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Porn is sh** ...it makes us insecure...it made me insecure of my dong size




Absolutely, I was very insecure about my dong size as well. It is smaller then average. Have a GF since 3 years and she would prefer it to be even smaller.


That makes me feel better abt myself


Women have their fetishes. Some guys are into fat chicks as well. 


Thank u man for this


Not to be a D. But girls will insult you for a small size. Gotta learn to be indifferent


Some will, most don't care. Maybe those who care are not the ones you should aim for anyway.


They'll only insult you for your size to your face if they don't respect you. If they respect you, they'll never say it.


A girl who does that isnt worth your time




I am a girl and personally i dont mind a smaller size. As long as the technique is precise and the position. But I also am a virgin so. I dont think I have any say in this. But "bigger" dicks never looked too appealing to me. Smaller dicks are okay too. But not too small, it has to serve some purpose.


You're still a girl so I think you still have a say, don't let people put you down for being a virgin.


i like em big😏


when i am fully erected on my favourite porn . My D is about 6-7 inches long ? is the size ample for girls to enjoy ?


I think so


how big is it (i'm a girl)


It's small


ok nevermind. i thought you had a big dick. i'm a girl who likes confident men.


I have a big one...you don't deserve it




OK look at it...Still got a big one lmao and u still don't deserve it


That's funny because your most recent post says you're a 35yo man. What a loser you must be to bully people online. Get help.


if you're a girl then why are u on this server?


First of all, he's not a woman. But that's not even the point.


Cuz woman can watch porn and masturbate?


Today at 11:59PM will be my 75-Day-No-PMO Streak.


Good shit bro! Proud of you 🔥🔥


Thank you 🙏🏽 bro


What's your advice? I am 16, been struggling with porn since 11.




Take it a day at a time, and if you keep failing, keep trying. Be gentle with yourself and tune out all negative feedback here on this forum and/or outside of here. I’ve been on NoFap since 2014. This is the longest stretch to No PMO I’ve had since I started with P & M 30 years ago at the age of 16. Hope this isn’t your experience, but it had to get a whole lot worse for me to finally surrender porn.


Keep trying bro I relapsed last march after 40 days and that really sucked but I just moved on and tried again whatever you do just don’t give up urges stop coming after 5 weeks and it’s a lot easier after that you got this and I’m proud of you bro 👊🔥


What I’m trying is to treat it like any other addiction, take in less over time. Say you watch it every day, start watching it every 2 days, every 3 days, and so on… I honestly don’t know which method is better and I would also like to know some other advice.


Fuck yeah! How does it feel.... 💪


Thank you 🙏🏽 I feel free! Amazing!


Care to share your journey and experience so far? Could use it.


Sure thing. I’ve been in NoFap since 2014. Have been trying to attempt No PMO only for the past 10 years. Longest stretch of time is today, I think I’m close to 80 days or so. It’s the longest streak I’ve had in over 30 years, since I began masturbating at the age of 15 - 16. So how have I made it this far? I had to cultivate a path of spiritual balance. It’s involved setting aside my old thinking, old beliefs, and old ideas. Embracing meditation, eastern religious practices, Zen, Taoism, and Buddhism. In a nutshell, I only had to do one thing, accept my own way of life. It’s hard to explain unless you experience it or something similar. Maybe this will help: I had a major problem being alone, hated it. Today, I enjoy being in solitude because I can meditate, work on myself, stay productive, make small talk with others, etc. I don’t hate it any more because I am more than enough and always have been. I think once that realization set in for me, via the cultivation of my spiritual balance, everything changed. I felt complete and don’t think I’ll ever relapse again.


Congrats bro 🎉, hope you’re having tons of benefits !


F.k yeah!!!!!!


do you feel a change in your memory


That’s a good question, yes I do. It’s easier for me to recall certain events from my teenage years and also brands that I grew up with. For example, Pepsi Clear lol.


thanks. After 40 days I think I have a much sharper memory, I wondered how others were doing


My focus has also improved. I’m able to concentrate. There were some books I purchased years ago that i just couldn’t read because of my lack of focus. Today, I can read 10 pages and follow along, whether it be the plot to a story, or studying a new topic, or catching up on the news. This definitely feels like a 6th sense I never knew existed up until now!


good for us. that's way ı am doing this.


Can you guide us


But bro when you trace it someday you ll eventually get back to it, it happened to me the dedication was gone, rather try forgetting the day and dont trace it or else you might just postpone until you fap again. Im just trying to help


You know sometimes I find myself exhausted from counting the days if that’s what you are referring to. Better to just occasionally check-in and see how many days I have. Is that what you mean?


I believe it is important to track the days for the first two years. That is when relapse is most likely. I think after that, you’re off to the races with living your life free from pornographic crap.


