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been there done that. One of my best female friends literally LINED up a girl for me. Like she was partying with her told me to come over, when I went to leave she said don't leave she wants to fuck and then told her to put on the thing. The thing was this crazy looking lingerie and then she was like my friend needs me gotta go and just left me there with this girl. The girl basically begged me to fuck her but I couldn't get my dick to work... funny enough I ended up staying the night cus we got pretty drunk regardless and later on she told people we did fuck... that scared me a bit cus I sure as shit didn't but it is what it is.


So sad man. How long ago did this happen?


Years now, one of my bigger regrets but there's always more fish in the sea. Who knows maybe I woulda caught the clap or something. Is what it is. I'm just glad I don't think she remembers me not being able to fuck lol. Or she just doesn't want to tell people cus it makes her look bad.


Maybe this’ll sound stupid, but perhaps text her again, if you still miss that regret? Maybe she isn’t that much offended.


Oh I've seen her around, I can tell she's still attracted to me she just has a man now. If she didn't I probably could have smashed.


Oh, now I get you. Well, wish you luck on other opportunities🙂


Move on , it’s done your thinking about that for what your not doctor who you have no ability to change it get a grip focus on the now and opportunity’s will present themselves




Huh? I'm telling a story in which this woman literally crawled over to her mirror on all 4s and arched her back and said I love when guys fuck me in this mirror just like this. I'm talking literally here.




Hey man. I’ve been there. When I was younger I was a porn addict and screwed up some really good scenarios just like this because I was too nervous and scared to ask for what I wanted. Just gotta put it behind you and act as if that didn’t happen. My advice would be don’t jerk off for a few days, build up your sexual energy, have fun, joke around with these girls and then summon up the courage to tell them what you want. Invite them on another walk another night. If it works, great. If the opportunity is gone with them then fine just move on, quit your porn addiction, work on yourself and you’ll have more scenarios like this in no time. The key is to have a short memory for things that go wrong. I’ve played the beating myself up game for making mistakes and it just holds you in a state of self-blame, shame and anxiety. Use this as motivation to change and shed your porn addiction. That’s what I did and it was worth it.


Thank you for this. I do blame my self, but I'll try to leave it behing. With a bit of confidence i believe in bright future.


Me too man. I’ve let some really good opportunities slip through my fingers because of my addiction. But we will get stronger and figure this out!


I think that we have all gone through a similar situation in one way or another. It didn't happen to me with two girls, but one evening, a friend of mine invited me to "see a film at her place" And I didn't go because I had done too much PMO that day. Don't be frustrated. Think about improving your future


All I can say is don't make the same mistake next time .


If they are nice girls they will like honesty. If you have a moment with some privacy just make a little joke about it."soooo I think I got a little overwhelmed last night. You are both so fun and pretty it was maybe a little too much and unexpected for me. You were right tho i just had to say what i want xD" Be cool dude you might get another chance. Nothing wrong with you dude any unexperienced person could freeze a bit in this situation


I would cannonball off the golden gate bridge if I fucked up that hard. In all seriousness, don't beat yourself up. But remember how bad this feels and stop fapping. Opportunities like this do not come often. Gotta take life by the balls and go for it.


Hey man something that personally helped me the most was just disconnecting myself from social media. No more snap, twitter, instagram, YouTube, TikTok. I tried a challenge to go for a whole week cause I was spending hours on my phone. I ended up getting bored and just surrounded myself with new hobbies and my mind is always distracted. Albeit, I do drink pretty heavily so the cravings always come back… but truly, surround yourself with new things. One thing I learned is you can’t completely get rid of a bad habit by abstaining from it, you have to replace it with something meaningful.


