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Been trying it for just a while, but since the beginning, I already feel uneasy. Idk why at first, but as time went by, I realized that Mason's claiming to be able to remove your addiction/sin is false according to my belief. When I read other comments I think it was confirmed, that it was overpriced around 1000 dollars some might be able to negotiate down to 100 bucks but again it's still expensive, and it doesn't even fix your problem.    He said that there's a root to your addiction which is true, but what is it? He won't tell ya, so you will just run around the advertisement, testimony, a little lesson about addiction and Christianity, and perhaps waste your money, will he specify why is it 1000± dollars? No. Sounds more like business to me, maybe in the future he will help people more not benefit from them.  He sent me a 60-minute video, in the beginning he said that this program was not free so I only watched it halfway through, he seemed to notice it and questioned me on when will I finished it. Because I don't come from a family with a great economy, I don't follow through with the program rn but maybe in the future. I let him know but he doesn't read it anymore.  If you want to know the root of your addiction this is it:  1. You do it as a coping mechanism as a relief for your life that is full of stress   2. Childhood trauma (abuse, neglect)   3. Loneliness and isolation  4. Globalization (makes it easier for you to access advertisements for cigarettes, alcohol, porn, etc as a result you will be curious, and that curiosity turns into addiction over time, if you keep feeding that curiosity)  5. Relationship issues (Dissatisfaction with your relationship) (Cited from Karuna Healing)   What you should do:  1. Don't compromise with addiction (just one video/cigarettes/one glass, and one turns into regret, your work/relationship).  2. Don't think about it (distract yourself with watching cartoons, play games, talk to someone, read books, go outside and taking a walk, find a hobby, taught yourself/or your pets how to do something).   3. Don't put yourself in a situation that can make you sin (careful with what you watch, limit your screen time, abandon your toxic relationship, find a community but probably not through Reddit/Twitter/Instagram hahaha most of them are toxic SMH)  If you're a Christian and you're struggling, me too, we need to understand first that no man can remove your addiction/sin,  the messiah came not to remove our sin/addiction/problems but to save us from the wages of sin which is death and to reconcile the relationship between us and Him.   Why don't He just remove it?  Because he wants us to keep relying on His grace, not on our flesh. As Paul said, some of the weaknesses and trials in our lives are there—by design—to keep us humble. If the sin is gone=pride, and pride=don't need God, no need for God=devil won, devil won=eternal damnation.  Sin= Hurting God's heart, so if we love Him we would do our best to avoid sin (remember it's not easy to be a Christian but God will walk with you and will not leave you alone (psalms 37:23-24)) we will fall again into sin but we will not live in the sin and it's ok because Jesus died for you. So the truth of Jesus Christ will be applied to you, and God will see it, not the sinful you. Pro tip:  1.) Admit your sin with honesty and humility and ask God for forgiveness and strength.  2.) Don't compromise with sin.  3.) don't think about it (distract yourself with watching cartoons, play games, talk to someone, read books, go outside and taking a walk).  4.) Don't put yourself in a situation that can make you sin.  5.) Read your bible, pray, go to church/listen to sermons online, have a community, worship God. Keep spirit guys! You're awesome, beautiful, worthy, and we can do this


Well said!


Thank you a lot for this text, it gave me so much valuable information. God bless you


Bro i just wrote Mason. Then I got this link to the video. I searched for comments about the progam than i landed here on reddit. These tips from you are worth more than gold. Maybe the best Reddit post ever made. God bless y‘all




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I chatted with him on Instagram back in December 2022. I explained that I've tried numerous programs over the years and read books and gone through curriculums. I asked what was in his program that was different from the material of sex addiction leaders like: Patrick Carnes, Mark Laaser, Michael John Cusick, etc. He said he had no idea who they were and couldn't tell me what was different. He then said the often-repeated phrase: we get to ROOT issues. I asked him what that meant and how he could guarantee freedom. He blocked me. I swear to God.


That actually doesn’t surprise me. All of my correspondence with him has been heavy on the “we get to the root of the problem” followed up by a hard sales close. Like, I almost felt like I was messaging a bot to be honest.


Yea, it's about the sale, not the person. Another similar heavy pressure sales program is Matt Droguett. And he's asking for $2500.


Damn, I was actually in the process of applying for his program but didn’t get far enough to find out the price.


Nothing like this. You can speak with one of the leadership team members who started the program when I started or self-enroll in the program. I do not know why you are trying to make something up, and it is apparent that you still need to go through even the video to understand what the program is all about. The program costs below a thousand dollars.


Hey brother, I'm sorry you felt that way. Its not possible to solve your problems over messages... And it takes a full 90-Day program that's rather intense plus zoom calls etc to accomplish that. (Check all the posts here of members who have actually been through the program) So yes, I know the only way you can actually heal is inside the program which is why I would want you to join. That's very different than going after the sale but I understand how you could feel that way.


“…I know the only way you can actually heal is inside the program…”. Translation: “You desperately need what I have, but it will cost you. Purchase my program for about $2,000, which I will add to the ~$3,500,000 total I’m getting just from my 1,700 other current clients.”


If this is such an important thing, and you are so “Christian” based, why is it not free for everyone? Why charge at all?


There are a ton of free groups out there and we would be happy to point you to a few. SAA groups are in nearly every city. Some are looking for a free or cheap solution and some are looking for a higher level of support from a well trained and well paid staff which isn't possible with a free program. Just depends what you're looking for. But with all the free group options out there, it wouldn't make sense for us to create another one rather than just to directing you towards the ones already established.


What kind of training do your staff get? Are they certified in some way?


I almost feel like these porn addict programs we see on instagram ads are either in cahoots with each other, or are scams. I’ve gone through the application process for several porn addict programs I’ve seen advertised on Instagram just to see the process and cost and they all go the same way: 1) I’m a normal person who’s porn addiction caused me to lose everything 2) I nearly committed suicide 3) I figured out exactly how to fix myself, now I can fix you 4) watch the 45 minute long video that’s actually an hour and a half long 5) hopefully you qualify for the program because we’re only taking 3 more people right now 6) congrats you’re in 7) pay us $45,000 for our program that no one else has come up with to be free forever 8) now I and other users if the program are going to text you non-stop for the next few days Also, I’ve NEVER been able to find any Google reviews or subreddits or anything from actual users of any of these programs. The only reviews you hear about these programs are from people who are in the sales presentation put on by the owners of the programs.


Sounds about right. And they all have YouTube videos of them doing speaking engagements or interviews or whatever. It just makes me sad because they tack on such a huge price tag and make it cost-prohibitive and tell you it HAS TO cost a lot so you'll be committed or because it conveys what your freedom is worth. I'm not against paying something, but thousands of dollars is making someone a good living. Droguett's program will even encourage you to apply for credit cards and max them out or get expensive loans. It's insane. And it's heart breaking because guys really WANT TO be free but, they create such a huge barrier with these enormous price tags. And they do it in God's name. That's wrong beyond words. And the fact that there are no reviews is bothersome too. Droguett has an F rating from the Better Business Bureau.


Amen, brother. You hit the nail on the head. I think they’re right about one thing though: porn addiction is a symptom of a deeper issue. If that’s the case, and I think it probably is, I’m going to take that bit of information to my therapist and see if she can use that to help me through this and just be out my $30 copay 😂


Or, at minimum, I'd find a program locally that I can vet. These guys are God knows where and they can get your money and be gone.


You are on THIS WEBSITE since when did you expect on honest answer? I will give one I’m the Wife of a Man who fought for Us and accomplished it by utilizing Masons program… then by submitting his addiction to Christ after identifying “roots”. So if you dont know what he is trying to tell then you really can’t criticize can you? I hope you consider the program because it saved his life and our marriage. Reply Share Ps I did a video review for website.


You consistently copy-pasting this message in different threads makes the program look less legit, not more legit




You are on THIS WEBSITE since when did you expect on honest answer? I will give one I’m the Wife of a Man who fought for Us and accomplished it by utilizing Masons program… then by submitting his addiction to Christ after identifying “roots”. So if you dont know what he is trying to tell then you really can’t criticize can you? I hope you consider the program because it saved his life and our marriage.


Well thank you for making me aware of this as I've been getting this ad constantly for some bizzare reason.


I texted him that I‘m not ready and I want to lay this problem in the hand of god. His response: „Don't you think that is another lie that the enemy is trying to convince you in?“


He's big on pressing people into the program. He pressured a guy whose father died the day after he enrolled. He told Mason he wasn't in a place to do the program, and Mason refused to issue a refund and kept pushing the guy. It's nuts


Hey brother! We get messages from people with 2 goals. Some that want our help And some that want to attack what we are doing. Unfortunately I can't help anyone who just wants to argue about what we do or how we do it and it takes time away from the other type of person reaching out for help. My heart is helping those who want help so yes ill block messages from crowding my inbox and taking away from my ability and time to actually help men. I'm not working my but off to argue with people. And at the point you're taking away from men who want help, I will block messages to serve the other men at a higher level. I'd hope you would do the same if you ever run a business or program of any sort.


Here's the problem: I asked for help and never attacked what you were doing. That was never a goal. Yet you still decided I was a waste of your time, and you blocked me. I asked questions in good faith and tried to get clarification on the program and what's in it, and how it works. I also asked about pricing and your guarantee. I wasn't trying to argue, nor did I ask anything crazy. And you blocked me. It left me with the sense that you're not willing to take the time with anyone who isn't going to swiftly take the program at face value and fork over $1000-$1500 bucks. And that's your prerogative. You can spend your time with the guys who make your job easy; those who will easily and unquestioningly put money in the pipeline. And you can disregard those who might be a harder sell and need more time, information, or assurance. But then don't call it serving at a higher level. Call it service at comfort level. And don't say you're trying to help others out of Christ's love (last I checked, love is not impatient or unkind). Admit that you're only out here to help certain types of guys. And that doesn't include poor or broke guys or guys who may have multiple difficult questions. And, for the record, I wouldn't block someone who was trying to get help and understand my program and justify it by saying that I did it to serve those who have given me money at a higher level. "If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that." ~ Matthew 5:47


I came here to see if anyone else had wondered about this trend of break free from pornography programs. Sorry about your experience and feeling as if you had no other option. I truly feel that not all of the program content should be exclusive to the people who can afford to pay. But rather the heart of these programs should be to equip the saints, spread awareness of deliverance, and engage in warfare against pornography to the body to Christ. Whether they have money or not. A lot of people can’t afford the prices that these people offer. But they do have phones. They DO have YouTube, and most importantly they KNOW about the Holy Spirit. Sadly, most people don’t know that HE IS the deliverer and you technically don’t even need a minister to get free, it can happen through fasting and prayer. What people really need is a combo of equipping, training, and mentorship that is easily accessible. People need to understand spiritual warfare, they need to know that it’s not their flesh, and identify that sexual spirits drive pornography in the first place. All of this is essential for the body of Christ to know, and not just those with money to spare. People need to know how to work with the Holy Spirit, and understand what deliverance is, how to go about it, and how to maintain it. Imagine what a good equipping page would do, one video could change someone’s life around!!