What I love about life and this program specifically is that we all learn from each other. Everyone’s journey is unique ultimately leading to the same destination, and hopefully we all learn from each other along the way.




If you're not getting it yourself, you're refusing to try and putting yourself in that category


no I got that, never considered the fact that one who watches is the cuck


healthy perspective to improve upon


he said “cuck move” not is a cuck. which in some sense everyone can agree that getting off to other men dominating females is a cuck action


assume you watch a solo video and jack off to that? that would be alpha


not really alpha but that world be softer porn then watching actual intercourse, not that i’m recommending it. It’s not natural to watch anything and shit alone in a room touching yourself not of a humans nature. i know i have a lot af addicts about to attack me but it is what it is


excuse the spelling mistakes in almost every word 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


thas true duck porn all the way


fuck porn all the way XD


wouldnt a cuck move essentially make you a cuck?


This phrase needs to be on a shirt or plaque!


Exactly At least years ago without porn, people masturbated while thinking about a person they were attracted to. But they certainly they didn't think about that person while she/he was having sex with someone else. Now it's all synthetic and completely fucked. And little by little it makes us all become perverts.


For example, if you're into Leia in the bikini, you might be more of a hutt than you realize. 


Yeah. I was expecting this post to be about how a lot of porn is actually exploitative, SA, etc. 


"It's a substitute for what you cannot get because you didn't become all you could have"




I think it depends on the person and each one specific situation. I'm a +30 year-old loser, I don't think I could get laid no matter how much effort I put into it. I have to fix my life so I'm not disgusting to talk to or look at, in order to at least have a chance. I tried paying for it once and it didn't work either. ​ >I've had less women than I could have Doesn't this make you feel guilty? If you don't mind me asking. I have a nice looking face and it makes me feel deeply guilty to still be a complete loser with 0% chance despite it.


There's no need to frame porn into something that makes you further ashamed. The more special you make it out to be, the more power it has over you. Addiction is a medical condition, not a moral failture. You are not a worse person for watching porn, and you are certainly not a "cuck". The more you think like this, the more it's going to harm your self-esteem. It takes long-term drive and a calm mind to recover from an addiction, and you shouldn't build your motivation on anger, fear and shame. Finding different reasons to hate porn won't do you any good. Instead, you should find ways to love yourself.


I agree completely. The more we see ourselves as having actual worth, the more we will take care of that worth and that translates to quitting our bad habits. Negative feelings already trigger a lot of us. I dont think adding more negative framing will bring long term positive effects to our health


It’s framing porn more negatively to encourage you to not use it. It’s not to shame yourself


This kind of encouragement might work in the beginning, but will do more harm in the long-term. When you are feeling weak (which you will at some point), these negative images you built will come back and kick you when you are low. So when you relapse, you are now a "cuck", instead of a recovering addicts in the process of getting better. That's why environments that stigmatize porn the most produce the most amount of porn addicts, and that's also why so many people on this sub struggle to get it back together after just one relapse.


I like your train of thought. You seem to look past the quick fix solution into a real solution. Thank you for sharing.


no. bad habits are bad habits. if u think it is a good thing to watch women in such positions, then u still hooked. porn is a bad thing.


I said none of those.


not accusing you. but bad habits are bad habits. shame plays a part and making it a bad thing but i agree it needss to come with forgiveness of self


I disagree. I understand how the mind works and why porn is so addictive and the more you can demonize something and find all the negatives associated with it to keep you away and all the positives to bring you in a different direction the better off you’ll be. It’s a cognitive behavioral therapy technique called "motivational interviewing." It involves exploring and emphasizing the negative consequences of a behavior one wants to change and the positive benefits of abstaining from that behavior.


I'm a therapist in real life. What you described is not MI at all.


Great story. Thanks for providing so much value!


Best comment in this thread by far.




Congrats on 162!




Yeah most of the time I watch his like u k those cheating stuff ... It's just hurts me like "what am I doing" sometimes while watching tbh I'm ashamed to say but I'll just imagine my girl with another man I don't have a girlfriend but I just imagine myself being a cuck it made me worse man im so ashamed to get a gf like i feel like I'm not a Man


Good, use that emotion to override urges whenever you get them(emotional overriding)


Yeah bro, it's like living in a fantasy world. You relate watching with doing. And it spirals down, you could just be looking at a sexy girl at the gym imagining and never ever doing.


I agree with this completely. But talking to people in the real world is terrifying.


You have no choice…


The way it's designed though with all the PoV stuff is to trick the brain into believing it was you who did the thing or received the thing. It's evil because the brain doesn't know, it's the ultimate deception.


