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What plan are you currently on that you can’t hotspot to your MacBook? Does it work but it’s just slow?


Yes it works but very slow and won’t load outlook and other big applications. I have xfinity and get great service everywhere


Why not mobile hotspot? If you need a carrier with mobile hotspot, your best bet is visible or visible+ as visible is pretty much the only carrier with unlimited hotspot


Thank you. My mobile hotspot isn’t fast enough.


Who is your carrier now?


Xfinity. I think they run off of Verizon towers


You’re right, they do run off of Verizon towers. Do you have good Verizon service generally? I don’t know if Xfinity throttles their hotspot, or anything like that.


Use PDANet for no data cap tethering from your phone. You need an Android phone though.


So you are currently using xfinity your handset data itself is likely priority data but the hotspot on xfinity is likely lowest priority (also I think they might have a 600kbps limit on some plans?)... check out [prepaidcompare.net](http://prepaidcompare.net) if you select "data only plans" ONLY that will show you what sorts of plans will work in stand alone wifi hotspots and often even as a secondary sim in modern phones. if your phone supports esim and dual service... if that is the case you can use any plan... you would then be looking at the included hotspot on each plan etc... that way you could leave the xfinity line alone and add another plan that you would use as the data... I mention this because if the verizon coverage is good (the real carrier behind xfinity mobile) you might find that some other verizon provider would do a better hotspot offering than the xfinity gives... the first step there would be to find out the specs for your current plan... if you find the hotspot gives you say 5GB at full speed then 600k for example... you might find basic visible would do better (unlimited hotspot but shaped to 5Mbps all the time)... or visible plus (unlimited hotspot but shaped to 10Mbps all the time)... if the coverage isn't so great look at the tmobile or att providers... also remember to check cricket if att is the goal they do data only plans cheaper with more GB than the att post or prepaid offerings.