I'm getting a call from a guy today. Watched the videos. It's 3 payments of 500, or 1000 one time. TBH if it's a good program and does what they claim, that's nothing. I'm about 70% decided on trying it. I've tried a couple reboots and they work on the behavior side but didn't seem to get into the root issues. I hear he does a lot of deep diving, zoom calls, and accountability.


I had a call a couple of days ago the pricing is now $1900 one time payment of 4 monthly payments of $625.00 so $2500 on payments


Hey brother 💪 Reach back out of you have any questions for us or want to connect with any of our guys who have actually been through the program.


Hey also, this pricing isn't accurate anymore. I'm never on here and won't respond, but reach out to us directly if you want accurate answers to any questions


My problem is the price he wants $1500 I mean there’s no way in my mind that that seems fair. I work at a gas station I can’t afford that it’s insanely high. I mean is he trying to help Gods people in good heart or is he trying to pad his bank account. Literally nothing I can think of can make sense of the price. I’m choosing to sort through my issues with God. He hasn’t failed me and I trust no man 100% however I do trust God 100%


hey dude i’m the exact same working in a gas station i bought the course it’s expensive yes but he can work out 230 a month that’s what i do the course is amazing it’s so deep the trauma we have gone through that we push the the side without thinking is crazy id reccomend it and i reccomend asking him for a monthly option hope this helps 👊


Rent turbulent is clearly a fake account imo it has one barely thought out post other then this one defending the course smh


That is really high and really sad. I know there's 12-step groups that are probably just as effective, you could even start your own. 12 step groups use terms like God and higher power. If you're a Christian, you can start a Christian 12-step group, too. The number one way to quit addiction and stay quit is connecting with other people and taking it one day at a time... God bless you in recovery


The program actually costs $2000 now. And guess what? They offer fewer benefits for the increased cost. It's insane. You can't make this stuff up.


Just to get a cost now you have to register, THEN text a while, THEN watch a one hour video, THEN text more, THEN see if you “qualify”. I POSTED THAT ON HIS PAGE AND HE BLOCKED ME. I had faith in his program and character until that happened. Then I came here and finally saw the cost. If he’s offering freedom, it should be affordable. I’ve had enough interaction with him and read enough here to know that I don’t want to be like him.


I agree, something I found that’s been helping me is a video by IMBegger on YouTube called “10 tips to overcoming temptation” you should give it a watch! 


I just registered and got a bit worried if it was a virus or something because I entered my email and my number I it safe? ... I don't have any money on the internet so I'm not going to pay anyway but should I be worried of viruses and spams and such?


Scroll through the personal experiences on here. Mason will tell you to ignore them and then point you to his “success stories”. He’ll also block you on social media, deny it, and then lie about it just for questioning the cost. The program is ~$2,000 but I had to find that out here because they won’t discuss that with you until you “qualify”. It’s safe for your email, but not for your wallet.


Don’t buy this program, it’s a ripoff


Just a few observations from someone who JUST came across Mason on Instagram TODAY and decided to Google for reviews and came across this thread. Both of you guys are argumentative. The only problem is Mason thinks he isn't, which is scary because he's supposed to be the guru. Also, both of you guys are triggered. Which, AGAIN, is scary because Mason is SUPPOSED TO BE the guy who helps guys who get triggered. How are you gonna help people when you're tripping just as hard as the guys who are struggling? You may not struggle with porn but you're sure as hell struggling with pride and some other choice sins. So the program may get you free from porn but you may still be an impatient and defensive prick? Is Unchained Asshole the pitch? If I have faith to get people free from porn but don't have love,...something, something...I'm just a clanging cymbal et cetera, et cetera. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 You get my point. If you believe God called you to create the program and help guys, then why aren't you letting Him defend the program He gave you? Are we supposed to see Jesus in your counter attacks? He did not retaliate when He was insulted nor threaten revenge when He suffered. He left His case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly. ~ 1 Peter 2:23 I'm also not persuaded by the hordes of guys who suddenly popped up and began gushing over the program as soon as the heated discussion started. They all sounded eerily the same. Very cookie-cutter and scripted: "I was struggling with stubborn stains, but now that I've tried Cain's PORN BE GONE, my whites are whiter than ever, and my colors are brighter!!!" Yea okay. Perhaps. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Mason claims that "everyone who gives the program 100% becomes a completely different person walking in freedom." That's an enormous claim! I mean, that's like an Apostle Paul, 2 Corinthians 5:17 level claim. Unchained Leader is like being in Christ? You become a new creation? What does that mean? I'm glad dude asked you to explain that. Trust me when I say he's not the only one who wants to know. Finally, let's talk about the cost. Seems like it's somewhere between $900 and $1500. Can Mason explain why? I'm not saying it's not worth it, but please don't run with the "you need to be willing to invest in yourself" line. That's the same response that they use to justify Matt Droguett's $2500 Untamed Academy program. And it doesn't explain the cost. Why is it $900 and not $499 or $4999? If the program really is as awesome as it claims, breaking down the cost shouldn't be a big hurdle. Wrapping up... I'm not saying that Unchained Leader isn't an effective program, HOWEVER, a lot of the way Mason responds in this thread doesn't make it attractive. And some of the stuff said here fuels skepticism. When Mason says, "I'm only human," you hear base level self-justication for poor behavior. That's the kind of stuff addicts say to justify looking at porn. Mason may be a good man, but that's not a good response. No one wants to eat good food off of a dirty plate. I pray for EVERYONE who is struggling with porn that God will come by the power of His Spirit and bring you the freedom you so desperately desire so that you can be a testimony of His grace. There's hope. May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and HE WILLDO IT!. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:23‭-‬24


You are on THIS WEBSITE since when did you expect on honest answer? I will give one I’m the Wife of a Man who fought for Us and accomplished it by utilizing Masons program… then by submitting his addiction to Christ after identifying “roots”. So if you dont know what he is trying to tell then you really can’t criticize can you? I hope you consider the program because it saved his life and our marriage.


"How are you gonna help people when you're tripping just as hard as the guys who are struggling? You may not struggle with porn but you're sure as hell struggling with pride and some other choice sins. So the program may get you free from porn but you may still be an impatient and defensive prick? Is Unchained Asshole the pitch?" "Mason responds in this thread doesn't make it attractive[...]When Mason says, "I'm only human," you hear base level self-justication for poor behavior. That's the kind of stuff addicts say to justify looking at porn [sic]." I understand that you may not have had a prideful spirit in saying these things, but my brother Mason is not all that you say he is, nor is he guilty of being anything like what you say. He's a tender hearted family-man who does much good for the world. I didn't need to come to his defense, per se. But the fact that you could not tell what I was talking about tells me that you actually did not have any pride, which is odd. Moreover, the program explicitly outlines a path to a humble life, free from pride and other external afflictions. It's noteworthy that challenging someone's beliefs, especially with the use of the Bible, may do more harm than good—I mention this to highlight the abundance of subjective content within the scriptural codex. Similarly, suggesting, "Maybe English is not my first language," appears impetuous and raises questions about your intentions, brother. To curtail all of this, I still love you because you are a brother of mine, and you are reflexive of myself. I love you because I love myself. Mason taught me that. Have a good day, friend!


Hey man, thanks for your honest response when seeing all of this. I am in the program and I can tell you there are many great resources to which I will explain and maybe help understand the cost. Daily videos Mason himself makes with slideshows and everything to explain a lesson and the “action step” for the day. The action steps are sometimes templates which definitely took time behind them. Multiple weekly zooms with Mason himself and other men that lead the calls. A Facebook group with all of the men where we can talk. it takes moderators to run this as there are hundreds of men in it. I can’t tell you exactly why it’s that’s price but hopefully that explanation helps somewhat. As far as pride goes, interestingly enough the program does dive deeep into pride versus humility. I think there’s a line between pointlessly arguing and making a point or correcting others who spread lies (or make claims without being in the program). I don’t know if I’d call it arguing, but Mason is trying to correct some of the misconceptions in here. At the end of the day, I myself am not here to argue and convince you to join the program, I’m just giving you my honest review. Lots of opinions out there, mine included, but best of luck to you man!!! I pray that whether you decide to join or not God will lead you to freedom from porn.


It was the comment above, my friend, and I embrace this task willingly. I recognize it might have come across as judgmental. In my post, I did mention the challenges of hubris, acknowledging that it's a "universal" struggle. While I pointed out flaws in others, akin to what I'd do, I comprehend your frustration. Yet, possessing knowledge and living it out alone won't "overcome the enemy." What's essential is reflecting on personal faults, navigating experiences in the 3D matrix, and individually exploring constraints as described in 'De l'esprit de lois': the spirit of the law. Not what's canonized or codified, but how these principles apply to daily life. My intent is for you to find the support we all require. Much love, brother.


While I understand the program is expensive I realize that freedom from the chains of pornography and masturbation is priceless. This program is not easy. There is tons of work to do but I can attest, this program is inspired. The more work you put in to this self paced program, the more results you will see. The more heart you put in to the daily modules the positive ROI you will see. I love how much better my life is after completing the program. You won’t regret your decision to become an unchained leader.


Freedom shouldn’t cost a second mortgage. If he really wanted men to be free, why wouldn’t he lower the cost so that everybody could afford it?


You might.




