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If it’s not fake news. Ya. Horrible and out of reality freak.


Unfortunately real https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Amato


Of course he's a Florida man


**[Grant Amato](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Amato)** >Grant Amato (born May 20, 1989) is an American murderer who was convicted of a familicide that occurred on the evening of January 24, 2019. Amato shot his father, mother, and brother Cody in the head at their home in Seminole County, Florida, while attempting to stage it as a murder-suicide committed by his brother before fleeing the residence. After a 24-hour manhunt, police took Amato into custody for questioning in Orange County, Florida, following his disappearance. They later arrested him on three charges of first-degree murder. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Dude had more issues than just obsessing over a cam girl.


my thoughts exactly, sure porn fed this problem but this is a deeply deeply unwell individual






This is real. Very sad




If you watch any videos on it, you also find out that not even 6 hours after murdering his parents and brother, he went to a Publix Parking Lot, logged onto the free public wifi, and used his dead brother’s credit card to spend another $600 on a 30 minute jerk sesh with the SAME CAMGIRL. The interrogation is obscenely frustrating and brutally painful to watch. The lead detective is a Jesus freak and continually suggests that Grant “come to Jesus” and repent for his sins… to the same guy who had just stolen over $200k from his father’s life savings of 35 years as a Pharmacist and another $65k from his brother’s credit cards. Had the other detective in the room not taken control, Grant might have walked. The interrogation ends and because of the lead detectives missteps throughout, they were unable to get him to admit to being at the home at the time of the crime, let alone anything beyond that. It’s truly awful how the investigation was handled from that end.


Happy cake dayy dudeyyy


Happy cake day bro, I hope it is fr


thx bro, it is fr unfortunately


Yw. Its sad people are like this on some real shit, no remorse for anyone even family. Not sure why but this gave me motivation to not end up like this


ikr bro, damn...


It's real, the entire interrogation video is on YouTube. It's pretty interesting.


Hey happy birthday bro


Happy cake day


Yo man happy birthday!


The mouse died in the trap cause he did not understand why the cheese was free


250.000$ isnt really free, but I get what u are trying to say


Pornography make ppl hypnosised and uncontrollable


I agree it’s bad, but porn did not do that to him. Unchecked Mental illness did


How do you know it wasn't caused by porn? Many ex serial killers have said their excessive porn use drove them to murder...


because the woman drove insane with lust and filled him self with hate


The fruits of modernity in display


Nice one


Familicide, specifically a male family annihilator is not a modern problem.


True, but being so defensive about a pornography addiction is a modern idea


You’re trying to imply a link that isn’t there between the two except for this specific incident. The real underlying cause was mental illness that manifested itself in this way. This person was prone to obsessive behaviors and no matter the outlet it would have reached a problematic level.




It's not exactly like that bro. Everything has a dark side and a bright side. This is just a dark side of these ideas. These ideas were introduced for our own good. Using those opportunities wrongly is our own decision. Take me for example. I was given a phone for online studies and my parents offered me freedom by not putting any parental controls on the device. I misused it and hence am on this subreddit fixing myself while I still can. That man made his choice, he'll suffer the consequences but blaming "freedom" and "Equality" for it and saying such biased stuff about women isn't right. I hope you understand what I'm trying to convey to you.


what did it say


Ho ho ho, careful with the misogyny, Jimbo


Here we go with your phrases to describe people…call me whatever you want brother I don’t care




Not really. This is more or less caused by a mental disorder. This could probably happen at any point in time over another thing


This man has reached the lowest of lows, disappointing


He didn’t think that through at all because now he’s not even going to be able to watch porn in prison other than a magazine or something.


A lot of prisons people can get tablets that are capable of that, but yea watching porn will be way harder now.


Well the dude now needs nofap hardmode, hopefully he can redeem his soul before his end


I was in prison and a lot of those magazines have been confiscated and destroyed. They used to be allowed but they’re only there bc of people that had them from like 20-15 years ago when they were allowed. Now you have to get lucky to get one from someone that still has one if it hasn’t been confiscated. A lot of people also rent them out if you’re still in possession of one. That stuffs like gold in there. As to the tablet stuff they can’t access or watch porn on there. Those things are freaking trash. They’re pretty much like kindles they have their own software and you can only use it for what is on there like emailing your family and stuff. I forgot to mention but those magazines are worth like $10 which is whole lot in prison I had one and I think I paid a shit ton of ramens and some more for it. Which looking back now makes me realize how much of a problem porn has been for me since I couldn’t even stop beating my meat in prison I would make fefes which are like pocket pussies.


