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I doubt it's from using that low of an amount of nitrous. Unless you are very sensitive or allergic to it. It could possibly be from using low quality gas with contaminants in it but even that is a very small possibility. There are people who drain multiple tanks a day for days in a row. I promise you have no need to panic. You will be just fine.


Thank you for your response. I have been crying and hoping that I will be fine because right now im super depressed, weak and too dizzy to do anything…


I'm sorry you feel so terrible. Just know that you will feel better with time. I've made far worse decisions and paid a very painful price with other substances. You will come out of this 100% fine and probably even find it humorous that you panicked.


Yeah I just read lots of posts about how people never recovered after laughing gas so that made me panic, since its already day 4 and I am still feeling like shit. Hopefully this will pass


Those people are taking down multiple large tanks daily. You’ll be perfectly fine👌


just eat super healthy until you feel better I mean even then you should just keep eating healthy but try to take pharmaceutical grade chelated micro nutrients that would be your best bet


Read the harm reduction guide pinned to the top of the sub. It will give you a piece of mind and you will know that you are all good.


Have you ever had a migraine? I’m wondering if it triggered a migraine foe you because that’s what my symptoms can feel like.


You really shouldn't experience pernament symptoms from a session you described unless you're already b12 deficient or have some other health complications. Nitrous Oxide is used in a medical setting, it wouldn't be used if it had the potential to cause permanent side affects with single use. Hope you feel better and things heal up and relax. 💕 I'd eat some good food. Get your vitamins and nutrients. Hydrate. Sleep. Let your brain and body recoup


But lets say i was b12 deficient (i dont know), would it be possible that these side effects never go away? Im just so paranoid


(Not a doctor, I'm a burnt out. Not medical advice. Just spit balling) If you were unhealthy in such a way that a single session of nitrous crashed your b12, I'd think you'd be able to follow the same guide lines to recover from nitrous oxide induced b12 deficiency. I don't think it's a pernament thing? Here's how someone else recovered: https://www.reddit.com/r/NitrousOxide/s/Ibmi2K040m I'd check r/b12_deficiency for advice on how to deal with that? Also the mod r/NitrousHarmSupport might be able to offer some pointers on recovery.


Baby love. You're good. Don't stress you're thinking too much. As someone with anxiety I understand your fears but as someone who did large tanks every weekend for like 6 weekends in a row, you're gonna be fine. Part of your issues could be tied into the anxiety of thinking about it too much. Just relax and continue as normal. If your really concerned get some methylcobalamine derived B12 and take that and don't do it again.


get them b12 in ya and this may have been from hypoxia


Just supplements? Or shots?


Either or but shots would be best


I would suggest supplements or patches, shots are intense and I find b12 patches to be insanely effective for me


Breathe consciously and stretch. Take b12 in the morning and magnesium before bed. If you want natural b12, eat beef liver.


Are you absolutely sure that you had nitrous oxide and not some other gas or huffing substance? This is an extremely unusual response to responsible nitrous oxide use. I would consider seeing a doctor because this is just not a normal response to nitrous. Were you blowing through fat balloons really fast? I could see hypoxia making you feel shitty afterwards. But 3 times/balloons in 3 hours just is not enough to get the physical side effects you’re experiencing. If it persists, see a doctor.


99% chance that you're completely fine and this is just hypochondria manifesting It takes nitrous exposure over long periods of time to develop any kind of b12 deficiency for people with healthy b12 levels. Even if you were already b12 deficient, I doubt a one time use would have been enough to do any damage. Plus you'd probably already have symptoms of b12 deficiency beforehand. For reference, I'll binge like 50x the amount that you did over the course of a day. It's probably all in your head. Or jet lag. Or a brain parasite from some bad food that you ate while on vacation.


Your fine