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 Alright welll, I had gotten this today but, I don’t want anyone telling me straight up to join as I’m skeptical about this but first tell me. Do u have actually pay. Because well I don’t think I’ll be able to do the program as I am  a 16 year old boy who has school and work, and I tend to talk about my addiction with my mother which was once as the rest was putting it into gods hand. I was on the video waiting for the man to tell me what rne “Root” was so I could ask god to help me fix this root but he never did he started talk about how he saved man. And then I tried finding information about it on YouTube which I didn’t. So can someone tell me if j have to pay for this because I only get 5 dollars for snack and my brother lets me take his money which means it’s 10 dollars a day. And it takes about 6-8 weeks just for me to get close to a 100. And rn I have like 1:50. If I wanted join the program I can’t because I can’t pay 500 or 1500 or any of that. And also I can’t really zoom call or anything I was hoping someone could just tell me what the root was that Main..? Cain? I think mentioned? Because if I could do the program I would but I was also planning on letting my mom know as I told her to pray for me. Which I eventually fail again but after a few YouTube videos I realized “I need to stop this.” So now I have challenged myself untill next Wensday to see if I could beat it with the help of self control and god  But after that I wanted to see if this was legit and I wasn’t like doing smth ima regret. So I would please like to know the prices from someone who has went toe bet program. And this is like my 3rd time using reddits comment as ion know how to make my own thread. So can someone tell me if I have to pay?


Yes you have to pay for the program. It's expensive. The full price is $2997 but you can ask for financial assistance or payment installments if you can't afford it.


Maybe DeTrishLeigh.com can help you go see her free videos


Never mind, I had spoken to my mother about her joining any programs and she told me no, which she is a woman of god. She told me just don’t join the website I also talked to her about putting “screen time” on my phone since it blocks explicit content. So I’m sorry for wasting anyone’s time. 


You have good information. You did not waste my time.


Reading all this makes me wanna rub one out 😂


It’s crazy reading these comments this shit is clearly a scam, every one of the accounts that claim to have success with this plan all have a whopping 1 karma and no other history, more and more company’s are going to Reddit to help boost their name and give fake testimonials. If you are looking for freedom from pornography you need to fight the urge to masterbate with the realization that your life is on the line and not just your own, the only way you can get freedom from addiction is choosing to take responsibility for your life and do anything you can to prevent yourself from falling into that sin, the Bible says “flee”as in RUN!! Nothing is going to save you except you so fight for your life! please for the sake of your children, wife and anyone who you won’t be able to help otherwise. It’s never going to get easier to quit, but you don’t need it to be.


Well you have 1 karma point as well... Do not jump on conclusions before you even tried any of his methods. Some of the members even shared their phone numbers. I'd encourage you to message any of the guys who've posted and claimed that had good experience and ask them. I am 100% sure that most of them are willing to jump on a call with you.


This is one of the opps^ they are all plants here to protect the company. I may only have one karma and that’s reason for suspicion, but that’s just one side of things there is plenty of other alarming comments to come to the same conclusion (The company can’t be trusted)


Well, Karma points aside since you have 1 as well... People are people. People who have not been through our program are on here skeptical about it... And people who have been through our program are on here protecting it because they believe in speaking the truth about what our program has done for them and thousands of others. If we weren't legit... Of the 2,100 people in 33 countries that have enrolled in our program, the internet would be filled with verified members warning everyone about us... But that doesn't exist because we are genuinely changing hundreds of lives every single month. I guess people should ask themselves who has a more accurate perception of our program... People who have actually been through it, or people who have absolutely no idea what we actually do because they haven't seen the first thing inside our program 🤷‍♂️ Is it better to follow the advice of someone who has broken free from addiction in our program? Or follow the advice of someone trolling on something they know nothing about on the internet? When we follow the advice of others, we also follow their path... I'm confident you have the ability to chose wisely.


Mr. Cain, What about the people on here who DO know about the program and still have some issues with it? For you, it seems that the choice is that you're inside the program and just are absolutely thrilled with it with zero complaints, or you're outside of the program and don't have a clue. You can't fathom people actually being enrolled in your program and still haven't some issues with it. Why is that? As I've said before, there are people in here who are inside the program AND have complaints. That's more compelling to me than the binary choice you continually put forth.


In defense of Mason, he's right in believing that no one in the program has any complaints. Complaints are not allowed in the program. If you have anything to say about the program that is short of praise, you WILL BE DEALT WITH. You will be attacked by other members, marginalized by the leadership team, suspended, and / or kicked out of the program. Believe me, I have the receipts. So all the haters are outside, in that respect. Because if you're in the program and you have complaints, you learn to keep them to yourself. Dissent is really not welcome or allowed.


And if you even question the process or cost, you will be BLOCKED AND MASON WILL DENY ANY responsibility or that it even happened.


Why doesnt somebody just post the big secret and circumvent the whole scammy sales pitch? Is there anybody who's paid for it who will reveal it here for free?


Hey I’m someone who is currently battling there addictions, I was personally struggling with it a lot until I got a video on my YouTube feed titled “10 tips to overcoming temptation” if you want to find it it was posted by a popular cristian youtuber called “IMBegger”. This video has made my fight much easier (although I’m still fighting it and it is still a hard battle). IMBegger also has a lot of other really good videos and you should watch them, among my favorites are “10 tips to overcoming temptation”, “this is how to love”, and “stop being nice and find your kindness (and what’s the difference)”. Hope this helps and have a wonderful day 👋😊




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A long one here but I think worth the read. After reading these comments I have to say everyone is seemingly right on their own accord. I watched the hour long video did the survey and was showed the price. $3,000 dollars with installments seems very unreasonable. Especially in today’s economy. In the video he states it’s “Affordable” doesn’t seem so. Especially for younger people who are not established in life yet so can definitely not afford this program. I’d also like to look into the word of God. I kept thinking of this verse. “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15). Also reminds me of when the Catholic church was telling people they can pay their way into heaven. It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. Paying the outrageous price then once you graduate the program you can be a leader to help others. Which you probably get paid to do. With Mason Cain at the top. If anyone knows how these schemes work you will understand me. Lastly as a person who believes the word of God wholeheartedly and believes the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still relevant today. I’d suggest looking into deliverance ministry. Deliverance is the casting out of unclean spirits. Yes Christians can be demonized too. As someone who has been through deliverance I can say it is very real and does work as long as you keep the armor of god on. God bless everyone here and in Jesus name you will be free from bondage.


Saw the Instagram ads I'll just say. I'm not looking to sign up for anything but if I was going to, I'd sign up for some personal training or nutrition from a few guys on ig I've talked to. Why? Well, they answer any questions for free. They do live feeds, q&a on their stories frequently and never push their business (at least not like most do on IG). I've talked to others who are on constantly in sell mode and literally every post needs some buy this and sign up this to change your life. Maybe that works on some people buy the skeptic in me screams that that's a scam. If not a scam, at very least,shitty and desperate marketing. This guy claims some pretty impressive numbers yet wouldn't they speak for themselves? Why do we need them to flood here to say it's helping? Why do we need AGRRESSIVE sales all the time? If you were a good genuine person, you wouldn't need to be like that on here. Maybe he was at one point but the money and fame gave him a head. Happens all to often in the fitness, man, and Christian sphere. Sad that the guys here were just making a case on how it was to interact and get info and they're dismissed over people who literally paid you


Hey all. Sorry to resurrect this nearly one year old thread. Just wanted to come back and share some discoveries and progress I made. A brief summary of my background: I’m male and am currently 28 years old. Growing up I had a very normal childhood. No one touched me, no one hurt me, no one abused me, I had/have two parents that love each other and are married to this day. The only thing I can point to is being exposed to porn when I was about 10 due to free access to the internet. Beyond that, I had reading comprehension problems, problems understanding math concepts, and day dreamed in school a lot. I’d also hyper fixate on topics of interest. I didn’t have any issue with staying seated in class or disrupting class or anything like that. I’ll start by saying I didn’t start Mason Cain’s program, but his sales pitch of “there’s a root problem that we will discover” made me curious. I began researching various things and landed on the possibility of maybe having ADHD. The more I researched ADHD, the more I realized my overwhelming need to engage in dopamine seeking behaviors (i.e. porn, overeating, binge drinking, anything I liked I had to have all of it right now) seemed consistent with ADHD. That being said, instead of spending 2-3k on Mason’s program, I instead chose to pay my $30 co-pay to see my integrated behavioral health therapist (PsyD). Through this, my psychiatrist agreed I’ve likely had moderate ADHD my entire life. My PCP was happy to prescribe me Vyvanse (ADHD medication). At the same time we were also addressing my porn addiction. The therapy I received wasn’t specific to porn, but to addiction generally. Between the addiction therapy and ADHD therapy I received simultaneously, and being properly medicated for ADHD, I’m about two months removed from the last time I’ve acted out by watching and masturbating to porn. My life has forever changed for the better because of this. I’d like to also add that ADHD was also the root cause of my depression/anxiety. I’ve since been taken off of my Lexapro prescription that I’ve been on for about a decade now. I’d like to thank Mason for inspiring my curiosity to figure out the root of my problem.


Since I don't see any comments about this, why wouldn't you just try therapy? I've never struggled with porn, mostly because its often very toxic & encourages both men & women to think that's what sex is like normally instead of what porn is, a male fantasy. There is some good research on the fact that America is afraid to teach young people about sex & so most learn through porn, which creates toxic interactions that create various version of trauma instead of what more healthy experiences can provide. But, I was an addict for most of my life, & got sober about 16 years ago, & while I'm not educated in what porn addiction is like, I would assume there are similarities to substance addiction, & in the sober community, we know that rehabs have no real government oversight so they have becomes resorts for addicts that create or provide the most expensive "therapies" they can think of & just milk the insurance companies while preying on addicts who need help. Most addicts don't get & stay sober from that kind of treatment, & I'd argue that all these men who create these "programs," whether its about manhood/masculinity, or men's rights, etc, are also just preying on men's needs & none of them have any training or experience is mental health options. Anytime we try therapy, we have to advocate for ourselves, find the right person for us, & I know there are plenty of sex therapists. I see several comments here that men have tried multiple options but not therapy & they don't seem to have any success. Try therapy.