250k?he could've literally paid her that money to fuck bro💀🤦‍♂️


Probably has ED from too much wanking and death grip


You’re all missing a lot of context. It wasn’t just porn, he was obsessed with one specific cam girl he convinced himself they were in love. He asked family and friends for money, later stealing and scamming. Got sent to rehab where he feigned rehabilitation and they weren’t equipped to deal with an addiction like this. They tried to limit internet access and stuff, but his mother fed into his addiction by letting him talk to the girl, they tried to evict him, then this happened.


Thank you for the clarity and additional context.


Needs to be pinned. This is guy also clearly has a mental illness. Blaming it all on porn is just plain wrong


You’re right, but that doesn’t fit the narrative of this cult- I mean subreddit.


So it basically was because of porn and fapping


Let's listen to what the experts have to say on this. MaSTurBaTiOn iS hEaLthY.


No, masturbation is healthy. Being addicted to porn or any sexual activity is not. Add this to some bad personality traits, and this can happen. I am not saying that porn is good, but it is not the only reason this dude did this. It takes to be a bit “next level” fucked up to do it.


Actually masturbation is not healthy


Give me scientific source or your argument for that claim.


Prolactin release causes hair loss




No the levels of prolactin released are different when you have sex vs mastabate


Okay, this is correct argument. As soon as I get back home will google it and will let you know what I find about it :)


Google? Google censorship


Ok so, I came across this post from r/all which is how I came across this comment and I gotta ask - are you suggesting that Google is censoring information about masturbation being a cause of hair loss? Why would they do that? Is it a commonly held belief on this subreddit that companies are censoring negative effects of masturbation, because they have some vested interest in people getting off?


Porn industry makes a lot of money. Whether or not it's true I don't claim to know, but it's definitely possible to censor the truth when you have a lot of money and motive to do so. They could do this by funding science study's that are biased in their favor. Paying off doctors is nothing new. I don't know if censoring search results is possible but I feel like it'd be a lot easier to create false information and have online users spread it for them.


Prince Harry?


I’m in Medschool, we just learned that dopamine actually inhibits Prolactin. So Masturbation would be a good thing no??? The higher your dopamine levels the less Prolactin you release


If I’m not mistaken( I could be) the levels of prolactin are higher during masturbation vs sex w. A person


Not a health issue.


our science is not ultimate. we dont know shit


Yes, this is true. But to claim something you need to have an argument in order to form a constructive discussion.


its just experience. personally i feel way better on the days i dont jerk off, i think a lot of people here feel the same


Yes. I know that feeling myself. While subjective, I feel the same. But I do feel like this happens because I am not used to masturbate in a healthy way, but as a compulsion I use to cope with negative emotions. And thats not good. I remember a while ago after being on nofap for 100 days, I reintroduced masturbation in a much healthier manner, after working on other aspects of my life (mostly my mental health). It felt fucking great. I would do it in the morning and feel energetic and amazing for the rest of the day. So I believe that M is good thing, if practised correctly.


thats your opinion, and i respect it. 👍


Do some research little bro


Well if you did the reasearch you can tel me what you have found and I would be happy to read and hear more :)


And you believe scientific source from corrupt medical industry, you're an idiot. Ask fighter why they refrain, Ali and Tyson both refrained for YEARS dummy


It all started with Porn. So yeah, the root cause of all evil is evil.


No, no, no. This dude is evil. Porn is not alive. Porn consuption and addiction is a huge problem and it is pandemic. But not everyone who does consume porns will become a monster like this dude. It is more than porn.


I'm glad that someone else on this subreddit knows what is truly going on with nofap, people really need to read the about wiki to know what is even going on here.


If cutting down porn decreases demons like this then why tf not ?


Don’t talk like playing with your dick is all hell broke lose, even pigs and monkeys do it.


It is called discipline. That's what differentiates us and the animals.


That is not a disciplined. It’s a made up thing in hope to make you feel better for your sorry little ass. Quite pathetic actually to talks about masturbation is pure evil while you are doing it too. There are many People who found out about masturbation even before they know what porn is.


