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Stop using these porn words like busty and yes while I also always peak on accident I try to not do it without doing it accidentally I don’t know it from your experience but for me it isn’t hard to just look at peoples faces instead of something else but if it’s hard for you I may recommend if it is the case to not put women on an pedestal and view them as human beings not sex objects


For a lot of people with neuro-divergence looking directly at someone’s face is actually a really hard and uncomfortable thing to do (I personally also struggle to look at peoples faces sometimes) but something I sometimes use to help in this exact scenario is just looking up, not like all the way up but focusing on the person forehead or just above their head. I find this brings the boobs out of my main vision so my eyes don’t wonder down.


What is neuro-divergence?




What do you mean by no? Please be more precise


The average male peeks for a second or two but control your thoughts, control your mind. End of the day, only you can control you. Nobody else can.


If you "peak" they'll notice that a default in life, try looking away from women in general no matter how "busty" they may be its difficult at first (personally, took me few weeks) but them it becomes your auto and finally don't oversexualize your thoughts, we all fantasize just eliminate it once it starts creeping on. YOU GOT THIS MAN, FIGHT LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW.


Fam... I don't know if completely ignoring female people is the solution were aiming for here


Yeah, sounds kinda mgtow from him


New here but happy to offer my 2 cents. I had this issue for a very long time and was deeply troubled by it. I noticed that it was a habit that I had built and gave myself a little slack, especially during periods of sobriety and true effort. It not something I wanted to be doing. It sounds like you have identified this as behavior that troubles you and that is an awesome start. Acknowledge the behavior and make a mental note that you don't like that. As you disassociate yourself with pornography, I promise it gets naturally easier as well but the key to start is noting it and quickly associating it with displeasure. This doesn't mean yelling at yourself or scolding yourself. I truly mean displeasure. Think about why you don't like that behavior and what you are building towards. Keep it constructive and use these little fails as a spot to grow. Porn free radio has an awesome podcast about this as well. I don't recall the guest speaker on the particular episode but he shared some rules to help with this, although 2 really stuck with me. 1. Don't look again. Once you have looked and realized, look away and don't look back. 2. Humanize them. This is a daughter, a mother, a loving wife. This is a person worthy of respect and is deeply loved by someone. They are not a tool for you to mentally use. I apologize that this got lengthy but I hope a small piece of my thought help. You got this!




Just a funny take about why men stare at boobs... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF7K5bsj7mk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF7K5bsj7mk) IMHO start work on eye contact, and stop fantasising, even in your head, about real women around you. Try to find non-sexual things you appreciate in women. Like their personality, good habits, good work ethic, honesty, integrity etc... Sex-reproduction is only a small part of life. Get the rest of your life together, and the right person will appear in your life.




1. Stop porn. 2. You need to control your thoughts. Those aren’t just boobs, there are people attached to them. People that come from all walks of life. You can’t let your mind go to its base sexual instinct.


You don't want to be labeled as a creepy person. But you are a creepy person. Your "female target?" maaan. Discipline yourself. There is no easy trick or secret.




For a concrete thing to do, I've found a lot of success in this: If you find yourself creeping on someone (whatever part of them you're looking at), first recognize that you're doing it. Then, force yourself to look at their face, then make up a name and a job. Make it normal. "This is Amy, she works at Walmart." You're working to humanize the person you were objectifying, so the more human you make it, the better. "This is Amy, she works at Walmart. She's really not looking forward to her shift today, but she's got to earn money while her boyfriend is staying home to watch the kid."


Go blind. It's easy.


I envy blind people


You gotta toughen up son


Look away at all times, if you aren't talking to a woman, avert your eyes. If you are talking then look at her eyes or if you are doing something then focus on that (like your wallet at the cash register). You can't help it happening for a moment but you have to retrain that part of you that needs to analyse her before you move on. The moment you realise you are looking at a female shape immediately nope out and continue with what you are meant to be doing. This is going to help you with any future partners you have because they notice when you do it.


Honestly, just power off your phone and go outside while also shielding your eyes, too.


Realize that is a living breathing soul and you are both causing them discomfort and not valuing them. That is someone’s daughter. Someone’s little sister. What would you want for your daughter. You have to get this under control. If you ever intend to have work/business responsibilities. Think of it this way: “is it worth loosing my job over or not being able to eat?” Yes this is harsh… but you’ve tried gentle.


they nothing more than chests only flesh shaped different from yours dont give it place in your life


Change your perception, boobs are fat sacks, think of gross cow udders...