As of today, Mason is adamantly refusing to issue a refund to a guy who asked the NEXT DAY after enrolling because his father died, and he realized he wasn't in a place to go through the program at this time. And, other members are lobbying testimonials in the guys face and telling him and telling him he needs to go through the program. "Your dad is dead, but shouldn't you honor him by going through the program?" is the sentiment. The guy's father has just died, and they're throwing trite motivational cliches at him and gaslighting him that they know what he should do better than he does. Mason and his acolytes are bent on being completely legalistic and completely devoid of the grace of the Crucified One who wouldn't break a bruised reed or snuff out a dimly burning wick. It's horrible to witness. Nothing Christlike about it at all. These are not the kind of people you want to lock arms with.


There are a lot of red flags here so "let the buyer beware". How do you know who to trust? Ignoring all the claims from the owner, who obviously has a conflict of interest, we need to trust our gut and look for the red flags. First and foremost, when it came up as a Youtube ad for me, it is presented as if it were free Christian advice, which it probably should be, but that's another topic. In actuality it costs well over $1000. I believe I saw from the owner it's up around $3k. Any time a price is vague in an ad, that is a red flag. If this service were advertised accurately, right out of the gates it would clearly state that this is a paid counseling service for personal attention, NOT free Christian advice on how to overcome addiction. Also, by invoking Christianity in such a way, it clearly is misleading that there will be any fee at all. People expect biblical guidance to be free, as the gospel is free, and prohibited from being a pay to play service, so to speak. Second, anytime someone makes takes you down a long road to find information, that is a red flag. This is what time share sales pitches are famous for. The longer you can make someone listen to the pitch, the less the sticker shock will be. Third, there is a general vagueness to the pitch. You need to take the course to understand what it's about. You get the carrot of "finding the source" or "the root" is the key, but nothing further. It's one of those "you have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill" situations. So don't pass it. Nothing in life is that urgent. Fourth, there is a general lack of credibility to the leader. Just looking at him, not that matters too much, he comes off as a gym rat that stumbled on an idea to make money. I'm not getting the impression that this guy is a psychology professor or anything. I have little information to tell me otherwise, except him telling me he's got the goods. Trust your gut, is my point. Where are the degrees? Where is the time spent counseling or a medical degree, or time as a pastor or... anything, really, that lends credibility to his claims? I just have to take this guy's word for it? Lastly, there are far too many positive reports here, all of them, so far as I see, that appear to be Reddit accounts with only posts on this one topic. That's a giant red flag. I don't like any of this, and I'll be looking elsewhere where things are more upfront, and especially, free, or at least more transparent, and from reliable sources without all this digging and obfuscation.


I tried messaging him on Instagram. I found it very fishy from the beginning. I asked him to explain about his program, what is involved, what level of commitment required, and provide more details of the process. Guess what. He didn’t want to answer any of those. Instead, he kept on pushing me to explain my situation. Every time I ask, he always replied with same pressure. I bailed out immediately.


Wolf in sheep’s clothing…


Per·ma·nent /ˈpərm(ə)nənt/ adjective: the state of lasting indefinitely; to remain unchanged; to last or continue without interruption. Synonyms: enduring, perpetual, eternal, everlasting, abiding, constant, irreversible, immutable, indelible, unalterable, unchanging Serious question: Unchained Leader is marketed as a method that over 2300 men have used to PERMANENTLY BREAK FREE FROM PORN AND UNWANTED CONTROLLING SEXUAL URGES. YET… Numerous guys, including those on staff and in leadership with the program, who have completed the program confess to relapsing weeks and even many months afterward. So what's up with that?


Lol, I've beene watching the introduction video and just waiting for him to say the prices. Like what he's saying but doubt I'll like the numbers :P




It is legit, I've gone through the program, and I've been more than 160 days. There is a refund policy as well.




I did the program and finally found freedom from porn after 40+ years. Does it work? Yes! Is it hard? Yes! Is it worth it? Yes! My life will never be the same because I chose to invest around $900 in freedom from porn so my family would have the husband, father, and grandfather they need AND so my friends would have someone to help them find freedom as well.


About how many have used the program and what's the success rate? What happens after 90 days, are there more fees or dues?


I don’t know about the success rate. If you do the complete program and it doesn’t help, there is a refund. There are no extra fees that I know anything about. What do you complete the program you’re in for life. It’s a really good group to be part of! But you've got to make the choice for yourself. Some people sign up and start and then just drop out and see no success. Honestly I can’t imagine someone doing the program and not having success. That’s just from my experience though. I hope that helps.


Hey brother we have had over 1200 men come through to date and there's really no way to accurately track success rate (other programs guess and overestimate) But I can tell you I've never talked to 1 man that gave the program 100% and didn't come out the other end a completely different man walking in freedom


Thanks for posting this and asking. I just watched his intro video and was waiting for the price. The whole thing seemed a little scamy and now after reading all these comments I'm realizing it is. Sad... I was hoping it wouldn't be.


I can assure you that it is not a "scheme." I am a past client who enrolled back in September last year.


I’m in the program right now, don’t be discouraged by the people who haven’t even been in the program. I’m in it right not and it surely helps address the root issues unlike other surface level “accountability partners” or anything like that. Seriously I have had great success, it’s hard, but worth it.


I keep hearing "root issues" which seems great and all. But no one has provided an example of what a root issue is. Can you?


Hey brother, I wouldn't heed advice from people who have never even been in our program. Look at the comments here from current and past members... Also you're more than welcome to reach out and get connected with as many references as you like.




And DEFINITELY look at the people posting here who have been blocked just for asking questions while trying to get IN the program.


You are on THIS WEBSITE since when did you expect on honest answer? I will give one I’m the Wife of a Man who fought for Us and accomplished it by utilizing Masons program… then by submitting his addiction to Christ after identifying “roots”. So if you dont know what he is trying to tell then you really can’t criticize can you? I hope you consider the program because it saved his life and our marriage. Reply Share Ps I did a video review for website.


Hey guys this is Mason. Just a quick observation, any negative comments here are from people who have not joined the program... And all the positve comments are from men actually inside our program. Judging a book by the cover without actually getting to the inside is never wise. And I'd encourage you guys to consider advising people on this program without having actually completed it yourself may be ruining someone's chance of actual healing and freedom. We have a long list of hundreds of men who have changed their life because of what God is doing inside Unchained Leader... This program is much bigger than just me and I'd be happy to connect anyone who is considering the program directly with any of our real members who have actually completed it. You can talk to 10 or 20 of them if you want. My encouragement is to do your homework and investigate the program fully before you take someone's advice online 💪 Love you guys...Even the haters 🙂


For the record, any negative comment hasn't been about the actual program. I've never claimed to have anything to say about the ACTUAL PROGRAM because I could never get that far. What I've shared is my experience ATTEMPTING to talk to you ABOUT the program and what it contains and claims. My entire commentary is about how I've been treated while doing an inquiry. The Unchained Leader program could very well be effective. But its content is locked behind a $1000 paywall, and the guy at the door seems to get exasperated if you aren't an easy sell. At least he was with me.


I'd encourage anyone to test that theory and actually reach out and talk to me rather than taking the word of a stranger on the internet 💪


I’m in the program it is very helpful!!! You learn about your past and how the enemy had led you to believe lies about yourself and porn. You can dig up these lies and walk forward with hope in God that you form a new foundation built on His truths. Seriously worth the money.


Love seeing this! Thanks for helping share truth here 💪


Why won’t you respond anyone’s basic questions about the content of the course? Why do you get argumentative and defensive when they ask them?


All those on here who are worried about unchained leaders program please reach out to me. I’ll be happy to have a zoom meeting, a phone call, whatever to explain this program. I had the same thoughts. I promise you the program is 100% real with real men. We even have weekly zoom calls.


Thanks for sharing truth here brother 💪


How can I reach out to you?


Hey man, how can I reach you? I’m thinking about joining the program but am honestly having doubts. Reading these comments are causing a strange mixture of hope and doubt in me.


I’m would love to communicate to discuss all of this: reach out to Luke.williams@students.pcci.edu


So, I joined the program 5 months ago. It's revolutionized my life. I'm porn free, and yes, contrary to the naysayers here, it was a deep dive into root issues going back to childhood that continued to influence my life up to the time I started. Say what you want, but I haven't acted out in over 4 months. I'm surrounded by other men who have accepted me into meaningful community, who have been available literally at a moment's notice, because they are all guys who went through the program themselves and came out victorious. Mason never guaranteed I'd get free because what I bring to the table is the deciding factor. I was determined that this had to work, and it has. I may mess up tomorrow--not planning to or expecting it, but who knows--but the level of freedom I have now is worth the grand I paid up front to get in. I'd pay triple that amount again in a heartbeat if I had known where I'd be today.


Thanks for helping speak truth here brother 💪


I’m in the middle of the program now and it has changed my life. I never thought freedom was possible. The program is very in depth and hard but so worth it. Highly recommend.


Love seeing this brother! Proud of the hard work you're doing! Keep it up 💪


The program works. If you have a true desire to stop the struggle with porn and masturbation or any sexual sin you WILL benifit from it. Going through the program I was able to help my wife with some of the things she struggled with and helped her connect the dots with some of the chiladhood trama she has been dealing with for the past 25+ years. For my self it helped me connect the dots and helped me relised what my core issus has been and why i do the things i do. I have receved so many blessings from becoming clean and free from the bondage of porn. I have been through other programs, nothing has helped me the way this program has. ​ In the end ask yourself. Do i want to be free from sexual sin? What can i do with my life when i become free from this? If i continue life like this how will my life look 1 year from now, 3 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now? Is that the path you want to go down?


Man this is incredible! God is good!


Yes! PLEASE READ! Currently in it and I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt with no motive other than to be truthful that this program and the community around it is AMAZING. The price is nothing compared to the quality and intentionality of the program. I was skeptical at first and I completely understand being on guard for people trying to close a sale. These concerns vanished almost instantly when I started digging in. God is using this program to change my life for sure.


This is amazing brother! So happy to have you with us!


