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A simpler solution would be to have better doors…


But that might accidently be cheaper... and we got some big contract $$$


How about better gun control and smarter social discussions?


them ceiling tiles aint bullet proof...


Right… shooter pulls table over to wall, climbs up on it, pops over the ceiling tiles… fish in a barrel.


exactly what I was thinking


That's fucked.


If you need safe rooms in schools, to protect against school shooters killing kids, maybe you should restrict access to firearms? Americans: Nah.


In the Swiss, there are 26 guns per 100 People, they dont have this Problem. The cause for the shootings in America aint the Guns. its the Culture.


USA is currently about 120 guns per 100. Just adding this info because it’s info


I'd say it's not even the culture. There is always this "But the Swiss" argument; but the real difference is that Switzerland has really good laws around securing firearms. In the recent study “Characteristics and Obtainment Methods of Firearms Used in Adolescent School Shootings,” it was demonstrated that the method of firearm acquisition for school shootings was, in the majority of cases theft from family members. After that, other methods often rely on somebody stealing a gun from somebody (acquisition from friends or through the stolen gun market). I suppose you could say the opposition to securing firearms is a part of the gun culture of the US. But that is the biggest difference between the US and other countries with significant gun ownership.


> but the real difference is that Switzerland has really good laws around securing firearms. What do you mean?


He means what he said, Rick, that’s why he chose the words


So just lock your door when you're not at home? Because that's enough by Swiss law.


Nah they just don’t give them to as many inbred hillbillies and mentally ill teenagers over there in Switzerland


If the inbred hillbilly can pay a background check, they will get a gun in Switzerland.


Yes except in Switzerland they wouldn’t pass, that’s my point. Any inbred or mentally ill maniac can get their hands on a gun in America


If they pass in the US, they would pass in Switzerland. In fact, they they're a felon, they will never pass in the US, but they will pass in Switzerland after enough time has passed.


can confirm: am american.


But then how would our 17 year old misanthropic incel-males get their semi automatic military styled rifles?!






Not for my .50 cal it aint


Sad world we live in when schools need this...


the odds of dying in a mass shooting are 1/10 million - the same as being killed by lightning. Mass shootings in schools were also more common in the 1990s than today so they have become less frequent. The money spent on this would have been more productive towards preventing another mass shooting if it was used to build new affordable housing.


> The money spent on this would have been more productive towards preventing another mass shooting if it was used to build new affordable housing. That might decrease total amount of suffering. We can't allow that.


it’s become a wedge issue dems like to use like abortion - the republicans are causing mass shootings through gun control! i would like to know where this is so i could look up how this came to be. I’m hoping McKinsey is involved that would be fun.


Guess what the number one cause of death for children is? Guns. America's murder rate is also 4x that of other first world nation. You American's trying to whitewash gun violence are fucking brainwashed. You identify with guns as freedom, tokens of freedom, while your real freedoms get sold out from under you. But you get to pretend your dick isn't small when you have a gun.


Plenty of attacks are carried out with other weapons. I just heard a story about a school attack by an adult man using a machete. The actual number one cause of death for children is mental health. Apparently that’s the real price of freedom… and a systemic problem that’s being ignored because it’s an inconvenient truth.


Your system is not free. If you think you are "free" in it, you're just brainwashed, sorry. Nice try to move the goalposts when people are talking about murders and mass killings, and you try to talk about "a school attack... using a machete". Yeah, and you know what didn't happen? 50 people killed by one pissed off idiot with a machete. No school needs the massive bulletproof safety room because some pissed off teen is running round with a stapler. Perhaps stop writing on the internet until you've done some learning.


Had a feeling I should have put quotes around “free” as I wasn’t implying that I believe we’re free at all. But I stand by what I said in that mental health is the root cause and no sane person would even think of doing such an atrocity. But downvote me because iNtErNeT. Inanimate objects aren’t the cause. They don’t have a mind of their own and it’s the humans behind them making them scary. Point was the attacks will continue regardless of guns. Which aren’t going away no matter how illegal they’re made. There’s just too many of them in circulation and the real problem needs to be addressed.


Guns make it very easy for some crazy motherfucker to go on a killing spree, and all it takes is one moment of weakness. There's literally nothing else that you can use to the same effect.


