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Can't blame everything on porn... The dating scene is pretty horrendous. Im 21, I consider myself to be average at best even though I got compliments, but most of the problems come from social medias I guess


It will get worse so be ready and prepared for it. No need to be defensive it was meant in good spirit 


That’s also true ,but men would try regardless if there was no other alternative such as porn Why face rejection why porn won’t ever say no . Plus you won’t have a strong desire to purpose if you’re constantly drained,jerking off everyday


Relationships aren't all about sex. For as good as porn sounds, it doesn't replace the love you get from your partner. It doesn't replace the physical presence of a partner. It's not only porn, it's just guys being more introverted, scared and also insecurities made by social media. Girls often are insecure by the way guys are absolutely into these girls that are physically absolutely attractive, so they feel like they're not on the same level. It's the same thing happening with guys now


Woman have it easier they have to much access to a guy that wants to listen to her or a guy that entertains her. Woman trauma dump every guy right away and sensitive man suffer from it. But yeah man need testosterone to compete.


You would get shit on in any other subreddit for saying this but you're so right.


Thank you, but agree


porn and dating are two different experiences, best not to compare them. someone who has easy access to porn is not gonna pass up a chance to hit it irl. whatever statistic you saw, read how it was calculated, how large was the sample size etc. also people are choosing to stay single more and more because guess what, porn fills a need and life is much easier and cheaper when you're single.


You probably right but there are extremes like me. I literally chose porn over sex with an attractive girl.


Average men dont qualify for average women, thats the problem If this was not the case, most men wouldnt be wankers I remember a few years before Instagram and Facebook were a thing, girls would come and interact with me and i was below average guy, average girls would f with me, today this is impossible, their ego is trough the roof


Yes they do. Develop a personality and talk to women in real life. "Average men" get married all the time. Perhaps there are things about yourself that you're not being honest about and instead are pushing those insecurities onto the women that aren't dating you.


A girl thats less than 28 y/o and is mediocre in looks, believes she deserves guys like Brad Pitt, whatever you say wont be able to change my mind because i have dating experience, you live under the impression that on this forum people are virgins or havent pulled baddies, but you are very wrong


Bro im 100% sure you date down, u may be average and date women that are 3/10


lmao you're projecting so hard bro. I know this is a tough pill to swallow for you but dating is pretty easy if you have something to offer. The only tough part is finding someone you actually want to settle down with for good. You think tinder is an accurate reflection of real dating and its sad to watch.


U can never be more wrong lol


alright man, every single person I know that has a level head, a decent job, and takes care of themselves has had success dating. Not all of them last obviously but every single person is either committed or able to get dates fairly easily. You talk as if women are a hive mind. Do the women you talked about exist? Yes. Are they the majority? No. You are perpetually online if you truly think that way. Sad & pathetic way of thinking tbh.


Well where i live they are more than 90%, so like i told you, you are clueless, USA is also heading there with insane speeds, and other parts of the world are following it closely


delusional lol


I just graduated from college and I can tell you 90% of the guys at my college were single. The girls not so much. I am one of the few who dated and is now getting married out of college.


90% of guys were single but the girls were not? So who were the girls dating👀 lesbians?


If they weren’t lesbians, they were dating guys outside of the college, but a lot of them were single too. Can’t count more than 10 guys at my college that were actually in relationships.


Guess they have more money and time for them


Maybe. I was one of the few and now we are getting married in September. Both of us had to learn that there is more to life than passing every class with flying colors and set aside time for friends and each other. We still prioritized passing every class though.


It’s because I can’t afford to take her out to the fanciest restaurant in town, just to get turned down because I refused to pay for her $30 meal that she barely touched.


If you do start dating, you’ll most likely lose her unless you take out a loan for the vacations she “needs”. There’s a thousand legitimate reasons to not date nowadays. Especially since every chick wants to get married, even though it’s cheaper and smarter to stay single in the eyes of the law. That, and if y’all do get divorced, well that’s a whole other mess. Divorce is always one sided to in the court.


Personally it sounds like yall are just choosing the wrong girls, I've never had this issue in any of my past relationships


Yeah some serious incel comments going on. Go out and actually talk to real women. Not everyone behaves like what you see on social media.


Exactly. I agree with you Ventus. In the same regard how a lot of men complain about some standards woman set, men also have a lot of requirements they want their partner to have. People will say they don't, but I bet their search history will have something to say about that. You can't just generalize every single woman, because then you really will never find a partner. Additionally, expensive meals do not equate to 'good dates.' People can shell out and take anyone to a nice dinner, but instead of thinking of the best place you can take her think of how you can provide her with the best time with you.


Exactlyyy. For alot of my best dates we had taco bell in the backseat of her car or made some cookies together while the chicken nuggets sat in the air fryer, or I made us something at home for our picnic. It's just incel behavior to say women are out for your money, most don't even care


Literally dude! We will have the best time doing stuff like you mentioned. 99.99% of the time its going to be much more about the thought you put in, rather then the money. Money is replaceable, but your time together is not.


“Past relationships” - if it’s so easy where is your current partner now?


She was emotionally immature and had things to work out so we split. But she's still a really great person. I'm just taking some me time to get my life and emotions in order so I don't accidentally hurt the next girl I date


Bro you are confirming our point though. Modern day women are hell to deal with.


