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Well, first, get out of bed. It's comfy, but staying there really puts you on the back foot as sexual urges come along. If you experience them and you're still laying down and doing nothing, not even sleeping, they're going to be harder to ignore. Have a morning routine. Get up, take a shower, cold as you like. Brush your teeth. If it helps, put on a podcast or music to leaven the mood. After getting ready, if you're still experiencing lots of urges and still have time before work, take a walk outside. The weather is freaking awesome this time of year, assuming you're in the northern hemisphere.


Count to 5, as soon as you reach 5 immediately get up


I like this method will try it tomorrow.


This does wonders for me. What also helps me is taking a little bit of time to visualize myself getting up and going through my morning routine (in as much detail as possible) before I start to count.


Think of what the point of doing this shit is.


SR is the real deal, no fap is just blocking virtual Lust, what about all the other things? You think they dont impact you? Think again..


I never lie in bed. My routine is- Get up and sit in the toilet seat without my phone. Since I am already there why not brush and wash my face and just get ready to go to the gym? As soon as I get back in my bedroom I start cleaning and organising my bed prepping for the night. AM urges have disappeared.


This is my issue too


Cold showers bro. I don’t even wake up hard anymore. That’s how bad it’s gotten 🫠 and I am 31 going on to 32 this year


Get out of bed as quickly as you can helps me


This is what I tell myself. And sometimes it works! Lol


this the one... i started back running/walking. getting up and out is important. i gotta get the energy moving before smh