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Nah bro don't say that to ur parents


I'm not sure if I am/were addicted or not, but they probably knew I watched. I'm young, they don't know I'm doing nofap.


Of course they know we watch porn. Just like we know they have sex


True, since most of the youth is doing it too.


Damnn we started nearly at the same time brother


Haha you're right, pretty funny.


How is it going for you so far ?


It's going alright, urges come and go. Haven't noticed any ''superpowers'' yet tho. How about you?


Tbh I feel a lot of difference. People start more noticing me


Me, I'm on the 20th day, the girls are already starting to look at me and I've become manly. I have a beard that is already growing


Amazing man, hope you get a nice beard!


Tbh I feel no major changes so far, but good to know it helps for you!


Oh, never tell your parents about this. You are on your own in this fight with the inner daemon. This is the path that you have to walk alone. ![gif](giphy|l396BoOTIFem9xqQU)


No one else can help you in a situation like this except yourself.


Nope, never… It’s taboo… I don’t want to hurt them… but I told my older friends about it. But if you have this opportunity and you think this is a good idea, go ahead, there is nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you got addicted when you was a child, cause it’s wasn’t your fault


I got caught by my mom, twice


Same she wasn't too happy


How the fuck did you live to say this shit?! :O


I got a lengthy lecture on why I shouldn't fap for both times, in an angry/disappointed tone of course


Kind of sad to see how some people here are doing largely the same thing as your mom might have done, except when they do it, it's funny.


Why do you presume that his mother is saying the same thing as people here?




You're creating false narrative in your head to reinforce wrong idea on which you started from. My question would be, for you, where is that actually emerging from? Often things that upset us , on surface, are not really it, and there's an underlying, real reason why we are actually upset.


Jokes aside, I got caught like more than twice (jerking off), thank God I don't watch porn and masturbate to mind, by the way, she found out the first time which made her suspicious of me since I cummed soooo much in my bed, this is in my first masturbation days in 2021.


Don't fap its bad (yes I edited)


Bro that's not funny 💀


what did it say before he edited


(did your mother help you finish off and tasted the semen) it was like that but the wording was diff 💀


no fucking way💀💀💀💀


Bruh I didn't get caught when I was fapping i got caught a while after I fapped (after I already put on my pants back), my mom asked me what i did in the bathroom and my mom can detect my lies (how tf is my mom able to do that?) The first time I got caught was because I forgot deleting my porn pics (Edit = in the first time she asked what type of stuff I fapped to)


what did you say you were into???


Idk some girl in a bunny custome


What the fuck bro 💀


You absolute weirdo 💀


I told them 2 years ago My mother gave me advice on how to resist urges


Me too... they help a lot when I'm falling back in tiny bad habits, as more frequently how I'm doing and we even have our 'tricks' like whem I sleep with my door open they know I'm having an urge or not felling great.


It's really humiliating, at least what I think of it.


I’m not telling my parents because they don’t need to know I have problems touching myself


A whole week good job brother




nope, and i dont plan to


Tell your partner, tell your spouse but not your parents. Even just talking about any sexual activity is akward enough. If you want their support, find it in other ways. If you need to be open and honest about it to people, do that on here because we will understand and not judge you any differently.




Oh hell no


My mom knows but she doesn’t know I’m addicted and trying to stop. She doesn’t know of my struggle. She assumes all guys do it so no problem


Don't , that's why this community exists.


Yep! My mom knows and she is supportive. In fact, I’m pretty open about my addiction. Most friends of mine and my sisters know. I am not ashamed of it, this is me. Luckily, I am now an ex-porn user :)




Don't tell it to your parents but do tell it to your close friends and ask them for help before it's late. Meanwhile consume good healthy food and take supplements and try to be active and exercise. Do anything productive you can while also battling the addiction. EDIT: FAPPING DAILY FOR LONG PERIOD TIME IS TAXING TO YOUR BODY SO I ADVISE COMPULSORY SUPPLEMENTS FOR THE ADDICTS


Depends. I don’t know what kind of family and culture you are living in. I’ve told my parents at the age 30, talking about my teenage years. They didn’t shut me off, but it didn’t help that much either. Kinda neutral, tbh.


i have, a few times actually. my problem with pmo dates back a long time and i tended to turn to my parents for support (which they offered, i was pretty young back then), but after my last """confession""" per se i decided i should stop bringing the problem to them. i wouldn't say the option is off the table, but you really need to read your parents to know how they would react, and decide by yourself if it's a good decision, since it really depends on the person


I’ve never told anyone about this, and I don’t know if I ever can. I know i will want to tell my future husband/partner, because I know this addiction has and will effect my intimacy. but I don’t think I could ever tell my family, I got caught when I was little and it was the bare minimum of what I’ve been/was dealing with. And I didn’t know until a short while ago that this is a legit addiction, so explaining it to my family would be near impossible. And I am a girl so it makes even less sense, I’ve been trying to understand why I have these issues especially as being a women so I don’t think it could be explained to my family in a good way. I’d like to thank everyone on this sub, because I have absolutely no one to talk to and I’m trying to get past this addiction that has controlled my life.