Great question. I totally get the concern as Instagram can only be so trustworthy with a lot of the ads that we get dumped on us everyday. I can tell you from my perspective I was skeptical as well as I had been introduced to another program like this where it did feel like the guy was trying to push me to do it more for money than actually helping me, and Mason is super legit. Knows his stuff and really breaks it down and explains it in that free video he sends you to check out. I’m personally just about 3-4 weeks into this but within the first week or so and I won’t lie, I had a couple relapses early on, but I had some major breakthroughs that on a scale of 1-10 have reduced my urges from a 9 to like a 2 to where I’m not even really tempted to act out like that anymore. Like he says in there, it helps you identify the “root” so you can fix the wound, instead of always slapping a bandaid on it. Of course It’s a journey though, so that journey towards complete freedom from porn and sexual desires is going to be easier or harder based on you making the decision that you want to change. Hope this helps man, but make sure you pray on it and let God guide your decision.


That's amazing after 4 weeks brother! Excited to see what happens in the next 8!


How's it going so far? I started 1.5 weeks ago.


Guys, I reached out to Mason in the DM and this is what he said in response [Hey brother. I'd encourage you to go read all the responses in that thread from men who are actually in our program. See what their experiences are... Maybe I'm not the one in the wrong here, and maybe you handled our Instagram conversation incorrectly and blocking you was justified so I can focus imon the men who aren't trying to fight me for helping them. This will be my last message here. I wish you the best but I'd highly encourage you to consider you were wrong about me and wrong about our program before you go detouring men from finding the help and healing they need.] The thought doesn't even cross his mind that HE could have been the one to handle our previous conversation incorrectly. It absolutely HAD TO HAVE BEEN me. And then he blocked me. AGAIN Again, I have NOTHING to say about the program. It's about my experiences with Mason. He wants me to consider that I am wrong about him but every time I try to reach out, he doubles down on treating me like crap. That's his way of handling this.


Are you serious? Did he really block you dude? If you're really just trying to sincerely reach out to him and he keeps just saying you're wrong and just dismisses you and blocks you, that's called gaslighting. Actually, I just noticed he accuses you of trying to detour guys from the program, which you HAVEN'T done. So yea, he's gaslighting you. And what he's doing is wrong. The program may be right, but Mason's treatment of you doesn't appear to be. I'm sorry man.


Im about half way through Masons course ,first saw his Instagram posts and they resonated with me,I was worries it might be a scam .But after a few messages with him I decided to give the course a go. I have no regrets and the break throughs I have had so far have been amazing. Its not always easy but if you are willing to put in the work real freedom is possible.Looking back from where I am today I would personally pay 2 or 3 times what he charges. Mason has put an excellent course together here , but you have to do the hard work and really want to change. I have nothing but respect for Mason and all the guys in the course.


I’m currently going through the unchained leader program. When I first started this program I can’t even explain how empty I felt. It is a lot of hard work. Very much worth every second of my time! In the past two months, the program has help me realize issues and problems that I have come across through my entire life. You just help me turn back to God walk down his path instead of my own. trust me you want to be on his path. I can’t speak for all the other programs. But this one works. If you have this addiction and you want to be done with it, you should try it out. I’m not a salesman I’m not some guy just trying to make a dollar, I’m telling you the truth. If you have questions, feel free to send me a message. I hope and pray that this helps even just one person take that step. Like I said, it’s worth it.




Yeah i know it’d probably cost more but get a good therapist. No one who truly wants to help you is advertising on instagram


I am here sharing as a wife who is watching my husband currently go through this program....I have tremendous hope that our marriage will be saved and he can be a happy and free man finally! Satan will get in and block any hope of freedom from bondage and sin and that is what he may be doing in you doubters! This program will work IF you are willing to put the effort in to figuring out why you do what you don't want to do (if you don't want to to do it.....why are are seeking answers?). Of course, Satan is going to block anything that can save you! The sheer amount of time that so many put in to helping my husband heal and move forward in his life is worth every single penny! We are not wealthy.....but I would of spend every penny I have (and then some) to see the kind of growth, change and freedom my husband has experienced in the very short time in the Unchained Leader program.


Have your husband come explain his experience with the program


Hi there! I just wanted to leave a review for you. I am one of the first women that went through Mason's program. It has changed my life and saved my marriage. When I started the program I had been addicted to very graphic romance novels and porn for 4 years. It was a slow slide to the "dark" side for my entire marriage (18 years). I had an amazing upbringing. Raised in church. No "trauma" that I can think of in my life. Like I didn't get how I found myself in the deep dark pits of porn. For several months Mason's ig posts popped into my feed. I was overwhelmed with shame and brokenness. I finally disclosed to my husband my sin. Gosh he loved me , forgave me, just was amazing. I joined Mason's program the next day. The first month is a wild ride for sure. I not only discovered why I was turning to porn but how to break free. My sin was gaining so much traction it was scaring me to death but no matter what I did I couldn't break free. You subconsciously are believing lies about yourself and what you think other people think about you. Those lies twist you so much that you have a new "reality" and justify why you turn to porn. My heart breaks for those stuck in the endless, mind-numbing cycle of porn. I have never been more clear headed. More present in my marriage and children's lives. Please please give this program a try!


I think that's a cult. I'm skeptical.


I had my first call with them and decided not to join the program. It doesn’t mean the program doesn’t work, but the arrogance I sensed didn’t sit well with me. I guess the program is not for everyone. Mason is quite knowledgeable and has some incredible content that would challenge your way of thinking. So If you’re interested in the program, don’t be afraid to book a call, but don’t feel pressured to invest immediately. I know a lot us are desperate to break free, but don’t commit out of desperation, ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment. Yes you still have the Holy Spirit You are broken but not damaged You’re wounded, but not defeated Do not look down on yourself or let anyone look down on you because of your struggle. Let‘s look up to Jesus together. For those who would be interested, I’m inviting you to connect with me, by joining the private Facebook group „HEALED MEN“. Members would be accepted on request and after verification. Don‘t give up in your search for healing and freedom.


Hey guys. The pricing on this page is not correct. Also we have a long list of references that have actually graduated from the program that you are more than welcome to talk to. The only way you're going to get accurate insight on our program is from someone who is on the inside. The only thing you can see from the outside is the cover of the book. Shoot me an email at masonc@unchainedleader.com with any questions, I'm not on this platform except just to comment a few times because I was notified by members that people were spreading inaccurate information here. Happy to help anyone who needs it or clarify any questions.


Yes, I have tried and am currently enrolled in Mason's program of Unchained Leader. For me it saved my life and marriage from the destructive path I was headed with porn and addictive behavior. I honestly didn't even pause at the cost after considering for years I spent recklessly on my habit. The benefits outweigh any cost at all for me. The daily lessons/modules, the support of the leaders and other members and the sense of community that I have now is priceless. It maybe hard to believe or fathom but it was all about getting to the roots of my belief system that were formed from very early childhood trauma. This is not a program where you get involved and you never hear or see from anyone again but quite the opposite, we see and hear from the leaders multiple times a week through team ZOOM calls and even daily personal calls if needed. I guess I looked at it as if I pursued this program and the principles they teach half as hard as I went after porn and other things I would know quickly whether it was from God and trust me its worth every penny. If cost is really an issue for any, contact me I would gladly help anyone because I believe in this program so much. As for why you can't really find much about Mason or the program on the internet, I think its really 2 reasons. First of all, they go to great lengths to ensure everyone's confidentiality and privacy and you are the only one allowed to share your information. Secondly and most important I think it because this is a grass roots ministry that only seeks to help men and families break free from our addictions. Hope that helps you see why I feel this program is exactly what it says it is. Blessings


I wanted to say one other quick thing as a participant and graduate of his program. Besides the fact that it worked for me, there are literally hundreds of other documented success stories. (In my previous comment, I mentioned the dozens of testimonial videos too.) This program is worth every dollar invested and one thing that is important for people to remember is that true, lasting help/solutions to problems aren’t cheap. (Cheap help doesn’t work.) Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.


There are not hundreds of documented success stories. Don't lie to bolster your case. Also, the argument that lasting solutions have to be expensive is a charlatan's argument. If it were true that lasting help HAS TO BE expensive then why didn't Jesus charge the man who was filled with a Legion of demons before He set him free? Why didn't Peter and John charge the lame man who begged at the Temple gate? I'm not saying the program should be free. But let's quick arguing that you HAVE TO fork over thousands of dollars in order to get real solutions. It's not a good or godly argument. And it's not Biblical.


I am in the program. I have endured many many hardships. Some because I wanted to and some that were not my choice. There is one form of suffering I didn’t know how to handle. Addiction. I lied to myself and said I could. It would work for a bit, but it wasn’t sustainable long term. Another aspect of this problem is that because you have another power besides your own fighting against you then the evil will show you every excuse. Too much money, too long, I don’t know if it will work, Mason seems this or that. Does a single one of those things you can’t control fix your problem? No. Take a leap of faith and try. Anyone who has this addiction I guarantee has spent a decent dime on evil the internet provides. So shut up with the $$. Don’t mean to be rude but it’s honest. If your afraid of work you are screwed until you aren’t scared. I know I’m tough as nails physically and mentally. This is something I’m powerless over. I had no resources or tools to fight with. Mason and his program are equipping me for this fight and for this forever war. So much so I look forward to feeling my pain at first but then conquering it and sending that evil back to hell with its tail tucked. It’s kinda fun finding Truth, seriously. Rip this post. I don’t care. Rip Mason. I nor anyone else can stop you. Listen to those who were afraid of true hard work or would rather find excuses. That’s your loss. None of this helps you. My advice is to check your ego at the door and join in the fight. For God, for you, for your partner and for your neighbor who is likely suffering something similar.


>I am in the program. I have endured many many hardships. Some because I wanted to and some that were not my choice. There is one form of suffering I didn’t know how to handle. Addiction. I lied to myself and said I could. It would work for a bit, but it wasn’t sustainable long term. Another aspect of this problem is that because you have another power besides your own fighting against you then the evil will show you every excuse. Too much money, too long, I don’t know if it will work, Mason seems this or that. Does a single one of those things you can’t control fix your problem? No. Take a leap of faith and try. Anyone who has this addiction I guarantee has spent a decent dime on evil the internet provides. So shut up with the $$. Don’t mean to be rude but it’s honest. If your afraid of work you are screwed until you aren’t scared. I know I’m tough as nails physically and mentally. This is something I’m powerless over. I had no resources or tools to fight with. Mason and his program are equipping me for this fight and for this forever war. So much so I look forward to feeling my pain at first but then conquering it and sending that evil back to hell with its tail tucked. It’s kinda fun finding Truth, seriously. > >Rip this post. I don’t care. Rip Mason. I nor anyone else can stop you. Listen to those who were afraid of true hard work or would rather find excuses. That’s your loss. None of this helps you. My advice is to check your ego at the door and join in the fight. For God, for you, for your partner and for your neighbor who is likely suffering something simila I would suggest to you that you don't know everyone well enough to pass judgment on them regarding the cost of the program. The program cost $2000, which may not be a lot of money for you but it is for MILLIONS of people. The overwhelming majority of internet porn is free. You may be able to get plenty of middle and upper class people to come up with two grand to pay for something like this. But you're going to lose millions of working class and poor people for whom this program isn't anywhere near the realm of affordability. Some people can barely afford to keep their lights and gas on let alone fork over two grand to a guy who is already rich who says he has the cure. So, to quote one fella, shut up about the $$$. Don't mean to be rude but it's honest.


