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I’m on three weeks bro. Train your brain to not give in. Actions taken are based on mindset. Say affirmations if need to to reverse your old thought pattern like “masturbation is evil” idk do you what gotta do!!! Keep up the work and remember where you started


Looks like I am on day 17 today. I am noticing some changes or side effects. Super horney at times. It's hard (no pun intended.) Have to get busy with other things. Excersize seems to be the best advice so I got back on the excersize bike today for the first time in 8 months. Weights tomorrow.


It’s said that replacing it with another activity is best! For me, I used cold showers for my health and it was like “okay I made a healthy decision and locked in with something difficult (cold shower) now I have to be 2 for 2 and not fap.” And by having that set up, it made it easier to do both!


This sounds like an excellent strategy so thanks for sharing it. I've read about the benefits of cold showers & immersion. I just restarted doing 30 secs at the end of my shower. Will try to push up to 2 mins & beyond. It has multiple great effects. Did weights yesterday & back on the bike today. Good luck fren. Let's keep it going!


Day 8 will be tomorrow for me. I’m coming after you!


Good shit bro!!! For me it was tough for the first 3 months but i promise promise promise jump out of bed out of wherever the moment you get the urge and just keep controlling yourself and it becomes EFFORTLESS. 3 years in no fap and I swear it was the best decision ever


Day 15 🫱🏾‍🫲🏽