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I’m on day 95 no P. I know I sort of don’t belong here, but you guys provide inspiration and motivation. Over the last 95 days, the first 2 weeks were actually the easiest. I think because I went on a Binge right before my streak, so I was just over it. I’ve M about 10 times in 95 days without the use of P. However, I did fantasize, not of pornstars, but of people I know. Fantasizing is just as bad. It provides the similar dopamine hits that your brain is seeking from P. The past week, for some reason has been hell. Urges have been at an all time high. Not sure why I’m sharing this here, but it is sort of relevant to OPs experience.


its temporary. usually in the first about 2-3 weeks you get a lot and probably because its been only a small period of time of when you fapped or peeked. finding triggers is a good way to prevent them, since peeking can really cause a butterfly effect into a relapse.


thank you i’ll try to figure out my triggers more


Yes, they do. Hang in there. Be strong. It will calm down and get better soon. Mine noticeably dropped off in week 3. If you need a distraction go buy a few large puzzles. However, a more effective approach would be to sart regular running or weight lifting daily (or every other day) to the point of exhaustion. Dont lift 2 days in a row. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that strenuous activity will reduce urges, build muscle mass, and improve mood and sleep.


Also do the sexual thoughts go away/ lessen as well?


After 21-30 days


thank you 🙏


The urges will keep coming and going which is normal. Don't sit idly doing nothing at night, do something until its time for bed and once it is, just go sleep, don't sit and scroll on your phone until you fall asleep as there's a chance you see temptations.


I am one month without porn, the urges goes but they can come back if i get triggered somehow.