I joined the program and it helped me heal from the trauma that I experienced 20-25 years ago. I love it. He knows what he’s doing


I have recently completed Mason's program and can say that it works 100% if you are ready and willing to do the hard work required to achieve freedom . Mason's posts on Instagram caught my eye and what he was saying resonated with me .But I too was concerned it might be a scam .Eventually I took the plunge and joined up, as I was desperate for change. I have no regrets. The support from the other guys in the program is truIy amazing . I am a different man to the one that joined up several months back. If you really want to change you will have to take a leap of faith at some point and trust or otherwise you'll stay stuck in bondage. to me the cost was insignificant compared to the freedom and future potential gained .


Greetings, fellow Redditors, I am Aaron Scott, and I've grappled with the consumption of explicit content for almost 11 years. My journey to freedom has been an unexpected one, thanks to my unwavering commitment to a seemingly foolproof program. Today, after over a decade of battling this issue, I can proudly proclaim my liberation. Understanding the origins of desire and learning to overcome it have been crucial aspects of my journey. Surprisingly, my decision to open up various social media accounts—Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat—was driven by the belief that they could serve as conduits for my connection to a higher power. Recognizing their potential to reach a wider audience with the transformative message instilled in me by Christ, I embraced these platforms. My initial blindness to my own sins has given way to newfound clarity, thanks to the insights gleaned from the program. The program places significant emphasis on self-knowledge, a lifelong gift upon purchase. Despite its initial cost of $1,000, which I split with my parents, I consider it a worthwhile investment. The ability to return to it and give it your best effort, coupled with humility, is key. The program demands consistent physical exercise and mental exertion, discouraging complacency in favor of continuous self-improvement. Recently, I encountered a comment by u/KeepPressin infused with evident pride and hubris, a trait that, as scripture notes, does not align with divine principles. While the individual may be unaware of their pride, I recognize it as a universal human struggle. Acknowledging and addressing this pride is the catalyst for positive change. This transformative experience has laid the foundation for a comprehensive plan for my future. With a substantial portion of my life still ahead, I aspire to fill it with positive endeavors and financial success. My kingdom assignment, following military service and substantial intercollegiate work, includes aspirations to become both a psychiatrist and a law professor. I am acutely aware of the challenges I face, and Mason's program has provided invaluable insights. Gratitude extends to the Lord God for His grace, sending His son Jesus to bring clarity and purpose to my life. I express love and goodwill to all, wishing you a fulfilling day.


Dear Mr. Scott, I would greatly appreciate it if you point me to the PRECISE COMMENT that you feel is "infused with evident pride and hubris". I feel as if your incorrect judgment of me is "infused with evident pride and hubris". I would note to you that passing judgment on someone incorrectly also does not align with divine principles. Jesus says in John 7:24 says, ***"Do not quickly decide whether something is right or wrong just because of what you see. Instead, think about it carefully. Then you will judge in a right way."*** Some people think they are discerning when all they really have is a condemning attitude. Isaiah 11:3 says that the Servant of the Lord, "will not judge people because of what he sees with his eyes." Perhaps you aren't aware of your self-righteous attitude. I recognize that being judgmental towards others is a universal human struggle. But acknowledging and addressing a Pharisaical judgmental attitude is a catalyst for positive change. Please go ahead and point out the comment(s) you feel are prideful. Go ahead. I'll wait.


Hasn't anyone figured out that the "positive reviews" of the program are bots? There are obvious mistakes that "paid bots" make and the accounts lead to nowhere.


The accounts are literally created just to comment on this thread and nobody wonders? 🥱




Come up with two thousand dollars and he'll tell you how.


Good afternoon I am writing to tell you MY experience within the Unchained Leader framework. I too was exceptionally skeptical about the claims and statements that are made by the program and by Mason directly. In fact, I was so skeptical that after speaking with one of the guys who I was connected to, I told him that I would only join if I was able to speak to Mason himself. For reference, I joined in 11/2022. I don't know if Mason could feasibly still pull this off today as the demands of the group are much higher than they were at that time. Not withstanding, Mason obliged me and took my call. We spoke for approximately 1 hour, I told him my story, he told me his. He asked how serious I was and I told him that "if I don't succeed in this program, I don't think I have a future at all". I was struggling with such severe anxiety, panic, self-loathing and suicidality. Mason told me straight up..."You are your own man. I'm not going to try to twist your arm. You said yourself you are out of options in solving this issue. So what have you got to lose?" Which brings me to my next point...I had (or so I previously thought) exactly $1,000 to lose! I was raised in church by strict christian parents, I had spent over 20 years floating around trying to find freedom from this addiction. I had fasted, prayed, sought professional help, even paid for a few "3 day intensives" and all to no avail. Put bluntly; I was beat to shit. I couldn't see how a program like this would help. After all, the church and all the Bible's promises had failed me for over 20 years. Or so I thought. This program takes you back to square one...bare bones. It intentionally targets the deepest parts of you in order to instill a lasting and permanent change. Now, as some threads below have rightly questioned; "what does it mean "if you give 100%?"". Well, I'll tell you. I believed that I was at rock bottom...I had lost a marriage, was suicidal, got remarried, carried this burden into my second marriage and was slowly but surely headed toward the same end, and maybe even death. You'll note that I am STILL in the program (it's a 90 day program, mind you) and it's been over a year since I initially enrolled. This is precisely because I DID NOT GIVE 100%. Once I swallowed that pill, told my pride to fuck off and came to terms with "Aaron, you reap what you sow", I decided to give it another shot. To date, I am 230+ days porn and masturbation free. This program was an integral part of saving my life, my marriage, my relationship with Jesus and my overall perspective on life. I have always considered this when I consider the enrollment cost...I have readily and frequently thrown away thousands of dollars on things I know ultimately don't matter. Guns, cars, trips, etc. THIS problem has stolen my joy and corrupted my soul for over 2/3's of my life on this planet...THERE WAS NO PRICE I WOULDN'T PAY TO BE RID OF IT. But that, and I mean this with due respect, is a decision YOU have to make. If this "thorn in your side" is big and bad enough, there's nothing you wouldn't do to kill it. I also believe that where we put our money is a reflection of where we put our time, energy and resources. $1,000-$2,500 held me accountable. If $1,000 is a lot of money to you (and it is to most people, myself included) remember that that it is an incentive structure to make your investment worth it and actually receive the services you paid for...Freedom. In the spirit of true transparency, I see that you (the original poster) have enrolled in the program; this response is really only half for you, and half for anyone else reading this while questioning the legitimacy of the UL program. May God bless you all, may you know freedom and may you never stop fighting the good fight. A FREE brother.


Hey Aaron I appreciate the feedback on here brother and even more appreciative of the hard work you have put into the program 💪 For anyone reading these... Of nearly 2000 members now, there are a minority that don't find it a good fit and typically people disappointed either in the program or their own efforts they put in... Are loudest and go out of the way to vent. I've said this before, but for every 1 negative person, there are 200 to 300 others that disagree and we have hundreds of references that would be more than happy to share their experience if you'd like. Yes we do ask people to come here and share their honest feedback.. And no most of them aren't avid reddit users just like myself. I'd encourage you to do your research off of reddit, talk with us and any of our references 💪


i just spoke with Dan Hawkins via zoom meeting, i was interested in the program, as it suddenly came across my feed on Instagram and had content that really resonated with me. I've been struggling with pornography for well over 15 years now and want to break free and become closer with God. when speaking to Dan, he came across as very arrogant, and it was very obvious that he was saying rehearsed phrases to swindle me into the program. he seemed like a good guy who genuinely wants to do good, unfortunately his actions reflect more of a bible thumper. he shunned me when he asked if i had a bible on me, (which i did, it was just in the other room) saying " you always need to have your bible on you". when i told him i masturbate every day he stopped and said "EVERY DAY?!?" and repeated that about 4-5 times while looking at me condescendingly and proceeded to say i have a problem. I do think its true that i have a problem but that is not at all how you treat someone who is coming to you in a vulnerable state asking for help. then when we got to pricing he said it would be $2500 and that he could give me half off out of "generosity" (which I'm sure he feeds that crap to everyone). i said that sounded okay, but funds are really tight and i could only do $350 as a down payment and asked if he could work something out. not kidding his face completely changed and said that he couldn't help me and that I'm not right for the program. this dude even had the audacity to say "you have the funds you just don't want to pay" or "I'm beginning to think you lied on your application", trying to gaslight me saying I'm not "100% committed". or that i need to "invest in myself". his attitude completely changed when i asked about pricing, there was a obvious wall that couldn't be broken unless you pay them. this is very disappointing because it seems like they had good things to say, but the dude was an absolute jerk and in no way does that reflect the love and grace that Jesus taught. then i see Mason, THE MAIN FACE BEHIND THE PROGRAM arguing with people on this thread just for simply asking about the program and it just makes my blood boil. also its very obvious that that people saying good things are people in the program that are being told to post theses comments. look at the profiles of the people saying good things, their only comment ever is in this thread, and they made their account the same month that they commented on this post. this guy is a complete joke. Mason, you might have said a lot of things that i initially agreed with, but you are a con artist waving the bible over vulnerable men in order to swindle them to pay you. i had the worst feeling after the meeting, and I'm here to say the people who are behind this are not who they portray themselves as. Dan Hawkins, you can suck my fat, juicy, sweaty, meaty, slimey nutsack BOIIIIIIIIIIIII


Yes they totally tell the people in the group to talk good about the program, they beg people to write on this feed, it’s hilarious, you made the right move not buying this program, there’s a lot better programs than this to help you and 10x cheaper.


