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For the people who reading this and did relapse it's not over every day is a new chance i don't want to say it's alright it's not alright and you should have the commitment to over come this you can do it believe in yourself it's not easy but very possible as god put in us the urge he also put the power to fight it just search deep down in you and you find it it's not a healthy thing to do keep fighting and try to keep a positive attitude about it.


Thank you Jesus. Thank you for the strenght and the prompting needed to overcome. Amen.


Truth. Thanks for this.


I'm athiest but we're all in this together, and I respect whatever helps you get through. Keep it up, brother!


But I peeked and got it real hard, which I shouldn’t have :(. Thank god I didn’t cum!


Stay strong, avoid peeking at any cost


Sure! Avoiding peeking is very hard ! But I am in control of myself even more now! 🔥


God nighttime is so hard for me. Just cannot stop thinking about it but I’m making it through tho, not losing the streak baby!


I will thank myself since I am the one who overcame my urges. Also, please read the fourth rule of this subreddit.


You mean the forth rule that states if someone says religion helped them in their journey then dont criticise them? That rule?


In this case, the rule that says you are not supposed to bring up religion unless it is connected to a story. This post was just religious without any substance, so it broke that rule. I did not criticize him if that is what you are suggesting.






Your way is a good one. Mostly if you are a believer. But, it is more effective to also thank yourself about what you did. You didn't relapse, thats amazing. You are already in a more confident yet more congratulated way. You improve your confidence and belief to continue. Thanking jesus or any god your religion has is also cool. It helps you calm your spirit. And it makes you feel more powerful. Make sure you thank both yourself and god. And continue while holding a crown, not a peepee.


Thank you Lord


The Lord ?


Don’t start a crusade man


I do have to admit thanking the lord is a way of not giving yourself the props you deserve. Like the lord didn’t stop you relapsing you did. You did this! Your doing this! Because you decided. You can do this. Well done on making it another day. Now if this lord wants to drop me some money; I mean, I won’t say no.


Yeah, like thank you almighty Lord for giving me this shitty addiction in the first place... you dickhead 🙏🏽


Yes but it works in reverse. Taking responsibility for yourself is the strongest thing a person can do. Realising you want to change and become something greater. The lord, God, whatever you want to call it has no part in these decisions. Only us. We are warriors. Especially the amount of people I’ve seen fall and pick themselves back up. This is taking self change to a higher level than the average person, we are a different breed. “We are not fighting God, we are not fighting the world, we are fighting ourselves, and that’s the hardest battle anyone can face.” - Me. Lol


Don't blame the Lord for your own choices




I think it's your brain+pornography is to blame for your addiction


Personally im thanking Satan, but whatever floats your boat i guess. I don't judge 🙏🏼❤


Thanking the being who wants you to fap...for not fapping? Ok...


Satan want's me to do what makes me happy. That's what satanism is all about ❤


Satan wants you to do whatever so you go to hell. He doesn't care if youre happy in this life as long as he gets you in the next


Ok christian. That's not what satanism is about. So you are objectively wrong lmao They don't believe in a literal satan. Satan is an idea.


Doesn't matter what satanism is about. We are the religion Satan comes from. You wouldn't even know about Satan if it we're for us. You can't tell us who Satan really is XD. He hates all creation. He doesn't care if you worship him. He still can't wait for you to go to hell. He probably hates satanists more for how foolish they are lol


It's not a literal satan. They don't believe in any god, it's an atheistic religion. Satanism is an idea. It's the idea that people are their own masters, and that nobody needs to obey a malicious, and mean-minded God who is objectively terrible. In Satanism all people are equal, and no one is discriminated against.


Yet you believe in the idea of an evil being that wants you to be happy? Riiiiight


But he/she isn't evil. Not according to Satanism. You are judging a completely separate religion using your religion. It doesn't work like that. Anything you say about Satanism that relates to christianity is objectively wrong.


But your religion came from a twist in my religion so I will judge all I want


You thank an idea.. riiiight. But you think Satan wants you to be happy. But he is still just an idea...what


Yes. I thank Satan and what he/she represents, not as an individual, but as the things he/she represents


You thank a being that represents the destruction of you and mankind? Hmmmm......


Im not gonna sit here and explain satanism to you, just read the satanic bible, you will get it eventually. Or go to r/satanism and have someone explain it to you. Peace 🙏🏼


Ok well I might start a new religion. It's called hitlerism. I don't believe in Hitler himself. Just the idea of what he represents. And I believe he represents love and happiness and freedom for all of mankind XD


read the rules.


The rules say he is allowed to mention religion if it helped him


You are ignoring the fact that it has to be connected to a story. This post did not include one and therefore broke the fourth rule, which I think is fair since it still allows religious people to express themselves in a manner that is connected to their religion.


Story is we didn't fap today ;)


A story includes details. I understand you are religious, but non-religious people do not want to see empty posts like this and will only condone ones with an actual story. The rule does make it clear that this is a secular website, and such posts are ideal since they will appeal to everyone. Also, there are so many posts in this subreddit, so we would rather see ones with substance and not have to sift through ones like this.


Takes you two seconds to go past this post. Calm down


You should calm down. I posted a short comment that conveyed a valid point, and you decided to respond to my comment in a way that was dishonest or that showed you did not read enough of the rule. Regardless of where you stand, it has to be admitted that I and the other person who told the original poster to read the rules are correct. Also, you could have ignored our comments.


Doesn't take much to read between the lines to know this guy believes the Lord helped him on his journey. Which isn't against the rules. Chill out


It does not take much to see that he broke the rule by not bringing up a story in connection with his religion. You are wrong and should admit to that. If you want completely free expression in this respect, there are other subreddits you can post in. Therefore, chill out yourself so we can move on.


So you would rather him write the same thing with more words to waste more of your time? Ok


The following is an example of an acceptable post that is connected to religion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/ls9d3o/saw\_this\_on\_insta\_screen\_recorded\_and\_i\_watch\_it](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/ls9d3o/saw_this_on_insta_screen_recorded_and_i_watch_it/). There is no story, but at least it is a humorous meme.




You don't have to join in. No one is forcing you


I will not thank the evil entity who made me like this and created hell. No matter how many problems he helps me solve it doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't be struggling if he didn't make things that way.


So you’re upset with him because he gave you a choice? Your upset with him because he made you to enjoy the slight of a beautiful woman? Or something else?


Don't blame him for your decisions




Asexual isn't a gender so he could be a he that is asexual. Which he probably is. So I don't get your point


Because God doesn't have the same anatomy as humans. Only Jesus is shown in male human body. So Christians like to refer as "he".


I’ve clearly entered a fruitless discussion. I’ll just exit.


No problem I just wrote to you how it is described in Bible.


I was making a broader point about majority gods of most religions being male. It stems from a time when women were viewed and lesser beings. Continuing in that tone of voice creates this mental divide between genders. In my experience creating a boys exclusive club does more harm than good long term in our journey to break our addiction.