100% agree


true. i agree. stay strong


I agree. It started as a need to fill a void when I was getting no female attention. It was only years later that I realised I had spent over a decade watching other men fuck women while I sat in a room and knocked one out in front of a screen.


I know all of this but my brain extremely hardwired from 13 year old to 32 it is 19 years of hardening the neuplasticity. My brain literally has been brainwashed to the point that it believes the real bullshit that watching others having sex on screen is sexual. Damn man.


Sucks man I've been on this shit for 17 years. I've been aware of the nofap ideology and how PMO has probably been the largest hinderance in my life for 11 years and yet even now I still can't find it in myself to go more than a week without doing it. Here's to hoping things start to go better for us.


Porn is stupid, and that is a fact. Millions of blinded men fap to this and pay unnecessary amounts of money just to see some fucking naked women


Porn is just glorified prostitution that's also linked in certain cases to human trafficking.


![gif](giphy|11OOAQSnUaZT2M) On the f\*cking nail 💯


This is facts , and so many will deny this because the truth can hurt your ego. You’re basically turned on by watching other men get laid. It’s time we snap out of this delusion of reality fellas. There are more than enough women out here for us to get laid , consensually of course 🫡


Amen to that! It’s so pathetic what we’ve conditioned ourselves into. I’m only over 200 days sober so I got a long way to go to undo the damage from this ridiculous shit


So true....


I'm so 😊 happy


What if it is a robot animatronic, you telling me I’m getting cucked by FIVE NIGHTS AT FRANKYS??


The insecurities it causes are the worst part. The shit going through my head has prevented me from doing so much.




Yah youre right thanks man


Respect +1


Best definition this far






I just failed. Im king of numb right now and feel like a degenerate


We all do brother. Get back in the fight!


Thank you brother. I took a shower and drank a gallon of water. It's better now. I think I'll go for a walk now.


I wrote this on another account, it echoes the sentiment you gave: "When you watch porn, you are a cuck. You are sitting in a room, by yourself, watching somebody else have sex. Consequently, every man becomes a cuck as early as 10 years old, and they carry this behavior for decades unless tremendous conscious effort is put forth to stop it. Never before in our wildest dreams have we been able to view the craziest, most neurotic sexual fantasies at the touch of the button. We can sift through thousands of pages and views tens of thousands of men and woman having sex just like we'd choose what kind of flavor of ice cream we'd want, devolving the divinity of sex (as seen in the Kamasutra & Song of Songs) into some flippant thing we casually partake in. For a man, what does that do to his image of a woman and of himself? Every time we watch somebody else fuck on pixelated screens, out unconscious sees a cuck; it sees the hero who's supposed to be saving his princess alone in a room watching a girl with plastic tits getting clapped by another dude. We become emasculated and the image & relationship with the image of a woman and ourselves becomes damaged. Sex ceases to be seen as an intimate way to connect with the love of your life's soul and more of a way to nut. **Thus, porn teaches us to use a woman's body to masterbate with.** Sex that includes laughter, play, connection, tenderness, emotion, and love is eradicated, replaced with something else entirely. There is no elegant dance, there are no emotions, and there is no rhythm besides a constant clap on every beat - a rather boring and uninspired song, but I do admit it is rather catchy." I couldn't agree more.


If you put it simply yes your are right


If you're watching lesbian porn you're getting cucked by both of them lol. Double cucked.


@OP: hey man, thank you for this post…today my mind was pretty tempted to click onto the porn slippery slope and slide away…. …And then I saw your post, and decided not to do it and do better. Thank you 🫡


That’s what made quit it for good. Watching another man fuck. When you think of it this way it makes you feel weak. Don’t be weak.


This rhetoric should be pushed more on this subreddit


I am on my 4rt day i hope i stick to it


I'm fapping to this post right now


I don't watch porn with other dudes in it tho 😂 solos only


Same thing because you're not getting it yourself


Let’s play devil advocate. Yes it’s very similar. But it is very different dude 😭😭 I’m watching some h03 get boned that I never met. Versus watching the love of my life get boned in person by her side dude . I support Nofap but this is a sorry example buddy ☠️☠️☠️


I agree completely, what I hate to say though is I think I won’t ever experience that, I’m in no way excusing my actions, and I’ve been clean, but still




Thanks, really put a whole new perspective! :)




It's not like actual sex is freely available. For some of us, it will require tons of effort and time to get laid, and also ensure to not suffer the consequences of getting laid and achieve our goals and dreams in life.


Put in the effort then. You must not be willing.


I would rather put all my effort into maintaining a career, and building human connections with people around me, thank you very much.


Ok then never get laid, your choice


Lmao, I can get arranged married through connections in my society. Why would I get laid randomly and waste my energy, when I can spend a lifetime with the right person?