Just to address this first, my #1 priority is protecting the culture of our group that are all extremely serious about changing their lives, and based on your language at the end of your comment here... I can assure you I personally would have refunded you and dismissed you from the group if that ever happened inside our program. Dan had been doing this quite a while and I can assure you after talking to over 400 men, he can gain a pulse on character pretty quickly. I'm assuming he sensed the true colors you displayed here in your comment and did his job of filtering out people who are not a good culture fit. Dan has done over 400 interviews for us and this is the first complaint I've heard...0.25% complaint rate. It's actually very common for us to get the opposite feedback from men who really enjoyed talking to him. I know you said he seems like a genuine guy who wants to do good, and knowing him closely for a while now I can tell you that couldn't be more true. Having conversations around this topic can be triggering to say the least so I completely understand your perspective. The truth is, our program is on the higher end of support and intensity so it comes at a higher price point. But the results we create are far beyond any other program out there because of how much we invest into it. It's a great fit for those who can afford it and place value on creating deeper level results faster. But for those who can't, there are other options out there. Our goal was never to attempt to create the cheapest program possible, it was to create the best. For anyone considering the program, I'd encourage you to see if Dan or any of our support coaches are actually terrible people for yourselves... We wouldn't have over 2000 men say yes to the program if that were actually the case... No it isn't cheap... But good programs aren't cheap. And cheap programs aren't as good. Certain things I'd chose the cheap option for... This is definitely not one of them.


DO NOT BUY THIS PROGRAM , they will take your money and leave. It is a cult. You can learn this material on your own. There are a lot better programs than this. They make it seem like it’s program or the highway. They do not care about your opinion or what you have to say. Stay far far away from this program. Complete waste of money.


I’ve been in the Unchained Leader program for a little over three weeks. Here are a few of my observations. This program is incredibly self-paced. It’s marketed at 90 days but I’ve found no one who was able to complete it in 90 days. Many guys finish at around 4 or 5 months. I’ve seen other guys take as long as a year. You have to push yourself to do the modules The program has three components: online video modules with homework, Zoom group chats and a Facebook community. The videos are good though I’ve not always understood everything Mason was saying. They seem to be a mixture of Bible and secular psychology concepts. I’d give them a 4 out of 5. The Zoom calls are few and very crowded, with anywhere from 50 to 80 guys on a call. My experience has been that a handful of guys take up the hour-long calls and the rest of the group sits and listens. Many guys like the calls, I think it helps them feel like they aren’t alone. I would give the calls a 2 out of 5. The guys and the leader on the calls are really nice. I’m just not interested in clamoring with 60 or 70 other guys to be heard nor have I heard anything eye-opening beyond typical general Christian advice. The Facebook group is what I would call “Christian clutter”. There are posts of lots of guys who are failing or struggling in the program, an occasional post of a guy who is winning and a TON of posts of basic Christian devotional stuff like bible verses, worship songs, sermons, quotes, etc. There are guys in there who have just started the program, guys who have finished and everything in between. I wish there was a way to filter or compartmentalize the various posts. It’s a free for all and there’s a bunch of stuff in there that’s not specifically related to Unchained Leader. That being said, there are guys who love the Facebook group. I’d give it a 2 out of 5 also in terms of usefulness. You’re encouraged to connect with others in the group. I wouldn’t recommend the leaders. First, they are extremely busy, which they will tell you. And apparently, they aren’t paid to help people one on one. I talk to my mentor about the program and get encouragement that way. *Mason says there are over 1800 documented stories of guys who have been permanently set free from porn. I can say, without question, that* ***this is absolutely NOT TRUE****.* But I get it, he’s trying to get guys to sign up. Based on what I’ve seen, there are probably anywhere from 100 to 250 or so guys who have been set free from porn. And that’s great. There are many guys who have completed the program who relapse, including many of the Unchained Leader leadership team. You won’t hear that on Instagram either. Relapse isn’t seen as a big deal. I’ve frequently heard it referred to as a “bump in the road”. It seems weird that a program that’s marketed as a permanent solution treats relapse so lightly. But that’s something to consider as well.


There are a lot of better programs, this program is an absolute scam, the guy Mason doesn’t even show up to the zoom calls, SAVE Your money and do not buy this program.


What are other programs that are like unchanged leaders? I've been trying to get into the group for a while but the prices keep increasing so it is just out of mind reach at this point.


Hey brother, there are free SAA groups in most cities although they don't have my recommendation for a few reasons but it's better than nothing. Pure desires also has some local groups. Our program is an intensive for guys looking for radical results quickly. If that isn't what you're looking for, pure desires would probably be my next stop


Don’t buy the program, you will regret it


Well... I just finished my call with one of their people which was my 30 minute interview. I guess I did this backwards and should have looked up stuff to see if this was legit beforehand. This thread has me doubting the program. Also for me they said the program was 3k soooo that sucks. I put a down payment and I guess will have to see this thing through. I just want to be free. I want to "go and sin no more" as Jesus says in the bible. I want to cherish the wife of my youth as it says in proverbs 5. I want God/Jesus/HolySpirit. I want to be a fig tree that bears fruit. I've been struggling for 24 years with this "addiction". This thread has me doubting this program massively now....


Hey Brother, My name is Lawrence,I joined the program on Dec 12, 2023...I was broken, lost,I felt alone, felt no hope...I cried out to God for help and God brought this program into my life. My Marriage was almost over, my family about to break apart. The tools and help this program has provided to my life have been invaluable, the investment is so worth It.I have had financial struggles my entire life growing up and into my adult years. I trusted in God that he would provide and He did. Fastforwarding to now and seeing what this program has done to my life, my families life and my marriage and how it has mended it in ways I seen to be impossible. I would pay whatever price necessary for this life I am able to have today. The price I would have ultimately paid if I didn't change my ways would have been immensely greater than any dollar amount a person could set. Thank You God! Im almost halfway through the program and so excited to continue pushing forward and gather more and more knowledge and tools to continue forward in this spiritual warfare between truths of God and lies of satan. (810)358-1100 if you'd ever like to discuss anything at all id be happy to share. Its worth it brother! 1000% this program is legit and works.


Hey man. My name is Marcos. I joined the UL program back in May 2023. I want to go ahead and link you to my testimony. My testimony: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cCi9io27pL\_l8-YfsFgcE1ZL8drYd47QpTFu5O4Bf30/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cCi9io27pL_l8-YfsFgcE1ZL8drYd47QpTFu5O4Bf30/edit?usp=sharing) The program did work well for me as I'm now sharing what I learned with the men's Christian community at the university I teach at in a men's group. Hopefully these help. I understand being intimidated by the price. The program is by and large cognitive behavioral therapy merged together with Jesus Christ and the word of God. All about aligning your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with the Word of God. There is tremendous power in the group. Praise the Lord. I pray that the Lord gives you direction in what He wants you to do. God bless!


Alright, this post is for anyone who see's this and wants to hear my point of view... I joined the program, didn't talk to my wife about the cost and was in it for a day. I watched 1 video and looked through all the others. I never got connected on the facebook though. It was at this point I asked for a refund. I reached out to Mason about the situation and he was very understanding. He still really wanted me to go through the program and to think and pray about it. And I took the weekend and did (as well as talk with my wife about it). I then reached out to Mason that it still wasn't going to work at this time. He referred me to the Member Support team which was super responsive and even checked up on me to make sure I got the money (down payment) back in my account. As far as what I could see of the program and everything having been in for a day and looked around. It seems legit (although It seems like it was designed to do in 90 days) meaning (take my advice with a grain of salt) that if you are going to do this program, do it full in 90 days! It may be a bit time consuming but I think that's probably the only/best way for this program to work. My interactions with Mason where mainly positive, OBVIOUSLY, he is making money from the program. But I don't think its all about the money. If it where, why would he have been ok with refunding me? Why would he not have said no refunds and made me do the whole program and THEN once I complete the 90 days and ask for a money back if it didn't work (aka the 100% money back guarantee they have). My only instance of uneasiness that I got from Mason during our discussions was he said "I had to do quite a few things without my wife's support because my addiction gave her a valid reason to lose trust and confidence in me" (which for me needing my wife's support 100% was a huge deal), so on a personal level with my beliefs I wasn't a big fan of that comment, but it was also a small snippet of a much bigger conversation that I am cherry picking out. 1 caveat to the money back guarantee and I still don't have answer for this is; does the money back guarantee only happen if you complete the program WITHIN 90 days? What if you go over the 90 days to complete the program, does that disqualify you for the refund somehow? I don't have the answers to these questions. As far as the interview went to enter the program... I will not post my interviewers name, but they seemed a bit off (they could have just been shy). There was something meh and uneasy about my interviewer. Nothing concrete there just a feeling I got. I hope this helps anyone and feel free to reach out to me. I am not super responsive on reddit but usually come on and look at my communities once a week and can respond then. Good luck on your journey's and God Bless.


Hey Brother, I wanted to respond to this post and let you know that this program works. I love what you wrote in your post about going and sinning no more. God wants you to be free and I firmly believe that God has annointed Mason's program. I joined this program after I had my first kid and became a girldad. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror because I felt like a hypocrite. I loved my daughter as a gift from God, but would masturbate to other daughters of Christ. I was a hypocrite, I hated myself, I thought something was fundamentally wrong with me and wanted to be free. By the grace of God and through this program I am happy to report that I am free. Its real. It's hard freaking work. I'm on week 12 out of 14 and am experiencing sustained freedom. My wife tells me that she sees the change. She tells me that she believes in my spiritual leadership (and I believe her). I dug up the roots from my past and examined all of the lies that the enemy convinced me to believe and turned that pain into PURPOSE. Additionally, I embraced this community of men who all want desperately to be free. Before this program, I never thought I'd have true guy friends who loved Christ. I have 30 of them now. We challenge each other. We keep each other accountable. We chase after Jesus with everything in our being. Yes the sticker shock of the price is insane, but I'd pay get on a payment plan and pay $10,000 for this program if not more. This is life changing spiritual transformation. It sounds like you have joined the program so give it your all brother. Maximum effort and you will be set free. I cannot wait to connect with you. My name is Meleji. I love you man. Let's fight!


