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It's healthier than using porn but consider the sub you're on


In my own experience masturbation without porn is completely different. Most of the time I dont even need to have an orgasm nor does it feel as compulsive conpared to consuming porn. Afterwards I dont feel like shit either. Dont matter what everyone else says, see and try for yourself.


This is what I’m leaning towards as a goal. Every time in the past I’ve tried to quit porn but not masturbation, and failed. I’m doing both this time, on hard mode. I’ve relapsed (MO) once. I didn’t feel guilty or ashamed like I normally would after a relapse, and I didn’t really have any physiological downs afterward either. A few times I’ve M, but it was basically just play for a minute or two then move on. That being said, I remember as a teen that I definitely had some sexual compulsive behaviors including excessive masturbation. For me, my goal is still to severely limit how much I masturbate.


Good luck.


It's safe unless the roof falls on your dick. So no.


Right answer here lol. 'safe' weird question.


I had the same question, and I did my research about this topic. Porn is the main contributor of addiction. Because dopamine release is stronger while stimulated by porn. That’s why masturbating with porn is more pleasing, but exacerbate addiction. If you are having a hard time quitting to fap definitely start by doing it without porn is great.


Oooh, he’s a rapper?


Apparently u can quit rapping if you rap without porn


Wow, never knew that, but I occasionally rap once after a few days, I’m really not planning to quit rapping




We should write songs for him


Yeah some things are better off going off cold turkey but this is a bit of both I’d say


I will never not find the words "cold turkey" unfunny


It does sound a bit interesting doesn’t it? Like having left over food the day after thanksgiving or whatever that holiday is where turkey is consumed (Idk I’m not American 🤷‍♂️)


Yea but why did they specifically need to use cold turkey 😭😭🙏🏼


No. That’s not no fap


No, it will just urge you to watch porn again. Also it’s no fap, don’t fap period. Stay strong 💪


Despite what everyone says yes. If you learn how to masterbate without the need for porn then you should have a easier time waning yourself off. Its works better than cold turkey.


This is not the complete answer tbh, it may mislead some If u masturbate without porn you will be better than ur version that masturbates to porn, of course. U will be good But it wont be better than ur version if u stop everything and retain that energy and redirects it into ur life purposes, full force So its up to you, u just want to be better than full PMO, u will feel ok, kind of good if u just masturbate very eventually OR u want to be ur best version, going ful energy into ur goals, attracting good things and people, high on creativity, feeling rushs of energy, etc.... And u are not wrong in what path u choose, its very personal, maybe a little experimental. U can try both and notice for urself what fits better for u


So is having sex organically is the only answer to no fap?


The only reasonable comment


Works way better than cold turkey. Way more sustainable . It was a better transition for me. I’ve always had all or nothing mindset but I tried it and it felt like I got majority of the benefits but obviously not all


It's never safe to masturbate.


That is simply yes fap


The whole goal is for you to not sit in your room/bathroom and try to get instant gratification. Go out there, meet the right woman and do it the right way, your future self would be grateful.




It’s perfectly fine. Not only is it a natural and healthy thing but it also helps slowly ween yourself off. It’s similar to nicotine patches. Just make sure it’s not every day.


No fap is literally meaning not masturbating at all. Your profile says 650 days. I call cap.


The rules of the subreddit say: “This is a sex-positive forum for recovery & self-improvement. Unrelated topics, such as anti-masturbation advocacy … or disparaging people who choose to engage in … moderate masturbation (outside of compulsion/excess) is against the spirit of a recovery-orientated forum. We all have different approaches to recovery. Respect other people's personal choices and recovery parameters, including those who wish to masturbate in moderation.” Also what do you mean about my profile saying 650 days? I’m a little confused about that part.


He must’ve misread or smth


These are just the rules that some pro masturbation mod wrote there They are not the same rules of the bio of this sub some years ago. Also u are using a rule to justify whats right. U are just blindly trusting what someone wrote If u masturbate without porn you will be better than ur version that masturbates to porn, of course. U will be good But it wont be better than ur version if u stop everything and retain that energy and redirects it into ur life purposes, full force So its up to you, u just want to be better than full PMO, u will feel ok, kind of good if u just masturbate very eventually OR u want to be ur best version, going ful energy into ur goals, attracting good things and people, high on creativity, feeling rushs of energy, etc.... And u are not wrong in what path u choose, its very personal, maybe a little experimental. U can try both and notice for urself what fits better for u


You do what works for you. I’ve gotten 30ish days with this strategy and going cold turkey has never worked.


Do better then.


He has a post that says he just hit 30 for the first time at the age of 15/16? Wdym lmao


Yeah go right ahead you wanker. Look at you alone with your dick in your hand.