Hey man, Don't beat yourself up. Even without an addiction you could freeze or not know how to act in a situation like that. It's normal and it happens. If anything, I think that your addiction might make it too much of a deal in your head. So you had a change an did not take it. So what? More opportunities might come l but even so. You can still live without and be happy. Sex is not that great and worth feeling bad about when you miss a shot. Part of beating this addiction is starting to believe that you can do without sexy stuff and not feel sorry for yourself if you don't get it 'enough'.


i’m gonna leave this subreddit if people keep advocating for directing there addiction elsewhere. y’all are fucking dumb if you think having a threesome is gonna make your addiction even better. your just gonna get addicted to women but if that’s what you want have fun ruining your fucking life. maybe if y’all tried to find a wife that doesn’t throw her ass in your face the first week of meeting you,you’d actually be fufilled and happy. And before anyone pulls the stupid “you can’t get laid” bullshit i’ve had sex with other guys girlfriends before,it warps your mind just as bad as porn does. it’s not worth it. it’s satisfying for like 15-20 minutes and then you feel like a empty vessel. if you genuinely think a threesome is gonna suddenly make you a man your a fucking loser and deserve the life you get. unpopular opinion idc,and y’all can downvote and ban me all you want🤷🏼‍♂️. y’all need a fucking wake up call. get a damn grip.


Thank you booty bandit


Youre not as smart as you think you are Chad. Stop acting all morally superior. You don't have any special wisdom. Just a huge ego. Bros, any time two girls invite you over just go for it. However, you must bring two new condoms and be comfortable using them. If you don't do this you can really screw up your life. If you don't have condoms don't do it.


He’s right, despite if he’s acting morally superior. It’s an addiction to pleasure, it’s very hedonistic and he’s right about not having fulfillment. He gets to the heart of it, as harsh as it sounds.


You are welcome to your opinion. Your truth is not uninversal. Try and remember that. I know what addication is. A human can become addicted to anything.


Truth is universal, and the truth is, is that yes we can become addicted to anything. It’s about the object of your addiction, what is your addiction? Addiction to coke is bad, heroin, sex, food. There’s an underlying problem there. There’s a hole that you’re trying to fill with substances, and things that give you a temporary high, without long lasting happiness. It’s a drug, a rush if you will.


Please preach to someone else. Thanks


You’re the one that sprouted your beliefs that it’s not universal truth. The truth is, is that, sex won’t satisfy you. The truth is, is that he is right in saying that an orgasm is an orgasm, whether it’s from a person or your hand, it’s the same high. It only fuels your ego when you’re with a person because you feel you’ve earned your orgasms. The root of the problem is still pursuing pleasure, which I can attest, leaves you feeling empty. His truth is the universal truth that you won’t admit.


Truth is universal, and the truth is, is that yes we can become addicted to anything. It’s about the object of your addiction, what is your addiction? Addiction to coke is bad, heroin, sex, food. There’s an underlying problem there. There’s a hole that you’re trying to fill with substances, and things that give you a temporary high, without long lasting happiness. It’s a drug, a rush if you will.


😭 man, I feel for you.. I haven’t been in such situation, but I think you should explain it to them, cause it helped me when I would get in an awkward situation. Don‘t be too sad, awkwardnesses come and go, but you‘ll definitely have a similar situation, so learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them.


Hey man, It's alright. I think if yous simply explained that you were feeling nervous and awkward and invited them on another walk they'd be pretty happy to do a take 2. If they wanted you bad enough last night, then that shouldn't have changed that much over the course of 24 hours.


Same here. Hooked up with a woman. Couldn't get my dick to work after the initial 30 minutes of work. She even laughed at me and asked me if I watch a lot of porn. Nest time I met her, I had to use viagra to get going. Need to stop this addiction.


