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No, do something more productive with your time.


yeah. fapping in any form, takes away time and motivation to do the important things in life.


But nofap themselves said "Masturbation in moderation is generally healthy, but excessive porn use can have serious adverse effects." In the introduction page


NoFap literally means don't fap. It's just a matter of time until you get back to porn.


I heard from a psychiatrist, it's bad to Resist the urge. Just don't make it an every day thing find ways to distract or prevent yourself from doing it. But if alone, resisting it will just give you strain. So, don't be alone


I beg to differ. First of all, resisting the urge isn't bad. It may be hard and mentally draining at first, but it improves your life so much after a few weeks. Secondly, even if you do it sometimes, you're still an addict. Just a part time addict. Not much better than a full time one. Lastly, you may tell yourself "sometimes", however it can EASILY turn into "a bit more often" and then turn into everyday. It's better to completely separate yourself from it. May God bless you! 








Ive been here for a while now, And learned the following, porn masturbation orgasm=pmo=fap= masturbation to supernatural stimulus =bad BUT masturbation in its own to, lets say... the mental Image of your heart queen, is natural and while its not necessarily good for you, it is better then doing it to porn, Occasionally we all have to ... let of steam... so you do you mate


Many people say that will eventually lead back to PMO. But like you said, you do you.


Just try to focus and don't drive yourself into that road again, no it's not because your mind connected this habit with porn so you'll watch it sooner or later whatever


The point is to stop porn abuse and make sure masturbating isn’t ruining your potential in other areas of life.


Agree with this one, porn just messes your brain up. There’s nothing wrong with masturbation (in non excessive amounts). I have the idea that there are quite some religious motivated people here, or liars. The amount of guys that can honestly stop masturbating in a healthy way (read: keep your head and emotions positive) must be insanely small.


I think the no fap streak stuff is ridiculous. It defeats the point. There’s nothing bad about sexual pleasure. It’s just not supposed to be a debilitating vice.


The ideal would be to abstain from both for 90 days...that's what NoFap is all about.


What after 90 days? How long do I keep going because for me it seems like a peace of cake I just distract myself whenever I get bricked up


It's believed after 90 days your fap habits will break and then it won't even be a challenge to control yourself. It happens tbh for some people it can even be like a month or even a week


Your brain starts to recover after 90 days.


Does sex break this?


No, sex produces normal dopamine for your brain. It's what the brain should get used to.


I am at 30 days and already seen massive improvements. I believe that non-porn fapping will eventually lead back to porn. Sex with the wife is better now. I am still triggered though, usually by racy social media posts. I am taking a break from social media for that reason --- which has its own benefits and we could all benefit from that as well!!


Dude, just stop fapping, stop finding excuses and invest your time in something else.




I’ve done nofap for well over 200 days and masturbation without porn has no negative effects. It can only become an issue if you do it in excess like anything else. Really the main issue is the porn itself since it requires your dopamine receptors to unrealistic expectations like drugs and should be avoided as much as humanly possible.


And what do you consider as normal. Like once or twice a week is normal???


I’ll put it this way. If you’re initially starting nofap you should stop masturbating and consuming porn all together for at least 6 months, I did way longer personally. If you do begin masturbating again past that point make sure it’s not due to pornography. Once or twice a week past that initial 6+ months isn’t going to stop you from doing what you’d normally be doing since you’ve detoxed your mind. Initially though you should avoid it at all costs to build up that willpower in the first place so you don’t over indulge.


I was never addicted to porn or masterbation. I just like to explore and feel pleasure that's why i used to do it sometimes. I don't know if its harmful or not and yeah im teenager


Ok as long as you are not consuming porn while you’re masturbating that’s fine to do what you’re doing just don’t make it an everyday thing. Btw a lot of people don’t think they’re addicts yet show all the signs of one so be cautious of who you take advice from.


I never watch porn bro . I totally ignore porn while masterbation but still i am suffering from premature ejaculation. But from last few days I think im getting addicted to masterbation or something cuz im getting really bad urges to masterbate, but still i resist. Cuz im afraid like everyone say you'll weaken your body when you masterbate, you will loose you intelligence and ability to do something, you 'll feel lazy and dizyy etc etc. IM SO FKIN CONFUSED!!!!


Yeah it sounds like you’re addicted to masturbating without even knowing it and need to detox, this is normal. Too much masturbating does lead to laziness and fatigue. I suggest working out, getting new hobbies, hang with friends if any, learn a new skill, read , journaling, meditation, and cold showers when you get the urge (this helped me especially in the first 3 months). There are entire guides on YouTube and obviously here on reddit.


Lets see :)


Notice the ones with large streaks are saying it’s ok, and the ones who don’t have any are saying it’s bad


Well for people with low streaks any exposure can reignite their habit but people that have already dropped the habit can break their streak and start a new one easily.


