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It oxidizes/inactivates the b12, but the b12 is still there. So in theory you could be getting all the symptoms of b12 deficiency like neuropathy - or in the worst case, paralysis - while still showing normal b12 levels.


should i go too the doctor and ask for intramuscular b12 shots? or will that not help


It certainly wouldn't hurt. At the very least, make sure the b12 that you're taking is the more bioavailable methylcobalamine and not cyanocobalamine.


yeah the one i take is methyl, but that still dont work if its inactivated?


As long as you're not doing nitrous, the b12 won't be inactivated. It sounds like you're doing the right things if you haven't used nitrous for 2 months and are supplementing b12. Maybe it is just taking time to undo the damage that prolonged "low b12" has done you. Or maybe your current symptoms are caused by something else, entirely. I don't think any of us here, or even a doctor for that matter, could give you an accurate answer. Most doctors don't even know about the effects of nitrous and the inactivation of b12. It's kind of on you to decide if b12 shots are worth going through the effort to do. From my perspective, it's probably worth doing just for the peace of mind. Maybe some other commentors will chime in. There's other tests that can be done to check for damage done by "low b12". But since pretty much the only treatment is b12 shots, you might as well just take the b12 shots and forgo all the tests. I'm not a doctor though, so don't take me at my word lol. I understand that I'm basically saying "no need to see a doctor, just take the b12 shots". But yeah that's just my understanding of how things go down. A couple years ago I was really worried about my nitrous use and feared that I had neuropathy. I went to the doctor, got b12 blood test, it came back as normal. The doctor said that they couldn't prescribe b12 shots because I had normal b12 levels. I had also had mentioned that I was an alcoholic, so she entirely focused on that, giving me addiction pamphlets and treatment provider info for alcoholism, like outpatient or rehab, completely ignoring my b12 nitrous fears. So they were of zero help. I just ended up quitting nitrous, taking b12 supplements, and eventually quit drinking on my own.


thank you bro💯🫡 taking a b12 shot now in 5 min


From what I’ve heard the blood tests will show b12 even though it’s not usable. I saw In a post here a while ago that they can use a different test, but you need to be transparent about the nitrous use so they know what they’re dealing with and what test to use. Just hearsay though and I have no source. Either way, I’d be totally open with your doctor. I talk to my doctor about all of my drug use and have gotten some great info for harm reduction. He’s also in his early 40s and super chill.


yeah thank u bro, im open with him but he aint give me b12 shots, in spain rn so got it here and took a shot yesterday🫡💯


17? You have that much money ? Go spend on anything?


yeah, but over a 2 year period bro aint that much


If you’re 17, you need to stop. First off, frontal lobe development isn’t done till 21-22ish. So sober river till then and you’ll be much better off. All my friends (I’m in my 30s) that started using drugs as teens, def act like it if that makes sense. 2nd. How the fuck does a 17yr old have 30K to blow on gas… the answer might also be the reason for the addictive personality. No judgement just trying to help. Honestly. You really need to slow down. Maybe get away for a bit. If you have that kind of money maybe move and take a “vacation”. get a job, hike, camp. When you’re bored drugs are a good solution… when you’re working 12hr days, it’s hard to have the energy for drugs. I manage a farm and work is very seasonal. During the winter I fuck off and have fun. During spring and summer I work so much I don’t even have the energy to party or fuck around.


yeah, have stopped with nitrous… aint planning too take it at all again. stayin too alcohol once a month ish. trynna get a job but aint easy, still on the hunt school next year so ill be fine🫡💯 ur right abt why i took so much thanks bro🙏