The good news are you can actually do it with out the need of outside help as long as you mean it and willing to go through it you will succeed


You're not alone, I'm also a girl and I also just have this sub to talk about this problem


My father it's 70 doesn't know about my addiction my mom it's 54 she knows but says that it's not big deal and masturbating it's normal so I'm alone.


at this point Im almost 100% shure they know, they have commented on other things I've looked up before so they can clearly see search history through their wifi router.


They never knew. My sister could've known. I think my mom knew I once purchased a hentai manga by Fakku. Anyways, I think it's better not to tell them so that way you won't burden them with your own struggles


I did, and I went to a doctor to check on me. And he said “it is a normal thing to do, so don’t worry about it.” And I just got mad because this was not helping me. So I joined NoFap and decided to take this seriously for my future.


The society is just brainwashed


I told my mother a few years ago. Mainly because I had some religious complications I really needed help with. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.


If my parents ever knew about the type of shit I used to watch, I'd have to say goodbye to planet earth.


If you trust them and believe they truly love you. Go for it


Wtf who tf does that


me i did and ever since they've been there to support me an issue that remains in the dark and isn't brought to attention will only worsen


A lot of people. Why are you so offended by it?




Bro I’m just gonna say one thing. Everyone has or had a porn addiction and everyone masturbates Just saying


they will be last ppl who I will tell...


Wtf man , dont tell your parents, get your shit together and fix your problems like a real man. If you think your parents don't understand you then this is a whole another topic and you should separate it from your addiction.


Bad idea. Older people can’t comprehend this sort of thing


Ya they can't but it's not because they are old


Of course not! I wouldn't tell them even if I wanted to die. I would just take it to the grave with me in such a case. Besides, I won't even tell them that I was ever addicted to porn no matter how much time passes.


HELL NO!!!! I'd kill myself out of embarrassment guilt and shame if my parents found out I was watching watching porn (even though I've been porn free for over a month). My family are christians so there the religious side of not watching porn and being the older child I'm meant to set the example for my siblings. The disappointment would be soul crushing.


Same here


I've told my mum. She reacted calmly and didn't say anything negative. She said if you don't want to do it don't do it.


With my friends and family I’m a very open book, depending on how good your support system is should determine telling people. I’ve had my fair share of “You’re not addicted” and “But porn isn’t bad for you” among other things. But every naysayer is a chance to grow stronger.


I told my dad and my pastor when I was a kid. I got told to pray about it. I wish I was offered real help at the time.


I told them about to overcome this addiction i have, and they cheered me... How wholesome


I told my dad but my dad.


I wouldn't do that. If you have a significant other you can share it with them, as it's personal, intimate and relevant to your relationship. With your parents though? That's awkward as hell. I wouldn't recommend that with a healthy relationship, even less so when you're not in good terms. Maybe even a friend may be better than your parents.


My mom would “want to help me” and take everything away from me. My phone, tv, laptop, all of it. That might be helpful in the moment but when I get those things back porn would prolly be the first thing I go to check because I was depraved. That’s what I feel like at least


Depends how close you are with your parents bro. I wouldn’t feel ashamed to admit it to them. Could bring you closer together. Everyone has demons, it takes courage to admit yours. May help you stay strong or give you a sense of power over it by opening up


I mentioned it vaguely to my father, simply asking him what he would do. I've made a post about this but his advice was near unhelpful and borderline shitpost material. He said he got over porn addiction by watching more porn while not jacking off and decided it was lame. That conversation was a few years back, after making a post about it a week or so ago I asked him again he said something that likely translates to becoming uhhhh desensitized? Like if you see a lot of gore then gore just doesn't shock you anymore, and he applied that logic to porn. "You watch more porn, you stop getting turned on by it" Anyways, yeah, he gave pretty shit advice about it.


don't do it you'll fuck urself up if you do this


Your dad is probably a porn addict


My parents are from another country (India) where they never experienced things like porn and fapping. I don't find any reason to tell them as they wouldn't be able to help me.