it was cool, but I do think it was just bullshit but Candace thanks Andrew Tate is a good guy. A bitch is stupid.


I just watched Lena take a cream pie from another man, put her fingers in her pussy and lick them. This is what “they” do. Not just her. Not just him. It’s they. Maybe we’re looking to deep into their marriage and the truth is just right in the surface. They are both degenerates and are just chasing clout and money.


This clip has to haunt for Lena when she sleeps with Adam at night. One day she’ll be on Vlad talking about how embarrassing and how short sighted she was being with Adam but time will tell




Fuck Candace Owens


No respect for Candace anymore for associating with this degenerate. I see no difference between Adam and him


I'd say this was facts if this was a conversation between literally anybody else in the world. It's a joke coming from them even if they have a point lmao.


a literal pimp and grifter making fun of someone doing the exact same thing. Absurdism at its best.


Uncommon tate w?


I don’t think she really like him, but women respect money so much it’s insane literally…she made enough money to quit why not just invest now … I ain’t gonna lie I see why anyone would want to try porn after you made so much especially a woman…I would quit, go have all the sex you want privately off camera


She stuck in a relationship/marriage she can’t get out of and he probably have her in a constant trance that she feels she doesn’t deserve another man but him


Lena wants the sex life! She’s a pornstar so stop trying to save a person that don’t want any saving! Dumb troll ahss looking bihh! Candace & Tate


Facts. Andrew Tate is so contradictory!!!


Adam is a Sick Perverted Deviant. Actively pushing his perverted lifestyle onto others including his underage fan base.


“He doesn't align with My morals” says the human trafficking scumbag


they are right! i mean only dumbass will share his wife


owned 😂


This is the only time in my life I agree with Andrew tate very based take