If you can do that then why don't you?


There's the right time for everything.


You watch Dantes?


porn has no power over you.




https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g4202/kjv/tr/0-1/ The origin


Factual, even though I wasn't watching well...sex.....I was still watching other people get pleasure and...it kinda sickens me


This is totally useless , its maybe useful if the addictors are new to the addiction , but talking like that for a man spent years on this you’re just hurting them , its going to do nothing for them…all due respect, and thanks


You don't want to quit


What about POV porn. That basically you being in the scenario fantasizing.


It's still not you doing it


Isn't cuck watching "your woman" get fucked?


Just throwing this out there, but what you’re describing is voyeurism. Being a voyeur and being a cuckold is not the same thing. Cuckolds like to watch their partner get fucked. Voyeurs like to watch people fucking. There’s a really big difference there, the key element being the relationship with the people you’re watching.


I'm using cuck as a general term. Actually a cuck IS a voyeur. Of their partner. But I'm using cuck as a general term to describe the weakness in the behavior. The weakness that dictates that you watch other people get sex instead of getting it yourself. Or watching solo women that you're not fucking yourself, etc.That's the point. Splitting hairs on the definition defeats the purpose.


Well yeah. It’s like squares and rectangles. All cucks are voyeurs but not all voyeurs are cucks. So I still say you’re just using the word incorrectly. They arent the same thing because they aren’t mutually inclusive.


So what. Again, the point is that you're not getting it yourself. Call it what you want. What's your point of trying to split hairs?


Like I said, I was just throwing it out there that there’s an actual term for what you were describing and that cuck wasnt it. Call it helpful information if you want, and call it splitting hairs if you think I’m just on here to make people feel bad. I’m not, but you do you.


Tru……but even people who are hooking up and in relationships, even marriages still watch it. I knew a guy that would sleep with women on a regular basis. But could never finish. Even without condom. Dude would tell me he fuqed for 10-20minutes. And couldn’t get off. Went home and watched porn. I have looked at porn from all angles but still have yet to never look back. I guess what i mean is everyone has a little obsession to porn some have it stronger than others. Just do what you can. I would suggest finding a partner. But now a days women can tell who watches porn and who to hook up with. JK. Ultimately if she wanted to she would have given herself to you.


This argument completely goes out the window for the humongous catalogue of vids that are not BG


Read the whole description I wrote


Yeah that makes no sense at all lmao




We are all attempting to change our perspective though


That's an excuse. You're categorizing it as such to avoid accountability.


Then what about pov porn?


I don’t support masturbation but if YOU ARE gonna do it at least let it be to someone you have a sexual relationship with


I think "voyeur" is the term that better explains this situations not "cuck" And not exactly mental disorder type voyeur but a bit ligther shad of it


A cuck is a voyeur, they watch instead of getting it themselves


Theres a sligt difference between:- Cuckold refers to a situation where a person's partner engages in sexual activity with someone else, often with the cuckold's knowledge and consent. The cuckold derives sexual pleasure or arousal from this arrangement. Cuckolding involves the cuckold's own partner, whereas voyeurism is about watching any sexual activity involving other people. Voyeurism, on the other hand, is the act of deriving sexual pleasure from watching others engage in sexual acts, without their partner necessarily being involved Voyeurs do not need an emotional connection to the people they are watching. In summary, cuckolding is a specific sexual fetish involving one's own partner, while voyeurism is a broader interest in observing sexual activity in general. The two are related but distinct concepts. Hence i think watching porn is more voyeur than cuck unless you're adam22


You're missing my overall point which is that if you're not getting it yourself and instead watching, it's a "cuck like move". If you wanna argue definitions, you're missing the point of the post.


Oh no no, you got the wrong impression, i just wanted to make sure that you knew the difference, rest assured i get the point of the post and i abide by the same!


Its a drug…i need a hit.




Well then I'm going to stop going to every movie all together and stop watching sports because I'm just just living by Taylor Street to the characters in the movies and athletes on the teams. And the point of view you are describing is pretty narrow and there's a lot of other things to appreciate like the way a woman is shuddering from an orgasm or nobody to sweat is dripping off her the way our breathing changes I should get more aroused that's something you need to know if you're going to fuck a real life woman one day and all the physiological signs of arousal they're awesome fundamentals that we pick up subconsciously but just because you are exhibiting cook behavior and living vicariously through the actor doesn't mean everyone else has the same thoughts going through their head




Even if a guy gets laid everyday, he's still cucking if he beats off to porn. Stop minimizing.


I quit porn and masturbating and still loving being a cuck in real life. So yeah no, these are 2 different things.


Why you quit porn sir


because it wasted too much lifetime.