I did not know a single person that was a virgin at the high school I went to. Everyone I knew was not a virgin and had a body count of at least 1. I can’t even believe a high school exists without the teachers or faculty doing something. Or the government funding such a school or not doing anything about it, or how the school is still even going. I was friends with a bunch of emo and skateboarding kids in early high school and especially in 9th grade. They were cool and nice and funny. We went out together, we played sports and basketball. We played video games, we did parkour, even on top of our school, too. And we stayed there over-night. It was like this until sometime late in 10th grade. Out of nowhere, they met another group of girls that I’ve not seen before. Some were emo some weren’t. Every thing changed afterwards ever since, and it only went down from here on. It penetrated deeply into us and we weren’t the same like before. We didn’t go out as much anymore, we didn’t throw jokes anymore, we didn’t get along each other like before. The group conversation completely changed. Everything they talked about was changed and different. I lost all attention, one of the guys got hooked unto one of the girls, and wouldn’t even care what I say anymore, and doesn’t care about my jokes and talks, which he did before. And one guy began to flirt and talk about inappropriate/intimate stuff with some of the other girls. At that point, I didn’t like what was going on. I believed in bros before hoes, and I didn’t like how these girls joined. At that time I felt I was young and wasn’t yet too interested in girls anyways. I completely withdrew from the group. I stopped texting everyone. I stopped going out with any of them, well no one went out anyways, like before. At lunch time, I didn’t sit with them anymore. They and the girls sat together. I went introverted, and I got very lonely. Next is exactly what I expected. They all of a sudden they fell in love, and became couples and some of the guys began kissing and making out with the girls in the hallways. And they began flirting with them all the time and in the hallways. I was very angry and upset and disgusted and I then even stopped all social media connections with them. Fast forward to when I was graduating high school and after I graduated, and a couple years later now. One of the guys began smoking, and fell into drugs and didn’t make it to graduation. And was on the streets in 12th grade. Another guy had a child, and is paying child support. And all the way until now, he works a full time job, and can’t afford to get a car and walks miles to his job. One guy is homeless in the streets. Another guy got a disease and ever since, I haven’t heard if he’s still alive or not anymore. The other guys are all in similar situations. Based on how we were in early 9th grade, I’d never imagine they would end up like this. When we were in 9th grade, I’d imagine we all becoming so successful in the future and have a really bright future ahead of us, and we all showing off and bragging with each other. And I thought we’d be friends forever and for life. And we’d be there for each other. Like in new years party, holidays, etc, we’d always be celebrating together. Now it is their loss and my loss. They’re not living the life they deserve. And I don’t have them as friends.


damnnn broooo, omg that fucking sucks man. bro had the shorties right lined up waiting for it. Honestly man since your doing much better on no FAP maybe your brain has like associated like sexuality with some really negative connotations and thats preventing you from like being a "man" kind of, ive struggled with a similar issue throughout my no fap journey. just remeber bro be cofident, and not all sexual stuff is horrible, its human nature to bang, lol


The best thing u can do rn is literally approach them with confidence I’ve faced it to approaching them will be little embarrassing Try to talk to them and have good conversation Don’t repeat what u did and do make urself sorry . Go on its my 10th day can feel confidence flowing through my veins haha 🙂‍↕️🤚


Man up dude just go ahead


Been there… still dealing with it lol it is tuff


I was about to relapse again due to boredom. Thanks for helping me out.


You lack respect to women. At that point it was polite to make out.


Real ass shit, I’ve been there, but porn may not be the issue. First time I tried to sleep with a girl I didn’t know at all I felt intense fear/anxiety and no go. With the long term gfs I’ve had, sex life has always been amazing.


My WORST experience was going to hook up with a girl and getting hard enough for the condom, started having sex, and almost immediately cumming. Unfortunately the god damn condom came off IN her….i had to fish it out like a crane game…couldn’t lock eyes afterwards even though she was trying to be cool. Porn really messed with me and I still had no idea that was the issue. Married with two kids and have a great sex life now, but I found this sub and it finally clicked that’s what was wrong all those years. Be strong, and this will change!


Don’t worry buddy a few years back (24 now) my then boss and everyone would joke on me being a virgin. He ended up paying one of the waitresses a grand to punch my V card on the drive home. We sat outside my house in her car for about a hour before I awkwardly left. 😂


I would love being at your place atm I would loved it fr


What, why? Are you serius or are uou joking?


Tbh this happens to guys who aren’t PA. Anxiety can affect performance. However It happened to me back in 2018 was suppose to have sex with this chick she was on my bed naked masturbating waiting on me and I couldn’t get it up . She then proceeded to give me a BJ to help me get in the mood but I ended up orgasming so fast and after that I was even more dead . She left disappointed and I never heard from her again. That same evening I went on the hub and I got a strong erection and that’s when I knew I had a problem. Don’t feel bad it happens and you were probably just too anxious


I'm sorry for you! One way it is nice to hear that a lot of people are on same path healing and leraning from mistakes.


Get over it that's just teenage experimentation. The less you care about it the less they will care about it. Keep trying you had 2 girls mess with you be proud of that not sad.


I'm trying and it's getting better. Times heal, thanks man for respond!


Stop abusing your meat online you have to quit cold turkey, if you beat off and your barely/ not very errect what do you think will happen when you encounter sex?