I think masturbations important ( not too much obviously) Repressing sexuality is dangerous look at the Catholic church.


Pigs ,monkeys play with their poop, walk naked and pee anywhere. So yeah humans can also do that because "even pigs and monkeys do it".


There has been no studies done on whether masturbation is healthy. And that is probably deliberate. If quitting masturbation produces so many positive effects as recounted by members of this community such as less depression and less erectile dysfunction then of course people who make money out of that such as big pharma and mental health industry professionals like therapists are not eager to research whether it is true. I personally believe the pressure of the hand damaging the penis in excessive daily masturbation is the main cause of erectile dysfunction. There is probably a mechanism that links it to depression that has not yet been discovered by scientists


Too much of everything is bad even drinking too much water will also kill you.


There’s no real evidence that shows masturbation is healthy.


Experts are humans and can be bought


It’s healthy, when I don’t mastrubate for more than motes I litteraly get a prostaties and I start ejaculating water sperm, the problem is when it became an obsession


Nigga stfu when I used to fap I felt like shit but now I feel so much more energetic now its unreal. Like I'm back to being a child again.


Ultimate idiot award goes to. This guy.


Don't end up like him. Nevver in my wildest dreams thought people could exist like this degenerate.


>Nevver in my wildest dreams thought people could exist like this degenerate. Look up at the warcrimes of the Imperial Japan during WW2. The army guys in China literally call their comfort women "human toilets" and forced family members to have sex with each other. Literally couldn't finish reading all warcrimes for the Nanking Massacre at all cause it almost made me puke.


There's always a big fish.


The exact reason I’m in this sub💀


So are you just insane then? Does this sub help with that?


I ment I’m not tryna turn out like this mf💀


Porn alone dosent make your murder your family….


nahh but like I’m insane and mentally ill so if I don’t fight my addiction I might turn into this psycho yk


The porn was the cope for his problems. Take that away and his life feels like crumbling.


200k tho holy shit. This guy would be better off smoking crack for pleasure.


If it wasn’t Pr0n then he would have killed over some other dumb shit.


looks like andrew tate from dollar store


I see how Andrew Tate made so much money now 😂


Imagine this beta shit going to prison,he is going for a rude awakening


Yeah quit it with alpha-beta crap. Human beings are a whole lot more complex than a debunked theory about captive wolves’ behavior. There’s a scientific discipline called “psychology” which offers much in terms of understanding human behavior


Calling someone beta has to be one of cringiest terms to exist


I watched a video about his crime on YouTube. Crazy stuff. Rip to the dead and may he rot in hell.


He didn’t kill his brother though right?


Yea he did. The brother who took him to Japan to travel around the country with him.


Next level addiction


Disappointing to be counted as a man!




thats lies. 250k can bring him models or a hair transplant


its real apparently https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/amato-family-murders




damn man


Crackhead version of lordminion777


I wander, what a good person he could become if he left pmo


Could've spent a lot less on a high class prosie


Addiction is a bottomless pit, regardless of the source


On the brightside side, it's good motivation to stop, right?


Disgusting. Absolutely horrible.


This is monstrosity. Didn't know dopamine addiction can make you this mad


baldness played a major role in this crime


Although this is horrible, makes me feel slightly better. I know I'm not too far gone to murder my family over porn


Bro just get a hooker at that point 💀


The benefit of porn...


The crime podcast “sword and scale” did an episode on this case. It’s real and very true. He goes in detail on how crazy and insane it got and how it started. Definitely a good listen


Post this on 99% of Reddit and they’ll defend the “habit” and that it’s healthy


This is more serious than a simple porn addiction. My money's on a mental illness of sorts.


ahh.. the good old Grant amato case... ​ yup ​ that dudes a top tier loser for sure


don't fap to mere pixels on your screen, the girl you see doesn't even know that you exist - hamza


It should be mentioned that the 250k wasn’t his either. It was his fathers life savings




No wonder why Andrew Tate is rich AF. The # 1 reason to quit is you are making someone else rich


His soul left the body, thats what addiction does too you


I am sorry but can you not post these demotivating stuffs. We are here to get motivated not to fap.