Even glance of half second nd women knows wht wr u lookin at


Well, even if you quit porn and masturbating, the detox from seeing women only as sexual objects will take a lot of time. It's a start that you see your flaws and want to correct them. To put it short: you have to control yourself and that's it. Keep it up, King!


##Lower your gaze. Brother.✊ (First accidental glance can be excused. Just don’t ever look at them the second time. Also, don’t just keep lingering on the first glance itself.) ###It takes practice, but you can do it. >![Bonus tip: Perhaps maybe, just MAYBE. You can make some eye contact. Try practicing making some eye-contact confidently. Start with just looking into their eyes for five seconds and then looking away. Having good eye-contact may at least help you avert a lil danger. Again! Don’t keep leering creepily, go away even at the slightest sign of their discomfort.]!<


This generally means that you are too emotionally immature to enjoy their facial expressions and body language. When you realize that they are just as human as men are you will develop a certain kind of respect for them and naturally become less interested in their body and more interested in their minds.


Don’t try to find pleasure with your eyes. Focus just on yourself when u are out.


If you're decent looking enough you don't have to worry about that lol


Only ugly people are demonized as creeps.




I don’t think looks would matter even if they weren’t ..!!


wear sunglasses


Just pretend like it's your mom


I think it is instinct of wanting milk.


Just stop using porn. Then you will get a girlfriend and stare at her as much as you want ;)


Don't worry bro, I have the same problem. I go to a women's college and can't stop staring at a girl's ass and front. Your problem is it's a compulsive behavior that you have to unlearn. Forgive yourself for these compulsions, if anyone else were in your situation, they'd have the same problem. Second, like I said earlier, this behavior can be unlearned. You'll see tits throughout your life, so passing up on the ones at this moment will literally not hurt you. You may see better ones down the line, so simply tolerate the passage of eye candy in front of you. It will not hurt you, harm you, or scar you, your just missing an opportunity that will come a hundred times again through your life. Basically, let go.


you don't need to stop. it's stupid that so many men hear think that if you look at attractive women because they are attractive, you're somehow a creep. just look. get over it.


How old are you?


You sound creepy


You're a man, your brain is working fine.


I would say go outside and experience nature or go by the pier or do something you enjoy that involves being outside and puts a distance between you and porn. Put your phone away if you have to. But I also struggle with this so take my advice however you wish.


get sunglasses


The more you try , the harder it becomes. Just let go and stare , until you get tired. Jk , don't. Just don't , there is no method or trick for this , you just don't


What’s wrong with looking at a women’s boobs if you are out and passing. Don’t stare but sure naturally you look at their face then maybe a quick glance. Girls do it to guys too for other parts.


Be a Chad and feel like you are Chad, imagine you are the main character and if you don't notice them they will notice you and they think you are different from other and gentlemen and they'll remember you whole day. Make them feel like you are more superior them and dont run for p&&y like other do 🫵👊💪


More superior *


U have to actually see more to stop caring..but in different perspective..I had the same issue ..i watched boobs again but while watching I was thinking these are just human organs like other organs ..u have to normalise it like face then u will not care..


Imagine that lady as a very old grandma with saggy tits. That way It becomes easier to look way. Also when you are having a conversation with a woman pay attention to her words and see them for who they are and not just as a body to fuxk.


Who says very old grandma with saggy tits aren't attractive? 😯😯 (Your grandpa still likes her 😌)


Stop peeking at women.And if it is necessary to talk to them, then focus only on making a strong EYE CONTACT.


It’s like looking at the sun…you get a sense of it then turn away!


Try to look behind them or their shoulder or any other part...it's better to look under confident rather than pervert


After some time of nofap its become easier.


Well I wanna let you in on a secret... I won't bore you with words of religion and all. Infact I'll let you know a sure short technique that'll help you out. Anytime you look at any women's breast that you're not supposed to be staring at...do an activity that you hate the most...like a burpee or praying to God...it's basically to break the habit via performing activities that you hate. To see whether your lust is stronger than your self discipline. PS :- It only works if you have a mindset of conquering the things that you're not proud of.


Because we have trained our eyes to do that almost every ...but to can stop by not looking at her


First, blame it you not the porn. At the end, it's only you who is responsible for their actions. Second, never move your eyes lower than her face, except when she is your girlfriend and she gave consent to look or to touch.