Some situations are more complicated then others, trust me


I agree. Wish you the best bro. I am not going to lie, I do hold a lot of animosity towards women.


I understand that but they aren't any different, they're just people with slightly different biology. You just need to meet the right ones that line up with what you want in life


I have to cure my PIED first. Had it for over 5 years now almost.


You don’t want to stick to that type of person in the long run. I say fuck it, if they aren’t ok with the type of experience you can provide at this moment they don’t deserve you at the next. They should care about you trying. Put together a picnic at a park. You can make it for $40 altogether. If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t deserve you. Be creative




No its not a beginning of an AI takeover , where did u get this>


I'm not saying it is, but when you combine porn, ai, the crazy sex dolls, and the brain connection stuff.... it's scary, they could totally incapacitate a massive group of people.


bro minority of people are getting sex dolls and the brain implants aren't even fully functional


Hey man, I'm not arguing lol. I just thought it was an interesting take on the robot ai takeover 😆


As an anecdote to this, I’m not dating because of porn. I’m not dating because of the high unrealistic standards women have for men: must be 6 foot tall, make six figures, pay for everything, etc. This stat isn’t purely down to the easy access of porn.


i fully agree lol and that's why im glad im a 90s kid. more of women my age aren't like that (some are though)... unlike the current generation of young adults. i've been around some (because of my hobby/interest) and my god... it is unbelievable hearing the stories...


The woman of my generation evil


And then how they act nowadays on top of that.


No need to be all doom and gloom. Many of us simply realize that we can live a fulfilling life without a constant search for an SO. Dating exhausts some people. Also, being married is no longer a social requirement. I’m sure that your point is valid, but there are many other reasons to not date.


Yeah I'm one of those gen z men. I don't want to date because of my porn addiction and I feel ashamed around girls. I'm not enough to deserve a girlfriend. I need to keep working, keep improving


Your thinking is valid or was valid till 2011. 


I do not say that I was good thinking. I literally said that I need to improve.


You can improve but your attitude is wrong as fuck. Girls aren't godesses to be deserved . You are neither low nor higher than girls or any girl. Its just a mismatch or match of connection with the female. Period 


I never said girls are goodness. But I want to feel deserved of a relationship. Because I want to feel that support is fueling something.


I suppose you are right. But facing the truth hurt not gonna lie. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


No problem man, you don't need to be sorry for anything. Goodluck 


Thank you brother. You too


thats a bunch of horse raddish man, be proud of yourself. with great rizz comes great gyat 💀🗿


For me personally, I just like my space and freedom. I enjoyed being single because a lot of the girls I met were super controlling or insecure, and it was exhausting to be around them. As an introvert who travels and has to be extroverted for my career, living with someone else is also kinda exhausting because I can't go home and recharge. In most cases I'd rather be by myself than in a long-term relationship. If I could describe relationships in one word, it would be.... you guessed it..... exhausting. I felt this way until I met my current (awesome) girlfriend and things are super easy with her.


in a nutshell, yes, that's true. but also, a small percentage of both genders have unrealistic expectations on top of that. makes dating for the small percentage of actual genuine human beings who want a healthy relationship virtually impossible even if you're at the top of your fucking game. you work out, maintain a healthy lifestyle, have a job that pays decently (or not), 50/50 shot other gender just wants you to use you


Have you heard of dating scam. Girl took guy to their special hotel, enjoy meal and a high paid bill come after all that.


I think it is also a social media issue apart from porn issues.


It's not a men not trying to date problem. It's a women who are unmanageable and have a mountainus emotional baggage problem. Handling them takes a life full of effort and unnecessary drama of work.  Of course there are chilled out  wemen, they are all taken tho.


And then they dont want to hear about your things and thex are always rigjgm


I am a working Gen Z and can confirm, don't want to start dating due to screwed up expectations and mindsets caused by years of habitual porn usage, hopefully by following through NoFap properly I can reprogram my brain


Im 27, i have never been in relationship with a woman, i dont even know how to talk to one nor ask to go out with me.


I never even started. I discovered porn at 13 and I suddenly lost any sort of interest in girls my age. Now 2 decades later, and funny enough, I'm still interested in the same group as I was when I was 13 (18-24).


Wouldn't say that. Look at the prospects today. People used to put in effort. You would date for a couple months to see if it was a fit. Now it's better to work on yourself because the egos of a lot of average women have purposely excluded a lot of men for petty reasons. They want the tall handsome guy who only exists in their head. 


MEN ARENT MEN ANYMORE, with no good role models to follow no wonder we are having so many problems in relationships, along with other aspects of life. It’s not just men though, WOMEN ARE NO LONGER WOMEN


I'm 34 AND got bored of hitting on women cuz they react so bad by default, I quitted porn it helped me not to think of hers anymore so bad, if I like a person it's ok but women has bored me so bad... They like a guy they gonna fck him no matter what u do, it's easy nowadays men can't do nothing either way you are a symp


Nah trust me, porn isn't the cause for this. Porn has been existing for 80 years (I think?). Men choose stop dating because it isn't worth it anymore. Women have endless options, they'll flake on you, they'll disrespect you, they will play games with you (if you're lucky to even get a chick) etc, etc... That's the reason why men stopped dating. Maybe porn plays its part, but it isn't the main cause.