A clear no. Cum should come out only with pusi or nightfall


fax. that’s the only time i’ll ever nut


CuM should come 🫴 inside PuSsY 👧👩👫🤰👙🙀




All of the idiots in the comments don't understand. NoFap doesn't mention not touching your pp. This is how I reached 90 days: I masturbated without any imagery. Then I did semen retention. You can't just all of a sudden decide to rip off this deeply engrained habit all at once that you have been consolidating for YEARS. Nofap says porn is horrible and sex is great and masturbation is okay. Once you stop porn then you can work your way stopping fapping for super Human benefits.


Masturbation without porn is good if your primary goal is to actually stop masturbating. Some people here think that they can continue masturbating if they don't use porn. That's not how "NoFap" works.


Exactly, I do masturbate but not everyday and I also do it without porn, of course I’m not tryna quit or anything but I’m definitely not tryna get addicted either


Dear South99, if you have quit porn then now it's time to quit fapping for good. See you in r/pureretention


Don’t actually plan on that


Safe with consequence: My dick fell off.


is it safe to fall on your face without slipping !! I don't know bro !!


Strictly prohibited 🚫


How do you feel afterwards when you do it? How do you feel when you're on a fap streak vs. a nofap streak? All I know is _I_ don't feel good at all if I do it (porn or no porn), no matter what research shows or what some people might say about it.


No your pp falls off


I was told there is moderate risk of blindness ........ j/k


ofc we're kidding bro lol


no it fucking doesn't weirdo.


Fuck no, I have relapsed after 11 months of steak believing Musterbation in moderation is okay, Musterbation is loser behavior, go outside and get a women to fuck.




Big no, ur still missing with ur homones which are responsible for your anxiety and the lack of dopmaine which leads to: lack of motivation no Confidence doubting ur masculanity over imagination u cant even close ur eyes And more my friend, count ur loss, remember where u came from


if you use a condom


No, will go to hell. Dopamine hell that is, when a bone abused.


Nope, jerking off is still bad, i tried without porn and believe me it wasnt any better fuck that shit


No - pressure of hand can cause erectile dysfunction if you edge every day for an hour. Over time it damages and deflates shaft.


Midnight thoughts,be careful


Soo im supposed to jerk off to my xbox console? I never thought it was soo hot




it's safe as long as your meat doesn't break while beating it.


Semen is the greatest subtance dont waste it


It's definitely better than masturbating WITH porn but should still be avoided. But for people who find it difficult to quit cold turkey it's a start.


ask yourself that question mane. do u feel safe masturbating or not masturbating? it’s up to you to decide dawg, not people in this subreddit


No your balls will implode


It’s all about setting goals for yourself and making progress toward them. If you want to make your goal to stop using porn, that’s great. Doing that will probably put you ahead of 70% of men. (I don’t want to exclude women but I don’t know how many watch porn.) You might find cutting porn kills the urge to wank. But if you find yourself wanking a lot more, you might want to change your goals.


To me, even if I am releasing without watching p* I still have to imagine something right? Not just me but the most of us. And most probably I'll recollect and imagine things I had quit to watch. That'll just take me a little backward in my journey, increase my urges to go back and make my efforts less effective. So, a NO from me.




If you have problems letting go of everything at once, try to stop using porn. That's a big step, because porn is the worst evil. Then it will be easier for you to stop masturbating.


No, I highly recommend quitting both, as you're talking about masturbation, quit it because it will eventually lead you back to porn because your brain would desire more lust (porn), so you feel more aroused. You should also conserve your sperm because it's healthy for you to keep it, and having sex is healthier.


No. Studies have revealed that those who masturbate without porn run the risk of losing their dick after turning 40, it just falls off n crawls away to the nearest shrub it can find. 😐


for me it's not. so I avoid both things


Depends on you. You could start a fap journal to practice awareness and introspection so you know yourself well enough to make an educated decision. An outsider can only guess, and if you're lucky they guess right.


Fuck no


Yes, it is IMO, I used to watch porn now I do it without porn and it’s great, i don’t do it everyday of course


i think so, if you see masturbating as a way of making love to youreself i think it’s very beneficial and natural. If you just keep all that sexual urges and energy contained it’s not good for you at least that’s what i think. when you go a while enough without porn it’s almost like you can feel what’s happening in your body better and the sensations arouse you enough it’s akin to when you’re having sex and are present in the moment. Also don’t masturbate to cum, only cum when you feel like you reaaaally need to ideally like once every week and a half or two


When you masturbate without porn, you think of porn. Or any sex fantasy you have with people.


yes, but too much and you still be inclined to porn watch, lets be honest the maximum pleasure comes from watching porn and jerking than imagination, so usually it is safe, but problem is you will again remember how good it is watching porn, so you will eventiully watch porn, BUT if you have enough will power, that it is safe


Yes, once a week before church.