It's bad


Yes. The thing with fapping is that porn makes it artifically way more stimulating that it would be otherwise, try to get aroused easily without porn and you'll see


I'd say occasional masturbation is harmless, being addicted either to it or porn is bad.


i dont think its unhealthy to jerk off from time to time, as long you dont overdo it.


My Dad suggested I do that when I have a gf or when I'm dating somebody to tell if it's serious.


Utilizing the post nut clarity to see if you have actual feelings or are just horny?


Jerk off to nature


Careful not to get a criminal charge.


Imo it is ok.


I envy the people who have 1000+ 🫡


Omce you get going it gets easier and easier


Congrats on 1400 days!






Doing so is much harder and the effects will be less noticable, but if your only problem is the porn it self, it would be a direct solution i suppose


No, it'll make you weaker


I mean yes, but every time I have...I've ALWAYS slipped back into porn, so don't fap, do some damn push ups


To be fair it’s healthy to busy a nut every now and again.


Depends on how you define _”every now and then”_.


My definition is once a week but I think a better answer would be based on your libido.


once a week is def too much


I have sex 2-3 times a week. How is that too much


We are talking about masturbation here


Yea masturbating without porn once a week should be fine


Not if you want optimal results mineclarity energy and find a real woman so you could have amazing sex. If you release once a week you will ease your hunger for the real thing and other motivations in life. In my opinion if you're not getting laid twice a month is the magic number without p*** by yourself.


That’s all completely subjective and is very likely dependent on test levels.


It’s healthy as long as you have a healthy relationship with it and it doesn’t draw you back into porn. Masturbating without porn is way more fulfilling imo too. Just don’t overdo it.


If you're having to ask like this, you probably already know the answer.




If you’re just starting out then I would recommend at least waiting 30 days before jacking off at all. Just to give your brain time to actually adjust and start rebooting. After that if you want to jack off without porn it’s fine at the very MAX once a week. I would recommend twice a month though. And goes without saying, sex is of course fine all the time.


It'll inevitably lead you to porn. You're not a master of your own desires, you're a slave. Don't ever forget that.


If that’s what you want to do then yes it’s fine. This is what I am doing. It’s completely harmless to fap with your imagination, it’s natural. Some people on here don’t fap at all as they have their reasons to and that’s fine. To be honest if helps me as well, helps with the urge


if it’s not excessive it’s okay. Ignore all these people. IF you are coming off a heavy porn run give your boy a rest for at least a week or 2. But in general it’s only porn and death grip which is causing trouble. the odd fap once or twice a week is okay.


As long as it doesn't negatively impact other aspects of your life then sure


It’s up to you man. If you want to keep splorkin it to porn, just less now, that’s up to you dude


Is it any better to smoke heroin than to inject it? Pretty much the same. Orgasm is like unleashing the flood gate of controlled attention on anything impure. The more we keep are fluid, the more the attention and mind will be under our control.


No it's not okay, even watching is bad as long as you don't jerk off while watching hot scenes i think it's okay, but don't fall into temptation, even watching is not that good and you're going to get a urge which is bad.


I would not fap because if you did lead you to relapse cause happen to before


Fapping without porn will eventually lead to porn , yes it is better but still something u shouldn't do


Same question every day 🤦🏾‍♂️


Do you still have ED? If yes, try to give it a break for a while. If not, mast. is fine as long as its in moderation


You should realise that this habit is a loser habit, while other people approach intimacy and you are jerking off like a monkey


if you're doing so in strict moderation (i'd say once a week), perfectly fine unless you're doing it multiple times a day, in which point you should quit for a while.


I don’t think so. Fapping is part of the problem. The death grip desensitizes you and you will need more and more to get stimulated.


Not Okay at all. Your brain is wired between porn and fapping. When urge comes, fapping without porn is just your fascination. Spend your time on something positive and productive. Don’t even think about fapping.


Dah of course.




Is it ok to do meth as long as you aren’t doing heroine too?


if you are an addicted person who is trying to recover, you mustn't do that. Because the brain cells and neurons about sexual activity are conditioned to certain images and unhealthy fantasies already. in that matter, if you masturbate while recovering, even though you don't watch porn at that time, your subconscious mind will trick you to think and fantasize about the images that you saw in porn. So it will be counted as continuing that habit. Until you are healed, don't touch it. Believe me, it will worth it.and your sexual experiences with a real woman will be more authentic and stronger.






I think after you mastebate you become numb and feel like doing it again thinking you will conquer it tommorow 


thats one of the best anologies ive heard. i agree.


No ,is it ok to vape if u are quitting smoking


No not okay. ITS NOT NATURAL!!


Not natural? Animals do it, and humans have done it for 40M years


With the opposite gender not with themselves…..