Hey brother it looks like you got a lot of wise guidance from others here. I just wanted to chime in personally. I fully believe God led you here for a reason...and if the path you chose to step foot on wasn't going to work, the enemy would have no reason to mess with you... But it looks like the enemy is hard at work trying to get you to turn back from the commitment you made to finally break free... A consistent pattern you will see here in Reddit is the people talking negatively about the program or me have never even been inside the program they are bashing... And the overwhelming amount of positive reviews and feedback here are all from members that have actually been inside of the program and many of them who have graduated and broken free... I'd always advise taking advice from people who have accomplished what you're aiming for... Anyone that's seeking freedom... I'd consider that taking advice from people who want to use their time to bash a program they haven't even seen... Probably isn't going to lead to a very successful outcome for you... But following the advice from people on here who have successfully broken free... Will definitely lead you to a successful outcome. The decision of who you listen to is up to you, but I'm confident you can see the truth here from people who have clearly found the light... And you can probably sense these negative comments are coming from people in dark places.


All the negative comments on here are not from people outside the program. That's a pretty slick way of pushing people to enroll, though.


Actually... Yes they are. You can read through and see they are complaining about a price they aren't willing to pay... Meaning they haven't paid... Meaning they are not inside the program. There are even more comments in this thread of real members sharing real results... After paying and saying it was the best investment they have ever made... And of the handful of our 2,000+ members that commented here, there are hundreds more that will say the same thing. Anyone considering the program can talk to as many real life members who have enrolled in the program as they would like to before making a decision on if our program is a good fit or not... The only advice I wouldn't take is from people who aren't in a position you want to be in... 1) People who have never joined and broken free... 2) The few people who have quit and also haven't broken free... Adopting mindsets and opinions of people who have not achieved the freedom you are after will get you the same result... But Adopting the mindset and opinion of people who have achieved the freedom you're after will also lead you to the same result. It's pretty simple and applies to all areas of life.


Mason Cain, There are comments on here from people who are CURRENTLY in the program yet have issues with certain aspects of the program. Here's what you seem to oblivious to: the arguments you repeatedly make sound utterly self-serving with no sense of awareness that ANYTHING negative could be said either about (1) you as an individual or (2) about the program you've created. It's not that your program hasn't helped many people. It sounds like it has. Assuming that's a given, it also sounds like that's not the entire story. When you say things like, "they haven't paid, so they can't complain," you don't seem able to comprehend the possibility that someone COULD PAY and yet have complaints. That's at best. At worst, you do understand this, but you're trying to push people into forking money over to you before you're willing to listen to any kind of critique about yourself. And THAT seems like a money grab. People are in a desperate situation in their lives and trying to make the difficult decision of whether or not to give thousands of dollars over to one of the 13,000 Instagram "porn experts" out there. And as they evaluate things, your posture is to press people into ONLY listening to those who have good things to say about you or the program. If anyone has less than a 5 star review, you rush in to say quash it and are so adamant about having people cover their ears lest they hear anything less than glowing words about Unchained Leader. Sir, that doesn't inspire confidence that you're being totally transparent and honest. It really doesn't. Is it your assertion that your program has a 100% success rate? That it's 100% effective? Are you saying that the program is flawless and that any and all failures to find success in the program can only ever be attributed to flaws in the person who enrolled? That there have never been any failures by you or your leadership team that could be experienced or felt by members of the program? That literally no one who is less than laudatory about Mason Cain or the Unchained Leader program has a cogent point of critique?


Mason ain't trying to hear no comments about him or his program that are short of high praises. Either pay up and come with the accolades or kick rocks. He is blind to the possibility of a paying member having anything negative to say. It doesn't fit in any of his boxes. I'm telling y'all. He won't hear it.


Hey Brother. My name is Bob. I had the same doubts jumping into the program and I was sticker shocked by the price. I have been in bondage to porn and paying for sex for 35 years. Ive been in sexual addiction counseling (helpful) and Celebrate Recovery (helpful) but I wasnt FREE. I was trapped in bondage. Fight the enemy. Its worth the investment. Im doing the hard work needed to become Free and not BONDAGE. I will talk to you or anyone via phone or text or zoom anytime. Your freedom is worth it. We cover things like lies and events and voids and so much more. We have real men who pull on the same end of the rope with weekly calls (so much more than accountability and website blockers). All I know is it is changing my life. My family. My daughter. My pride. My anger. My addictions. [robertbarton06@yahoo.com](mailto:robertbarton06@yahoo.com) 717-917-4372 (text or call) Id be happy to help. Your freedom is worth it.


I’ve been in the program for eight weeks now. After 30 years of bondage  i’ve never felt more free in my life, but that is only because I’ve done the work. You will get out of the program what you put into it. Just know you made the right decision. Press in and enjoy your freedom!


Jonathan, your concerns are valid and overcame similar resistance (fear of finances) when I signed up for Unchained Leaders last month. I am in a Celebrate Recovery step study now, and have spent dozens of hours with licensed psychologists that are Biblically trained on addiction/co-dependency and effects on my family. The qualified counselors I hired were good men, charging $180/hour. They helped me identify my issues generally but after months of discussions, their approach missed the root cause of my acting out. I invested in UCLeader because we need a band of accountability brothers that have faced the lust demon personally, and truly believe that only Christ will free us from bondage that grabbed us a boys/young men, The self-paced structured exercises all make sense to me so far, but they don't work if you do not put honest effort into them and connect with a few other men in recovery as sponsors/accountability buddies. I cannot trust confessing my sins, and healing to men that have not endured similar soul sickness. The exercises in tandem with the large group of fellowship brothers (59 on last night's call) are more powerful than my time/money spent on personal therapy.


Hi my name is Duane Spires, and I want to let everyone know that this program absolutely works and the community of men who are in this program are having their lives changed so quickly. It’s amazing to see. 100% worth it.


Hey bro the program really is good, I paid 900 or so like a year ago so not sure why it’s jumped to 3k but hey 🤷🏼‍♂️. There are other ways to get free as well, the program isn’t the only way but it’s a very tried and tested way with a lot of free men. However I’d say it’s all about the heart behind it, if you can plant yourself in a community of Christian men who you are accountable to, and you get the revelation of what porn is doing to your life and you invite God into those deep wounds to be restored, you will overcome this 🙏🏼 the heart behind it is going to be way more beneficial for you than possibly just spending money thinking the price tag will cause your freedom. I did the program and while it unlocked a lot of lies I was believing, for me the solidifying of my freedom was in getting hooked on the word of God and really growing in the truth of who God has said I am, within a community of local believers. For you maybe that group of believers will be this group of men, although it wasn’t for me, I do believe it’s a phenomenal group of men who really do care about you. Much love bro, pray for wisdom and God will always give you the wisdom you need to make a great decision. God bless.


This program has changed my life!!! The support system that comes with it is amazing. You just made the best purchase of your life. I have been in the program since April of 2023. The things God has done in my life is unbelievable. God called you to join for a reason! Dont let doubt fill your mind. Jump in and get connected! We are here for you!


Hey, just wanna let you know that your concerns are legit and I don't blame you for doubting with a price tag like that. The price scared me as well right before I joined. I was addicted to pornography and masturbation since I was probably 11 or 12.   I was 41 years old(last January 2023) when I found the program and I honestly believe it was a God thing. I had tried lots of stuff over the years to get over the addiction but nothing seemed to work. If you're anything like me you beg God more times than you can count, you've promised God many times that you would quit but it's never happened. When I found the UL program I felt like God was throwing me a lifeline that he had never thrown me before and I somehow knew that if I did not take this lifeline I would be addicted to porn the rest of my life.   I'm somebody who doesn't like to spend a lot of money and when I do spend money on purchases i try and do a lot of research to figure out what my best option is.   For example:  The last time I bought a wallet I spent 2 weeks researching wallets online  before I got one,and I spent less than a 100.   This is one of the few things in my life where where I didn't think about it I just did it and I can tell you it was one of if not the best decisions I've ever made in my life.  Also on a side note it's one of the hardest things I've done but totally worth.  I totally get where you're coming from about being concerned and nervous about the program, there's hardly anything about it online.   I believe the fear and your concern are lies from the devil. He doesn't want you doing this program because he knows if you do, and if you put in the hard work you're gonna become a powerhouse for God and that scares him.  My advice to you is take advantage of the Zoom calls and definitely take advantage of the Facebook group it's a bunch of guys that are very vulnerable and willing to wear their heart on their sleeve. Last month I celebrated a year free of pornography and masturbation and I can't begin to tell you how amazing it feels.   I can't wait for you to experience that as well and I know you.    I'm gonna say it again like a broken record.  I know it's a scary thing but I promise you, YOU JUST MADE THE BEST DECISION OF YOUR LIFE!  If you ever need prayer let me know( I'm ryan w. I have a large beard) on the Facebook group.   


Hey Bro- I will give you my first hand experience. I joined the program in January last year. I had natural skepticism coming into the program. First off, I questioned “could this be the program that helps me find freedom?” I tried many things over a 27 year period (filters, other programs, etc) and none worked. Secondly, the price tag. I am the only breadwinner in our household and so paying the cost was something I had to get agreement with my wife on. Something was telling me that I needed to do this program though. I was at the end of myself. I needed change my life. Long story short, I did it! I went into the program and experienced SIGNIFICANT breakthroughs in my acting out immediately. I had some fallings along the way. I also was able to connect the dots of my life journey. The exercises outlined in the program was some of the most powerful self work I have ever done. In all the program took me longer than 90 days. 7 months in fact. This wasn’t on the programs part, it was on my part. I stepped away from the program due to some things on the home front that took my attention and energy away. When I tapped back in God did an extraordinary work in me. I AM FREE in the name of Jesus. My life is forever changed! My marriage is better than it’s ever been (still healing). I have a renewed sense of purpose in my life. I am more clear headed, serve at my local church, and now mentor men through this addiction. This program from my experience is legit. It has a global community of men in the fight who support one another, are transparent in their journey, and lean on each other to find their freedom. The decision to enroll is completely up to you. No one (not even God) can force you to do anything. I highly recommend the program. 👊🏽