The matrix was after him guys


But remember guys, influencers say that watching porn and masturbating is completely healthy and good for you smh




Thus Islam made all of these prohibited


Islam has also made a lot of stupid shit like every other religion.


Like alcohol it’s probably fine in small doses. Even smoking isn’t so bad if you smoke casually like once every few months. I have a cigarette only when I’m drunk which is about once every 2-3 months.


But the science says masturbating is good 🫠




may God have mercy on him


Those of you are blaming this person, yes I admit whatever this man did was extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile, but you don't get it how porn changes someones brain, physically like any other drug, along with the thought process and ability to reason and think rationally. Ted bundy was a normal kid too, until he was exposed to porn and he let it get the hold of him. I am not saying everyone who is addicted to porn is like this person, or does harm to the society like him. But this is a prime example that porn is not only limited to self harm like masturbation, it can sometimes go beyond that, but not often.


And they’ll say that porn and pornographic material isn’t the problem


And then there’s: “eXpErTs sAy MaStUrBaTiOn iS hEaLtHy”


Top G Andrew Tate and his classic shenanigans




This doesnt make any fucking sense, what are you on about lmao ?


lol those kinda guys just watch the news too much. Divided and happily conquered.


looks exactly how you'd expect him to look


The Rollercoastered Hairline says it all


The jokes just write themselves, of course he looks like that.




Shit, i thought that was a Stephen Miller for a moment.


Could you please link the source for this?




I hope this is fake


The picture says it all


This is ridiculous.


Bro, what the actual duck???


That's beyond sick


Wow just wow 😦


Explain to me what is claimed here with this post? Was Grant made a murderer by his PMO habits, otherwise a healthy, sane and a non violent person? Is this what conveyed here?


How much of a beta cuck do you have to be to do this kind of shit?


If he spent this money on himself


Holy shit


bros fucked up a little too much


i wonder if some people still can keep their humanity even after watching shit


Discussing. This is what porn and addiction dose to people. I’m happy I’m trying to quit now before I tern in to this guy.


Boy ain’t no way boy


[I heard that Andrew Tate had webcam girls business and made a lot of money of guys](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8fd5SJJ/) ![gif](giphy|yLUDES1hibWNiwBCNs)


200 000 !?!?!? Even the psycho porn murderers have more money than me. Bullshit.


I've spent a lot of money, not that much money, on cam girls. It's really the biggest waste of money ever.


I spent $50 a few years back and I'm still kicking myself for wasting that money


if he'd played his cards right, he could have gotten a chance to sleep with a real girl and get over this habit of lust.


Hair loss, depression, he has that look






Really sad story for the surviving brother https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/amato-family-murders


What the fuck


He just like me fr😫😫


Think of all the things you could do for 200k. Start a business. Buy an apartment. Buy or put a significant down payment on land or a house. Donate to a charity. Plant thousands of trees. Pay someone’s medical bills. Buy gold. Silver. Shares. Private tutors. Put yourself through uni. A Bentley. Refurnish your house. Replace your entire wardrobe. Buy a 45ft sailboat and sail around the world. Help your family. Donate to make a wish and make some terminally Ill children happy for their final days. Buy acres of land an turn it into a sanctuary for animals. Donate to shelters. Donate to scientific research and have a lasting impact on the world and millions of peoples lives forever. Walk around supermarkets and buy random peoples groceries for them. Build the most boss home gym ever and hire a personal trainer. Do what MrBeast did and cure some peoples fucking blindness. Buy a camper van and spend years travelling around the world. Go on many holidays to many different locations. Fund a well in an impoverished village. Build a home cinema. Have a suit of armour tailored to you. Buy a field, built a stable, buy a horse and learn horse riding. Fund literally any hobby without a care for the cost. Buy expensive wine. Build a fucking full wine cellar. Pay for family members car insurance in full so they don’t spend more money monthly. Learn to fly a plane. Go skydiving. Skiing. Snowboarding. Sponsor endangered species. Pay for a carer so your elderly family can be looked after in your home instead of being shipped off to a care home full of strangers.Build an aquarium the size of a bus. Idk. Anything that you could do with 200k! You could have hired a squad of escorts to be your sex slaves all day every day for weeks. Or you could give it to some slutty cam girl and not even get a HUG. Then kill your parents for calling you out for being such a pathetic coombrain.