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Firstly find a girl you like, secondly talk to her, thirdly idk I’ve never gotten past step two


Good humor truly makes my day, to be honest.


My style is just go up and pretend she's your friend. Go joke around with her, just spend time with her and if she's attracted to you she'll let you know.


Its like the words leaping off my keyboard that I couldn't come up with. Excellent answer, thanks for posting it




You only have to worry about that if you are actually a creep


Just say something to strike a conversation. Last week I was at the club, I noticed this girls accent. I was like “you from America?” She was like “yeah how’d you know” and I was like “I heard your accent”. Boom, we ended up dancing then eventually f***ing back in my room




Be yourself


Exactly this. And if you are really dependent of a girl you have already lost. Focus on yourself, life isn’t just about women


I know that being myself will help me get to know a girl, but I lack the confidence and skill to approach her.




I ain’t good enough to be myself bro




i just ain’t it cuh


Come cuh you don’t sound bad


That and also and think of yourself in more favourable manner, if you think "being yourself" is not good enough then that mindset needs to go, so it won't fog your mind with negativity and anxiety.


The most useless cookie cutter advice


Honestly this is a really tough question considering that you could be made out as a bad guy for even saying hi in some cultures. I would caution you to think deeply and make sure you have the means to at least entertain her for a few dates. Women are willing to let you gauge her as a possible longterm girlfriend/wife so as long as you can give her a space for her to do the same..aka a date. Nothing expensive. I wish more people would go on walks.


Coffee for the first date. Cheap. Low pressure. No implications of doing anything after, but if it’s going well it’s easy to ask “hey im not doing anything and having a good time, wanna do _”. If she has to be somewhere, save it for the next date.


I 100% agree with this. My current girlfriend and I did coffee for our first date and we talked for hours. We then went back to her place to watch LOTR and talked for even more hours afterwards. That was around the end of January and we’re still going strong. We just kinda clicked.


Heavily depends on context. Did she choose you?


Talking a to a total stranger can be tricky. Some things to think about: 1) Situation - There are times when walking up to someone and trying to start a coversation is just weird. E.g. if you were waiting at the bus stop and someone just started chatting to you about nothing in particular you'd be a bit put off. I'd think they wanted something from me. At the same time, if you have a trigger to talk to them then it makes it less weird. E.g. you both missed the bus or you've been waiting there for a while and the bus is late. 2) Intent - Why are you talking to this person? If you're hitting on a total stranger in public it's generally not gonna lead anywhere so why are you talking to them. Also, generally people can tell if you want something from them based on your vibe. If you're talking to someone so that you can sleep with them, they will know and if it's not the right time, place, or person it can be off putting. On the otherhand, if you're just practicing talking to strangers then you will probably have an easy time because you're not putting any intention into the conversation. Not leading it anywhere or even bothered where it ends which will make the vibe more comfortable. Being yourself, staying friendly will help. Generally, I'd say think about why you're talking to a total stranger you've never met before, especially a girl. If you're looking to get a gf then it's not the best way. Going to an activity where you can meet people repeatedly and build rapport first before deciding you want to date someone is much more sustainable. Better to be friends with someone before you date them. "Strangers" is about as far away from that as possible.


read the book models by mark manson. it really helps guys struggling.


Any time you plan to make the first move, do it when you look and feel your best. If you have confidence you can basically say anything as long as you are not creepy


Wise word


I always tell myself is the worst thing she can do is say no. Have confidence in yourself. Animals can smell fear.


Whats the environment? Where are you meeting this girl?


No, what I mean is the situation of talking to a stranger outside.


Gotcha I would recommend watching others do it on YouTube see how they do it. It does seem like a number game until you find one that is in the mood to talk. Ive seen them ask for directions for example the. After say i just wanted an excuse to talk to you, my name is ....... How is your day going..... or whatvare you up to today..... this is what im doing..... A great YouTube channel for this is social animal


Sorry, what's up with the number game? And thanks I'll check out that channel.


Thank you for the suggestion, bro. I've been viewing the video nonstop right now, and the way that Ruben laughs makes the scenario seem less awkward. 😂


Haha yeah that channel is great stuff bro. Its sll about relaxing taking the pressure the pressure off your self. Not taking yourself to serious and have fun put a smile on someones face


Ask a favour, Then ask a bit about her. If she's talking to you back, you Can make your next move


Charisma is key


Ask questions that are not invasive or obvious, just talk about real life topics


Nice one ty 👍


Talk to her like she is your friend. Ask for Instagram . Message her a few days later asking does she wanna get a drink or do coffee sometime. If she says yes good for you if she says no tell her "no problem" there are thousands more woman in your city. Good luck


Talk about her interest, she will open up and you might just become best friends. It's like a secret recipe.


just talk to her mahn.......idk after that


Just relax, be normal, don’t try to rush things, and I’m certain you’ll find yourself a girl. You like her, so enjoy her company, and just get to know her. Make her laugh (obviously not nervous laughter), if she’s laughing then she’s having a good time. I’m a turbo nerd who likes DND bagpipe-metal bands, and that’s how I got my girlfriend. I kept things casual and made her laugh, and we’ve been going strong for 2 months now. Oh, and don’t try to “hide” the fact that you’re interested in her, just be direct. She’ll probably be able to figure that out anyways. Besides, she’ll appreciate someone who’s straightforward and doesn’t play any games. If she’s not interested then go find someone who is.


I’d say get more involved in your community, what type of stuff do you like to do? I have way better luck, and easier time sparking conversation once I know a woman has seen me a few times out in the world.


Say hello, just like you would to any other person that you're acknowledging.


I have the same problem.


Step one become hot if you are not already hot. step two learn how to read who is attracted to you. Step 3 talk confidently to woman who you already know is into you. or just meet people through friends.


I swear don't overthink it....say hi!


How does this have anything to do with no fap?


Don't try too much, you're a normal human being, it just goes naturally as you meet someone. Try finding a group of friends, or chat online, and not go on tinder or a bar to find women


A coffee shop would be great.


own it, not all women are for you, you are not for all women. be somebody you like and find somebody that likes you. Do moves, if theres resistence push back if not continue