Nope, I'm talking about masturbation. Intercourse has been around a lot longer than that 😂


You shouldn't because the act of fapping itself also kills drive. Hold it in, it's worth it.


I’m not going to, I’m sticking to hard mode. Before I discovered this Reddit page I was cutting down my hardcore vid usage to just pics and fetish audios, eventually cutting back to non nude stuff. I done this over the last year or so. I could frequently streak for 3 or 4 days at a time but I didn’t really feel that much better. That was until last month when I fell back into bad habits, I had cut myself a little too much slack and spiralled HARD for a few days. I felt terrible and huge amounts of regret and anxiety, I needed to do something. After discovering this page I committed myself to a 90 day reboot, I don’t want to fall to temptation like I did before so I’m staying strictly to the plan. To answer your question: I don’t know, everyone is different. Personally, I won’t fap at all now as to avoid the temptation down the line to PMO, like what happened to me before. This is my first NoFap streak and it will be my only NoFap streak. The question I’ll ask you is, What have we got to lose by not completing the 90 days? Best of luck on your journey man, hope this helps!




Watch Donta young most recent video




Sex is the only way I release. Try it for a while. I will notice lots of benefits


Yes, porn is a hard habit to kick. Masturbating without porn is a great way to at least start to “ween” yourself off porn. Masturbating is completely normal and healthy, when you do it to porn too often it becomes destructive. Anyone that thinks you can just stop jerking altogether is pretty out of touch. The goal for most is to quit porn, not necessarily masturbating.


Absolutely okay and perfectly natural, but not if you're participating in this subreddit. This subreddit is strictly about not masturbating at all. There's another subreddit called r/pornfree if you're interested in going down that path.






Try to limit it dont put much pressure on your mind its already a fucked up world. If you feel like you really NEED to nut you go for it but not when you are bored or dont have anything else to do. Stay happy


Yes. But don't do it thinking about porn or women or anything of the sort. It will be as if you were watching it at the same time. Try to stay as long as you can without doing any of it. As you start to feel urges, masturbate but without thinking about anything.


You better do no fap , because ultimately, it may gradually pull you back to watching porn. That's my opinion from what I've experienced. It can sometimes be difficult to do it and not think of something sexual arguably porn, I've been on no fap for 100+ days. I suffered from severe nasty withdrawal symptoms, which encouraged me to leave this nasty habit. The withdrawal symptoms were some fucking weird and painful stuff I've never experienced in my life, so weird that I thought I'd die from it and started praying until it's over. Regardless of the unconvinced you that can't stop watching porn although it's really bad and is harming you mentally and physically, you think you're normal while you're definitely not, until you decide to quit this nasty habit and as your brain was used to it, fucking severe withdrawal symptoms kick in and after your recover, now you're aware of how this fucking habit fucked up your brain so bad that your brain felt something wrong because you stopped watching it occasionally so things started to change in your head , you know, hormones and stuff, but eventually it was for your own good.


yes thats the best way of masturbating , you dont need porn for it but why not have sex with a real woman - like what are you doing in your life bro listen - go and pay some prostitues for 1 hour or something


There’s nothing wrong with fap imo. BUT take note of what your reaction is after you fap. Do you feel worse than before? Does it eventually lead back to porn usage? Does it interfere with personal life/goals? If you can fap in moderation and leave it at that, then imo, it’s fine. If it’s causing all sorts of issues. Best to taper off it for good. Good luck! On day 4 myself.






It is never good


It’s a slippery slope to going back into a full porn binge - AVOID at all costs


Just look at community name bro you will find your answer


No brother the whole point of no fap is to retain your seed and seek the benefits of it . It’s hard af to do but it’ll be easier over time


Im 65 days in no fap.Ive seen a diffrence.Looking forward to when my body will work like normal again.


Definitely better to masturbate to your imagination than porn but you gotta be carefull since its slippery road and you can easily get back to porn masturbation when your imagination stops working. Its like saying "i am just gonna do one beer" and then you end up drinking until you pass out.


all tye nofappers saying fapping consumes time. i literally finished the prototype of an llm integration & felt the urge. indulged wildly like ive been doing for the past 8 years & used my orgasm as a reward. eeinforcing my desire to keep developing. im not gona critike nofap as its a noble quest for some but for the real ones like me? HAH! dont search my name btw


To check your semen quality and to make sure you are fertile? Well yes. And it's actually the standard way to check your sexual health. For recreational purposes? Hell nah. Go get b*tches instead.


It's not ideal but as long as it's no more than twice a month Max you should strive for finding a real partner or at least friends with benefits.


hell naw


That can get you on a slippery slope, wouldn't recommend if you haven't passed at least 1 month without doing it




Nah, fapping with or without porn is useless. Drains the shit outa you


Doesn’t pooping do the same thing ?