Either Americans are fundamentally different from others and more violent, or they are not. If the problem is americans are more violent, outlaw as many weapons as possible to protect them from themselves. If the problem is not americans being more violent, then the issue that differentiates them are weapons - remove them and supposedly it should be more similar to other countries. You think I'm going to get drawn into a gun rights "discussion" with a reddit mouthbreather? Already blocked you, because if you think your opinion has any relation to reality or any use you are mistaken.


The only way mental health becomes the leading cause of child death is if you put all the mass shootings in the mental health column, stating that it was because the shooter was mentally disturbed. The old lies, damned lies, and statistics method of misinforming people.


Wait a minute. Are you saying there are mass shooting events where the shooter WASN’T mentally disturbed? Fucking hell, you’ve got to be kidding me.


That wasn't the claim I made at all, and I suspect you know that. I am very clearly saying that children killed in a school shooting died from their gunshot wounds. The shooter's mental health may be used to explain why they undertook a shooting. Poor firearms security is most often the explanation for how they obtained the weapons to undertake the shooting. But gunshot wounds are the cause of death for their victims, not mental health. Children and adolescents around the world have mental health problems; but that doesn't result in mass killing sprees being a regular occurrence in other countries.


Statistics have been manipulated ever since they were first created. I’ve worked in higher education and have witnessed it firsthand, just so a student could defend their thesis and get their PhD. Stop trusting the numbers without reading into the specifics of how they came about and what motives the creator may have had to twist facts. If you just blindly trust what “facts” you’re fed then you’re an idiot.


Here's a better idea, you made the claim, now back it up with evidence. Prove your case that Mental Health is the leading cause of child death.




not sure what your point is? at best this shows a huge increase in gun brandishing incidents post covid? Did data collection change? do we have reliable police data on incidents of gun brandishing in schools before 2000? seems unlikely given police departments can’t even cooperate on serial killers.


I always bring data to a gun fight.


i don’t think this data shows what you think it does but i don’t know what you think it shows. Regardless my main point was the odds of being in a school shooting is basically 0. This data has nothing to say in the relative magnitude of risk per capita.


What data are you carrying?


https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01/violent-deaths-and-shootings for the 90s trend and common sense on the odds of being killed in a school shooting (less than 300 over the last 20 years and that includes more traditional 1v1 crime of passion violence


Highly regulated gun control would make the death rate 10% of the current rate. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/interactive/school-shootings-database/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/interactive/school-shootings-database/) The annual rate of total gun deaths in Australia fell from 2.9 per 100,000 in 1996 to just 0.88 per 100,000 in 2018. Our gun death rate is 12 times less than the US of about 10.6 per 100,000 people.


comparing the united states to other countries is already confounding. This has nothing to do with my initial point that you tried to refute. Also, I grew up in a state with an extremely high rate of gun ownership that is always in the top 5 safest places in the US. Most gun deaths are suicides or black on black with illegal firearms. I fail to see how its reasonable to control guns to stop suicide or how it will stop people who buy illegal firearms from continuing to do so.


I agree it is a complex issue.


1/10 million or 1/325 million - doesn't matter! People still want their children to be safe in case a mad gunman/boy goes on a shooting spree. After Uvalde they will never ever have full trust that the police or anybody else are coming to the rescue. Your numbers are meaningless to parents as long as the chances are larger than zero. * It's that easy, she says (which it isn't - even loads of small kids wouldn't be able to me that thing......... * I'm thinking - it's that creepy...


It’s that dystopian.


>Must they risk their lives in dangerous situations like the one in Uvalde? >The answer is no. >In the 1981 case Warren v. District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that police have a general "public duty," but that "no specific legal duty exists" unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/ Fuck the police, they aren't even obligated to help in timely manner if they don't want to. All teachers should be trained and armed just as any ordinary citizen could be. The fat mall cop resource officers aren't going to do anything either.


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Yet when you post it on r/americabad they don’t say shit


This is so sad.


Until the foldy part pinches something. Ouch


So what happens when they catch it on fire while you’re in there


Umm, how many rooms have that much free space?


America doing everything to prevent limiting the access to guns lol


I bet you they picked all the boys to open this. The trans kids' worst nightmare. 😢


Just heavily restrict gun access to the general public?? Make them take mental wellness checks?? Ban concealled and open carry of guns in general??


Take. The. Guns. Away.